Appa coming home!! Celebration~

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

(A/N: Telling you beforehand ^^ Youngjae and Mirae had their own room each, they don't share a room together)

The dawn broke and warm sunlight lit up the dim blue sky.

*ringgggggg* The alarm on Youngjae's bedside table went off. *SLAM* Youngjae slammed his hand on the alarm clock, silencing it and stirred under his warm cover. *Serve you right for waking me up.. Noisy alarm* Youngjae smirked slightly.

Just when Youngjae was about to drift back into his dreamland, the door to his bedroom flung open. 'Jaejae~ Time to wake up!! NOW!' Mrs. Yoo's voice boomed across the dimly-lit bedroom.

(A/N: Youngjae's bedroom)

Seeing no reaction from his beloved son, she went upon to pull open the curtains, causing the sunlight to shone on Youngjae's face.

'Umma.. I still have another half-an-hour before my usual waking time..' Youngjae groaned as he pull his cover over his head.

'Jaejae.. We need to go airport to fetch appa.. Appa's coming home today remember?' Mrs. Yoo gently sit at the edge of Youngjae's bed, patting he awake.

'But.. Umma I'm sleepy.. I just finish my tempo for the new song B.A.P is preparing yesterday, plus I need hand the tempo to Yongguk hyung..' Youngjae murmured under his cover.

'I know sweetie, i know but Mirie is already awake, she is taking a shower currently, so please?' Mrs. Yoo plead her son softly.

Without a word, Youngjae flung his cover of himself as his feet gently touch the cold floor and walked slowly to the bathroom attached in his bedroom.

Grinning to herself, Mrs. Yoo quickly made Youngjae's bed and went down to made breakfast for the two siblings.

Mirae stirred in her bed as she heard her bedroom door flung open. 'Mirie~ wake up!! We need fetch appa from airport today!! Wake up now~' Mrs. Yoo cooed as she pulled open her bedroom curtains and let the morning light to shone into the dim bedroom.


Tired and sleep, Mirae lay still in her bed for a couple of minutes. Then slowly, she flung her cover off as herself and made her way to her bathroom, that was attached in her bedroom.

'Mirie, i'm going to wake your brother up now, so take your time okay?' Mrs. Yoo voice came from the outside of the bathroom. 'Okay' Mirae replied as she squeezed the toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

Signed, she quickly brush her teeth and spat out the remains, rinsing clean. Then she walk over to the shower and turn it on. As the lukewarm water hit her, she feel refreshed almost immediately as she remain standing under the shower, enjoying the bathe.

After a fifteen minutes bath, she wrap a white towel and walked out of her bedroom to dress herself. *What should I wear?* Mirae pouted slightly.. *Wear something comfortable then* she thought as she open up her closet. She pick out a white blouse with laces and a knee-length peach coloured skirt and went down to the living room.

Youngjae step into the bathroom and start brushing his teeth. He then took a quick lukewarm shower. Under the shower, He started sing one of his own band song, B.A.P Warrior.

'Warrior~ Hoo!' Youngjae's beautiful voice filled the whole bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, he came out of the bathroom to dress himself. He open up the closet and did a quick scanning before picking out a blue T-shirt and a pair of jeans and went downstairs for his breakfast.

'Morning gege~' Mirae beamed at the very first sight of her beloved brother. Youngjae chuckled 'Morning meimei' and took the vacant sit beside Mirae on the coach in the living room.

'Darlings! Breakfast ready!!' Mrs. Yoo called from the kitchen. The two siblings immediately walk into the kitchen hand-in-hand and slid into the bar seat to have their breakfast. Their mum chuckled as she see her children being so loving towards each other.

'Aigoooo~ Both of you are so adorable~' Mrs. Yoo teased. Blushing upon the comment, Youngjae and Mirae quickly finished up their breakfast. After washing up the plates, Mrs. Yoo, Youngjae and Mirae went into their car and drive off to airport to fetch their appa.

The two siblings chat excitingly as they were really happy about the fact that their appa is coming home.

'Gege, play No Mercy from your Crash Repackage album' Mirae asked her beloved brother softly.

'Haha~ of course Mirie baby' Youngjae beam as he plugged his phone with the connecting cable into the CD player in the car. He unlocked his phone and searched for the song that his sister requested.

'No No No, No mercy~ Yea! We are the B.A.P baby whats up' Youngjae and Mirae sing along with the song as his mum who was driving the car gently rock her body for and back.

Two hours later, 'Darlings~ we're here. Let's go and fetch appa' Mrs. Yoo beamed. Equally excitied, Youngjae and Mirae opened the car door gently but quickly and get off the car.

The three of them walk into the airport, eyes scanning the crowd of people at the airport as they searched for their dad.

'Umma? Didn't appa's flight landed an hour ago? Why isn't he here? Mirae asked her mum while she strain her eyes, trying her best to spot her dad.

'Youngjae! Mirae! Eunrae!' a voice shouted from their opposite direction. Upon the voice, the three quickly turn and look. Widen their eyes in surprise, they gasped. There he is, Yoo Yong Bin their dad.

'Appa!' Both siblings ran towards their dad and hugged he. 'Honey!' Mrs. Yoo rushed towards her husband and hugged him tight.

None of them had any intention to let go because it's been some time since they last meet.

Finally, Mr. Yoo broke the silence, 'let's go back home.. I'm hungry.. I'm sure umma can make us some food, right sweetie?' He stated.

'Yes! Let's go' Mrs.Yoo beamed.

Two and a half hour later, they reached their mansion. Mr. Yoo went upstairs to take a bathe meanwhile, Youngjae and Mirae help their mum with the lunch. Just then, the doorbell rang.

*Ding-Dong~* Mirae wiped her hands on the hand towel and went to open the door. 'Himchan oppa! Yongguk oppa! Daehyun oppa! Jongup-ssi Zelo!' Mirae exclaimed. Youngjae, who had sharp hearing, went forward. 'Sup~ Jae' B.A.P greeted.

'Heyy' Youngjae backhug his sister and greeted them. 'Come on in'

Mr. Yoo who just nice came back downstair after his bathe, greeted the boys. 'Hello boys, heard from Eunrae that the 7 of you is transferring school?'

'Ahh! Mr. Yoo! Yes we are transferring as a whole' Yongguk bowed respectfully towards Mr. Yoo, with the other boys following their leader's actions.

'Well then, please look out for Jaejae and Mirie for us will you?' chucked Mr. Yoo. 

B.A.P beamed, nodding their head.

'Everyone!! It's time to eat, come and sit!' Upon that, the hungry appa and children rushed into the kitchen and stared at the mouth-watering food.

'Wahhh~ It look so delicious Mrs. Yoo'

'It smells nice!'

Mrs. Yoo blushed at the comments. 'I'll eat well!' Everyone said in union and tucked in at the food.

After lunch, Mrs. Yoo took out a cake, it stated Welcome home honey! Congrats on the 7 children who got to transfer school 'make a wish children.. And the school that you all are going, is SM High, hope this school would be your best school ever okays?' Mrs. Yoo smiled warmly.

'Nehh!' All the 7 of them beamed. 'Well, enjoy the celebration today children. Because 2 days later, appa and umma are going on a 5 months business trip, together with B.A.P's parents.. So they had agreed on letting them stay over, but only temporarily okay?' Mr. Yoo said sadly.

Although feeling sad that their parents are going to on a business trip again soon for such a long period, both Youngjae and Mirae wanted to asked their parents not to go.

But being a sensible children, instead the two just nodded their head in understanding and replied 'Nehh' as they looked forward to staying with B.A.P

So they had cupcakes, fizzy drinks, ice cream and of course cakes!

It's celebration.. Who would have forgot them? Haha~ so they played all sort of games, Xbox, Board games, opening presents here and there. They were all in high spirits and when they finally stop the celebration, It's near midnight. B.A.P waved goodbye and went home.

Youngjae and Mirae went to wash up, change into their jammies and sleep together in Youngjae's bedroom.

Youngjae hug Mirae, cooed 'Goodnight Mirie baby~'

With a small giggle, Mirae hug back Youngjae, said 'Nights gege' and with that, sleep welcomed them as the both of them drifted off to dreamland.

Today, was an awesomely enjoyable day to both the Yoo siblings, Mr and Mrs Yoo as well as B.A.P. 

Becasue not only did their dad came back, but also the 7 children are going to a new school soon, SM High.

A/N: So when I was browing through my chapters, I realised that i haven really finish it so yea this is the edited one, Hope you like it! Comments XOXO

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3