Having fun

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

'I'm tired~' Kwangmin laid on the floor, trying to catch his breath. It's been 2 week since Nu'est and B.A.P last went to school. Manager Yoon and Manager Lee had applied a 3 weeks long leave for the 11 of them, just in case they need more time. 'Yeah.. It is tiring.. But it's fun isn't it?' Eunji smiled. 'Yeah.. It's a lot better than sitting in class and listen to boring lectures.' Youngmin, Chansik, Kwangmin and Mirae agreed. 'Okays.. I know this is tiring, but for our new album, fighting!' Youngmin encouraged his group members. Nodding, Nu'est went back to practise their new song,  dance choreography.

*knock knock* B.A.P opened up Nu'est practise room door. 'Heyy~ It's 1.30pm.. Lunch time~' Himchan smiled as B.A.P entered Nu'est practise room with food. There are pizzas, fruits and drinks. Nu'est who heard the door open, stop their practise and look at the new comers. 'Ah.. Today's lunch is pizza? Yum~ can we eat them?' Youngmin asked Manager Yoon and Manager Lee who just walked into the practise room. 'Sure.. You guys know how to keep your body slim, so we don't worry about it. Enjoy your meal' Manager Yoon smiled a fatherly smile before going out with Manager Lee to have their lunch.

'Hyung, have you heard about it? EXO are getting suspicious about us not going to school for so long. I heard that they went around asking the teachers how long are we going to take leave for.' Chansik asked while munching on his slice of pizza. 'Really? How do you know?' Jongup questioned while trying to reach for a packet of milk. 'Jonghyunnie hyung told me. I had him and the others to update me on what is going on in school.' Chansik nodded his head as he took a bite from his pizza. 

'What are they suspicious about then? The reason why we go early before the start of lesson and not going to school for 2 weeks? Or our real identities?' Eunji sipped her milk asked. 'All 3. They wanted to know how long are we going to take leave for. And it seems like they went to ask Ms. Park about it, but was rejected by her. Guess uri manager hyung prevented her from telling anyone. But I don't think Ms. Park know about us being Idol band.' Chansik shared his thoughts.

'And these are all I know currently.' Chansik smiled proudly. 'Whoa.. Not bad.. A lot infromations already. But how are we going to answer them when they ask about it?' Mirae asked while reaching for another piece of pizza. 'I guess you all have to deny when they asked.' Manager Yoon suddenly appeared. 'Yeah.. Anyway, seeing the progess you children are going now, I guess you can go back to school tomorrow. But then you all still need to have practise after school. Would that be okay? Or you all want to use up all the 3 weeks Manager Yoon and I applied for the 11 of you?' Manager Lee asked.

'I guess I don't mind going back to school.. Plus if we really use up all the 3 weeks, EXO would be even more suspicious and bombard us with tons of questions.' Mirae concluded. 'Yeah I agree.. It's better to have practises and lessons together in a day. But what if we fall asleep? Ms. Park's going to scold us real bad.' Kwangmin worried. B.A.P as usual, nodded their heads while listening to Nu'est talk and shivered at the thought of getting caught by their homeroom teacher for sleeping in class.

'Don't worry, we would explain to your homeroom teachers of the reason if you suddenly fall asleep in class.' Manager Yoon assured them. B.A.P and Nu'est widen their eyes. 'Excluding the fact that you are idol bands' Manager Lee quickly added. Relieved, B.A.P and Nu'est quickly finished their lunch and continued with their practise. But of course they can't dance right after lunch, so they all went to the room where all the musical instrument 'lived' in. Mirae sit infront of the piano and play the song while Chansik play the drum.

Himchan as usual, play the Janggu. While the others who were not playing any instrument, just sit around and play games. Yongguk, Zelo and Daehyun and Jongup group in one group, while Youngjae, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Eunji as the other group. 'Since we got no MC, let's choose our group name and group leader.' Jongup suggested. Nodding, the two groups took 1 minutes in discussing. Himchan who saw the two groups playing, he volunteer 'No MC right? I would be the MC for the games.' 

Smiling that they had a MC now, both groups stood smiling and waiting for the MC to start the games. 'I'm MC channie, can I have Yongguk hyung's group to say your group name and choose a leader for your group?' 'Uhm.. Uri group name is Cherry Tomato since we have Zelo in our group and the group leader is Yongguk hyung.' Daehyun explained. 'Okays. For Youngjae's group, your leader and name of the group?' MC channie asked. 'Uri group name is Jotwins since Youngmin Kwangmin were in our group and leader would be Youngmin' Youngjae being satisfied with the group name and leader.

'Okays then we would have Mirae and Chansik play the background music since they were playing the instruments now.' MC channie joked. '1st game, guess the song.' 'How do we played? Like guess using action or what?' Daehyun asked. 'First, choose a member from your group to guess the song while the other three have to draw out the meaning of the lyrics in 60 secs. Understand?' MC channie explained. 'Nehh!' Both group nodded. 'Mirae and Chansik, can you have us with the games?' Yongguk asked. 'Neh' both of them went towards Himchan as Himchan explained their role.

'Okays. Guess the song round 1 first group up, is Cherry Tomato. Ready start!' MC channie announced. Mirae and Channie show the lyrics. Jongup, Zelo and Daehyun draw while Yongguk guess. '3, 2, 1 stop!' MC channie went up and took the drawing board from Daehyun's hand. 'Ready to guess? 1,2,3!' Himchan reveal the drawing. It was a parrot, two stickman named 'you' and 'me' with a line in the middle. Yongguk looked at the drawing, shouted 'No Mercy!' 'That's right! 1 point to Cherry Tomato group' MC channie announced. Cherry Tomato group dancing in delight.

'Next round, round 2 Jotwins up! Ready 1,2,3 start!' Eunji, Youngmin and Kwangmin started drawing the moment they saw the lyrics with Youngjae standing their, waiting to guess the lyrics. '3,2,1 stop!' MC channie stop the trio who were drawing. 'Ready Youngjae? 1,2,3!' Youngmin reveal the drawing. It was a heart locked in a small place. Youngjae scratched his head and laughed while shouting 'How am I going to guess this?' Kwangmin immediately pointed to the heart then draw a invisible box in the air.

'3,2-' MC channie countdown. 'Wait! I got the answer! Dancing In The Rain!' Youngjae shouted with excitment. 'Ding!' MC channie announced. 'Hyung, how is this Dancing In The Rain?' Kwangmin pointed to the drawing. Youngjae turned behind and look 'Ahh~ Secret Love'. 'Round 1, Cherry Tomato win' Cherry Tomato group all cheered and danced around. 

'After guess the word, next is The Flower Have Bloomed' MC channie announced the next game they going to play. 'This have no group, we could vote for a catcher, when the catcher say the words 'the flower have bloomed' we all get to move but once the catcher turn back, we can't move. Anyone caught would have to go to the catcher side and link fingers with the catcher. Once anyone of us touch the catcher, we have to run back without getting caught. Understand? MC channie now offline! Himchan is back!' Himchan explained the rule of the game.

So everyone voted for Himchan to be the catcher and Himchan even if he whined and use his aeygo, he still had to be the catcher. 'Yahh! I'm such a good MC just now.. How can you all treat me like that!' Himchan whined. So nevertheless, the game started. 'The flower have bloomed' 'The flower have bloomed' 'The flower have bloomed' 5 minutes later, Zelo, Mirae, Eunji, Daehyun, Yongguk turned around ready to run back since Jongup was the nearest to Himchan now. 3..2..1.. Run! Jongup and the others thought in union. 

'Hahaha~ Yah Himchan ah~ run faster next time~~' Yongguk chan. Just then when Himchan was about to whine, Manager Yoon and Manager Lee came in. 'Boys and girls, it's 6.30pm already. Time to go back dorm' they smiled. 'Yeah!!' Everyone jump around in delight. Because not only did they have fun just now, but also they were going back to school tomorrow. And their dance choreography have also completed. Now only left practises. And the day ended~

A/N: Sorry for the real late update.. Been busy!! Anyway next chapter is up! Hope you enjoy it and Comments~~ XOXO

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3