A new song! part 1

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

A/N: Although the students and EXO now know that Youngjae aka Jaehyun, Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Jongup and Zelo are a group named B.A.P, they didn't know that B.A.P is an idol band.. They thought that B.A.P is just a name to call their own group and not the real idol band Best. Absolute. Perfect(B.A.P). The students and EXO do not know anything about Nu'est yet.. But in a few more chapters, I will reveal both B.A.P and Nu'est music careers~

Please note, although EXO now know Youngjae and Mirae's real name, the teachers and students still do not know, so the students and teachers would still refer them as Jaehyun and Miyae

'Morning!' Luhan greeted Mirae happily. 'Morning~' Mirae greeted back, smiling at Luhan as she walked with her brother, Youngjae. Youngjae nodded his head towards Luhan as a form of greeting. It's been days since EXO, B.A.P and Nu'est became good friends, officially friends. All the students were surprised as their Kingkas suddenly became friends with the nerds of their school. But nevertheless, they stop their bullying as they know very well that whoever bully the kingkas friends would a painful lesson.

'Mirie~' Eunji hugged Mirae. 'Heyy Jiji~ I miss you girl' Mirae teased playfully as B.A.P and Nu'est walk towards Luhan, Mirae and Youngjae. 'Hahaha~ I miss you too~' Eunji and Mirae giggled softly. 'Morning raerae!' Chansik, Jotwins and B.A.P greeted. 'Morning oppa~' she greeted back. 'Shall we go out for lunch this afternoon?' Yongguk asked as he fist bump with Youngjae. 'Hmm~ it's been long since we went out dining.. Sure! Where?' Mirae and Youngjae asked in union. 'Wahhh~ hyungs look! The siblings said the same thing at the same time!!' Jongup chuckled.

'Hahaha~ they sure have very close bond.. They have the same blood flowing in them! Just like Youngmin and Kwangmin.. Just that baby girl and Jae are not twins' Daehyun teased happily. 'Well we don't know where to go yet.. For we decided to ask EXO along.. So I guess we would ask them later during lunch hour. It would be a great time to bond together isn't it?' Himchan explained. 'Yup!' everyone beamed as they made their way to their own classrooms. 'See you guys later' B.A.P waved and walk towards their classroom upon reaching Nu'est classroom. 

Mirae went towards her own seat and sit down. Since there is still time before lesson and Suho, Baekhyun and Sehun haven't came yet, Mirae opened up her schoolbag to find a sheet of paper. She took out the paper and went towards Chansik, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Eunji who was talking happily to Yixing and Luhan. 'Our new song min' Mirae whispered into Youngmin's ear. Youngmin despite happily happy, get the hint immediately. He turned towards Mirae and took the piece of paper from her hand. 

'What's wrong? Don't tell me it....' Eunji's voice trail off as a spark og excitment could be seen glistening in her eyes. 'Yah, Channie, Jiji, did you guys write your own version one? Kwanggie and I were done with ours.' Youngmin asked a serious tone. 'Of course!' Chansik and Eunji took out their own written song lyrics immediately and hand it to Youngmin. Luhan and Yixing who was watching everything, speak up curiously 'What are you all talking about?' 'Ah.. It's just something that we are not suppose to reveal.. Sorry' Kwangmin smile apologisingly.

'Oh.. It's okay then..' Yixing smiled. 'Sorry, we.. Uh.. Have to go find B.A.P hyungs for awhile.. Would you mind helping our to tell Ms. Park that we might not come for lessons?' Chansik asked politely. 'Uhm.. Sure' Luhan replied with a curious tone. And with that, Nu'est mumbled a thanks and start packing their schoolbags. While they were about to go out, Baekhyun, Sehun and Suho come in. Sehun stared at Mirae and the others who were packing their stuffs. 'Where are you all going to?' asked curiously.

'We got to find the B.A.P oppas. So we might not be coming for lessons later on.. Sorry, got to go..' Eunji explained as they rushed off to B.A.P classroom. Suho, Baekhyun and Sehun shrugged their shoulders and went towards their seats. 'Going to be a boring day hyung.. Without the five of them here talking to us...' Sehun pouted. 'I know right..' Suho signed. 'Haish~' Baekhyun, Luhan, Yixing, Sehun and Suho signed.. 'What are they busy about? Why do they need to find B.A.P so urgently? What is so important that they need to skip lesson? What on earth are they doing?...' All kind of questions popped up inside their mind.

Youngmin phoned their manager, Manager Yoon, telling he that they had the new song written out already. He spoke quickly to the Manager and ended the call. 'Younggie ah, what did manager hyung say?' Chansik asked. 'He asked us to wait for him at the lobby and then we would go and look for B.A.P hyungs together. Sad to say, we would be skipping lesson for today. Hyung is going to apply for one day leave from school today for both us and B.A.P' Youngmin explained.

'But we need people to help us take down the notes right?' Eunji stated a face. 'Yeah.. How? Should we ask Luhan hyung they to help?' Kwangmin worried. So Mirae texted Yixing to ask if he can help them take down the notes and assignments of all the lessons.

To: Xinggie~

From: Mirae ^^

Xinggie oppa, sorry.. Today, Chansik, Youngmin, Kwangming, Eunji and I would not be able to go class today, would you mind helping us to take down the notes and assignments for all the lessons today?

Minutes later, Mirae felt a vibration. She took out her phone, unlocked it and open up the new message.

To: Mirae ^^

From: Xinggie~

Not coming for lessons? uhm.. Okays :) Lu and I would help the five of you take down the notes and your assignments :) Don't worry~ <3

'Guys, Luhan and Yixing had agreed on helping us take out assignment already. Now left B.A.P oppas.' Mirae signed a relief as she reply to Yixing's text.

To: Xinggie~

From: Mirae ^^ 

Thankyou so much! <3

Minutes later, their car and B.A.P's car arrived.

(A/N: first car is Nu'est's car, the second car is B.A.P's car)


Manager Yoon and Manager Lee get off their car after parking and went towards Nu'est. 'Hello sweeties!' Manager Yoon and Manager Lee greeted. 'Annyeong oppa-hyung' Nu'est greeted happily. 'Shall we go and find B.A.P now?' Both the Manager asked. 'Yes!' Both the Managers together with Nu'est went up to B.A.P classroom to find them. 'So as you can see, this is.....' the homeroom teacher explained while writing some notes down on the whiteboard.

*knock knock* Manager Lee knocked on the door. 'Yes? May I help you?' B.A.P's homeroom teacher asked with an annoyed tone. She hates it when her lesson was disturbed by strangers or students. Manager Lee cleared his throat and say 'I am here to fetch 6 students, Himchan, Yongguk, Daehyun, Jaehyun, Jongup and Zelo. They would not be having lessons today as I have already applied a one day leave for the 6 of them.' The homeroom teacher stared blankly at the Manager Lee as if he was saying some sort of alien language.

'Uhm.. Okays.. Pack your bags then the 6 of you. With them not around, who would like to take down notes and assignments for them?' The homeroom teacher asked slightly annoyed and slightly stunned. 'We'll collect for them' Kris raised up his hand. 'Okays' The homeroom teacher replied tiredly before turning her back to write the notes. B.A.P spotted Nu'est behind their manager but decided to stay mute about it and quickly packed their stuffs and went out.

'Hyung..' B.A.P greeted. 'Let's go.. It's going to be busy today' Manager Lee and Manager Yoon warned in union. So B.A.P and Nu'est made their way down to the lobby, entered their cars and went out of the school compound. They stop by starbucks to get their coffees before going to their company. After a hour ride, they reached their company, TS Entertainment.

B.A.P and Nu'est went up to their own practise room with their coffee in their hand. Nu'est sit down at their desk to discuss about which lyrics should they use. Meanwhile, B.A.P change into something more comfortable for they had a new dance choreography for their new song later. After changing, B.A.P went to Nu'est practise room for there are still some time before their choreographer arrived. B.A.P open up the door, only to find Nu'est engrossed in their discussion.

'Nu'est~ Nu'est~' Himcham cooed. Nu'est turned and looked up, smiling at B.A.P 'Later when you guys are going to have lunch, remember to call us okays?' Yongguk smiled. 'Okays~' Nu'est beamed. And with that, B.A.P went to their own practise room and start warming up. The choreograhper arrive minutes later. 'Hello boys~ nice to see you again.. As you all know, your debut single, Warrior, your new album, power had top #10 at the Billboard World Albums Chart right?' B.A.P nodded.

'As for your next song, No Mercy, you all had already learned the dance choreography right? But I'm very sorry to say, the dance choreography had to be change. But the song won't change. So I guess you boys won't mind changing right? It will be good i promised' the choreographer continued. 'Uhm.. Okays I guess it won't hurt changing it right? Since I felt that the previous dance choreography wasn't really able to bring out our charismatic image.' Jongup concluded carefully. But to his surprise, the rest of the member agreed. 'Well shall we start then?' The choreographer beamed.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update! I would try a second update now for I'm quite busy now.. Sorry!! Hope you like this chapter and stay tuned to the next upcoming chapter! Comments are appreciated XOXO

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3