
Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

A/N: Hello~ I know I have not written any POV before in my previous few chapters. So I wanted to try writing one and my very first POV for this chapter since it would be easier to express the emotions also. ^^ This chapter would be longer since I used the previous two chapters scene into this POV

Luhan's POV

When I reach the rooftop after taking in Yixing's advice and ran back to school, I saw Mirae lying on the ground, with those three es using a penknife to slash her. On my instinct, I immediately ran towards her and hugged her tight, preventing the es from hurting her further. With hugging her tight, I heard my name. "L-luhan" she called out weakly, so weak that I'm afraid of letting her go, afraid that she might break if I did so. "Yes it's me Mirie.." I mumbled softly into her ear. "Your childhood friend Hannie.." I continued as I choked on my soft sobs. Tears flowed down my eyes like waterfall, so much that it itched. But my heart ached even more.

By then, I heard gasps from my left side, where the three es at. "What was there to gasp about? Never seen anyone cry before?" I snorted mentally at the girls' behaviour. But on another thought, I can understand why they gasp because EXO Luhan was well known in SM High as "The Cold Man" the one who never show any emotions other than his famous poker look. But I don't care right now. "Where do you think you are going?" A familiar voice rang into my ear and momentarily I look up. "Kris?" I blinked. "What is he doing here?" I asked myself before correcting myself, "what are they doing here?" Not only was Kris here but the whole EXO, B.A.P and Nu'est was here. But why? I have no idea at all.

I saw the three girls trembled in fear in front of Kris's killer glare, I laughed inside. es like them obviously knew the consequences of hurting our friends yet they still do it? And now here they are, trembling in fear in front of the three groups. But my amusement were cut short when Youngjae hyung walked towards me before kneeling down and gently caressed Mirae's cheek, looking into my eyes with his watery eyes. "L-luhan was she f-fine?" he asked with a shaky tone. "I don't know Youngjae hyung.. I don't know.." I sighed sadly.

I guess I was too absorbed in staring at Mirae's face that I didn't heard anything that the rest of them said until someone pried Mirae out of my arms gently. I quickly stood up and was about to follow after the person who carried Mirae away when fingers wrapped around my wrist crashed my plan. "What? Let me go! I want to make sure she is fine!" I hissed in frustration and anger and tugged hard at that strong grip. Frustrated at myself for not protecting Mirae well enough, letting her once again get injured, angry at myself for letting her come alone even when I know roughly what might have happen. "No! Luhan you have to be here. All this wouldn't have happen if they didn't hit on Mirae!" Suho hyung hissed angrily.

At that moment, anger blinded me as I smirked towards the girls. "Oh~ I almost forgot you girls.." I teased as I walked towards the three girls. As I got closer to them, they back away till their legs give way and immediately, they kneeled in front of me, begging for mercy. "O-oppa we are really s-sorry!" they begged. Laughing out loud, I kneeled down to match their eye level. "Oh? Begging for forgiveness and mercy already? Well.. Let me tell you something.. You get what you grow.." I smirked once more before standing up, motioning for the others to get the girls. Nodding to Yongguk and Kris, I walked away to the other side of the rooftop and stare out. I was never into bullying and stuff, so even if I am very angry right now, I still wouldn't want to bully or teach anyone a lesson because I knew Kris they can do it for me.

Staring at the blue sky, my mind wanders around. Suddenly an uneasiness spread inside me, as if something is going to happen or rather, something is going to happen to someone. "What's going on at Mirae there? Would something happen to her? Can't be right? Or..." Negative thoughts began to flood into my mind rapidly. Furrowing my eyebrow, I shook those thoughts away and tried to maintain a clear and calm mind. Turning around to see how the girls were given a lesson, I even confirm my decision. "Right now is not the time to panic." I told myself and took a deep breathe. 

Going back to my spacing out, a sudden shook snapped my back to reality. "Lu.. Stop spacing out." Yixing called out softly. "Let's go and see Mirae now." he nodded before gently pushing my out of the rooftop. Not even looking at the girls once, i quickly hurried after the rest of them down the way to the infirmary. Anger and revenage were long replaced by nothing but worries and fear. That uneasiness that I felt earlier on came suffocating my back again, and as we walked closer to the infirmary, the more worried I got. 

Once stepping into the infirmary, I saw the rest of them standing around, some pacing in the room, some sitting on the couch provided. But I knew one thing. They were just as worried as I am. Finally, I heard some soft whispers behind the drawn curtain, the impatient me immediately open the curtain and the rest rushed in after me. "Are you okay?? Are you hurt anywhere?? Are you feeling better??" they bombarded Mirae with questions, not even giving her a chance to speak. "Calm down guys.. She's fine. Don't worry." Youngjae hyung replied as he looked at me with a sad look? Sad look? At me? 

But I wasn't bothered by that look because my attention was all on Mirae. I went forward to hugged her tight, sighing in relief. "I'm so glad you are okays Mirae! You ggave me a big shock you know?" I pulled back and grinned at her like an idiot but hey I don't care as long as she's fine. But my happiness was driven short when she was just staring at me and EXO with a frown on her face. "Mirae.. What's wrong?" I asked silently. "What's wrong? The wrong was I don't know you at all.. In fact, I don't know them either." she pointed at EXO while looking at us with a puzzled look.

I froze. "You what..?" I mumbled slowly while looking at her, not even moving an inch away from her. "I don't know you all. The 12 of you." she repeated, a little annoyed. My mind momentarily stopped working and I can feel my heart stopped beating. She don't remember me at all.. It can't be.. How come? While I was asking myself these question, I heard Yongguk hyung asking. "Mirae, do you remember us?" The 5 boys from B.A.P stood in front of her. "Of course I do Yongguk oppa." she chuckled softly. "How can I forgot you all, my brother and my 4 other best friends?" A soft smile displayed over her face. "But who are they?" she asked curiously, pointing to EXO and I.

Daehyun hyung gently ruffled her hair and smiled. "They were called EXO. The one who hugged you earlier on was Luhan." he replied her while looking at them. She turned to me and looked into my eyes.  The glint of happiness in her eyes made my heart skipped a beat, those eyes which I adored since young. "Nice to meet you Luhan." she smiled sweetly. "N-nice to meet you t-too." I replied, cursing myself mentally for stuttering. "Well.. Visiting hours are over for us. Let's go Luhan." Kai bowed slightly before dragging my out od the infirmary.

No one spoke a single word as we walked to our classroom. A gloomy atmosphere surrounded us as we walked. "Ottoke? She forgot us.." Sehun whimpered sadly, wiping his non-existing tears away. "Stop being dramatic Sehun. We can only waited for now, wait for her to regain her memories of us. Meanwhile, we'll changed for better." Suho sighed. "And if to mention heartache, no one was even more hurt than Luhan is.." Yixing mumbled softly. Tears once again pooled in my eyes, rolling down my cheeks non-stop. Since that day, I had never been this pain before. But today, my heart was torn into million of pieces. Our childhood times, our memories, she doesn't have a single clue of it anymore. 

The one I love.. Forgot me...

A/N: New chapter up. As I had said at the top of this chapter, this chapter was going to be a long one. Apologies if this was a crappy chapter because I have been really busy and had to use two days to write this. Hope you enjoy this chapter and for who knows, there might be more POVs coming up in future chapters. XD


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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3