Filming of music videos part 2

Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

Walking towards the recording video, Nu'est hunch their back slightly before straightening it again. 

"The five of you are here? Looked a little tired hmm? Sorry, but I guess it's really a little too rush. Anyway, go have your make-ups and dressing done. We'll start the filming once all five of you are done." Director Hong, their director for the day and for their music video patted their shoulder in a not-so-gentle way. "Nain! Do their make-ups now." Director Hong continued.

"Neh!" A clear high voice rang across the filming site as a female ran towards them. "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Han Nain. I'll be your main coodi noona today." Nain smiled at the Nu'est as she introduced herself before gesturing them to follow her. Nu'est greeted softly as they followed after Nain, to have their make-ups done and get dressed up in their attire to film their music video. Sitting on the respective chairs, the stylists started to apply the base make up for them, to prevent their bare face from being damaged from the make-ups. Once the base make-up were done, the stylists went on to apply basic make-ups for the five of them since they were still students and they have smooth baby-like skin. 

While waiting for their make-ups to be done, the five of them just looked at their own reflection in the mirror, watching how their bare faces were transformed from average beauty to extreme beauty. Wow so this is why girls love make-ups so much. It basically transformed you totally. Mirae thought as she scrunched up face slightly in order not to ruin the make-up her stylist was applying for her. 

"There. All done!" Eunji's make-up stylist smiled widely as she stepped away from Eunji slightly for her to stand up so that Chansik, who had yet to have his make-ups applied to have his turn. Eunji thanked the stylist before she walked to Mirae, who was almost done with her make-ups. 

"You looks so pretty Ji. I want to keep you in my pockey~" Mirae giggled as she looked up at her best friend's reflection in the mirror since she couldn't turn around to look at Eunji. 

"You are too cute to be let wandering around rae. Too cute and too beautiful." Eunji grinned as she waited patiently for Mirae to changed into their attire together.

"You two girls are too pretty and precious to be shown around. Let oppas hide you neh?" A playful voice came from their back as someone embraced Mirae from the back. 

"Gege?" Mirae said in surprised.

"You guys are done with your filming Daehyun oppa?" Eunji asked as she turned around fully. 

"Nope. Not a single bit. But it isn't the time to film yet. So we thought maybe we can come and see the five of you." Daehyun shrugged as he grinned goofy.

After 30 minutes of preparations and all, Nu'est and B.A.P were finally ready to film their music videos. B.A.P's manager came and called for the boys.

"Boys! The filming is ready. We can start now." Manager Lee called out as he gestured for the boys to follow him.

"Guess we'll see each other later hm? Hwaiting for your filming the five of you. Do your best and made both manager hyungs and us proud!" Yongguk grinned as he ruffled each and every member of Nu'est hair in a gently way as to not ruined their styled hair.

"Neh hyung~ Hyung hwaiting!" Youngmin nodded and cheered on the behalf of his group. And then, there goes B.A.P.

"Let's do our best!" Nu'est cheered as they started their filming at the same time as B.A.P.

With their recorded music playing in the background, Nu'est began to show what they had been practicing hard for the past few days, purely for their comeback stage, "Hello". As compared to the song they performed when they first debut, this song, "Hello" was a lot calmer and gentle with a ballad feel, the song was created with the concept of broken cliched love. With it's lyrics about this particular man who had fallen hard for this girl, he tried calling her but she didn't picked up. Worried, he went on out to search for her, wanting to protect her from the upcoming rain. Yet things turned out that, his girl betrayed him, the girl whom he loved wholeheartedly and wasn't able to let her go.

The Music Video, besides displaying their effortless and simple yet eye-catching and charming dance moves, it also consists of a story. A story of all three boys fallen for the same girl, how the girl cheated on the boys and how the girl's best friend had fallen hard for one of the boys, resulting in a love triangle between them which eventually led to heartbreaks and betrayal.

Despite the fact that "Hello" wasn't a fast-paced and dynamic song, unlike their previous few songs, "Hello" brings out a more mellowed feeling, not to mention that NU'est had used the Winter as their main MV story setting. It shows a different side of Nu'est, a more lovely side of them.

B.A.P, on the other hand, discussed with their dance choreographer on how should they display their bad-boy style. After a few tips from the choreographer, B.A.P started their filming with their song, "No Mercy" booming in the background. Although "No Mercy" has a concept of bad-boy style, similar to their first debut song "Warrior" and also their second mini "Power", it had some difference as well. Unlike both "Power" and "Warrior" which are songs that had different viewpoints about the heavy issues in the society, "No Mercy" is more of a song that was about the importance of music and also slightly about attitudes. 

For "Power", the song itself had a strong message that was delivered to the listener to rebel against the idea of money and status being everything, reminding them that the true source of power is within themselves. It was a hardcore hiphop song which was also in matched with their strong and aggressive image, completing it with growls, stomping and sneers to show the rebellion.

B.A.P first debut song, "Warrior" was a song that spoke on the behalf of those who faced many challenges in their daily lives, criticizing the current social system and crediting those who lives in the darkness of suicide, violence in school and more by comparing them to warriors. It was an uptempo hiphop song, with a new genre that blended the elements of krump and rock with an intense hip hop beat. 

However, "No Mercy" is a song in Gyeongsangdo dialect, making use of "Samul nori", a type of traditional Korean percussion music. But it didn't fail to bring back many of the group's signature style. 

After hours of filming, Nu'est and B.A.P took their first break. But that break wasn't meant for them to rest only. They had to monitor their filming progress, listening to their choreographer for rooms of improvement and also to their director for the day on how can they do it better. Well, although it wasn't Nu'est or B.A.P's first time in filming a Music Video, every filming has it's own demands and the demands are different each time depending on their concept of the song.

"It's tiring. Argh." Chansik whined as one of the coordi noona wiped away his sweats for him.

"Bare with it Gongchan." Youngmin patted his friend on his shoulder encouragingly.

Chansik nodded and pout cutely as he stopped his whining. Whenever the rest or their managers referred to him with his stage name, he knew they meant business. And this business can either improve his fame or ruin his reputation totally. That's what Idols have to be very cautious of. Chansik sighed as he took in a deep breathe and pushed all his tiredness and worries to the back of his mind. This is for our comeback stage. Chansik thought, I can't let my tiredness affect the filming and result in all our practices down the drain.

Yes, for the fans, for the comeback.

No whine, no mistakes, no slack.

Do your best..

And the day went on for a long long time until the second day morning, when finally both B.A.P and Nu'est had their perfect Music Videos to be release. All the tiredness and hard work was worth it.

A/N: Latest chapter is up. I'm so sorry once again for updating so late. Anyway, in the story, I have explained the songs purpose and what do each song means. Long-winded yes but I just thought maybe I should explain it. HMM. Anyway, all the information on the meaning of the songs and the concept everything are facts. I researched :) 

Hoho. Well I hope you would enjoy this chapter. Long chapter yes but yeah enjoy :d 

Thank you peeps. Love you peeps xD

​Oh, anyway, anyone fans of EXO, B.A.P, Teen Top and BTS(Bangtan Boys)? ^^

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3