
Don't Leave Me.. (Hiatus story.. Sorry!)

The morning light shone into the dimly lit room through the blinds that had blocked out most of the light but not all, revealing a tired body tucked well under his cover. It's Monday again, the new day of a new week. To normal students, today would be the day where they would go to school, sit through endless lecture, waiting for the time when last lesson bell finally ring. But today would also be the day when this group of people were to start up their engine for the day and also for the start of their endless practices.

- Flashback -

It was a late Sunday night, Nu'est and B.A.P walked into their company and headed to the President office. They had been called by their managers to the office, saying that the president wanted to talk to them about something important.

"What do they want to talk to us about at such a late time?" Daehyun asked, sipping on his cup of hot chocolate which he bought on their way to the company.

"Yeah. They had never called us out at such a late time unless it was something important." Jongup agreed, adjusting his cap on his head as they walked into the company, taking the lift up to the floor where their President, President Lee's office were allocated at.

"Guess we would know soon." Yongguk mumbled as they reach the floor. Knocking on the door office, Yongguk being the eldest among the 11 of them gently push open the door, revealing the already sitting down president Lee and their managers. They bowed as they walked to their respective seats, where they sat among their own members. 

"Finally. All 11 of you are here." President Lee smiled widely as he stopped the discussion he had earlier on with the managers. "Uhm.. President Lee, can we know why do you called us here?" Youngmin asked politely, feeling a little unease when he saw that smile on President Lee's face. At first he thought that it's only him feeling unease but when rustling of clothing would be heard, he knew he wasn't the only one feeling that way. 

"Ah yes. As all of you know, Nu'est had been practicing for their latest new song, Hello and B.A.P had been practicing for their newest song, No Mercy right?" President Lee asked the 11 of them. 

"Yes." All 11 of them nodded.

President Lee nodded before continuing,"both songs were very good choice, believe it would gain a lot of attention once it was released. I have been monitoring all of you your progress, and I and the teachers had decided that it's time for you all to show your long-awaiting fans what all of you had."

"So that means.." Daehyun's voice trailed off as he stared at the managers and President Lee.

"Yes. Both of you, your groups would be releasing the songs. Which also means, we would be filming the music video for both songs soon, and soon enough you would be having your own comeback stage." President Lee nodded, confirming the rough idea they had in their mind since all of them were brilliant kids, they get things quick enough without having to beat around the bush.

All the 11 young idols sighed deeply. Because this comeback stage would mean that.. Firstly, they would be skipping lessons in order to have a perfectly flawless comeback stage. Secondly, for the sake of their flawless comeback stage, they would be giving up their sleeps as well, for both practice and filming of their music video for their new song. But on the other thought, they were pretty happy about the fact of having a comeback stage because that way they don't have to their fans to kept waiting for a new song and it's also a good time to show their fans a different side of them.

"So when would we be filming President Lee? Do we start the dance practice now or what?" Kwangmin asked a little informally, before apologizing when his twin brother as well as their team leader nudged him in the ribs. "Sorry. For the informality." he smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay Youngmin Kwangmin. You all know i don't mind informality, especially with the 11 of you." President Lee chuckled, with a soft smile on his face. "It's actually pretty fun to speak in informality." he shrugged as the 11 idols sat in front of him stared at him jaw widely apart. 

"Eeew hey, close your mouth kids, it's ugly." Manager Lee laughed at the kids reaction as they quickly close their mouth shut.

"So as I was saying, the recording of the two songs were completed right?" President Lee asked, getting back to their right track to what they were suppose to be saying. The 11 idols nodded.

"Good. Because the filming of the music videos would be this upcoming Wednesday which would be in three days time. I know it would be very rush for you, but you all are running out of time." President Lee shot them all an apologizing look, knowing how tired they would be.

"Running out of time? What do you mean President Lee?" Mirae questioned President Lee with a curious tone.

"Uhm..." President Lee looked at both the manager, secretly asking them to help him out of this situation. Manager Yoon who caught the hint, cleared his throat slightly before he stuttered a little. "Uh.. You see, the school festival is coming up right? Well.. President Lee and the other teachers thought that it was a good idea and also the time for you all to reveal yourselves to the whole school..."

"WHAT?!" The 11 idols shouted loudly, totally stunned by what Manager Yoon said.

"Ouch. Not so loud will you all?" Manager Lee, Manager Yoon and President Lee covered up their ears, sighed deeply.

"S-sorry.. B-but are we r-really going to reveal i-it? Our i-idol identities?" Chansik asked, with a tint of worry in his tone.

President Lee nodded. "Yes. It had been decided. Now, go on and continue your practice, I'll see you all soon enough on the day of your filming." Smiling, he waved the 11 of them off.

All 11 of them stared off, blankily at the news they got. Stunned. 

- Flashback end -

Mirae knocked on his brother's room, stepping into to not-so-dark bedroom. Quietly, she walked over to his dear brother who was still fast asleep, in his Lala land. Gently, she shook his shoulder, trying to wake his sleepy brother up. 

"Gege.. It's 7.15 in the morning now. You have to wake up and have your breakfast now before the maanger came and drive us to the company." she mumbled softly as her brother stirred slightly before she heard a loud sigh.

"I have a feeling this is a bad idea from President Lee..." Youngjae mumbled sleepily before he sat upright and hugged his sister gently. "Morning baby mirie~" he chuckled slightly.

"Morning gege~ get a shower okay? I'll make us breakfast." Mirae giggled softly as she returned the hug before disentangling herself from her brother.

"Be there in 15 minutes." Youngjae nodded as he took his towel and walked into the bathroom while Mirae walked out of her brother's room and down the stairs to the kitchen. 

Opening the fridge, she took out some eggs, the carton of milk so that she can warm up the milk slightly, some sausages. After pouring out two cups of milk, she place the rest of the milk back to the fridge and place both glasses of milk into the microwave, heating them up. Afterwards, she popped two toast into the toaster before moving on to make scramble eggs and pan-fry sausages.

"Go on bathe mirie. I'll take over from here." A soft voice came from behind her. 

Finishing the last sausages, she don't bother placing them nicely on the plates since her helper was here now. "Okays gege." She nodded, before washing her hand. "The scramble eggs were done, already on the plates, left the sausages not place on plate yet. There are milk in the microwave and the toasts" she explained what she had done so far before heading upstair for a shower.

"Hmm. She cooks faster than I do.." Youngjae chuckled as he start to set up the table. Sitting by the table, he took out his phone and saw an incoming call, Kris. Ever since Mirae had forgotten about EXO, B.A.P and Nu'est tried to help EXO by introducing them to Mirae one by one, telling them about their status in school, how they met and all. But because of her lose of memories, she couldn't remember any of this but lucky enough for EXO, Mirae didn't hesitate to became friends with them. Not normal friends, but classmates, good friends, hangout mates.

But of course, despite them being good friends, awkwardness always somehow manages to grab hold of their current atmosphere, ruining the good times they had whenever Mirae asked about something "sensitive". But EXO had never called any of the members of Nu'est or B.A.P before, which makes Youngjae a little wary of what is Kris going to ask. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to pick up.

"Hello?" He speak softly while waiting for his sister.

"Hi. Uhm.. Youngjae?" A nervous tone spoke up on the other line

"Yeah Kris hyung? What's up?" Youngjae asked.

"Uh.. We heard that the 11 of you aren't coming school later. In fact for the rest of the week you all aren't coming. What's wrong?" Kris asked with a worried tone.

"... Uhm.. Aish. Sorry but I can't say anything about why the 11 of us take leaves from school. It wasn't in my position to say it." Youngjae apologized, not wanting to lie to Kris about it. But truly, since it wasn't the time yet, they can't reveal anything to anyone, not even their best friends.

"But why? Can't you just tell us?" Kris tried again to persuade Youngjae.

"Sorry Kris. But I really can't say anything about the leaves that we had to take, it's something confidential."Youngjae sighed softly as he saw Mirae walking down the stairs towards him.

"Who was it gege?" Mirae asked softly, not wanting to disturb her brother and the caller's conversation.

"Kris hyung." Youngjae smiled at Mirae as her sister took a seat across him, watching her nod and wait for him to end the call before eating the breakfast.

"Youngjae? Who was that?" Kris asked from the other end, with a rather cautious tone.

"It's my baby girl, Mirae." Youngjae joked as he earned a light hit from Mirae.

"Oh say hi to her for me." Kris replied in a more cheerful tone.

"Hmm will do. Uhm Kris hyung? Mirae and I got to eat breakfast now.." Youngjae glance at Mirae and saw her toying with her food, replied.

"Ohh.. Guess I'll call you back later then. Bye youngjae." Kris mumbled in disappointment.

"Hmm. Bye hyung." Youngjae ended the call before turning to Mirae.

"Let's eat. Guess we need rush a little." Youngjae chuckled as he started to eat his breakfast. Mirae nodded as she started eating as well.

"Same problem gege?" she asked, sipping on her warm milk.

"Yeah. Same old problem. Don't understand them sometimes, how can they ask the same thing over and over again without getting pissed off?" Youngjae sighed as he bit harshly into his toast.

Mirae chuckled at the sight of his brother getting annoyed by them. But what she doesn't understand was, why does EXO want to know so much about them, especially her? She sighed at these question marks but shrugged it off since it doesn't affect her in any way except one guy. Luhan. Who exactly was that guy? Why does she had a feeling that they knew each other for a long time, longer than the other EXO boys as if they already knew each other since young?

"Gege.. Who is Luhan?" Mirae asked as she finish up her breakfast, sipping her milk.

Youngjae looked up at Mirae, stunned by the sudden question she asked. "Luhan?" he repeated.

"Luhan... Is our childhood friend. More like yours." Youngjae nodded slightly as he stood up and picked up both his and his sister's plate to the sink and wash it.

"Why more like mine gege?" Mirae asked as she tagged along, placing her empty glass in the sink, washing the dishes together with her brother.

"Because you both spent more playing time together until the time we had to move to America. Did you remember something?" Youngjae passed her the already washed plate for her to dry it.

"Aniyo. I don't remember anything.." Mirae shook her head as she dry the plates and place them in the cabinet.

"Alright then. Don't think too much. Remember we had practice later, and two days later we would be filming our music videos." Youngjae gently pulled Mirae along upstairs to get dressed. "Go and get dressed. Manager Lee and Manager Yoon is coming soon enough." he gently peck his sister's cheek before heading to his bedroom.

Shrugging her shoulder, Mirae did as she was told, got dressed and prepare for the things she got to bring later. Once in his bedroom, Youngjae sighed and got dressed before preparing for the things he had to bring. When are you going to remember him Mirae? Youngjae thought. He is hurting.. But you don't sense it. Have you forgotten every single bit of moments with him? What should I do?

No soon, the Managers arrived and the two siblings left the house, heading towards the company for their first day of endless practices.

Another chapter is up ^^ sorry been really busy. I'll update soon again. Hope you like it!

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Mizuho_Ootori22 #1
Chapter 24: This is so bad. Tsk Suho make it even worser than it already was
Chapter 41: yayy sneak peek of the upcoming chapter! I think you should write about B.A.P and Nu'EST's performance, and add in some of EXO's performance :) && ohohohhohohho confession~~~~~~~ ><
danbocute #4
Chapter 39: Plsssssssssssssssssssssss don't............this story is everythinggggggh
Chapter 40: Pls don't discontinue it authornim ㅠㅠ ive just started reading and now u r discontinuing it? *whines* i really love this story please don't i don't mind when u will update the story but please don't discontinue the story, i beg you ㅠㅅㅠ authornim fighting! hwaiting~
p.s. i do understand you authornim schoolworks r tough *cries* but readers would always support you dont worry! *hugs*
MinJung11 #6
Chapter 40: Eyy!! I know that school is stressful but still...Don't you dare to discontinue though!I will personally find you and strangle you before drowning you!!!JK!
Chapter 40: It's Okaay~~~ School IS important && STRESSFUL -,- I just hope u don't discontinue it~^^ I really love the story :D Update whenever u have time to ^-^ FIGHTING! IN SCHOOL!! <3