Calling trixybee!

♥ éclair reviews ~ busy finishing requests!


Author: trixybee

Chapters: 1 (drabble)

Reviewer: SimplyCuddly



Title: 8/10
 I found the title a tad bit vague, but just reading by the single word it gave me some sense of suspense, which indeed, suites the story because suspense is its genre. In conclusion, I personally like it.

Oh, I must mention that the chapter title was cool. You spell colour like a Canadian does, which is totally cool with me.

Description/Foreword: 10/10
Short description/forewords are either lacking extremely or they're just right; yours is the latter, and I found that in each of the past stories I've reviewed for you. But this one, I found, was probably my most favorite one from you. Reading the simple description caught my attention, and after reading the simple yet intriguing paragraph in the foreword, you got me hooked. You did very well!


Appearance: 9/10 
Lovely poster, lovely background, lovely set-up, lovely everything. Overall, I have no serious complaints with the appearance at all.

Characterization: 18/20 
I found that the amount of characterization was just right for a drabble. You gave Ailee's sweet personality and outward appearance in the beginning, which you did a splendid job at doing, and you showed how the boys were intrigued by her. Their remarks were boyish and cute, I found. But then later on, Ailee has this dark secret that just puts the cherry on top for this drabble. Overall, it was very well done. 


Grammar and Punctuation: 20/20
Beautiful. Your writing style here is captivating and absolutely amazing. I don't know how, but I was captured the moment I started reading the first few sentences. Your fair, descriptive writing never ceases to take my breath away. If that sounds too cheesy for your liking, I'll just say that I really, really like your writing style. 

Plot: 13/15 
I was taken aback in a good way. The plot was simple yet amazing. I had no trouble at all understanding what was going on. It was clear and I enjoyed it greatly. 

Flow: 10/10 
Your describing in this drabble was appropriately smooth, and helped the flow greatly. I came to the honest conclusion that I have no serious problems with it at all.

Total Enjoyment: 5/5 
This was just, wow. I loved it! Excellent job! 



Total: 93/100



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{éclair} ~ And I mean reviewer! Just letting everyone know. :)


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Chapter 1: I'm kind of curious. Are you hiring reviewers?
Chapter 2: I have a question! Is my request done yet ? O:
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