Fifty Six

Stranger No More


Hyukjae's POV

I snuggled closer to Donghae's warmth and pressed my nose to inhale his scent.

And everything felt wrong.

I snapped my eyes opened to find myself cuddling a pillow.

The other side of the bed. Empty.

I shot up in bed, immediately feeling that something was terribly wrong, 'Hae!'

I rushed to the bathroom. Nobody was there.

I ran out and kept calling for him. Feeling panic rising with each passing second.

Kangin came rushing to me, 'Teuk said he brought Donghae to the hospital.'

'H-hospital..?'  I rasped. Had Donghae been… ill?

'He complained of a headache. Hyuk, relax!'

Kangin held onto my shoulder as my legs suddenly felt weightless.

I never knew... Damn it I never knew. He had been unwell all these while. And he had been hiding it so well from me. But i should have known. I should have realized.


Something still didn't feel right.

'Check your phone. I'm sure Hae will leave you a message.' Sungmin said as he and Kyu appeared.

Dont worry. It's just a slight headache so I didn’t want to trouble you.
Teuk is with me now. You can call us anytime. ^_^

It still didn’t sit well with me.

Even if it's just a headache I'm sure I would still be the first person that Donghae run to.

'Might as well, use this time to call Heechul then.' Kyu stated.

Seriously why was everyone pushing me to call him. I had my own ing plans.

Now is not the time yet.

Nevertheless i found my fingers searching through the call log and i swore my heart just stopped.

The call had already been made.


Someone called Heechul last night.



Donghae's POV

I knew he had quite a horrible reputation tied to him.

I knew all the sinister things he had done.

But seeing him sobbing at Hangeng's side made my heart ached as well.


Right next to Hangeng’s sleeping face all I saw was just a broken man, sobbing his guts out while softly his lover’s face.

I soon found myself inching towards him. Throwing all caution away seeing his state. Suddenly feeling as if i am looking at Hyukjae as he sobbed by my bedside.

'It will be all right. He just needs to hear you talk to him...' I told him softly while my hand squeezed his shoulder in silent comfort.


And we just continued like this for brief moments.

Until the door flung opened and Teuk rushed in.


Before i could realize what had happened Heechul’s hand had shot forward and gripped my neck. Choking me and stopping all air supply into my throat and lungs.


‘Stop it Heechul.’ Teuk snapped.


Heechul's grip over my throat loosed ever so slightly as he shifted behind me.


‘Give me Hangeng. Or else…’


I struggled against Heechul’s hold instinctively and that was the greatest mistake ever. As he suddenly whipped out a small blade from his side and pointed over my throat.


Fear gripped me for an instant. This wasn’t what I had expected. Not at all.

'Don't!' Teuk yelled in a panic.


‘…Or else he dies.’ I felt the blade touched my throat as I gulped nervously.

'Move!' Heechul snarled.

Teuk and the rest quickly backed away.


‘Heechul… Listen to me. We will give you what you want. Just, just let him go.’ Teuk begged.

'If you do anything funny. This will slide across his throat in a second. Get out of my ing way!' Heechul screamed.

Like a puppet, I was soon dragged out of the hospital by Heechul. Teuk and the rest following close behind.

A car suddenly jammed braked somewhere near us and my eyes widened at the sight.

'Hae!' Hyukjae yelled as he got out from the vehicle with Kyu and Kangin as they rushed forward but frozed when they saw the blade over my throat.

'Well well... Isn’t this precious?' Heechul breathed into my ear. I didn’t need to turn to know that he had a smirk on his face right now and that sickened me.


All I could see right now was Hyukjae’s terror struck face and how he controlled his breathing. I never wanted him to witness this. Not this. No.


I was so wrong. So wrong about Heechul.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt pain over my throat. Realising he had just snipped the skin slightly.

'Please! Don’t!!' Hyukjae screamed hoarsely.

I could now feel blood dripping over my throat in a slow trickle as Hyukjae yelled hoarsely for him to stop.


Heechul laughed. He kept laughing sickly while Hyukjae continued to plead and I felt tears pricking in my eyes at the sight.


No Hyukkie… Don’t beg him. Don’t.


‘I want an exchange. Hangeng, for him.’


And with that, Heechul pulled me into the car that Hyukjae had just gotten out off. With his blade at my neck, he ordered me to take the wheel and sped off.


I felt the wrongness of it down to my bone.




Hyukjae’s POV


I swore my heart just stopped when that ing blade slid over Donghae’s throat ever so slowly and blood was slowly dripping out. It might as well been my blood that was being bled.


Before I could order Kangin to chase after their car I saw that he was already on it. Speeding after the sick man and my lover.


‘Hyuk… You need to get it all together. Especially right now.’ Kyu was holding me.


He was right. Now was not the time for emotions to cloud my thoughts. I had to think. I had to ing come up with a plan.


I took out my phone and was about to disseminate my people to search all over Seoul when I saw there was an incoming call.  


I answered the call wordlessly.


‘Eunhyuk? Eunhyuk? Come on speak up, this is Siwon!’


My eyes widened at that, ‘Choi Siwon?’


‘I know where Hae is. I am tracking him now.’




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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist