Forty Eight

Stranger No More

Donghae's POV

My entire body was aching.

I felt the soreness all over even before I awake fully.

But I was happy. And satisfied.

Hyukjae's arm tightened around my waist as he brought me closer to his side.

My entire behind was already pressed tightly against his front. So I tugged his arm away from my waist, halting his movements.


'You need to loosen your hold if you don't want me to suffocate darling.' I smiled and tried turning over to face him.

I yelped immediately at that.

'Don't move baby. You must be sore. I will bring breakfast up for you. Just rest in bed today.' He gave me a peck on my lips before getting up.

I saw him put on a robe and sauntered out of our room. Softly humming a tune.

I laughed softly at that.

Damn. He sure is happy now isn't he.

We spend most of the morning and afternoon in bed cuddling and talking about everything.

He made love to me twice again and it must be late afternoon before my spent body could take it no longer and I felt myself smiling as I fell into a deep sleep with him holding me tight.


Hyukjae's POV

After carefully extracting myself from my lover, I crept out of our bedroom and washed up downstairs.

Putting on a fresh set of clothes I knocked on Kyu's room.

'One moment.' Kyu's face appeared between the door crack and the door shut close again.

I leaned back on the walls beside the door and waited.


I didn't need to be a genius to know he was coming up with excuses to let Sungmin know where wa he going to disappear to next.

I thought about Donghae. He knew all that had happened and about Hangeng. But I didn't tell him what were my next plans going to be.

I needed to protect him not just physically. But also emotionally. He didn't need to know my plans for now. He didn't need to go through all those unnecessary worries.

Thinking about his sweet smiles and trusting eyes, I knew I have to keep him happy and worry free.

Everything was coming to an end soon. I promised.

Soon we would be together openly, free of threats.

Just a little while more Hae...

I heard the door opened again as Kyu and Sungmin stepped out together. Sungmin was staring at me suspiciously.

'I have no idea what you guys are planning but I know it is something that had to be done. But know this, if you guys let anything happen to yourselves, Hae and I will hate you both.' Sungmin warned.

Kyu squeezed Sungmin's hand and bended down to capture his lips softly.

'I told you. It's nothing dangerous. Don't worry.' Kyu said gently.


I had to bite back a scoff. Kyu, whom i had known for almost all my life acting like a lovesick puppy.


This was actually kind of freaking me out.

I cleared my throat and faced Sungmin, 'Hae is asleep but if he wakes up just keep him company and don't let him worry.'

'Yes of course. I would hate for him to be distressed too.'

'Good. Kyu for goodness sake let go of him. We need to go now.' I pulled on Kyu's wrist and dragged him away.

My eyes briefly glancing over Hae's and my room.


Missing him already as we stepped out of the house.



A/N: Shamless advertisement again /facepalm --> The Jealous Game

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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist