Forty Six

Stranger No More

Donghae's POV

'Did you guys sleep well last night?' Hyukjae slurred.

Kyuhyun coughed and Sungmin choked on his coffee.

What's going on?

'Ah Kyu, i take it that you haven't slept much. Your dark eye circles look horrible.'

Sungmin was gripping his cup a little too tightly just then.

'I-i did sleep well.' Kyuhyun managed to rasp while Sungmin suddenly focused his attention to study the tabletop.

My jaw dropped.

What had they done?

'You seemed to be the one who's not looking good though.' Kyuhyun mused.

Hyukjae shot a murderous glare at him as he put some bacons on my plate.

'Donghae aren’t you going for checkup today? I hope you get well soon so my friend over here wouldn't die from ual frustration.' Kyuhyun laughed while Sungmin slapped his thighs.

ual frustrations.

I gulped. Thinking about the earlier moments.

Tell me about it man.

According to Hyukjae, I couldn't even talk. Speak. Or even do anything right now.

Is Hyukjae really serious about that?

Sneaking a peek at him i wondered if i really do tempt him that much.

'Hmmm...' I tried. And saw Hyukjae grip on his fork tightened ever so slightly.

'I would say he's not the only one.' I finished softly and bite my lips.

Kyuhyuk laughed out loud while Hyukjae stiffened visibly beside me.

Well yes.

I smiled.

I really do tempt him that much.


Kangin and a few others brought us to the hospital. Hyukjae never left my side throughout any checkups.

Once my leg brace was taken off i was given clutches to get use to walking slowly.

It was indeed exhausting and a pain to use these clutches and Hyukjae just ended up carrying me back home.

'But i need to get use to walking Hykkie. I need those-'

I was pointing to the clutches in the backseat of the car when Hyukjae lifted me up in his arms.

'You have no need for them. I will be your legs baby.'

'I need to slowly walk by myself Hyukkie. I need to get the strength back in my legs.'

Hyukjae stopped in his tracks and looked down at me. His hold over me tightened deliberately as his eyes narrowed.

'Seems like we need to find other ways then Hae.' He smirked and continued walking towards the door that Kangin held opened for us.


Hyukjae's phone vibrated for the countless time and he kept ignoring it.

Kyuhyun was trying to gain eye contact from him without success as Hyukjae seemed content to just sit there on the couch, my legs over his lap as he massages my calves with skilful hands.

He was so good at it i had to bite hard on my lips to suppress my moans several times.

His phone vibrated again. This time it didn't stop at just one or two vibrations but it went on continuously.

'Uhm..' I put my hands over Hyukjae, stopping his motions, 'Someone is calling you. I think.'

Kyuhyun coughed, 'Yes. And you should answer. The time is right.'

Hyukjae smiled at Kyuhyun darkly. The corners of his lips rose just slightly, 'Not yet Kyu. Not yet.'

'You don't want to anger him. At least let me answer on your behalf.' Kyuhyun bended over, intending to pick up Hyukjae's phone.

'I said no.'

Kyuhyun froze and even I shuddered slightly at his tone.

'Trust me Kyu.' Hyukjae sighed. He turned his attention back to me and started massaging my legs again.

'Of course I do. I just can't help worrying a bit too much when it comes to this.'

'I know Kyu. I do. Especially you have someone you need to protect now.' I pursed my lips in slight panic as i saw Hyukjae's hands started to massage its way up from my calves to my knees and slowly inching up my thighs.

'Don't worry about it. I will take care of everyone. You can go now.' Hyukjae ordered.

Kyuhyun finally seemed to catch on what is going on in this couch over here where my eyes are slowly widening at where Hyukjae's hands had sneaked up to.

Kyuhyun chuckled suddenly and coughed to mask the sound, 'Yes. I'll be going.'

But not before turning back and glancing at me, 'Hae take care of him. The man is starved for too long already.'


I looked at Hyukjae's face to find him looking at me intensely. His eyes filled with desire and lust.

I swallowed dryly.


That seemed to be an understatement.



A/N: Some shameless advertisement ---> Updated: Shadow of You

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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist