Thirty Two

Stranger No More

As i saw the exchange of glances between Teuk and Hyukjae, i couldn’t help but feel that Teuk knew exactly what is going on, who exactly is he.

'Hae i need a moment with these two. Talk to you later?' Teuk said.

'He should know everything Hyuk.' Kyu began as he stared at me.

I turned and saw a somewhat tensed Hyukjae looking at me.

'No it's fine. He can tell me later. I'm tired.' I said and walked up the stairs whereas inside me I’m dying to know what is going on. But i am going to try to start trusting Hyukjae.


I trust that in time to come he would tell me what was going on.


And maybe because I am not sure if I can handle any more drama right now. I don’t want anything to change between us and if it means me not knowing certain things then that is fine. I can live with that, for now.


I just don’t want anything to come between us.


I don’t want anything to change between us.




Hyukjae's POV

'Boss.' Teuk muttered quietly.

I settled down onto the black leather swivel chair in the study. Kyu was sitting somewhere opposite me, glaring at Teuk with suppressed anger.

I looked up at Teuk who remained standing where he was. His eyes slightly averted.

'Do you still consider Hyuk as Boss? Consider us as brothers?' Kyu snapped.

'Kyu.' I warned.

'You are supposed to disappear. Why did you come back?' I said coldly.

'Don’t let us see you again. That's the last thing you can do for Hyuk.' Kyu interjected harshly.

'I can’t. I won’t leave just like that.' Teuk stated calmly.

'We don’t need you here. Go back to where you belong.' I said.

'I came back for another reason too.'

I looked up at him with narrowed eyes.

'I did my own investigations. I went back to Hong Kong and found out that they never wanted you dead. Their target had been Eunhyuk all along. They want to see you suffer. By killing those you love, one by one.'

He turned to Kyu, 'And this, this warning, is the last thing i can do for Hyuk.'


Donghae's POV

'Hae...' A voice came from my doorway. It was Teuk.

'Come on in.'

I brought him to sit together with me on the edge of the bed.

'Can you tell me what is going on?' I asked quietly.

'I'm sorry Hae. I knew about Hyukjae and Eunhyuk a long time ago. I was send by Hyukjae to work together with Eunhyuk.' Teuk muttered. His face painted with guilt.


I took his hand in mine.


'Really Teuk. You have no idea what I had been through during the time you are gone. Is it weird that I’m not even surprised anymore?’ I laughed ironically at myself.


‘But why were you sent by Hyukjae? You knew him long before?’ I questioned.

'Yes we knew each other when he first came to Hong Kong. Hyukjae had made quite a few enemies since taking over our Grandfather business and he is just afraid that people might find out about his twin so he sent me here to ensure Eunhyuk’s safety.' Teuk uttered in a rush.


‘What kind of business is that? It sounds dangerous.’ I frowned in confusion as I thought about what Teuk said.


He smiled and patted my head, ‘Nothing you should be too concerned about. Everything is going to be back to normal from now on, Hae.’


I nodded.


Silently wishing with all my heart that it would be so.




‘Who are you exactly?’ I asked when Hyukjae came into my room after Teuk had left the house.


He knelt down in front and took my hands into his warm ones, ‘I’m your Hyukjae, Hae.’


His eyes stared into mine. Eyes that were filled with tangible fear and desperation as they stared into mine.


I sighed, ‘Just when I thought I had you figured out, something new had to jump out at me again.’


He pulled me into his embrace as he murmured at my ear, ‘Hae… No matter what I did in the past, it was not of my own choice. And regardless of how I appear to others outwardly, ultimately I am just a flawed and broken man, you know that don’t you? That is really all that I am.’


I knew he hate talking about his pasts. But how bad was it that he couldn’t even speak of it. And those scars on his body… How many more are there inside his heart? And exactly what kind of a dangerous lifestyle had he been through?


I felt like he was a jigsaw puzzle, a jigsaw puzzle that I would have to slowly find the pieces to fix them all together.


And fix it I will.


I will fix him. I will support him.


I will prove to him that I am strong enough to handle his pasts together with him.


I vowed silently as I tightened my arms around him.  




A/N: Hello to all new readers and subscribers and thanks for each and every comment! Love you guys! <3

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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist