Twenty Three

Stranger No More


As the car door closed, I looked down at my hands which were balled up on my lap. I have no idea why but I was suddenly nervous.


Moments later, the other side of car door opened and Eunhyuk slide into the driver’s seat.


I gulped at the tension I felt from him.


He dropped his head back onto the car seat and had his eyes closed. I took this time to turn and look at him.


He sighed and his eyes suddenly shot opened, locking our gazes together.


‘Lee Donghae. Like it or not. I’m never giving up on you.’


He started the engine and started driving off. His attention solely on the roads ahead.


There was suddenly a lump at my throat and I couldn’t speak. I was overwhelmed by what he had said.


Not just the words, but the way he said it.


He was serious.


He is never going to give up.


I swallowed dryly, ‘Tell me your name.’


 At least let me know who you really are.


He remained silent. His jaw clenched tight.


Right then I knew, he is not going to answer me.


Not even his name.


‘I don’t know how I could ever trust in you again if you refused to even just tell me your name.’ I said coldly.


He continued to remain silent.


That was it. I had enough.


‘Stop the car. I’m getting out.’


He only continued driving.


I suddenly lost it. Frustrations overtaking me as I unbuckled my seat belt and unlock the car door, trying to get the door to open.


‘DAMN! Are you ing trying to kill yourself!’ He jammed braked the car immediately and I got out of the car.


I didn’t know where I was but I didn’t care. I wanted to get away from that liar right now.


His hand grabbed onto mine in a firm grip and he jerked me around.


‘What are you doing? Do you ing know what could have happened earlier!’


I didn’t have time to think. I lifted up my other hand and punched him.


His head whipped just slightly towards the side.


My fist hurts. My heart hurts. My eyes hurts as I felt tears of frustrations started welling up in my eyes.


He loosened his grip on my hands and said, ‘Hit me.’


I stared wide eyed at him as I felt the tears escaped from my eyes.


He was still looking down, ‘Hit me. Punch me all you want. Just do it!’


And I did.


I fisted both hands together and started punching his chest repeated. But I barely used any force anymore, I couldn’t.


I couldn’t bear to hurt him.


I shoved him away with all my might and didn’t even care anymore that he actually didn’t even budge a bit.


I dropped down to the floor in defeat. Tears just continued streaming down my face and I suddenly couldn’t hear anything he said.


I felt him enveloped me in his arms and I realized I didn’t struggle at all.


He held me for long moments, waiting for me to get it back together again.


But how could I?


I couldn’t. Not when things are hanging like this between us.


‘Why are you doing this to me!’ I yelled, ‘Why can’t you tell me anything? Why are you torturing me!’


 ‘Baby, stop this…’ His voice was broken.


I pushed away from him to stare into his eyes, my hands then reached up to cup his face gently.


‘Tell me everything.’ I pleaded softly.


His hand covered mine that was on his face, my hand softly, he said, ‘I’m scared, Donghae. I couldn’t tell you.’


‘Why are you scared? I’m here with you.’


He closed his eyes, ‘You will leave me.’


Dread began eating up the inside of me.


Trembling slightly, I forced the words out of my mouth, ‘Did you… Did you, k-k-kill Eunh-‘


‘Damn it I did not! He is my brother!’


‘B-b-but Eunhyuk d-didn’t have…’ I trailed off, my mind suddenly blanked.


‘We were twins. And he, Eunhyuk, he was adopted.’




Hyukjae’s POV


Donghae’s eyes were vacant as he stared somewhere into the distance.


‘Hae…’ I grabbed his shoulders and shake him slightly.


I didn’t want to lie to him anymore. But I couldn’t tell him the full truth too. The full ugly dirty truth behind me.


But I knew I had to continue this. He needed to understand I did not kill my own brother.


‘Both Eunhyuk and I were abandoned since birth. We were orphans and had been living in that hell hole of a so called orphanage where we did nothing but chores, and they trained the kids to steal once they got older. We were hungry everyday…’


I felt Donghae gasped at what he heard. How could he ever have thought that the Eunhyuk he knew, who had been filthy rich all his life had actually come from such a background.


I pressed him tight to me as I continued, I need to be as close to him as possible before I can continue any further.


Flashes of images from the painful past started to assault my memories.


‘… Our only chance is to run away. Back then, together with Kyuhyun, we sneaked out once, we tried to run away from that ing place. But Kyu and I got caught and I kept begging Eunhyuk to run away since he had the chance. In the end Kyu and I continued staying in that place till we were 12 until we could finally run away successfully again…’


‘… we wondered on the streets, we had nothing to eat, and we were too weak. People avoided us like pests seeing the state that we were in. We couldn’t even steal people’s wallets even if we wanted to…’


I suddenly felt Donghae arms wrapped around me tight.


It gave me unspeakable strength.


‘… until one day Kyu got sick and we were so helpless. I had one last shot to do something. I had to steal money. And that was how we met… met our Grandfather. He took us into his care and brought us to his country, Hong Kong. We settled there and… learned… skills from him. When I come of age, he passed h-his company to me. And slowly I started to track Eunhyuk with all the resources that I could get…’


I pulled him slightly away and looked into his eyes that were reflecting his sadness of my past pains.


‘… and that’s how I found you, Lee Donghae.


I kissed the top of his forehead as I let my voice trailed off.



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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist