
Stranger No More



I changed into a fresh set of clothes and decided to look for the one person who might be able to spill the truth to me.

I knocked softly on his door.

Moments later i saw the doorknob turning and he peered out.

'Can we talk?' I asked.

Kyuhyun opened his door wide and i followed him in.

He gestured for me to sit on the bed as he went to his desk and closed the lid of his laptop.

He sat on the chair and turned towards me.

'Who are you people.'

He cocked a brow at me, 'Seems like you figured it out.'

'Where is the real Eunhyuk.'

He stared at me unblinkingly, as if ascertaining if i am able to take what he is going to tell me next.

'Where is he.' I repeated.

'I think you already knew.'

‘Why can’t you just tell me the truth.'

'That is something you have to find out for yourself.'

He didn’t even tell me anything but somehow I knew the meaning behind his every word.


The man who had been sleeping next to me every night. The man who had affected me in ways nobody ever did before is truly a stranger to me in every sense.

I am almost afraid of admitting the truth to myself.


That the real Eunhyuk is indeed...



The devastation and heartache that I should have felt didn’t come.


I am suddenly disgusted with myself.


The only feelings that I could feel right now is only anger… And horror.

What had i allowed that man to do me? What had i allowed myself to be whenever i am in his presence?


What had I allowed myself to feel when I’m with him

I suddenly felt faint and i didn’t recall how exactly i left Kyhyun's room and returned to mine.

My head was in a mess my body numbed.

I didn’t sleep a wink all night. My head throbbing as images of me and him began flooding my thoughts.

How he had appeared in my life. How different is he. How he affected me. And how i ended up... Ended up falling for him.


I suddenly hated myself.  

I buried my head in the pillows but i could only smell more of him.

Great. I had fallen for a fraud now. And everything in my room just smelled of him. Reminding me of him constantly.

It must have been hours that i have been battling with my inner turmoil when i suddenly heard the doorknob turned.

Only he would come into my room without knocking.

I suddenly felt a shiver coursed through my body.

No matter how badly i wanted him to be Eunhyuk, i had to finally admit he was not.

I pulled the covers up and over my head. Trying to hide myself away from this ugly reality.

I heard his soft whisperer as he began tugging on the covers i had over my head, 'Hae...'

I suddenly lost it. I grabbed the pillows underneath me and threw at him hard.

He didn’t even dodge. He simply stood at the side of bed and took it all.

'Don’t call me that! You are not fit to even call my name you fraud!' I started yelling at him as i scrambled near the headboard and hugged myself tight.

'I love you.'

I covered my ears with my hands and buried my head on my knees.

'I have loved you for years Donghae. And yet you don’t even know about my existence do you know what I had to live through each day?'

Why can’t he just shut up!

Lies. Lies. Everything is fake.

I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms around me.

I immediately struggled like a mad man, trying my best to get out.

'Stop it Hae! Listen to me before you sentence me to death!'

'More of your lies?' I spat angrily.

I’m not going to be a fool anymore.

'Why can’t you just think of why am i even doing this? I could have just come back take the company, take the money, and just disappear. Why do I have to fight so damn hard for you? Why Donghae?'

I shook my head. Wanting to get every word that he said out of my head.

'Everything. His parents. His company. His wealth. They should all have been mine. But i never wanted any of that. Until you appeared 3 years ago. I realised i truly wanted something of his. You. I only have eyes for you. I only need you want you. I would do anything just to have a moment alone with you.'

'Bastard! Did you kill Eunhyuk!'

'Stop it Donghae! I did not! Stop doing this to me. Stop denying what we have!'

'We have nothing except lies!'

'My love for you is real.'

'You wouldn’t have lied to me if you truly love me.'

He sighed deeply, his voice full of regret, ‘I really never understood why. But I knew you love him. Even right now. I know you love him and him only. So the only way to make you love me is only for me to be him.'

You are so wrong.


The Eunhyuk that is hugging me tight right now, the Eunhyuk that had suddenly appeared in my life again, the Eunhyuk that had teased me, flirted with me, worried about me, is the one that I had fallen in love with now.


And that is the only reason why I felt like dying right now and why my heart seemed to be breaking into pieces and being torn apart.

Right from the beginning, I might have even known then that you are not him but i choose to ignore all that. Because it is easier to love you when you are him.

'Go away. Leave me alone.' I suddenly muttered with a sense of calmness that I didn’t feel.


‘You promised me Hae. You would never leave me. You promised.’ His voice was suddenly low and threatening in my ears.


I shoved him away to look at him. I gasped when I saw his tears and how broken he looked. He eyes full of desperation as he stared back at me.


‘Who are you?’ I whispered. Feeling my own eyes welling up with sudden tears upon seeing him in such a state. I had done this to him?


He began my cheeks and I actually relished that touch. I am so disgusted with myself.


‘Does it really matter who I am?’


‘Tell me your name.’


He smiled a sad smile, ‘Continue knowing me as Eunhyuk. Treat me like how you would treat him. Just don’t leave me. Don’t take yourself away from me.’


He pulled me tight against him, one hand cupping my head, the other wrapped tight at my back.


He whispered fiercely, ‘Just let me love you as him, as Eunhyuk. Even if you wouldn’t ever love me back that is fine. I will love you enough for the both of us. Give me a chance. Just as you promised before.’


I was a mess in his arms as I started sobbing. Hardly able to believe all these, hoping that this could just be a bad nightmare that I would soon wake up from.


I really hated myself. I shouldn’t submit to this man. I hardly knew him. But my heart just wouldn’t listen and kept pushing me towards him.


‘Just give me time. I will make the company a success and make everyone proud of the man called Lee Eunhyuk. I will do that for him. If I fail, you have the rights to kill me, and that, would be leaving me. A chance is all I need from you, Donghae. Until then, don’t leave me.’




For the next few days, I felt as if I’m just living my life on an autopilot.


I wake up, go to work, back home, and bedtime.


He still came to me every night and continued sleeping next to me. But he never touched me again. He never looked at me the same way as before anymore.


There were no teasing smiles, or any form of intimate skin contact anymore.


Hell, we even hardly talked.


I thought I have been keeping all my emotions well in order until I walked past his room one morning and heard faint sobs from the inside.


My heart clenched painfully and tears started flowing then.




Hyuk’s POV


 All hells broke loose now.


The worst that I feared had finally happened.


Donghae wouldn’t even want to look me in the eye anymore. And that hurt.


I felt that I had been sent to hell, once again.


Just like the past 3 years when I had seen how Donghae had been together with him. How casually he had treated Donghae yet Donghae still loved him. That had been my hell each day.


Why couldn’t Donghae love me the same way too? Would he ever?


‘I’m actually surprised that he continued staying here.’ Kyu strolled into my room and settled himself on a nearby couch.


‘Are you finally happy now? This is exactly what you wanted isn’t it.’ I said coldly.  


‘This is for your good Hyuk. This hurt, but it will pass.’ Kyu furrowed his brows together in concerned, ‘But damn, you really look horrible.’


‘Why are you doing this to us Kyu.’ It had been so perfect. Until he intervened.


‘Because you should never build any relationship on lies. If he leaves, then it shows that he is too weak to even fight for what is obviously good for himself. But if he stays, then you have a good chance of winning this fight my friend.’


I jerked up in surprised.


Kyu chuckled darkly, ‘I’m still the brains in this it seems.’


‘What exactly are you doing?’


‘You had done too much for him. Giving up everything and even risking yourself for taking on another’s identity just so you could be with him. I just wanted to see if he is worth all your efforts.’


‘You said I have a chance of winning this?’ of winning him?


Kyu simply smiled.


‘Tell me you brat. What do you mean!’


‘Could you be any more dense when it comes it him? Come on, despite all the lies, he still continued staying. And do I even need to point out the fact that he actually still allows you to sleep with him? Of course it’s because he has fallen for you and he wanted to see how true you are now!’


My heart was racing wildly inside. My head refusing to believe this. This is too good to be true.


‘You are wrong Kyu. He only loves my brother. He still does.’ He’s only staying just because I literally begged him to.


Kyu groaned out loud, ‘You are seriously dense. Lee Hyukjae, you really are.’




A/N: Whoa, longest chapter that I’ve ever posted so far!


You guys have no idea where exactly I planned to end this chapter. But I felt like I have to at least reveal this much. For now.


 And going forward Donghae will still be addressing Hyuk as Eunhyuk since he doesn’t know his real name, yet.

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Apr 10, 2013; It had finally ended! I will be focusing on "Shadow of You" and "Trouble in Paradise" after this. Thanks so much for all the support


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Chapter 3: Very interesting storyline and plot! I know I haven't read anything but I just want to give some feedback ^^; i think it would be good if you could have given more background explanation for Hyuk and also Hae, but especially Hyuk. You mentioned they were together before Hyuk "died" and he was intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you could give a little insight or flashbacks or a quick background. At first I thought this could perhaps be a sequel and I missed that part in the foreword but no, it isnt ^^;

Would also be good if we could have some info on Sungmin as well!

I mean these are just my thoughts and feedback. Hope it doesn't offend ^^;
Chapter 28: Ah. Scars.
Chapter 26: Gahhhhhhh
Chapter 25: Yes way!
Chapter 24: Commented!
Chapter 20: Ooooh
Chapter 19: Well.....i have seen real life situations like this happening to a girl unstead of hae. And they wanted her as a trophy wife
Chapter 17: Aaa. A twin maybe? Hyukjae?
Chapter 13: Finally i can comment! What was happening earlier? Anyway! Hae control yourself! Don't give in to hyuk's whims if you are really hurt. But if not, well you are an emotional masochist