chapter 8

In Another World

Changmin woke up later that morning. The sun was already shining to his eyes when he opened them, making him winced. He wrinkled his brows and his eyes seemed like they were glued. He yawned but his eyes were dry. There had always been a bit of tears when he yawned but today there was none. He rubbed his eyes and his fingers felt his face was a bit sticky.

Last night he cried himself to sleep.

The blood rushed to his face as soon as he remembered that. He felt his face warming. could he be so emotional?

"You're awake?" Changmin turned and saw Junsu who was on the other couch, watching the television while only wearing his dressing robe. Changmin sat up immediately.

"" Changmin answered. Didn't Junsu have any work today? Changmin looked at Junsu who was surfing through the channels. He looked bored. Changmin looked around and saw no woman at all in the house.

"We're going out today, I'm not cooking breakfast for us." Junsu said, but his eyes never shifted elsewhere. Changmin stood up and took a bath as quickly as he could. He put on the clothes of the very first night when he met Junsu, freshly cleaned from the laundry. It started to smell like Junsu's because of the soap that was used. He combed his hair without using the gel and it looked disastrous but he didn't care. He just wanted to spend his time with Junsu. He wanted to be possessive to Junsu but he didn't know how.

"Uh...I'm done." Changmin said and saw Junsu was already dressed in his casual outfits. He would look younger if he dressed like that, even so if he matched it with his accessories like caps or bracelets. Junsu glanced at him and let Changmin followed him. They didn't say a word when they entered Junsu's car. They had their breakfast at a Korean restaurant and Junsu ordered a bigger portion for Changmin, he already knew how big the younger man's stomach was compared to his. Changmin could feel himself blushed because of this.

He had never been attracted to his Junsu before when they lived together. But this Junsu emitted so much pheromone and uality just by the way he walked and talked. He might look like Junsu but they were not the same. Last night was an evidence that this Junsu was ual, matured and masculine. He wasn't cute like his Junsu. He was the opposite of it. He was manlier than Yunho that he knew. He kissed Changmin just because. Jaejoong kissed Changmin because he thought the maknae was too cute, but Junsu...

It made Changmin's head hurt. He tried so much to haul the image of his cute Junsu and accept the Junsu that was in front of him.

"You're thinking about them again?" Junsu's voice happily burst his thinking bubble. Changmin nodded solemnly.

" do you know?"

"When you're looking at me but not really." Junsu held his chopsticks and dug his first fermented cabbage piece. Changmin's meal had not yet arrived. "You always do that whenever we are sitting in the same table."

"Does it bother you?"

"What do you think?"

"It bothers you."

"No, it doesn't." Junsu cut him off. Changmin didn't know how to respond to that, whether to smile or just sat there like an idiot. He acted according to the latter. When his meal arrived, Changmin was already holding his chopsticks. They ate in silence because Junsu was suddenly busy with his cell phone. He was texting someone and sometimes there were incoming calls too. Junsu however never initiate a phone call. The ringtones were merely the same for every person who called him. Junsu didn't seem affected by it. He didn't look happy, irritated nor giddy when he received the calls. Junsu talked with a different tone, a lower voice and the conversations were strictly short. Then, Junsu would put down his phone and texted someone.

And the cycle would go on. Changmin who had had his phone inside his pocket was merely there for a company for Junsu to eat, or worse, he felt like Junsu had to bring him to go out for breakfast together because he didn't want the younger boy died in his house because of starvation.

Changmin felt his chest constricted, like he was having a heart attack. He thought he was experiencing it when Junsu ignored him for most of the time of the breakfast.

When Junsu put his phone down this time, Changmin put down his chopsticks and stared down at Junsu.

"Why did you bring me out here when you just wanted to work all the time?" Changmin didn't know what came over him but he needed attention. More so, attention from the only person that knew him in this world, Junsu. Junsu tilted his head, watching Changmin for a second before he proceeded to his kimchi.

"Just eat your breakfast, Changmin."

"You just wanted to torture me, right, hyung?" Changmin stayed put, he didn't pick up his chopsticks. That's the most that he could do to show that he was protesting. "Bringing me out here. Not talking to me, doing your business over the phone and...and...letting me eating alone or just..."

"What's your complaint then?" Junsu ate his yellow noodle, face as stoic as before. He didn't seem to be affected at all. Changmin clenched his fist.

"Why don't you talk to me?"

"I'm busy." Junsu replied quickly with a stern tone. Changmin felt a gush of chilly wind hit the nape of his neck.

"I'm going to be busy too today if not you telling me not to work with Jaejoong-hyung," Changmin grumbled. Junsu stopped eating, his chopsticks were in the mid-air for two seconds before he put them down. He didn't say anything. "Are you still mad at me and that's why you didn't want to start a conversation?" Changmin waited for a reply but it never came. Junsu continued eating like Changmin's rant was nothing. Changmin had lost his appetite to eat, and that's saying something. He had never lost his appetite to eat. He eats when he's sad, he eats even more when he's happy.

These feelings that made him like this? He couldn't even name it. If his Junsu did this to him, he knew he would react the same.

It was because he was too attached to his Junsu that he thought this Junsu would do the same to him. But he was wrong. This Junsu was different from the very start. He should have been used to that by now.

But he couldn't. He just couldn't.

"I'm sorry..." Changmin felt his heart was saddened again when Junsu didn't say anything. He was the one who harboured love to Junsu not the other way round. Junsu was just taking care of him because he was his responsibility. "I just..."

"Are you done now?" Changmin nodded. "Finish your breakfast," Changmin nodded again and obediently he ate with his head hung low. Junsu was still texting and receiving calls, just like before. Well, he had never had any reasons to listen to Changmin in the first place anyway. "Later, I'll send you to Jaejoong's company."


Changmin still couldn't comprehend what was inside Junsu's mind. After they had their breakfast, Junsu drove them to Jaejoong's company and easily today Changmin could see the director.

Junsu left after Changmin entered the foyer. He didn't stay, saying that he would go to the academy later for a late preparation for a concert. What concert? Changmin asked. But Junsu didn't answer. He just drove away.

If this was his Junsu, Changmin would nag until Junsu tell him what he wanted to hear.

Changmin walked to Jaejoong's room and knocked before he entered. Jaejoong was signing something and when he saw Changmin entering, he flashed his white teeth to the younger boy.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. There was an emergency, my..."

"Stop right there. I'm not interested in your family business. Sit down. You need to read the business contract."

"I'm signing a contract already?"

"You don't want that?" Changmin didn't have an answer for that. Jaejoong strode towards Changmin and put a stack of papers on the table in front of Changmin.

"I...I only want this for a part time job." Jaejoong folded his arms. Obviously he wasn't please but Changmin moved on. "I am a shy person so I could only model for a short time,"

"You're such a ." Jaejoong chuckled. "What's there to be shy about? You're tall, handsome and young. You're a jackpot for me, even if it's only for modelling underwear,"

"But I can't do more than that." Jaejoong rolled his eyes and smirk. "I'm sorry."

"Okay. I'll just sign you up for this underwear modelling, but I'm not always around for you if you decided to change your decision that you are taking right now." Jaejoong pressed his fingers to his temple, like he was planning something evil but then he smiled to Changmin as if nothing had ever flashed to his mind.

"Thank you. Even, even if I can only have this one opportunity, I won't let you down." Changmin bowed down several times, feeling really grateful. Jaejoong leaned on the table, eyes stayed glued on Changmin. If his Jaejoong had that kind of expression on him, it would mean that Jaejoong was going to do something really horrible to him. Horrible as in, doing something ual to him. Jaejoong stole his first kiss, so what would this Jaejoong do to him?

Oh. Remember, Jaejoong just ask him to model an underwear brand.

Both of them slumped down into a state of silence after Jaejoong was seated again. Jaejoong scribbled something, obviously bored. Changmin who hadn't anything else to talk about stayed quiet because Jaejoong had not dismissed him yet, and also because he wanted to stay in a room with Jaejoong for a little more time. He peeked at Jaejoong, amazed at how his heart raced when he saw this Jaejoong. He was so close, he could embrace the man if he wanted to but what good could it bring? Jaejoong didn't know him. Jaejoong was a high and mighty person, a businessman, and an underground's leader's boyfriend.


He turned to look at the pictures around the room. There were a lot of them, every one of them captured Jaejoong in them and most of them were Jaejoong with a person who was not likely that much older than him. He was handsome, clean-shaven, tanned and almost the same height as Jaejoong if not taller. There was a picture of Jaejoong kissing his cheek and pictures of them holding hands together. The pictures were nothing else but sweet as sugar.

"Don't get too absorbed in the pictures." Jaejoong's stern voice disrupted him. Changmin turned, his mouth opened.

"I...I don't..." Changmin was not staring at Jaejoong, uh-uh. It's just...Changmin felt it was weird to see Jaejoong this lovey-dovey with another person other than Yunho. His Jaejoong loves skinship so much that it made Changmin gag, but Yunho loves to dote on him so the feelings between his two eldest hyungs were mutual.

How could it be different in this world? Who was Yunho with?

Changmin couldn't help but felt jealous in place of Yunho. It's so hard to see his hyung in love with someone else besides Yunho.

"Are you interested in him?" Jaejoong asked, a challenging tone laced his icy cold voice.

"No. I look so handsome in the pictures. That's all." Changmin's face flushed as Jaejoong smirked at the remarks.

"He's my boyfriend." Changmin stared at him. Didn't it bother him to just declare that they were dating each other?

His Jaejoong and his Yunho took forever to tell the members about their feelings and real relationship even though they sniffed it out first.

"Oh. Okay." Jaejoong raised one of his eyebrows. "Um...since when? I know? Do you come out to the public or something?" Jaejoong chuckled, and suddenly Changmin could see the girlish side of him when he covered his mouth while he was laughing.


"Why?" Jaejoong leaned on the table even more, and weirdly Changmin felt his heart beats even more and there was a seductive look on his face. "Can't I come out?"


"You must be new here," Jaejoong stated and chuckled as he eyed the picture of him and his boyfriend on the wall.

"What..." Changmin wanted to ask more but stopped when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

A middle aged man entered and bowed his head when he opened the door. Jaejoong straightened his posture and folded his arms. His face turned expressionless.

"Director Kim, Master Jin is here."

Changmin turned to see Jaejoong smiled at the mention of the name.

a/n it's a bit short. sorry.

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Lanysa #1
re-read this one of amazing stories I've ever read until now... I love it!
Chapter 49: Hello! I Really loved this fic, it's amazing! One of my favourite dbsk fanfics for sure! I loved the idea of alternative universe and I think it's very original. The story is really captivating and easy to read. Thank you for writing!
affgaga #3
Chapter 49: subarashii story author-nim, i felt like watching a k-drama, and yup, i'm following 220 then i found this one.. glad that i found another good author, luv yuh!!
just come across this fic recently, and already finished.... wow your idea just so original.... like it.... though I am not really keen of boyxboy fic, but I will endure if I like the plot n how the author deliver their idea kkkkk...... honestly actually I only read various genre of fic just for dbsk... they kinda ruined my preference of everything kkkkk
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 49: I enjoyed this story. It was really something different and i just kept reading until I was done.
kimjaejoongg #6
great story :)
Chapter 49: OMGS!! You made me cry..!! (Almost every Chapter) TT_TT
I want more sad story please..~ xD
I was debating whether or not to post this comment since it's going to be really, really late (I see that you completed it in April and it's December now) but then I realized I couldn't go on without telling you about how beautiful it is.
The characters have so much depth. I love how Junsu seems so nice sometimes and then at others, he's harsh and cold. I love you you revealed why that was so, and why it meant everything. I love how Changmin managed to worm himself into Junsu's heart even though he's not the Junsu he was wishing for. Then there's Yunho whom was so charming and nice, and I thought that he genuinely did love Changmin, and then bam. But it makes sense, and that's why I really enjoyed reading this. I love how Jaejoong was so cold (for no reason, it seemed at first) and evil and dark, but then it ended up being Junsu's fault (not really though)and it all connects. And Yoochun, the manhwa artist, and I don't think words can really describe what a character he was. And his brother, who was so protective of him although he was the one sick.
Oh, and the wishes. The wishes are so sad. The ones about changing his hyungs, and when they actually did change, he didn't want it anymore. (not really for Junsu's case)
I don't read minsu stories much, but this. I spent hours reading this and I honestly couldn't stop. It's basically everything I'm looking for in a story. You're a really talented author!
Far out, I was so emotionally involved in this fanfic I think at one point of reading I nearly started crying OTL But anyway, this story was so beautiful I can't even describe it. I was surprised at Jaejoong's character at first since it was so different to what I normally saw in other DBSK fanfics but after he broke down when Junsu died I understood why :c This is actually my first Changmin X Junsu fanfic, I was in the middle of searching for Yunjae fanfics but ran across this one, I think I have a new pairing now C: Anyway, thanks for writing this story! Upvote+Subscription >W<
justjia #10
Chapter 49: all the angst ohmagod... loved this story like crazy! Thank you for writing such an awesome masterpiece <3