Chapter 4

In Another World

Changmin woke up that morning when the sunrays already hit him in the face. He turned violently and fell off the couch that was his make-do bed.

"Oww...." Changmin rubbed the side that hit the floor the most. It hurts, which means...

He looked around. He was still in the same apartment like how the different Junsu was residing. There was this couch, and he was not in his own bed in his own room. wasn't a dream. Everything was real. If it's a dream, falling down the bed wouldn't hurt a bit. He bit his lower lip on the left side, why was he here?

Changmin was considered as smart, he would always find a solution in any problems that he encountered. Even when he was young and DBSK was just starting, he never missed school on purpose. His parents told him to maintain his grades, and that's what he did. He graduated from his school with flying colours, an achievement that was impressive for an idol like him. He started young, so, his discipline was shaped then.

"Are you awake?" Changmin was startled by the voice. He turned around and saw Junsu had only towel wrapping his lower half. Changmin nodded and rubbed the back of his head. "What are you going to do today?"

"I don't know."

"You still seemed lost."


"Last night, you were talking in your sleep," Junsu entered his built-in closet and for a while the surroundings were quiet except for the sound of Junsu humming.

"I'm...I'm talking in my sleep?"

"Hmm...." Junsu looked at himself in the mirror. Changmin watched him from afar. It was weird to see Junsu dressing up with freshly pressed shirt, and he put on a fairly amount of toner and cream on his face and neck, not to mention the lotion on his arms. Changmin rubbed his eyes, he was still sleepy.

"What did I say?"

"Hm?" Junsu put on his shirt and started to button it.

"...I mean, in my sleep?"

"Oh." Junsu smiled to the ground. He was wearing his pants now which was black in colour and was tailored to fit his legs so it would make his legs looked longer. "You kept muttering the names of your hyungs,"

Okay. Changmin shifted uncomfortably. He'd rather been known as violent during sleep than calling his hyungs subconsciously.

"Don't worry." Junsu fixed his belt and admired himself in the mirror. Junsu was incredibly handsome, so it wasn't a problem to go out just like that. "Your secret's safe with me," he chuckled. "Go and brush your teeth and get ready. There's breakfast on the table."

His stomach quickly grumbled at the mention of food. Changmin walked to the bathroom, smiling sheepishly at himself. He still had no idea where he was but he was glad, almost to the extent of there's butterflies in his belly when this Junsu treated him really well. He washed his face and used some of Junsu's facial wash. He looked at the tooth brush holder and there were two tooth brushes there. He grinned to himself, last night there was only one tooth brush. Today Junsu had put a newer light blue one, next to his red one. He brushed his teeth, grateful that Junsu was this nice after all the acts he had done. If he were in Junsu's position, where someone he didn't know, acting like a crazy person and a cry-baby showed up suddenly at the doorsteps, he would turn a blind eye on him. He would be less empathic, maybe he would ask the said person to leave and let the manager do whatever he had to do.

This Junsu was a lot nicer.

When he was done cleaning himself he returned to the kitchen and saw Junsu was already at the dining table. He was eating his toast with jam, and a glass of orange juice was beside his plate.

Changmin remembered his Junsu liked cereals for breakfast.

Changmin sat in front of Junsu. He was nicely dressed in suit.

"Where are you going?" Changmin asked.

"Teaching." he answered nonchalantly. Changmin stretched out his hand to grasp the jug that contained the orange juice that Junsu was drinking.

"What are you teaching? Are you a teacher?" Changmin couldn't believe it. Junsu could teach?

"Hm...surprise, surprise," Junsu replied sarcastically. "If you want milk, there's a whole lot of carton in the fridge."

"Umm..." Changmin wasn't that keen of milk. Then he saw Junsu smirked.

"You sure you don't want to get any taller?"

"Eh?" Junsu burst into laughter. "Why do you take it seriously?"

"What?" Changmin was still confused. Junsu was still laughing but stopped when Changmin didn't join him.

"You know, you should stop doing that horribly cute face," he said making Changmin blushed.

"I'm not cute." Changmin couldn't believe Junsu was calling him that. His Junsu didn't always compliment others, only himself. Only his Junsu deserves the title 'cute'.

"Oh. Tell me about it." Junsu rolled his eyes. "I'll tell my private doctor about you. Maybe he can help you to regain your memory back,"

My memory? Changmin bit his lower lip. He stared at the plate in front of him absentmindedly. He was sure something was wrong with this world and not his memory. He couldn't pinpoint where did everything went wrong, but he knew he left the house broken heartedly.

No. He wanted to defend himself but knowing Junsu would retaliate and maybe got mad again at him. He didn't want that. He didn't want to lose another chance to stay with Junsu, the only person who could take him in. For now.

"Okay. Thank you." Changmin smiled weakly. Junsu nodded. Both of them fell into a silent. Changmin who didn't fond of milk opened the fridge and brought out the milk carton. He poured it into his glass, and drank one gulp of it. It tasted great, but Changmin was only going to drink only one glass of it. He wouldn't take anymore of milk in a day.

"I am a lecturer in Korea Music Academy," Junsu calmly popped the bubble of silent between them, his left hand lifted his glass. "I teach classical music and some vocal training,"

"Vocal training?"

"Em." Junsu drank his orange juice. He then finished the last piece of his toast. "Well, I've been doing it, teaching them since many years had it been?" Junsu shrugged. "Ah, like it matters! I would rather die than listening to those young rich brats who thought they could sing but instead they were not even trying!"

Changmin watched as Junsu muttered to himself. It was more like a self-monologue, a complaint to the wind. Changmin couldn't help but felt it hilarious because his Junsu always mumbled and complained but he never bickered at people who were less talented than him. This side of Junsu - he mean, this Junsu was quite irritable.

"But you must be really talented in singing, because you can be a trainer,"

" was because I trained for years in that academy," Junsu said like it wasn't a big deal at all. Changmin smiled to himself; there was actually a lot of similarities between his Junsu and this one only it was a 'little' different. Junsu dabbed his mouth with his handkerchief - Changmin thought it was very proper of him because his Junsu would always just go to the sink and washed his mouth there and then dried his hands with his pants.

"Would you sing to me? If you're a vocal trainer you should..."

"You have to pay to hear me sing, Changmin-ah." he said with a serious face. But Changmin froze, remembered that he didn't have any real money with him. Suddenly he was flung into a different dimension, an alternate universe where he was left with nothing but his body and mind. It was lucky he didn't lie there for more of his humiliation. Junsu laughed, amused at Changmin's reaction. "Yah! You shouldn't space out when I am talking to you..." Junsu continued. He stood up. " a punishment, you have to wash the dishes. I just don't know what to do with you yet, so, I'll keep you here as a pet, maybe...?" when Changmin was still wearing the confused face. "Yah!"

"I'm listening!" Changmin straightened up his posture at once. Junsu laughed again, almost to the point he was going to roll on the floor.

"Aahh....!" Junsu took a deep breath while his hand was placed on his stomach. "It's been so long since I laughed like this," Junsu looked at himself once again in the mirror and smiled proudly as if admiring what he was seeing in it.

"I'm sorry..." Changmin had lost his appetite to eat his breakfast. He felt so lost, out of place and quickly he missed his Junsu. If only he knew what was happening and how he could return to his own world...

"Changmin-ah...thank you for making me laugh. I need it because lately it had been so tough in college," Junsu said as he massaged the lower half of his face. "Do you want to come with me to the college?"


"But I can't bring you along today. There's a preparation I need to make today," Junsu put on his vest. "Tomorrow there would be a test for the students." he turned towards Changmin. Changmin was still there, he didn't eat or drink. "You're a singer, right? Maybe you can help me find a talented person in those brats."

"O--kay," he never thought Junsu would trust him like that. They only knew each other for one day.

"Maybe you can show me your talent instead." Junsu winked at him. Changmin felt his face warmed. He smiled shyly at Junsu before he averted his gaze to somewhere else.

Junsu put on his coat and buttoned his cuff. He was dressed to kill even though he was only going to a class. He walked to the door, and once again he turned towards Changmin who was still stunned to do anything.

"If you want to go outside, there's a spare card in the TV drawer. The password is 040686, and if you want some money, there's some in the reading room. But take only what you need."


"What?" Junsu cocked an eyebrow.

"Why do you trust me so much?" Junsu thought for a while.

"I don't know. I had a feeling that you're not a bad guy." he shrugged and smiled. Changmin froze, the smile was always beautiful in Changmin's eyes. Without any thinking, Changmin smiled back and waved at Junsu.


Changmin was bored. He wanted to go outside but he had no cell phone and he had no ideas how to contact Junsu if ever he got lost.

He walked to the reading room, and his eyes caught sight of a set of manhwas, by Micky.

Micky? Changmin was curious. He took the first issue in the first volume and started to read. It was a story of five boys who were the chosen ones to fight an evil force and they gathered together in a very secluded place to train themselves. They had to overcome a lot of problems; the issues of coming of age, friendships, relationships with their sifu, and hardship they had to endure to fight for the greater good. They were mere humans, and the evil ones were myth creatures that were almost impossible to be defeated.

It was a very simple plot, but the style of the drawings, the friendship and relationship between the five boys made the story more interesting.

They reminded Changmin of them.

Would they be together again after everything that had happened?

Changmin started reading the manhwas. First he was lying on the floor with his legs crossed, then he was lying on his belly, and next he crawled onto Junsu's bed. He put down the comics; felt the light green that Junsu used was very comfortable. He buried his nose to Junsu's pillow and it smelled very nice. He closed his eyes, and he pulled Junsu's bolster and hugged it like he had never before.

How does Junsu smell before? He remembered Junsu actually smelled really nice, somelike citrus and mint because his Junsu loves to on mint sweets. Changmin opened his eyes, the memories made his heart throbbed. He would never thought he would miss Junsu's scent. He always teased Junsu, saying Junsu was smelly and he should be kicked out of the room. But now he would give anything to meet his Junsu again.

For now this Junsu would suffice.

His bed felt so comfortable. He grinned to himself. It reminded him of Goldilocks when she finally met the most suitable porridge, chair and bed in the Bear Family's house.

Changmin snuggled to the pillow. It soothed him to think Junsu had fallen asleep on this bed, used this pillow and...


Changmin immediately sat upright. Have Junsu ever had any on this bed?

Ew. Ew.

Changmin jumped down the bed and quickly he arranged the bed like before Junsu left. It looked a bit sloppy but it would make do.

He went to arrange the manhwas back on the shelves. He took one of them and read about the artist at the cover of the manhwa. There's only the name but not the picture. Junsu said the real name was Yoochun, Micky Yoochun. Funny, wasn't it?

Changmin had an instinct that this Micky Yoochun had to be Park Yoochun. He would call him his Yoochun. Ah...Changmin smiled to himself. My Yoochun. My Junsu. Somehow his heart was warming up by thinking of them as his.

Maybe he could Google him.

Changmin jumped to Junsu's laptop which was on a table near his bed. He opened the lid and saw that the laptop had a password.

Oh no. He sulked. Now how could he assess any Internet? He returned to the couch and switched on the TV. He didn't remember when he drifted back to sleep.


"Did you sleep well?" Changmin's eyes flung open. He was fast asleep on the carpet in front of the TV. He thought he was sleeping on the couch. Might be he fell down during sleeping.

He looked around and saw Junsu entered. He was holding his coat in one hand and his tie was already loosened. He climbed the small stairs to his bed and discarded his tie there before he stretched his arm muscles.

"My ears almost fall off," Junsu complained and it brought a smile on Changmin's lips. "What did you do today?"

"Reading manhwa." Changmin answered briefly.

"Oh." Junsu ed the cuff and started to strip. It had been quite a familiar scene for Changmin so he didn't mind. "Which one?"


"The Legend of the Warriors?"

"Yes." Changmin rubbed his eyes. He was still sleepy but his stomach was grumbling, asking for food.

"Are you hungry? Did you enjoy the comics?"

"I'm hungry, and yes, I enjoy the comics. It's beautifully drawn and the story is very touching."

"Don't you think the scenery in it is epic?" Junsu was getting excited. "The mountains and the forest were drawn in great details, even the characters are handsome too!" Junsu changed into more loose outfits. "What character does you like the most amongst the five? I love the talkative one, but he was like an outcast but he was actually loved by everyone because of his sense of humour."

"Um..." speaking of which, he didn't know which character he likes the most. He was new to the comic so it would take time for him to get absorbed in the characters.

"Are you that hungry? I'll cook for you."

"Can you? I mean...please, hyung," Junsu just smiled at him and he went to the kitchen and started cooking.


The meal that Junsu cooked was extraordinarily good. It was like eating Jaejoong's cooking. It had been a while since he tasted what Jaejoong cooked.

The mealtime was not as silent as Changmin thought it would be. This Junsu still had that trait that was similar to his Junsu, well regarding his talking during mealtime. He was not as adorable, might be because he was so matured in this version.

"Have you gone out today?"


"Why?" Junsu dug into his spicy fried meat. He was eating with wine and Changmin with only plain water. Changmin had agreed to help washing the dishes after they finished the meal later.

"I don't know where to go."

"Okay, if that's what you want," Junsu shrugged and sipped his wine. "But you will come to my class tomorrow, right?"

"Ne. Is it okay?"

"It's more than fine. I thought if we're going to be together for a while and you look like a lost puppy, might as well make you come so you won't be alone. We can know each other more, yes?"

"Ne." Changmin smiled sheepishly. Changmin pushed his fringe aside and continued eating while Junsu observing him from aside.

I know the story plot is kinda draggy but it will be better soon! =D

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Lanysa #1
re-read this one of amazing stories I've ever read until now... I love it!
Chapter 49: Hello! I Really loved this fic, it's amazing! One of my favourite dbsk fanfics for sure! I loved the idea of alternative universe and I think it's very original. The story is really captivating and easy to read. Thank you for writing!
affgaga #3
Chapter 49: subarashii story author-nim, i felt like watching a k-drama, and yup, i'm following 220 then i found this one.. glad that i found another good author, luv yuh!!
just come across this fic recently, and already finished.... wow your idea just so original.... like it.... though I am not really keen of boyxboy fic, but I will endure if I like the plot n how the author deliver their idea kkkkk...... honestly actually I only read various genre of fic just for dbsk... they kinda ruined my preference of everything kkkkk
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 49: I enjoyed this story. It was really something different and i just kept reading until I was done.
kimjaejoongg #6
great story :)
Chapter 49: OMGS!! You made me cry..!! (Almost every Chapter) TT_TT
I want more sad story please..~ xD
I was debating whether or not to post this comment since it's going to be really, really late (I see that you completed it in April and it's December now) but then I realized I couldn't go on without telling you about how beautiful it is.
The characters have so much depth. I love how Junsu seems so nice sometimes and then at others, he's harsh and cold. I love you you revealed why that was so, and why it meant everything. I love how Changmin managed to worm himself into Junsu's heart even though he's not the Junsu he was wishing for. Then there's Yunho whom was so charming and nice, and I thought that he genuinely did love Changmin, and then bam. But it makes sense, and that's why I really enjoyed reading this. I love how Jaejoong was so cold (for no reason, it seemed at first) and evil and dark, but then it ended up being Junsu's fault (not really though)and it all connects. And Yoochun, the manhwa artist, and I don't think words can really describe what a character he was. And his brother, who was so protective of him although he was the one sick.
Oh, and the wishes. The wishes are so sad. The ones about changing his hyungs, and when they actually did change, he didn't want it anymore. (not really for Junsu's case)
I don't read minsu stories much, but this. I spent hours reading this and I honestly couldn't stop. It's basically everything I'm looking for in a story. You're a really talented author!
Far out, I was so emotionally involved in this fanfic I think at one point of reading I nearly started crying OTL But anyway, this story was so beautiful I can't even describe it. I was surprised at Jaejoong's character at first since it was so different to what I normally saw in other DBSK fanfics but after he broke down when Junsu died I understood why :c This is actually my first Changmin X Junsu fanfic, I was in the middle of searching for Yunjae fanfics but ran across this one, I think I have a new pairing now C: Anyway, thanks for writing this story! Upvote+Subscription >W<
justjia #10
Chapter 49: all the angst ohmagod... loved this story like crazy! Thank you for writing such an awesome masterpiece <3