Chapter 34

In Another World

Changmin woke up in the middle of the books. He was startled when his phone suddenly rang. He picked it up, and it was actually Dr Kang. Dr Kang was calling to ask him about Junsu's whereabouts. Changmin told him that he didn't know and they ended the conversation.

Changmin went to clean himself after that. His mind was still wandering around facing Yunho the next time they would meet. Changmin didn't know when but it would be soon. Yunho knew everything about him now. Perhaps, Yunho knew too much.

He wondered whether he should tell about last night happening to Junsu or not. If he didn't it would be a dishonest act on his side but still what more could he do if he did know? Changmin couldn't undo it. He was guilty for letting it happen but it wasn't him who had feelings for Yunho.

Changmin was taking a bit time in the bathroom today to shave, and think. He cut himself sometimes because his mind was trailing elsewhere.

And he remembered Junsu didn't call him at all last night.

Changmin wondered if he should call him again this morning.

He cut himself again. Changmin hissed of the pain. He put down the shaver under the water and watched the flow of the liquid cleaning the blades.

He should be finished by now.


Working at the cat spa wasn't a convenience after last night. He was on his edge and he wondered what Yunho would come up with if he comes to the spa today.

Kyuhyun wasn't in today. The other helpers said he went to visit his grandma.

However today Changmin was surprised by Yeonhee's visit. She apparently was having her day off and planning to spend it at the cat spa. She wanted to go out with Changmin but Changmin couldn't. He had to work.

"Why do you ask about Junsu-ssi?" Yeonhee asked back. Changmin was bringing more cats to the showroom while Yeonhee was waiting at a couch.

"Dr Kang called him recently and I want to know what it's all about."

"Ah." Yeonhee thought for a while. "Even if I knew why Dr Kang was meeting Junsu-ssi, I couldn't tell you. It's against our ethics,"

"Oh." Changmin was disappointed. Yeonhee's answer was very political.

"But he had been Dr Kang's patient since three years ago, if I recall," Yeonhee said. "That's all that I could tell you."

"Even if I say I'm the only family member?"

"Junsu-ssi has a whole living family, oppa. And you're not a family." Yeonhee scolded him. Changmin was taken aback.

Junsu still have his family member? But why didn't he speak anything about them at all?

"But I never meet them," Yeonhee added when she saw Changmin's expression changed. "Junsu-ssi rarely speaks about his personal life. Even when he is this popular now, not much was known about him, unlike other celebrities."


They went silent after that. Yeonhee was busy with the kittens and Changmin went to take care of the cats.

"I heard about Lawyer Jung," Yeonhee suddenly said after Changmin came to the showroom again after tending to tasks that Kyuhyun left behind.

"What about it?" Changmin sat beside Yeonhee and started grooming the expensive Persian cat that the spa owned.

"That Lawyer Jung was this close to find out the real truth in the whole criminal. Lawyer Jung did a press conference about it recently. And...I happened to watch it..."

"A press conference?" he hadn't heard about it. "What did he say?"

"The truth about who was behind the smuggling case was not only Jin Yihan like he predicted. There was someone else but he still didn't know who, but now there's police by his side. So, he was on a safer side."

"It wasn't only Jin Yihan?"

"As what was said in the press conference." Yeonhee shrugged. "But I reckoned he had really caught on the case. He was so serious. He was so into it when he talked."

"Did he talk about anything else? Like Kim Jaejoong?"

"Kim Jaejoong?" Yeonhee turned towards Changmin. "Why him?"

"He's Yihan's boyfriend. Maybe..." Yeonhee's brows creased for a moment but then she shook her head.

"No, he didn't say anything about Kim Jaejoong. But why...? Wasn't it too rash to say if Kim Jaejoong was involved in the smuggling case?"

"I don't know. Maybe because they have a relationship?"

"But Changmin-oppa, why would someone in a relationship had something to do with bad things like that? Would you drag your girlfriend in something bad that you do?"

Changmin thought for a while. Of course he wouldn't do that to his girlfriend. He wouldn't do that for the world.

He shook his head and Yeonhee nodded in acknowledgement.

"Kim Jaejoong might know about Jin Yihan's involvement one way or another, but Jin Yihan would never let Jaejoong to take matters in his own hand," Yeonhee speculated while Changmin listened. "And professionally, Yihan had the upper hand in their relationship."

Yeonhee leaned in for a whisper with Changmin. Gramps that was in Changmin's pocket growled and fell asleep again. "Jaejoong-ssi couldn't surpass him. If he didn't meet Jin Yihan, he would stay merely a model and not an entrepreneur, not like right now."

Changmin combed the cat's fur too harshly and earned a scratch at the back of his hand.

Yeonhee laughed when Changmin screamed.

"Aish, you shouldn't be laughing at me..." Changmin whined as he the cat's belly to calm her down. The cat purred and closed her eyes, clearly enjoying the royal treatment.

"Ottoke? You're so funny!" Yeonhee tried to suppress her laughter but every time she did, she just burst out laughing even louder. Changmin rolled his eyes, tried hard not to laugh together with the girl. "Oppa, when was the last time you toured around Seoul since the accident?"

"Ah, that. I haven't seen Seoul around yet. It's been around Yoochun's house that was the farthest and the spa. I didn't go anywhere else."

"Yoochun's house? Do you mean Micky Yoochun the artist?" Changmin nodded. Yeonhee's jaw dropped open. "Daebak! I thought you just like him, I don't think you would be friends with him!" Yeonhee was so excited she practically juggled the kittens on her lap.

"It's nothing, really. It's thanks to you on that day in the hospital," Changmin let go of the Persian cat to roam around the spa and picked another long-haired cat and started to comb his hair.

"But, still...daebak! My foolish dongsaeng would die to have his oh so rare signature!" Yeonhee was excited, even Changmin could tell. Changmin grinned but didn't say anything. "Do you want to have a coffee with me after hours?"

"You're not going to say any cheesy pick-up line or anything on me, do you?" Yeonhee's face turned crimson.

"No!" Yeonhee shook her head. "Do you know that I'm not interested in you?" Changmin laughed. He didn't want to push the issue too far. Yeonhee smiled broader even though her face's colour was brighter now. "Do you want to go together?"

"I wanted to but..." he was quickly reminded of Yunho's advice to be careful. He knew he hadn't been careful enough lately, especially when Junsu's not looking.

"I get it. You want to get home to Junsu-ssi,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Your relationship is so suspicious."


"Tell me if you can go out for a coffee," Yeonhee said, obviously disappointed but until things died down a bit he had to stay low and not wander around.

"I will."

"And by the way..." Yeonhee leaned in to whisper to Changmin's ear. "I'm not interested in men, sorry!"

Changmin's eyes went wide and then both of them burst to laughter.


Changmin walked out of the spa, not being the last person today. He stopped when he saw the Audi. He looked up and saw Yunho. Yunho wore an apologetic look.

"Changmin-ah..." Changmin quickly averted his lane to walk somewhere but Yunho grasped his arm. "I'm sorry about yesterday," Changmin didn't want to stop but Yunho already stood before him. "Let me send you home today. That's how I'll make it up to you,"

Changmin really wanted to believe Yunho but he didn't want the same thing to happen again.

"I promise."

"I can't. I promised Junsu-hyung," Changmin rushed his pace towards the bus stop. Yunho sighed, but he wasn't about to be defeated. He drove his car and parked near the bus stop. He went out of the car, and approached Changmin who was hesitant. "What are you doing? You can't park here."

"I will until you agree to let me send you home."

"I can't..."

"The bus will come soon and people couldn't get on their bus because of you,"

"I'm not responsible for that!"


"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Changmin pushed Yunho away. "You screwed me enough!"

"I know! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Changmin folded his arms in front of him. He looked away, but he didn't succeed brushing Yunho away. Yunho stood there waiting for him until the bus finally came.

And as predicted, people were blaming Changmin. Helpless as he was, Changmin found himself in Yunho's Audi again. They were heading back to their home and during the journey no one said anything. Changmin was too baffled and Yunho was lost in his own mind.

When they arrived, Changmin only waved at Yunho.

"I hope we can meet again," Yunho said.

"As long as you don't fire me." was all that Changmin replied before he disappeared behind the door.


Junsu still wasn't home and whenever Changmin tried to call, it would lead him to the voicemail. Changmin sat down on the couch, watching a drama while he waited for Junsu. He ordered take out and ate alone when his stomach grumbled so much he had to eat.

When the drama was nearly over, someone came and rung the bell. Changmin found out it was Dr Kang, so he invited him in. Dr Kang wore casual clothes so it was a bit strange for Changmin to see him like that.

"Junsu-ssi wasn't home?"

"Yes." Changmin brought to the living room the tea that he made for the unexpected guest.

"Did he call you?" Changmin shook his head and sat down. "Aah...I see. It wasn't only me. Have he ever contacted you?"

"No. I couldn't reach him at all. His phone was off, and he told me not to come to the academy ground,"


"Just some rules that he had brought upon," Changmin smiled. Junsu did warn him not to go to KMA though. He said it would be too far and too dangerous for him to be too exposed.

"I wanted to tell him something, but he wasn't here. I thought he would be at home."

"Would you like to pass a message?"

"Please give him this," Dr Kang put a large envelope on the table.

"What is this?"

"I'm afraid you should talk to him personally if you want to know. I can't tell you,"

"Oh." Changmin pouted. "Okay." Dr Kang smiled and sipped a bit of the tea.

"Just tell him, he need to stop drinking alcohol, and smoking too."

"I will, if I have the balls," both of them laughed lightly.

"I will be going then,"

"Wait doctor, then what about me? Do you have news about me?"

"I see your schedule is coming up with me right? Because you're doing so well, I guess we don't need to do any more assessment, but we'll see." Dr Kang smiled at him, Changmin nodded and then the doctor excused himself politely.

Changmin walked back inside and his eyes caught the sight of the envelope.


Yoochun exited the room and walked towards Jaejoong who was mourning on the couch. He sat down beside him, and instinctively the elder wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his face into his chest.

"Is he okay?" asked Jaejoong.

"He's doing fine. He would get all the strength if he held on for a while more," Yoochun said with a shaking voice. Truthfully he didn't know. After Junsu heard about Changmin's disappearance news, he refused to eat and locked himself in the room. Junho opened it to find out his twin brother had passed out due to exhaustion.

"I wonder what we're doing is the best..."

"There's no turning back, hyung..." Yoochun knew there was potential for the elder to close his eyes and go back to Yunho but he knew Jaejoong would worry too much about both of them more. "I'm staying with Junsu's decision. I'm going to protect him,"

"And I'm going to take care of you two," Jaejoong said, even though they knew full well that Jaejoong was the one who needed to be taken care of.

"We promised Junsu that we would be by his side. His dreams are too precious," Yoochun Jaejoong's soft hair. Jaejoong nodded. "I already made the preparation if we couldn't make it in the industry, I'll be a landlord," Jaejoong chuckled a bit. "Junsu also said that. He wanted to live in the country," now both of them laughed lightly.

"You know, for someone as kind as that, Junsu sure had a very tough and strong interior," Jaejoong commented.

"It's all because of him I wanted to break free too. I don't want to lose him,"

"I don't want him to lose his precious solos." Jaejoong's voice trailed off at the end. "Why did we choose this path, Yoochun-ah?"

"One, because we want to break free. Two, because SM is making us tired. And three, we wanted to stay with Junsu..."

"...and protect his dreams too,"


Changmin gasped as he opened his eyes. He fell asleep on the floor.

His eyes were wet again.

He had been dreaming about them again.

But what did it mean they wanted to protect Junsu's dreams? Did it mean it was actually Junsu who wants to leave the band first?

Changmin knew it wasn't Jaejoong because Jaejoong was very in love with the concept TVfXQ. Jaejoong followed both of them because he was obliged to stay with them and take care of them. Yoochun and Junsu wouldn't survive if there's only the two of them. Jaejoong came along to balance it.

But why didn't Junsu tell him about it? What were Junsu’s dreams?

Why did I dream about them again? Was it to remind myself of what wishes I came out of that night?

Changmin stood up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and came out. He looked at the clock and it was 3AM, and Junsu still wasn't home. Changmin sulked. He went to the terrace and sat there. He imagined what it would be like to be Junsu, sitting here in the middle of the night gazing at the stars above. It would've been calming enough but somehow you'd get bored.

Suddenly something caught his eyes. Something that glistened in the dark, and it seemed like it was a flash of a camera or something like that from the other side of the building. He squinted, tried to find the source but couldn't. He stood up and looked closer as he leaned at the balcony, but that thing had gone. He was sure he saw something.

'Do you ever feel like someone is watching you?'

Junsu's words pierced his mind again.

It might be because Junsu had seen something when he was sitting here in the terrace. Changmin his lips. He looked around one more time, and suddenly felt scared. He went inside again and closed the sliding door, his heart was pounding so hard. He put a hand on his chest, tried to steady his breath.

What was it?

Changmin hastily went to the bed and covered himself with the blanket. He didn't switch off the lamps, because he was too scared. He tried calling Junsu again but to no avail.


Changmin hugged Junsu's pillow and closed his eyes. His fearful heart couldn't be calm right now. He fidgeted at the slightest sound and the images of him being kidnapped by Jaejoong the last time started to appear in his head. His whole body started to tremble. He chanted Junsu's name to calm himself down and to gather courage but couldn't. Someone was lurking, he was sure of it. Who else could it be other than Jaejoong?

Changmin's fingers desperately cling on to the sheets.

You said you'll protect me, Junsu-hyung. But why aren't you here?

Changmin was startled when suddenly his phone rang. He smiled a bit, wondering if it was Junsu. He grabbed it and saw it was actually Yunho.

But why did he call?

Changmin answered it.


"Changmin-ah...not sleeping yet?" Yunho's voice was quiet. Changmin nodded. He was so scared he couldn't say anything. "Changmin? Are you okay there?"

"Hyung..." Changmin held on to the cell phone as he heard Yunho's voice silently. "Hyung..."

"Are you okay? Are you crying?" Changmin didn't answer but Yunho was right. He was so scared and then he was so relieved that Yunho was there for him even though it was only a phone call. Changmin muttered something about being scared and Yunho kept on talking to accompany him. Yunho was taking care of him, protecting him from monsters under the bed, and bad guys again. It was like when he was kidnapped and Yunho protected him with his life. "Hey, don't worry. I'm here, ne? I'll be with you." Changmin hid his sob behind his palm.

Why would it be Yunho when all he wanted was Junsu?

Eventually Changmin fell asleep clutching on the phone.


It's in the middle of the night when Yoochun woke up, startled by someone who came by the door. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and went to the front door.

"Who's that?" Yoochun asked, and he pressed the intercom.

"Park Yoochun." the man who came said. Yoochun peeked closer to the intercom and saw it was none other than Kim Junsu.

A/N why did Junsu meet Yoochun? and bad Junsu wasn't there for Changmin, again, and if this continue, Changmin might actually liked Yunho back!


but there's more to come! i'm evil like that hehe

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Lanysa #1
re-read this one of amazing stories I've ever read until now... I love it!
Chapter 49: Hello! I Really loved this fic, it's amazing! One of my favourite dbsk fanfics for sure! I loved the idea of alternative universe and I think it's very original. The story is really captivating and easy to read. Thank you for writing!
affgaga #3
Chapter 49: subarashii story author-nim, i felt like watching a k-drama, and yup, i'm following 220 then i found this one.. glad that i found another good author, luv yuh!!
just come across this fic recently, and already finished.... wow your idea just so original.... like it.... though I am not really keen of boyxboy fic, but I will endure if I like the plot n how the author deliver their idea kkkkk...... honestly actually I only read various genre of fic just for dbsk... they kinda ruined my preference of everything kkkkk
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 49: I enjoyed this story. It was really something different and i just kept reading until I was done.
kimjaejoongg #6
great story :)
Chapter 49: OMGS!! You made me cry..!! (Almost every Chapter) TT_TT
I want more sad story please..~ xD
I was debating whether or not to post this comment since it's going to be really, really late (I see that you completed it in April and it's December now) but then I realized I couldn't go on without telling you about how beautiful it is.
The characters have so much depth. I love how Junsu seems so nice sometimes and then at others, he's harsh and cold. I love you you revealed why that was so, and why it meant everything. I love how Changmin managed to worm himself into Junsu's heart even though he's not the Junsu he was wishing for. Then there's Yunho whom was so charming and nice, and I thought that he genuinely did love Changmin, and then bam. But it makes sense, and that's why I really enjoyed reading this. I love how Jaejoong was so cold (for no reason, it seemed at first) and evil and dark, but then it ended up being Junsu's fault (not really though)and it all connects. And Yoochun, the manhwa artist, and I don't think words can really describe what a character he was. And his brother, who was so protective of him although he was the one sick.
Oh, and the wishes. The wishes are so sad. The ones about changing his hyungs, and when they actually did change, he didn't want it anymore. (not really for Junsu's case)
I don't read minsu stories much, but this. I spent hours reading this and I honestly couldn't stop. It's basically everything I'm looking for in a story. You're a really talented author!
Far out, I was so emotionally involved in this fanfic I think at one point of reading I nearly started crying OTL But anyway, this story was so beautiful I can't even describe it. I was surprised at Jaejoong's character at first since it was so different to what I normally saw in other DBSK fanfics but after he broke down when Junsu died I understood why :c This is actually my first Changmin X Junsu fanfic, I was in the middle of searching for Yunjae fanfics but ran across this one, I think I have a new pairing now C: Anyway, thanks for writing this story! Upvote+Subscription >W<
justjia #10
Chapter 49: all the angst ohmagod... loved this story like crazy! Thank you for writing such an awesome masterpiece <3