Chapter 27

In Another World

Changmin entered Yoohwan's room and saw Yoochun was packing his brother's things. He looked at Yoohwan who was wearing casual clothes, and not the hospital uniform. He looked more lively and happy.

"Oh, Changmin-ah!" Yoochun grinned when he turned around after he heard Changmin knocked on the door. Yoohwan turned to, and his smile died. Changmin was still awkward with Yoohwan but he would try to persevere.


"You're lucky. Yoohwan is discharged today," Yoochun said and grinned at Yoohwan. Yoohwan gave him a small smile.

"I just wanted to talk..."

"Oh. But I can't stay here. I need to send Yoohwan home."

Changmin looked at Yoohwan, he scratched the back of his head. Yoochun put his hands on his waist.

"Or you can come with us home," Yoochun said with the bright smile.

"Hyung!" Changmin was surprised.

"Oh...come on, Yoohwan! I'll treat us meat later, okay?" Yoochun was an expert in spreading love and happiness around. Changmin found himself smiling too.


Yoochun and Changmin helped to carry Yoohwan's stuff inside the house. Yoochun drove a Mercedes. Their house was up in the hills, where the rich people resides. Changmin wondered how much Yoochun had gained from drawing manhwas only. He wondered how popular exactly this Yoochun was.

When Changmin entered the house, they were greeted by Yoochun's mom. Yoochun's mom was nice like how Changmin remembered his Yoochun's mom to be. She had already cooked a meal for his sons, which made Changmin instantly hungry. Changmin bowed down to Yoochun's mom who was surprised to see him.

"A friend?"

"Hyung said he's a friend." Yoohwan said as he glared at Changmin. Yoochun's mom smiled, just like how Changmin remembered her last. Yoohwan kissed his mother and went straight to his room.

"Excuse my dongsaeng." Yoochun said, his expression was a bit darkened but he still tried to hide it with a smile.

"Come to the living room, uhh..."

"Changmin. My name is Shim Changmin, I'm sorry to be a bother today."

"Aniya, Changmin-ah." Yoochun's mom petted his shoulder. "Wait there and I'll be ready for our meal."

"Thank you, umma!" Yoochun shouted when his mother scrambled to the kitchen. She was equally shocked as Yoohwan when he brought Changmin home. Changmin sat at the couch in the living room when Yoochun went to his brother's room. He waited for a while but then he couldn't take it anymore. He went to the kitchen and saw Yoochun's mom was preparing the food into plates.

"Ahjumma, can I help?" Yoochun's mom turned around and nodded. Changmin smiled at her. He used to help Jaejoong a lot in the kitchen so it wasn't a problem or a bother for him to help someone in the kitchen. Yoochun's mom asked him to peel the fruits and the singer obliged.

"You know, it's been a while since the boys bring any friend home." Yoochun's mom said while she cut the meat into smaller pieces so they could be eaten more easily.

"Really? I must be the chosen one, then." both of them laughed. Changmin cut the watermelon into smaller chunks so that it could fit into a bowl.

"Uri Yoochun always stayed in isolation after he became popular," Changmin's hands slowed down. "I had become so worried he wouldn't have any friends at all,"

"But he looked friendly. At least to me, ahjumma," Yoochun's mom nodded. She sat across Changmin and looked around.

"I'm really worried about uri Yoochun and Yoohwan. I'm glad you're here. It means they have social life too,"

"Actually, I'm the one who came to see them." suddenly Yoochun's mom tensed up. Changmin lifted his head to see her staring at him in wary. "It' just known each other recently. We met at the hospital," Changmin explained. "I was hospitalised for a while and I met your sons."

"Oh." Yoochun's mom nodded. Her tense shoulders were back at ease. Changmin continued his task. "Good, then."

"Mianhe, ahjumma. I came here without you knowing, but please trust me. I will not harm your son or sorts." Yoochun's mother blushed.

"Ah, sorry, Changmin-ah. I didn't mean to do that. You just come here and I acted like you're a bad guy."

"It's nothing, ahjumma." Changmin shook his head. "It's hard when you have to keep your guard up because your son is a very famous person." Ahjumma smiled.

"But popularity comes with a huge price." she paused. "Since the second title came out, he could barely breathe." Changmin stared at her, she was looking down at the meat she was slicing. "He couldn't find anywhere that he could feel safe until he had to part from us at one time. He was a very quiet boy, uri Yoochun, and he loves solitude so much. He became a manhwa artist because he liked to work alone, not caring about other people, and to work anytime he wanted to. But his manhwa had become famous that there were a lot of editors who wanted him to draw for their company."

That's why Yoohwan was very alert and conscious about strangers.

"But they didn't mean to harm, right? They just wanted Yoochun's work..." she looked up and watched Changmin for a while in disbelief. Her brows knitted close like she was thinking of a very serious problem.

"Aniya..." her voice was low and dangerous. She looked around, like she wanted to be sure that her sons weren't around. "It was more than that. It's not only the editors, it's his anti-fans too. Uri Yoochun wouldn't let his fans come near him and he made that clear. The anti-fans however didn't acknowledge this, so they ended up chasing Yoochun everywhere. There was a time Yoochun had a very horrible accident because of it..."

"Umma!" suddenly Yoochun came out of nowhere. "Why are you talking about the past to him?" Yoochun kissed his mother on the cheek. The woman grinned but the sadness in his eyes never left. Changmin quickly gathered the plates and brought it to the dining table. Yoochun spoke to his mother in a very low voice that he couldn't make out what they were discussing about.

They ate their dinner in silence. Changmin, who already felt like a stranger, scolded himself internally for bringing upon this to the family. Yoohwan was glaring at him like he was food the whole time of the dinner and a lot of times Yoochun had to scold him for doing it.

But Yoochun's mother had been nice to him. She talked to his sons who unwillingly answered, especially Yoohwan. Yoohwan too, actually looked too weak to even eat the meal.

Liver cancer. Yoohwan was a liver cancer patient.

He felt pitiful of Yoohwan, but his own attitude defied the reality of him having the disease. It seemed like Yoochun who was more vulnerable.

And about their mother too, it intrigued Changmin to know more. She nearly spilled about the accident but was stopped. Was it the same accident that Yoochun told him about? How bad was the accident, really?


Changmin went up to Yoochun's room after he helped his mother cleaned up the table with Yoochun. Yoohwan headed to his room quickly, avoiding more contact with Changmin. Changmin couldn't help but felt bad because he felt like he was hated by him.

"Don't be discouraged about Yoohwan." Changmin said when they entered the room. Changmin found that his room was quite spacious. There was a wind chime at the window sill. There were a lot of action figurines arranged at a shelf near the bed. Comics were arranged at another shelf that was not far from the toys' shelf. His room was tidy and simple. It was painted in light blue colour. There was a huge work table at the far corner.

"You do all your work here?"

"Yes." Yoochun pulled the curtain to let the wind blew in. "I hate to be outside."

"You hate to be outside?" his Yoochun loved to be outside, especially to the beach. That explained why Yoochun was so pale compared to his Yoochun.

"You must be here to ask about what happened to you, right?"

"Ah, yes. That." Yoochun sat down on the bed and let Changmin roamed around his room. Changmin was amazed by how clean the room was. He was really like his Yoochun, only this one loved solitude so much that he pretty much lived in hiding. There were drafts on the table, the rough drawing of the latest issue of the manhwa. Yoochun lied on his back. "How come you only remember me?"

"I saw your face in my coma the most. When I woke up, I could only think of you, about your name, your characteristics. Hell, I even searched all over the Internet about you. I searched Shim Changmin, and no one even come close enough." Yoochun chuckled lightly. "Maybe because you're too handsome for your own good,"

"Yah!" Changmin laughed too. He couldn't stand it if people said that he's handsome. He was embarrassed about it even though he wanted to acknowledge it.

"I thought I was having some identity crisis. As if I had turned gay or something,"

"Yah!" Changmin scolded him again. Yoochun laughed. "Don't see me like that, please."

"No." Yoochun sighed. "I already have a girlfriend."

"Really?" whoa, for someone who was as secluded as Yoochun, he could manage to find a girlfriend.

"Hm." Yoochun smiled. He looked happy when he thought about his girlfriend. Changmin sat on the chair of Yoochun's work table and started to take a look at the draft.

"How did you get the idea about the Five Warriors of the East?" he asked the same question of when they first met.

"The idea?"

"You know that I'm not from here, right?" Yoochun looked at Changmin for a while. Changmin started to sense doubt emerged from the bottom of his heart. He was sure somehow that Yoochun at least knew that because he had experienced it. "The Five Warriors of the East seemed so similar to what we are experiencing."

He waited for Yoochun to response but he didn't get any so he moved on.

"Five Warriors of the East. Do you know that I am a singer in other universe? The universe that you were flung to when you're in coma. I am in a band, an aca pella band with four others. You said you saw them all." Changmin took a deep breath before he went on. "Yunho-hyung, Jaejoong-hyung, Junsu-hyung and Yoochun-hyung. You."

Yoochun's face didn't change and he stayed silent as if he wanted to digest the information.

"They are all real here. I currently live under Junsu-hyung's roof, and I am so indebted to him because I was so lost when I first thrown here. No words could describe how scared I was to live in a very familiar world yet no one knows you, at all. My family don't even know me. The family that I knew my whole life don't know me, how do you think I would feel?" Changmin stopped for a while. He wouldn't cry here, he promised himself. It was too embarrassing.

"Junsu. Jaejoong. Yunho." Yoochun recited the name one by one, a questioning look decorated his face. "You lived with Junsu as in Kim Junsu?"


"Kim Junsu, from Korea Music Academy?"


"God." Yoochun covered his mouth with his right hand. "And Jaejoong...Kim Jaejoong. The composer."

"Yes." Changmin couldn't describe what Yoochun thinking was but he looked so surprised that his eyes were so wide. Yoochun opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Changmin.

"And yes, Yunho is the prosecutor that was after Kim Jaejoong's boyfriend."

Yoochun knitted his brows together and his mouth turned into a pout.

"Oh." Yoochun shook his head. "I don’t know him."

"Really?" somehow Changmin found it funny. Yoochun really had the talent to make people laugh even when he didn't mean to. "Well, that too. And surprisingly I now know all of them, including you, hyung."

Yoochun grinned.

"I never have someone called me hyung other than Yoohwan."

"That's why they called me the maknae." Changmin again felt like his chest was heavy.

"Uri maknae." Yoochun said, and for a while they were silent. Changmin lifted his head so that his tears wouldn't come out. "They were discussing about it over and over again, and time and time again, I heard your name, Changmin."

"When did you have the accident?"

"It was not long time ago. But I think even if I had the accident yesterday, it didn't necessarily have to coincide well with your world. The time would be a bit different."

"It felt like we are playing with time."

"Indeed." Changmin checked Yoochun's draft and was very amazed by the drawings. Even in the early stage, they were already awesome. Yoochun already wrote down roughly the storyline in a notebook next to them.

"Your comic..."

"What's the similarity that you found in my manhwa with your band?"

"The similarities were not obvious but the members are the same. We have five members, and we are recognised in the world we lived in, just like in your manhwa. However, we sing, and your warriors, well, they fight. They fight monsters because they were chosen to. We are entertainers, so basically we sing to people. But we have one thing in common. We worked very hard to the bone."

Yoochun looked like he was thinking very deeply about what Changmin had said.

"We were so happy back then. We were inseparable, we were invincible. They even called us the Gods of K-pop, the genre of our band."

"But you don't look happy."

"I was. I am recovering from it when I had the accident. The accident threw me here. The band was breaking up." Changmin sniffed. It hurt him to think of the tragedy that happened to them. "Remember the youngest person in your manhwa? The one that cried when he was left alone bathed in dragon's blood. I could relate to him."

Yoochun got up, and stared at Changmin who was silent.

The character that Changmin mentioned was named Tooru. He was if he had to say, the maknae, in the group. He was the holder of a sword made of the wind. His sword rarely made appearance because Tooru liked to use his bare hands instead.

When his four hyungs fought because of the greedy king, Tooru was left alone in the dark. The eldest, and also the leader, Xhule was lured into the dark side but was hunt down by the second eldest, Deega. That was when the group started to fight with each other. Tooru was the one who didn't know about it because Xhule didn't want him to know. However, after they fought the biggest and the most dangerous dragon, Xhule and Deega fought again. The other two fighter, Moochi and Hund tried to stop them. They built a protection shield that stopped Tooru, made him paralysed in it. Tooru cried and screamed for them to release him but then they deafened his ears completely with the shield. Tooru was helpless when the four of them fought with each other.

"I was the only one who didn't know we were breaking up." Changmin said.

He was like Tooru, the only person who didn't know that their leader was heading to the other side of the world. He was going to betray them and it hurts Tooru when he couldn't do anything nor know anything about it.

Didn't he was one of them too? Why were they treating him differently?

"I can handle it. I know I can handle it." Changmin chanted to himself, his eyes locked on the floor. Yoochun walked to him, and he started to shake. "It was because they thought I was so weak. I'm not."

"They don't want you to hate anyone." Yoochun embraced Changmin, and Changmin closed his eyes. "They wanted to protect you."

"I'm not a child."

"But you are their maknae." Yoochun's voice was sad. "They would be sad if you knew they were discussing it. Uri maknae, they didn't want you to be sad."

"I was the last to know. How would you feel about it?" Yoochun was silent. "And I can't have a say in it. What is there to protect when the damage had been done?"

Yoochun had no answer to this.

"When they say they have to protect me, didn't they think I would want to protect them too?" Again, Yoochun couldn't reply. All he did was embraced Changmin in his arms, his body could feel his body was trembling like he had seen a ghost.

Yoohwan who just wanted to talk to his brother opened the door a bit.

"Hyung..." his voice was not loud enough. He wanted to enter but stopped when he saw his hyung was hugging Changmin. Yoohwan bit his lower lip. He clenched his fists so tight they turned white. He grabbed onto the door knob.

There was a spark that started to turn into flame in his heart when he saw both of them.

Who is this guy? He could hear the question rung in his head like a broken tape. Yoochun just let him in even when it was the first time he saw him. Yoochun didn't run away. Yoochun just let the guy into their house without questions at all.

Why was he different towards this guy?

A/N Yoohwan is jealous! why? please look forward, as the story would escalate from here!

thank you for your comments, subscriptions and support! i love you guys!

*and sorry for the delayed update...T__T*

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Lanysa #1
re-read this one of amazing stories I've ever read until now... I love it!
Chapter 49: Hello! I Really loved this fic, it's amazing! One of my favourite dbsk fanfics for sure! I loved the idea of alternative universe and I think it's very original. The story is really captivating and easy to read. Thank you for writing!
affgaga #3
Chapter 49: subarashii story author-nim, i felt like watching a k-drama, and yup, i'm following 220 then i found this one.. glad that i found another good author, luv yuh!!
just come across this fic recently, and already finished.... wow your idea just so original.... like it.... though I am not really keen of boyxboy fic, but I will endure if I like the plot n how the author deliver their idea kkkkk...... honestly actually I only read various genre of fic just for dbsk... they kinda ruined my preference of everything kkkkk
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 49: I enjoyed this story. It was really something different and i just kept reading until I was done.
kimjaejoongg #6
great story :)
Chapter 49: OMGS!! You made me cry..!! (Almost every Chapter) TT_TT
I want more sad story please..~ xD
I was debating whether or not to post this comment since it's going to be really, really late (I see that you completed it in April and it's December now) but then I realized I couldn't go on without telling you about how beautiful it is.
The characters have so much depth. I love how Junsu seems so nice sometimes and then at others, he's harsh and cold. I love you you revealed why that was so, and why it meant everything. I love how Changmin managed to worm himself into Junsu's heart even though he's not the Junsu he was wishing for. Then there's Yunho whom was so charming and nice, and I thought that he genuinely did love Changmin, and then bam. But it makes sense, and that's why I really enjoyed reading this. I love how Jaejoong was so cold (for no reason, it seemed at first) and evil and dark, but then it ended up being Junsu's fault (not really though)and it all connects. And Yoochun, the manhwa artist, and I don't think words can really describe what a character he was. And his brother, who was so protective of him although he was the one sick.
Oh, and the wishes. The wishes are so sad. The ones about changing his hyungs, and when they actually did change, he didn't want it anymore. (not really for Junsu's case)
I don't read minsu stories much, but this. I spent hours reading this and I honestly couldn't stop. It's basically everything I'm looking for in a story. You're a really talented author!
Far out, I was so emotionally involved in this fanfic I think at one point of reading I nearly started crying OTL But anyway, this story was so beautiful I can't even describe it. I was surprised at Jaejoong's character at first since it was so different to what I normally saw in other DBSK fanfics but after he broke down when Junsu died I understood why :c This is actually my first Changmin X Junsu fanfic, I was in the middle of searching for Yunjae fanfics but ran across this one, I think I have a new pairing now C: Anyway, thanks for writing this story! Upvote+Subscription >W<
justjia #10
Chapter 49: all the angst ohmagod... loved this story like crazy! Thank you for writing such an awesome masterpiece <3