Chapter 21

In Another World

The cat spa was less busy today. Changmin was feeding Gramps, the one kitten that the other worker's least favoured because of its weaker nature. Gramps always acted like a very old cats, who loved to nap and fell asleep everywhere he was left alone. He didn't play with others or ribbons or kids and sat in a corner when he's brought into the showroom. Changmin however loved him the most because Gramps was unique in his eyes.

His mind wandered about when he woke up this morning and he could barely walk. Junsu was so rough last night and he demanded more and more. Changmin passed out somewhere in the middle and woke up because he felt cold. He was stark ; all of his clothes were on the floor.

It was a miracle that he could come to work this morning as promised. When Gramps finished eating, he brought him to the workers’ lounge to play with him. Of course he didn't seem enthusiastic but he love small kittens on his lap. Big cats usually like to scratch wherever they wanted to, so he's not very keen of them.

"People don't like to play with you that much, hmm?" Changmin Gramps' head and the kitten bobbed his head up, like responding to Changmin. Changmin smiled while the kitten snuggled into Changmin's palm. "We can be together you know." the kitten ignored him and let Changmin his head and his whole body. When KyuHyun brought some food for them, Gramps stayed on his lap taking a nap. He didn't seem to be bothered by it because the kitten was so small and light.

"May I ask you a question?" Changmin said, his hand reached out for the soft drink. KyuHyun unwrapped his burger.


"When I'm gone, did Lawyer Jung come here?" KyuHyun shook his head. He nudged Changmin's shoulder with his elbow playfully.

"Why? Miss your lover already?" Kyuhyun laughed, which made Changmin blushed.


"Ah! You're as red as tomato!" Kyuhyun laughed even harder when Changmin stuttered to find excuses.

"'m not his lover,"

"You're having an affair, then?" Changmin hit him on the thigh. Wasn't it the same thing?

"I don't, okay? Now stop and answer me."

"No. He hadn't come. Not one day." Kyuhyun became serious after Changmin didn't play along. And also because his burger was getting cold. "Why do you ask? Speaking of which, why didn't you come to work?"

"I was sick."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Kyuhyun gobbled a big bite of his burger. It took a while for him to chew.

"He didn't say anything?" Kyuhyun shook his head.

"Like I said, he didn't usually come every day. He had his busy days, I think now is the time he's drowning in the court work," Changmin pouted. He really wanted to meet Yunho. He wanted to ask more about Junsu, and their complicated relationship. Junsu was shutting his mouth shut about it and it frustrated Changmin more. Junsu knew how he felt about Junsu even if Changmin never said it out loud.

He was falling in love with Junsu.

"You're spacing out," Kyuhyun broke his trance and Changmin accidentally hit Gramps head. Gramps bobbed his head up, whimpered and fell asleep again. "I still couldn't find the reason why both of you are close."

"We're not that close."

"Yes, you are. Never before our boss put an arm around a shoulder, he always seemed distant even if he was very close to us." Kyuhyun looked closely to Changmin's eyes and quickly Changmin looked away. "What happened?" Changmin was taken aback. Why did Kyuhyun ask something like that?


"Something did happen between you and Lawyer Jung, right?"


"I heard the news about both of you went to Korean Music Academy's concert. We talked about it because we knew Lawyer Jung loves classical music. Did you go on a date?"

"I told you I'm not dating him or anything!"

"I know. I know. But people are talking," Kyuhyun's eyes were wide. "They saw you in a car together." Changmin felt his face reddening again. "It's hard to not talk about it when the evidence was obvious,"

It was obvious? There's nothing going on between us!

"But Lawyer Jung always come to the spa the day after to give us the CD for any particular performance that he went to," Kyuhyun balled the wrapper of his eaten burger and tossed it into the dustbin. "But up until now, he hadn't come to show off anything."

"Oh." Changmin stopped Gramps' head and the kitten whimpered. He him again and the kitten was calm once more. "Maybe something happen to him?"

"Because you didn't come the day afterwards, all of us made assumptions that both of you are related in some way that I'd aforementioned." Kyuhyun looked proud of himself. Changmin's fury started to build but he suppressed it, because he didn't want to seem so eager. "You really didn't go with him?"

"Go? To where?"

"The concert?" Kyuhyun tried to lure Changmin to talk. Changmin bit down his lips and nodded.

"I went to the concert with him that night." Would it be wise to tell him about them being kidnapped? "And..." he swallowed. He couldn't tell him, he had a hunch that Yunho would be in a greater danger if he talked to anyone about this. "....nothing happened."

"You mean, he just went there and back? He didn't send you home? There were rumours that he picked you up at home, you know?" how much did they know? They spied on him or what?

"There's nothing going on between us. I swear. He's just a friend of a friend," he was uncomfortable calling Junsu a friend. He used to call Junsu his hyung, , his family. And about Yunho, which was a friend of a friend. It seemed, sounded so distant.

Changmin sighed. If he kept denying like this, they would be even suspicious. If he tell them the truth, they would not believe it he's sure of it.

"Have-have Lawyer Jung ever is in danger when he's investigating the smuggling case?" Kyuhyun looked disturbed by the question but he answered it anyway.

"I don't think so. He's quite adventurous and brave and sometimes he came in the spa with bruises but he said it's nothing. We knew how much he loved outdoor activities,"

It was because he was hit! Changmin screamed internally.

"How badly he was hurt usually?"

"I don't know. sound like a worried girlfriend!" Kyuhyun teased again. Changmin thought it was time to shut up now.


When it's time to go home and Changmin had put the unwilling Gramps into his cage, his thoughts flew to Junsu and Yunho again. Throughout the time he was in the spa, there's no news regarding Yunho. No news about his disappearance and no news about his smuggling case.

He was the last one to stay, due to he was reluctant to go home early to Junsu. Junsu would be home by now. He was still hurt by what Junsu did last night.

Gramps his fingers when Changmin patted him for the last time. Changmin smiled, he could feel the kitten had come to liking him and he was too. They had a thing in common, both of them were different. Gramps obviously didn't fit in with other kittens and he chose to be alone, and he was isolated in a whole new world that he didn't recognise. He was holding onto Junsu, and Gramps was holding onto him.

Ting! Ting!

He frowned. It was past 8, and the spa already closed. He elongated his neck and tried to see who's coming to the spa. He thought he already put the sign on.

He failed to see who's coming so he walked to the showroom.

"I'm sorry, but we're close!" he shouted, his hands were carrying the cats' drinking bottles.

"But the cat spa never closes for me." said the guest. Changmin froze when he saw who it was. Jaejoong was inside the cat spa and he was equally shocked to see Changmin.

Changmin was so shocked he couldn't say anything. Both of them were unable to speak for a while. But at last Jaejoong smirked at him.

"I never thought you would quit the popular and fast-paced model life to being a cats' slave." Jaejoong remarked. Changmin put the bottles down to refill them.

"The spa is closed, no one is allowed in," he turned away, he could feel Jaejoong's eyes carved his way into him and he felt goose bump. He was now aware that Jaejoong could basically do anything to him and no one could stop him. It was a miracle he let Changmin quit without consequences.

"Aren't you going to chase me out?" Jaejoong challenged. Changmin felt the hair on the nape of his neck erected.

"Please leave, Director Kim-nim," Changmin could hear his voice shook. Ne would never imagine the day would come where he was afraid of Jaejoong. "The spa is closed. Please come back tomorrow,"

There was silent as Jaejoong continued his gaze at Changmin. Changmin refilled the bottle, his heart was pounding like crazy.

"Why don't you turn and look at me?" Jaejoong said. His voice was authoritative. Changmin was afraid, but he turned to Jaejoong anyway. The supermodel was even more beautiful when he stood there, with his white suit and the stunning face, his hair shone under the spa dim light, he looked just like a death angel. He grinned at Changmin, his full lips were luscious and able to bend a straight man. He still wore the same smirk.

Changmin opened his mouth again but no words came out when Jaejoong caught his eyes.

"Come near me." Jaejoong sat down on a leather couch and patted the spot next to him. Changmin noticed he came alone. He froze there. "Come." Changmin still didn't move. "Are you afraid of me?" Changmin gripped the edge of his shirt until his knuckles turned white.

"I don't want to come near you." Jaejoong chuckled. Even his chuckle sounded evil. Changmin wanted to break down right then.

"Why? I'm not dangerous at all." Jaejoong said innocently. Obviously he was having fun playing around with frightened Changmin. He knew he was powerful and he took advantage of it. "Come on."

"Please leave, Director Kim-nim. The spa will be open tomorrow..."

"Stop that bull." Jaejoong's smile died, and so did Changmin's heart. "Stop ignoring me." he leaned back on the couch, the smile returned. "Do you know no one ever ask me to leave their shop? Not even Yunho."

He called Yunho Yunho.

"Yunho asked me to come visit this spa as I was allergic to dogs. He was really nice to me back then," Jaejoong watched Changmin. Changmin didn't respond. "But my other half hated him. What a pity."

His other half?

"It's nothing personal. It's just business." Jaejoong let out a small laugh. "Why? You're afraid I'll do what I did to him to you?"

"Why did you let me go? Is he still your captive?"

"I thought cats got your tongue!" he laughed. "What a joy!" Changmin balled his fists. Jaejoong's behaviour was unpredictable. "You know, he's still with me. He's fine, well and healthy. Isn't that what you want to hear?"

"Why do you release me then?"

"Do you want me to keep you like a pet, then?" Changmin froze. "I can do that if you want."

"No. Don't come near me anymore." Jaejoong shrugged.

"I will try. But you're too beautiful to not be owned by anyone." Jaejoong said, and suddenly his face lightened up. "Ah. I almost wanted you, but I should refrain myself."

Changmin never felt his pride so stepped upon like that but he was helpless. There's no one to protect him. He was like an ant, and Jaejoong was a giant. "Are you crying, baby boy?"

"Stop talking to me I'm..."

"What?" Changmin came to a halt. He was shaking so hard. He was afraid of this man. Jaejoong was untouchable. "What? Tell me. Let me fix the problem."

"You..." Changmin's head was blank. "Why don't can't you release Yunho-ssi?"

"Why do you care? Why don't you take care of your own back?"

"I...I..." he couldn't speak a word.

"Look at me and tell me that you want him to be released," Changmin looked down at his own shoes. He was really scared. What if Jaejoong changed his mind and capture him again? "You can't even look me in the eye." he sounded disappointed. Changmin gulped down his courage and lifted his head to glare at Jaejoong. Jaejoong's eyes were fiery, never nice like how he remembered his Jaejoong. Jaejoong smirked when he realised how scared Changmin was. He took off his coat and put it on couch beside him. He stood up and walked to Changmin. He was shorter than Changmin but the confidence in him made Changmin the one who cowered like a child. "And you want me to release Yunho?"

Changmin wanted to bite his own tongue for being this coward.

"Tell me." Jaejoong demanded in a steady voice. Changmin turned away, unable to look at Jaejoong anymore. He was standing beside one of the most powerful man in Korea, even though his body seemed thin and fragile. Jaejoong came closer, and he closed his eyes. Then he smiled wider.

Changmin wanted to cry at the moment.

"You smelled like my dear Junsu." Changmin's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach.

Jaejoong put his index finger on Changmin's right cheek. Changmin froze. He realised Jaejoong's nail was long and beautiful. He had pampered himself with manicure, something his Jaejoong rarely done.

"And your skin are as soft as his," Jaejoong grinned. "You smelled like him, you'd slept with him?"

"St-stop," Changmin's eyes were teary. The tears threatened to fall.

Jaejoong chuckled.

"Do you know how often he slept around? Have you seen the whiteboard in the kitchen?" Changmin's eyes went wide. His tears started to flow. He remembered it, and once he asked Junsu what was the meaning of the numbers in pink and blue marker. He brought his hand to his mouth.

"He swung both ways," Jaejoong was enjoying this. "Well, I was the first man he slept with. At least I stay true to being with one man." he shrugged.

"What...why should I care about it?" Changmin was crying. He wanted to not care but he couldn't. And Jaejoong already broke the fragile fortress that he built, just like that.

"I don't know." Jaejoong wiped Changmin's tear with his sleeve. He wore a sympathic look but the younger man was still afraid of him. It was a facade. He wasn't real, he was acting. "Why don't you tell me later?"

"Stay away from me." Changmin wanted to push Jaejoong but he couldn't. The strength already left him.

"Do you hate me that much?" Changmin gritted his teeth. He cried harder. "Do you want me to comfort you?"

"I said, stay away from me!" Changmin stepped away and clumsily he tripped on his feet and fell down. Jaejoong just watched, an indifferent emotion displayed on his face. Changmin quickly hugged his knees and wiped his tears violently.

They stayed in silent for a while. Jaejoong stood in the middle of the room like an angel, looking as perfect as he could be. Changmin buried his face in his knees, he didn't care if Jaejoong wanted to hit him or something. He just couldn't accept the fact that he wasn't the only one. He wasn't the only one for Junsu. He was just a fling. He was just a number on the whiteboard in Junsu's kitchen. Nothing more than that.

"Why do you ask me about alternate universe?" suddenly Jaejoong asked. His face was stern. Changmin's mouth hung open. Jaejoong sighed. "You are an idiot looking like that. A pathetic idiot. Reminds me of Yunho a lot." he chuckled again and then his smile died.

"Do you hate him that much? How much longer you want to torture him?" Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

"Get up." Changmin blinked. "I said get up." he did as he was told. "I'm leaving. Talking bull with someone as ignorant as you is such a waste of my time." Changmin was dumbfounded. "Get my coat," Changmin walked to the couch and took the coat. Jaejoong made a gesture so Changmin would help him to wear the coat back. He turned around and stared into Changmin's eyes. "Even in another life, Yunho would always fall in love with me over and over, and over again." he smirked and kissed Changmin on the cheek. "Take care." he whispered before he left the spa.

a/n Jaejoong strikes again! i can totally relate Jaejoong being bad, especially after I watched the new MV from him. it was a-may-ziiiiiing!!!!!! i really, really like the vibe in Mine MV and again i can relate if uri Jaejoong becomes bad as in what his character be in this story. keke~

and i will be late on updating (again!) and i'm so sorry, so sorry. there's been an interview that I would be having, it's a very crucial one because it would determine where I would work when I graduated. do you know i spent seven years studying for a degree? aish. it's very tiring and always succeeded in exhausting me to the very core. thank God i was given a chance to write stories and show it to readers like you guys. it's like a therapy for me, yes, your comments, subscriptions and support gave me strength to move on with this life. even though i would serve people with therapy sooner in my life, doesn't mean i didn't need one..

okay, good night everyone. i love you guys!

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Lanysa #1
re-read this one of amazing stories I've ever read until now... I love it!
Chapter 49: Hello! I Really loved this fic, it's amazing! One of my favourite dbsk fanfics for sure! I loved the idea of alternative universe and I think it's very original. The story is really captivating and easy to read. Thank you for writing!
affgaga #3
Chapter 49: subarashii story author-nim, i felt like watching a k-drama, and yup, i'm following 220 then i found this one.. glad that i found another good author, luv yuh!!
just come across this fic recently, and already finished.... wow your idea just so original.... like it.... though I am not really keen of boyxboy fic, but I will endure if I like the plot n how the author deliver their idea kkkkk...... honestly actually I only read various genre of fic just for dbsk... they kinda ruined my preference of everything kkkkk
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 49: I enjoyed this story. It was really something different and i just kept reading until I was done.
kimjaejoongg #6
great story :)
Chapter 49: OMGS!! You made me cry..!! (Almost every Chapter) TT_TT
I want more sad story please..~ xD
I was debating whether or not to post this comment since it's going to be really, really late (I see that you completed it in April and it's December now) but then I realized I couldn't go on without telling you about how beautiful it is.
The characters have so much depth. I love how Junsu seems so nice sometimes and then at others, he's harsh and cold. I love you you revealed why that was so, and why it meant everything. I love how Changmin managed to worm himself into Junsu's heart even though he's not the Junsu he was wishing for. Then there's Yunho whom was so charming and nice, and I thought that he genuinely did love Changmin, and then bam. But it makes sense, and that's why I really enjoyed reading this. I love how Jaejoong was so cold (for no reason, it seemed at first) and evil and dark, but then it ended up being Junsu's fault (not really though)and it all connects. And Yoochun, the manhwa artist, and I don't think words can really describe what a character he was. And his brother, who was so protective of him although he was the one sick.
Oh, and the wishes. The wishes are so sad. The ones about changing his hyungs, and when they actually did change, he didn't want it anymore. (not really for Junsu's case)
I don't read minsu stories much, but this. I spent hours reading this and I honestly couldn't stop. It's basically everything I'm looking for in a story. You're a really talented author!
Far out, I was so emotionally involved in this fanfic I think at one point of reading I nearly started crying OTL But anyway, this story was so beautiful I can't even describe it. I was surprised at Jaejoong's character at first since it was so different to what I normally saw in other DBSK fanfics but after he broke down when Junsu died I understood why :c This is actually my first Changmin X Junsu fanfic, I was in the middle of searching for Yunjae fanfics but ran across this one, I think I have a new pairing now C: Anyway, thanks for writing this story! Upvote+Subscription >W<
justjia #10
Chapter 49: all the angst ohmagod... loved this story like crazy! Thank you for writing such an awesome masterpiece <3