The First and The Last

The interview went well a week ago. Now I was waiting for a call from that receptionist girl, Miss Choi Sulli. Actually, I wasn’t interviewed by the real boss. That blonde woman named Kim Taeyeon, was the one who interviewed me; and she was the second assistant of the boss. I was thinking at that time (until now), how many assistants does that big boss have? It's not really important to be think about.


It was Sunday morning, but I had woken up already because Yoona jumped on my stomach at seven in the morning. It was really annoyed me. She did that because she wanted me to make her pancakes. Yeah, Yoona was craving for pancakes made by chef Tiffany Hwang. But seriously, she really to mark that she-is-eighteen-and-her-weight-isn’t-5-kilograms in her mind.


Yoona still having her pancakes in the dinning table while reading a novel. I scoofed as I change the channel on television because there was nothing good to be watched. News, dramas, gossips, cartoons. What should I watch?. I murmured. Accidentaly, I saw a dark haired guy MC-ing in a show, which made me remember about Yoona’s boyfriend, Taecyeon. I tilted my head to see Yoona in the dinning table, still chewing the pancake.


“Hey Yoona”




“I’m just curious...”


“About what?”


“How’s Taecyeon? I didn’t see him for past 2 months.”


She was clam up. I didn't know what she was thinking, but I know she was searching for a reason to tell me about him. I kept my eyes on her, until she turned her head to face me.


“We broke up. I think I’ve told you that, Sis”


“No, you haven’t. The fact I asked you about him by now” I raised my eyebrows, still facing her. “and I’m sorry to hear that”


She snort, turned her head back to the book and pretend like she’s reading the book. Well, of course she was pretending. I exactly know that question about Taecyeon bothered her so much. As I know, Yoona love Taecyeon very much, more than all of her ex-boyfriends. I slumped in the sofa, returning my eyes to the television. The atmosphere went awkward after I asked that question. I shouldn’t have asked her that.


We spent that 30 minutes in awkward atmosphere, until that DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love by Usher ringing from my phone besides me. I grab it fast, making Yoona turned her head to look at her nervous sister. I swore her eyes were like “what are you waiting for? Answer it, you dumb!”, and mine were like, “should I? should I?”. How stupid. I glanced at the screen which showing Ms. Choi’s name and number. Gulped my saliva down and press the ‘Answer’ button.


“H-hello?” my voice was croaked.


“Good morning, Miss Hwang” ouch, that angelic voice.


“Good morning, Miss Choi”


“I would like to tell you something about the announcement of the applicants” yes yes yes, just go straight to the point, Miss Choi Sulli.


I looked at Yoona who closed her book and walked towards me; she sat beside me as she place her ear on my phone. Looked like Miss Choi like to make my heart go thump-thump. I swallowed my saliva again as I keep waiting for Miss Choi to speak. I knew all of this are overreacting, but I really want to work there.


“Miss Hwang” she called.




“I don’t know what to say..” Crap, I know it. I’m rejected. Yoona dismissed her ear from my phone because she heard Miss Choi’s words. She did know her sister was going to be rejected, but still, I was hoping a miracle to come to me. 


“Congratulations, Miss Hwang. You are accepted to be a secretary in our company!” she said. I was speechless, still having the phone in my ear.




“Yeah. Congratulations!”


I got off from my seat and jumped like crazy. This happiness was a thing that you cannot buy and I think the last time I felt like this when I graduated from high school. That was a long time ago. Yoona’s eyes became an eyesmile (just like mine) when she saw me jumped, it signed her that I am accepted. After I calm down, which took almost 5 minutes, I sat back in the sofa and clear my throat.


“You can start working tomorrow. It starts at 9 AM. Don’t be late, okay? Our boss hate it when the employees comes late.”


“I’m not planning to do that, Miss Choi” I laughed and she laughed as well. “And I think every bosses hate it”


“Yeah.  So, that’s all I need to say. Congratulations once again. I’m looking forward to work in the same company with you.”


“Me too and thank you very much”


“Good morning and have a nice day”


“You too, Miss Choi” I pressed the ‘End’ button and stared at Yoona who was already grinned widely at me. She jumped and hugged me tight. A congratulation hug from your sister is the best thing ever in my life.


“Congratulations, Sis! I knew you will made it.” she hugged me tighter.


“Thanks, Yoong! I’m totally can wait for tomorrow.”


“Ah, new co-workers, huh? Tell me if you found handsome ones.” She poked me with her elbow and winked. I laughed at her jokes, but somehow I found it serious in her tone. But whatever it was, I threw it away from my mind because there’s nothing to be thinking of. All in my mind was: I’m so ready for tomorrow. Please let the clock move faster.




The doors were opened automatically as I walked in to the store. Yep, this was the place where I worked. It was not really far from my house and I used to ride a bicycle to get here. The store was quiet empty as usual, only few dudes who just get drinks from the refrigerator near the coffee maker.


“Hi, Tiffany” a greet came from a guy with a tied hair in the cashier. He was tapping his fingers on the table as he smiled at me.


“Hi. Is Gyuri in her office?” I stopped my steps and pointed at the door with ‘STAFF ONLY” label attached on. He nodded.


“Yep, she’s there. Go meet her.”


“I will. Thanks!”


I walked in to the staffs’ room to find Gyuri. Perhaps she was doing some papers to be done, because that’s what she was doing everytime I get in to her office. Sure thing she was busy. I knocked the door, signing Gyuri that I’m going to come to her office.


“Come in”


I twirled the knob and stepped in to Gyuri’s office. Once she heard the door opened, she tilt her head, changing her view from that pile of papers to me. Gyuri smiled at me; her sweet, killing, and addicting smile never fail to make me mesmerized by her. I hope she doesn’t turn me to be gay; or maybe not yet? Aish.


“Hi, Tiffany. What’s up? Isn’t today your holiday?”


“Yeah, I just wanted to say something” Gyuri pulled her chair closer to her desk, removing some papers to aside and crossing her arms on the table. She was like want to interview me and it made me kinda nervous. Even though she was my boss, Gyuri was like a friend to me, or even a big sister. Her caring side made me thought so. After work, we often having coffee time in the coffee shop near by; chatting like there’s no tomorrow. Gyuri was a bestfriend, big sister and boss for me. Triple-function. That’s awesome.


“What is it?” she asked.


“Can I just work part-time in this store?”


“But why?” her voice is kinda high. No, she wasn't going mad, just shock. Uh, I know her too well.


“I’m accepted in a company and it’s located out of town. I think I can’t manage the time to work here in weekdays.”


Gyuri slumped in her chair, looked at me in that unusual stare. Maybe she was thinking that I was cocky with that announcement, but what should I do? I was not a robot, that can fly anywhere in a blink and I think it’s impossible that I’d work in two places at once.


“Are you going to move?”


“Huh? Of course not. I don’t have much money to buy a condo or a house there. I’ll go there by car”


“Whose car?”


“My uncle’s”


She sat back and sighed, which make me a bit guilty. We stayed silent for a few minutes, until Gyuri rose from her seat gracefully; walking towards a bookshelves. I didn't know what she was doing, but when she was walking back to her seat, she was holding a huge and black book. She waas started to write down in the book, ignoring me like I wasn’t there. I gulped.


“G-Gyul, are you mad?”


“Why should I? I’m searching for a person to replace you.” She smiled, making me quite relieved.


“So, I still can work in weekends, right?”


“Yup, you can. But aren’t you going exhausted with a schedule like that? No holiday at all.” Here it is, worried Gyuri.


“Nah, it’s okay. I know I can make it” I winked at her, which making Gyuri chuckled. “So, I have said what I wanted to say. I shall go home now. Yoona is alone at home” I stood up, slung my bag on the shoulder. Gyuri looked up, waiting for a farewell-greet from me.




“Bye. Congratulations for your new job, Tiffany. And say hi to Yoona from me. I miss her”


I smiled. “I will. Thanks, Gyul” I says as I opened the door and walked out of the room.




I blinked as I realized that I’ve been sitting on my new chair in the office (I was already in my office since an hour ago). This comfy room with brown, wooden desk in front of me; iMac on it and the wireless keyboard of Apple, expensive stationary case, and an empty blue book. Wow, these were totally mesmerizing me. I never work using these expensive gadgets, but it doesn’t mean I can’t use it. Hell, Gyul’s gadgets were all Apple branded and sometimes she let me to use it in her office. I twisted my chair and stared blankly at the view of my sight; it was a view of that busy city. A lot of car passing by on the street (unlike the city where I live in), people doing their activities and many more. Perhaps people prefer to drive a car to their destination than they must ride a bike or take a walk. But all the things in my head was I-can’t-believe-that-I-am-part-of-those-cool-employees-now. Yeah, that was tacky and I didn’t care.


That awkward moment when I just remember that I was introducing myself to all my new co-workers before I bumped into this room. There were a lot of nice people. Like Seo Juhyun, Lee Soonkyu and Choi Sooyoung. Ah, Sooyoung was the one who keep eating in her place when I was introducing myself. Looked like she really like foods; and my expectation was right. Juhyun told me that she was a shikshin in the office. Oh, new knowledge about one of my co-workers.


Before I was able to get up from my seat, I heard a knock on my door and let the knocker in. And it was Kim Taeyeon. She smiled at me and slowly closed the door with her left hand.


“Enjoying your new room, Miss Hwang?” again, she smiled. I smiled back at her and nodded.


“Yeah, this is totally awesome!” I can’t hide my excitement in front of her.


“Glad to know that. So, I want to give you your first job”


I eyed her, who gives me a stack of paper to be done. Oh damn, this is Gyul’s work, right?. I can’t say anything but obey what Miss Kim said to me. She was a good senior and instructor. Kind and patient, because she didn’t hesitate to explain it again if I didn’t understand.


"Understood, Miss Hwang?” I snapped from my thoughts because of Miss Kim’s voice. I nodded and bring the papers closer to me. I hope I didn’t messed up on my first job, because it’s kinda hard.


“Don’t worry. You won’t messed up and it’s not as hard as your approximation”


What the hell!? Is she a mind reader??!


She smiled at me when I just looked at her in disbelief.


“Well, have a good day, Miss Hwang.”


Now, I was really scared that Miss Kim could read my thoughts when I was talking about her in my mind. That was embarrassing!




Lunch. Yeap, it was already break time and I was going to restaurant near here. Those papers were killing me slowly. Reading a lot of words and copy it down to the computer. I sighed as I pick my wallet and my phone, disagree to bring a bag because it’s so heavy. Suprisingly, the hall out of my room was empty already. Damn fast you people! Are you guys that hungry?. When I got in the lobby, I saw Miss Choi Sulli carrying her wallet (same like me). 


“Miss Choi!” I yelled and she turned her head to me. She smiled, clearly she has an eyesmile like me.


“Hi, Miss Hwang. Want to have lunch together?”


“I’d love to”


The restaurant wasn't that far from our office. We walked in silence but I was kinda comfortable with it because I enjoyed the state of this place. The street was quite empty, only few cars passed by and most of them are trucks, not personal cars. As I realize, Miss Choi clapped her hands in front of my face. Well, looks like I’ was too enjoying this unfamiliar city and I forgot that I’ve been in the restaurant since ten minutes ago.


“I’ve already ordered my food.” What a shame because I dozed off that long. Blushed, making Miss Choi chuckled. After I ordered, the waiter walked away from our table, leaving Miss Choi and I alone. She didn’t stop smiling, making me lowered my head because her smile was so cute and pretty.


“So, are you still excited in your first day of work?”




“W-well, yes. But those papers are no joke. It was like, they were keep coming to me and I have a feeling that I couldn’t finish these today” she laughed, widely.


“That’s the risk of working in a huge company. Am I right?”


“But I’m a newbie”


“No difference. Juniors and seniors are the same in our company.”


Juniors and seniors are the same in the company. Check.


“But what if I made mistakes and screwed the wh-”


“No, you wouldn’t. Because when you pass the papers to Miss Soonkyu, she will check your work for several times and when she is going to send it to the big boss, it’s already perfect and no mistakes at all” I hummed. The food was arrived faster than I expected. The waiter came and interrupted us for 2 minutes.


“So, Miss Soonkyu is a perfectionist, isn’t she?” I asked as I scooped my food and put it in my mouth. Miss Choi shook her head, means no. Eh?


“No, she’s not. But our boss is”




“Yeap. No one can handle the perfectionist of our boss.” She chuckled a little. “Speaking of boss, have you met our boss?”


I shook my head and her eyes went "seriously, Tiffany Hwang?".


“Really?” As expected, I knew she will say that.


“Yeah. Miss Kim was the one who interviewed me last week”


“Woah, that was so rare. Every employees in the company were interviewed by our boss”


“Looks like I’m an unwanted employee, huh?”


“No, you aren’t. Don’t ever ever thinking like that!” she snapped. “Our boss likes to traveling around the world for business and somehow wouldn’t come to the office for approximately two weeks” Miss Choi took a sip of her lemon tea before continue her words. “but not interviewing new employee, it’s kinda rare”


I lowered my head, her word makes me discouraged. Am I really choosen because of—


“No need to be discouraged, Miss Hwang. Our boss was really selective when it comes to employees and will not be carelessly in choosing them. There must be a reason why our boss was choosing you”


I sighed in relieve even though that unpleasant feeling still around me, but I try to get rid of it. Before I talk, someone appeared in our table. I looked up and saw Miss Kim Taeyeon smiled towards me.


“Hi, guys”


“Miss Kim” I stand up and bow at her.


“Drop the formalities, Miss Hwang. We’re outside the office” I just smiled awkwardly hearing that. Still, she was my senior and I didn’t want to be a rude junior in her and every employees’ eyes.


“Wanna join us, Miss Kim?” Miss Choi offered her.


“Oh no, thank you. I’ve a friend waiting for me there” she pointed at the corner of the restaurant and I saw a black haired woman waiting for her while sipping her juice. She was familiar and I think I’ve saw her in the office, but I didn’t know her name. “I just wanted to tell something to Miss Hwang”


Hearing my name, my ears perked up. Curiousity wrapped around me.


“Our boss wanted to see you after lunch”


Oh . Can I die? Because I’m not ready for it and I just talked it with Miss Choi.


I’m…. scared.






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Jeti48 #1
This will be on of my fave jeti's fic, thanks authornim...
I reread it again in 2022
Chapter 32: Yeyyyy wrap it....(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 27: Omg...there is no more jeti... (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Chapter 25: Khunfany???what???oke calm down...this is jeti ff...so it will not khunfany ff..right thor???(٥↼_↼)(٥↼_↼)
Chapter 23: Can i curse tiff, thor??ರ_ರರ_ರರ_ರ
Chapter 22: Is she a stupid???ya fany...why u push sica away ??she already cancel her wedding for u...u want her happy with hara???she will not....i guess its better if sica die...coz.it will be the same for her having hara as her wife
Chapter 21: Gosh...can u cancel ur wedding sica...please choose ur own path
Chapter 19: What????3weeks again???isnt it bout 3 years again?
Imjessica #9
My fav Jeti story
Reread this again.... One of mt fave jeti's story... Thanks for sharing authornim :))