Present day.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


/Hanna's room/

Hanna smiled to herself in the mirror as she remembered the memory of how she became friends with Infinite and Myungsoo especially. Over the years, she and the guys had really gotten close to brother-sister relationship. Sunggyu was always be protective of her. The day she started school, the guys had told everybody on the school playground to never bother you or else consequences might come their way. Then in middle school, they had mass copied Hanna’s face, wrote “ Infinite’s dongsaeng, bother her and watch what happens” and stuck it all over the middle school inside out. Even the teachers who were slightly afraid of Infinite knew enough not to make trouble for Hanna. It was hard for her to make friends since everyone would just whisper around her or point at her. When she came in the classroom, every looked at her but never talked to her. Then one day, she saw 2 girls being bullied and Hanna went to stand up for them. The bullies scrammed after Hanna told them to go away and they obeyed because they knew who you were. Soon, Becky and Chirstal befriended Hanna. And today was Hanna’s first day of highschool together with Sungjong, her bestfriends, Becky and Christal. Myungsoo was only a level above her along with Sungyeol and the others, 3rd years.


Over the summer, she would either watch kdramas 6 hours straight, napped, ate, played her violin, sleep, wake up, and repeat the same process. It was a miracle she stepped outside her house for more than 1 minute before going back into her air conditioned house. Infinite, however, had jobs so they were always busy and couldn’t hang out with Hanna as much except for Sunggyu. As for her bestfriends, Becky was on vacation in France and Christal was doing some volunteer work. Becky would email often and Christal was there to hang out with Hanna when Infinite came over. Hanna would go into Sunggyu’s room everyday, jumped on top of him to get him to wake up because she was bored then ended up on floor laughing after they had finished their tickle fight. While Sunggyu washed up, Hanna made breakfast for him. On the free days, Infinite always came over and they’d watch movies, played games, go out to Hongdae for food, or just played with the water hose in the garden like they used to. Finally, Infinite’s jobs were over and had just one week right before school started. Hanna got to spend the entire week deciding what to do since they had felt bad not spending as much time with her. On Monday, they went to an amusement park. Tuesday, shopping for clothes and school supplies. Wednesday, going to the beach and having a camp fire. Then Hanna suggested they go to Jeju island for a vacation and return on Sunday. At Jeju, they had gone to the beach, went hiking, ate at fancy restaurants, explored Jeju, and had the time of their lives. Before they knew it, it was already Sunday. On the last day, Hanna chose to have a bbq in their backyard with fireworks.

Dongwoo excitedly bought out the fireworks they bought. “Hey guys, let’s start using these already!” He ran towards them with the box of fireworks and started opening them.

Everyone started to light the fireworks and shouted in joy.  They chased each other around the garden waving the fireworks in the air.

Myungsoo was chasing Hanna who was trying to run as fast as possible.

Hanna turned around and screamed when she saw Myungsoo had almost caught her.

You can’t run for long, Hanna ~ I’m gonna get you ~

Hanna shrugged her shoulders with a smirk, Mehrong~

OH THAT’S IT! Myungsoo ran at his fastest speed and caught her by the waist.

Hanna screamed and laughed at the same time struggling to get out of Myungsoo’s arms.

You know I’m stronger anyway so why bother?

Pfft, she started tickling Myungsoo but didn’t help because Myungsoo wasn’t ticklish at all.

Finally, Hanna gave up.

Punishment time” Myungsoo gave her a smirk. Hanna pouted and closed her eyes.

She waited for her punishment but didn’t feel anything so she opened her eyes and saw Myungsoo leaning towards her.

Hanna thought he was going to flick her forehead but instead, Myungsoo gave her a kiss on the cheek.

/camera flash/ Woohyun and Dongwoo were behind them snickering and cooing “Oooooooooo”

Yah Sunggyu-ah! Myungsoo just kissed your dongsaeng Dongwoo shouted at Sunggyu. Sunggyu was already glaring at Myungsoo and Myungsoo just shrugged with a smug expression. Yeollie started making kissy faces at them while Hoya and Sungjong were shocked.

“H-huh?” She touched her cheek and looked up at Myungsoo who had a smile on his face.

“What was that for?”

“Goodluck for tomorrow”

Sunggyu came in between them. “Yahyahyahyah! Just because I have small eyes doesn’t mean I can’t see okay?!”

Myungsoo looked at his hyung with his poker face, “Uhhuh …so?”

Don’t “so” me!

I just did.

You’re not afraid I’ll kill you for doing that?

Hyung, it was only a kiss on the cheek for “goodluck” and how can I be afraid of someone who looks ike a hamster?


Hanna laughed at the two for being silly.

The night ended when it was getting late and everyone went home to sleep early for tomorrow.

Hanna stayed outside and sat on her favorite bench, her and Myungsoo’s bench.

Umma, Appa. Are you watching me right now? Hehe, it’s been so long. Wish me luck tomorrow, I’m starting highschool and I’m nervous >.< I hope my highschool years will be memorable and happy. Hanna smiled.

Myungsoo watched Hanna talk to her parents and smiled. He walked outside to the garden.

“You should sleep early Hanna-ah.”

Hanna looked up at Myungsoo, “Mm, I guess so”

Goodnight, Umma and Appa.

Myungsoo took Hanna’s hands and led her to her bedroom and tucked her in.

Before he left, he looked at Hanna one last time and ruffled her hair.

That night, the sky was shining brightly with lots of stars glowing as if they were ready to burst.

And now,today, Hanna was starting highschool. She woke up early and go dressed into her new highschool uniform.


Thanks for reading :D

hehe, what's gonna happen next?

& for the next chapters, I might decide to use different colors for each person so it's easier for me to write the dialogues ;<


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3