
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun Hoya,Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L, Sungjong, Hanna, Christal, Becky, and Niel.

Enjoy reading! ^^


Hanna sat on the rooftop staring down at the recorded conversation. Should I?  Would Myungsoo oppa even believe this? What’s the point of showing him then? He might not even break up with Lily even if I show this to him. She sighed and just closed her phone.  The weather today didn’t look very bright, it was cloudy and grey.

What should do? Hm umma, appa?

/At lunch/


Congratulations! ^^


Congratulations, if you ever need help just call me yeah?

Hyung, congrats!


Everyone congratulated Myungsoo except Christal, Becky, Hanna, and Niel. The 4 of them had gloomy expressions but didn’t let anyone see. Hanna forced her to smile brightly while Christal, Becky and Niel looked at her worriedly.

Thanks guys. C:

L stood up and took Lily’s hand. He cleared his throat and got everyone’s attention.

This is Infinite’ L and from this day on, Lily is my girlfriend. If anyone bothers her, they won’t live to see the next sun rise. Understood? Kay.

After L and Lily sat back down, the cafeteria started whispering and chattering again.

The crowd:

Aish damnit, I was gonna ask Lily out next week”


“Lily sunbae? T^T AWWW SHE’S SO LUCKY!”


“Of course it’s going to be her, she’s so nice”


“I wish I was her!”


“Ugh Infinite’s L got her first. Damn!




Oooooo, our L is growing up!

Woah, you’re gonna have less fangirls now! But it’s okay, they’ll come to mee ;D

Yah, who cares if you have more fangirls? They’ll all disappear once you get a girlfriend too!

Psh, all my fangirls are my girlfriends!

Are we celebrating afterschool?

You’re treating right, L-yah? >D

Yup, I made a reservation at a restaurant. Psh hyung, you only wanted free food?

Ooooo, you’re growing! A reservation?  Woah.

Where did you even get the money to do all this stuff?

I saved up heh …

Ooooo smart!

Psh this guy didn’t even save up money for my bday!


While Infinite was making plans to meet up for the celebration, Becky was trying to think up of an excuse to avoid going.

Mianhe oppas, but I have volunteer work with Christal and Hanna today ><

You never told us ….

They just informed us that we got accepted On Saturday …heh

Aww, you’re not gonna celebrate with us?

L hyung made a reservation already though ….

Maybe we can celebrate next time …right Hanna?

O-oh yeah, next time.

Hanna-ah, why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could’ve made a reservation for another day then.

I-I didn’t know when they were going to inform us ..hehe mian.

Arasso but next time, you better come!

Actually, I’m busy too. Sorry.

Niel, you too?

I need to help my hyung at home with something.

Maybe you can come next time too.

Yeah sure.



After waving bye to Infinite, Christal, Becky, Hanna and Niel decided to walk to Hanna’s house.

So Niel, you’re Hanna’s new neighbor?


How long have you been living there?

About a month and a half?

Oh I see, what did you brother need help with today?


You had to go help your brother with something today…?                                              

O-oh ah ….actually, I didn’t want to go today….

How come?

Well … I’m not even close with Infinite and besides, does Hanna need help cheering up?


That Hanna likes him? Yeah, she told me the first we met.


Christal and Becky stared at him with his mouth closed.

So you didn’t go today because of Hanna?

Hm…. I told you, I’m not that close to Infinite anyway and well because I was going to comfort Hanna?


Oh you should join us today too! We actually made up an excuse too, we don’t actually have any volunteer work.



/At Hanna’s house/

The four of them sat down on the couch making themselves comfortable.

Hanna-ah, are okay?

Yeah, I’m fine really.

You can cry you know.

I know but I don’t wanna, crying is so annoying. What should I do now?

Of course forget him!

You’ll find another guy.

Oh! Wanna go on a blind date?

Er….no thanks.

Awwwww c’mon!  My dad’s friend’s son is totally cute!

Psh then why don’t you go on a blind date with him instead?

He’s not my type, I like tall  rich guys hehe ~

Still….no thanks.

You should reconsider you know.

…….no thankyou.

Alright then but let me know if you change your mind~ ;D

What should we do now?

How about watching movies?



For the rest of the day, they watched  Disney movies and Titanic. When Titanic ended, Christal and Becky were sobbing as well as Hanna. Niel was the only one who wasn’t crying.


Why do girls even cry over this stuff?

Y-y-yahh! T-t-t-his w-w-was a s-sad mo-movie!

I-I’m e-motional okay!

Okay okay shh, just stop crying already.


The girls were still crying a bit when Sunggyu came home at 6pm. He saw their shoes so he went to greet them. When he entered the living room, he saw 3 girls crying wiping their tears with a box of tissues. Then he saw the cover of Titanic on the floor and Niel was trying to clean up after them.


Hey …..you guys hehe….Hey Niel! ^^

Oh hey Sunggyu hyung.

Girls huh?


He said pointing to the cover of Titanic.


Yeah I know right.

Lol, I’ll help you.

After the two finished cleaning up the tissues and straightening out the stuff, the girls finally stopped.



It’s just a movie …



Okay okay, it’s true …love ….

You should hurry home before it’s late you know.

Yeah we should go now. C’mon.


Christal and Becky left first. Niel got his bookbag from Hanna’s room and went down the stairs. He walked into the living room to see Hanna staring at a photo frame of her and L. She looked at it biting her lips and sighing.


Can’t you not look at him?




Can’t you not look at him? He’s far away from you now.


……I know but still. I wanna stay…./sigh/


You still wanna stay besides someone whose stepping on you? You should look for someone better.


This made Hanna think about what Becky had suggested.


You think I should go on that blind date too?


I-I didn’t mean it that way but I mean you could find someone better …you know. Someone who would protect you unlike L.


It wasn’t his fault anyway, he liked Lily so yeah it’s natural for him to run over to her side….


/Sigh/ I’ll leave now. You need to walk me out. See you tomorrow.


Yeah you too.

Hanna watched Niel walk out shutting the door behind him. She thought about what he had said. I shouldn’t be looking at him anymore anyway …. But I still want to hold on ..can’t I? I still need time …

/text message sound/


From: Myungsoo oppa

/insert picture of Myungsoo kissing Lily’s cheek/


You should’ve came today! We had so much fun ^^ Hehe the guys made me kiss her in front of them and they took the picture >/////////////////




Hanna dropped her phone, tears already spilling from her eyes. She turned her head slowly to the ground, staring at the picture. Her heart was beating so fast she felt it but at the same time being stabbed, her stomach felt queasy and her legs, like jello.


Thanks for subscribing & reading ^^

I don't know if this chapter really counts ....since nothing really happened til the end. Something's gonna happen next chapter ;D 

Sorry I couldn't update because of school T_T so much work ....I'll update next week ^^

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3