Study Abroad

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?

Hanna stood in front of the poster unaware of Myungsoo walking up behind her. She was in a daze, thinking up of all places she could travel to and study at. Having fancy dinners on the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Towers or maybe possibly meeting professional chefs at Cordon Bleu? Taking walks in the lively streets of Tokyo and getting lost in the marketplaces in Italy filled with many various scents of fruits and nuts. Inhaling the fresh air while lying down in the calm meadows of New Zealand not having to worry about anything in the world. Simply put, studying abroad would just suffice for everything. Every moment would be worth it. But then again, how could she just leave her friends and family to go study let alone worrying about him. 


You're not possibly thinking about studying abroad and leaving me right?


You're not going to leave me right?

But I was going to consider studying abroad....

Why? You can just stay here and study!


No buts!

But why do you get to choose for me?!

.....I want you to stay by my side...'s not like we're some couple or anything...

B-but I confessed!

Since when?

This morning!

What kind of confession is that? You just blurted that out of nowhere!

It's still a confession o:<

Okay fine, let's say it is a confession but it's not like you asked me out or--


...........When you say it that way, it makes it seem like a demand.

Hanna walked up to Myungsoo shaking her head and sighing.

You've got to come up with better ways to get girls, pabo tsktsk.


Shut it, I'm gonna go home. You?

I-I'll walk you!

Whatever you please.

The walk home was silent. Myungsoo kept his head down trying to figure out a way to ask Hanna. Should I book a reservation? Aw but what if that's too boring? Everyone does that nowadays.... Serenading? Ugh no, too....mushy. Movie? Nah. Damnit, maybe I do need better ways to ask her out. Man, this is hard work.

Every now and then, Myungsoo would stop and then start taking little steps and then stopping again. Any idea that popped up in his head would either be too common or not up to his standards. 


H-huh? Me?

Yeah you, what's gotten into you?


Then walk normally instead stopping and going again!

O-oh, I was just lost in my thoughts.

And what could you possibly be thinking of?

Erm...ah, oh! I have this you know project that I need to finish so I was thinking of ideas?

Tsktsk, that's why you should've started earlier. What if you hand it in late again like last time?

I-I won't! 

Right. C'mon, hurry~

After he waved goodbye and watched her enter the house, Myungsoo raced to his house so he could start brainstorming ideas immediately. Many crumbled up pieces of paper were thrown on the floor before the perfect idea was bestowed upon him. Myungsoo had thought of the perfect plan and instantly texted the plan to s. 

The next day, Hanna woke up surprised to see a note beside her night stand. 

"I have something to do so you don't have to worry about me, eat the breakfast and get to school on time" 

-Sunggyu oppa

That's weird....he never wakes up early unless it's my birthday....

Hanna quickly washed up and ate the omurice Sunggyu made for her. Although Hanna had plenty of time before school started, precisely about 50 minutes, she still wanted to get to school early. When she stepped outside, it felt weird. Myungsoo would always be standing outside waiting for her and annoyed her on the way to school but today, there was no tall figure with a black bookbag outside the gate. Hanna looked around to see if Myungsoo was running late. Maybe he forgot? Oh wells, I'll just go alone today. 

Before leaving, she looked up at Niel's bedroom and it seemed like he had left for school already as well. Arriving at school, the campus was empty. Of course she thought, school didn't even start for another 30 minutes. She decided to just walk into her first period class and put her head down. When she got to her seat, she was surprised to find lavenders at her desk with a tiny card.

The card read:

"Keep smiling like you are right now"

-My heart's keeper

A tint of blush was shown on her cheeks as she read the note over and over again. Is this Myungsoo's doing? Gosh, he's so cheesy. 

In every class, a different flower with a different card would appear on her desk. Lots of onlookers stared at Hanna in envy, oh how they had someone who would do something so romantic as that for them as well!

In History, Hanna received daisies and a card saying "You hold the key to my heart, keep it safe okay? It's yours forever."

Then in Math, a pair of baby's breath awaited her with a card saying "Our love is infinite"

And finally in English, there was a single red rose on her desk and a heart shaped box of chocolates. The final and last card was a unique, the secret admirer or Myungsoo had written a haiku.

The most gorgeous girl

Strawberries and chocolate

I like you Hanna.

Hanna couldn't help but just smile. Before going to lunch, she made sure to not crush any of the flowers she had received into her arms. During English, she had happily munched on the chocolates and was surprised to find that it was all of her favorite chocolates. How did he get this done in one night?!

Oooh's and Ahh's could be heard from people as she passed by them in the cafeteria. Girls stared in awe and wished their boyfriends would do things like that for them too. By the time Hanna got to Infinite's table, the members grinned and smirked at her. 


Nothing, you've got a lot of flowers there Hanna >;3

Yeah, whose it from? Hmmmm?


Knock it off, you know who it's from.

/sniffles/ Our Hanna is growing up!

It's just flowers and a couple of cards....

That's so sweet!

Aww, it'd be so nice for a guy to do that!

Where's Myungsoo oppa?

Oooooooo when did you start calling him oppa hmm?

Oooooo it's upgraded to oppa now?

Awww, soc cuuuute!

I call you guys oppa too...well anyway, where is he?

Why don't you call him hmmm?

Hyungs, stop it! And Hanna, he said he's not feeling well today so he's taking a day off

Oh, I see.


The commotion died down after awhile and Hanna could finally eat her lunch in peace though from time to time, she'd still get some snickers and smirks from the other members. Before the last bell rang, she felt her phone vibrate through her pockets. It was a text message from an unknown number.


"Get home early, I have a surprise for you. Seeya then"

Hanna stared at the text again just as the bell rang. Myungsoo?

She anxiously walked home wondering what the surprise could be. Omg is he going to ask me out? But I thought he was sick...he's probably just going to scare the living crap out of me when I walk in my room, yup.

As she opened her gates, Hanna saw little foot prints and an arrow pointing to the garden. The foot prints took her to the garden and Hanna couldn't believe what she saw. The garden was completely transformed. Her eyes glittered. Everything seemed ...magical. It was decorated nicely with flower petals on the ground, tons of lanterns surrounded a table in the center and as if on cue, she heard a guitar being played.

Myungsoo? Where are you?

She heard a voice singing and you could obviously tell that it was no other than Myungsoo himself. 

[pretend Myungsoo's singing K.Will's I need you]

That was so beautiful Myungsoo. Thank you but where are you?

Just then, she heard a weird voice speaking into a megaphone. "Go towards the table"

Hanna walked towards the table and found a note.

"Turn around and close your eyes for ten seconds then open your eyes"

She slowly turned around and closed her eyes for 10 seconds. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlight and before her eyes was a "Will you go out with me?" banner and Myungsoo kneeling down on one knee holding a bouquet of flowers. Myungsoo gave her his infamous crooked dorky smile.

Hanna, will you go out with me?


Hanna jumped up in joy and ran towards Myungsoo hugging him and Myungsoo caught her in his arms. 

How did you manage to do all this? Is this why you skipped school?

Heh, it took me a long time to think of it and well yeah, I got help from the guys you know c:

Geez, you're such a cheeseball. Did you learn it frmo Woohyunnie oppa?

Hey! You can only call my oppa!

Tsktsk jealous already?

Tch yeah well now I can do this.

Myungsoo cupped Hanna's chin up and kissed her tenderly on her lips.



I'm so so so so sorry for not updating in such a long time, I just got caught up with lots of stuff ;w;

I want to thank all of you who subscribed and stayed with me for this story, thank you very much! 

I hope you enjoyed this story and I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending ;<

Again, thank you!

I have a new story featuring Exo and I will be writing a new one about Infinite again haha... ;<

I'll try to get the first chapter up for the Exo story this week ;w; Sorry I take so long to update but I have a summer job so yeah @-@ Bare with me....

Thank you again! c:


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3