
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Myungsoo, Hanna, Niel.



At dawn, Myungsoo woke up and went to wash up getting dressed in his school uniform. He went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast before he was ready to make a surprise breakfast for Hanna ….and Sunggyu. First, he took out his phone and dialed Sunggyu’s number.

/ring ring ring lalalalavickysuckshahanoonewillreadthis lalala ring /

Sunggyu groaned when he heard his phone ring and ignored it.

“This numbr is unavailable right now, please leave a message after the beep”

“Tsktsk, this hyung” Myungsoo dialed Sunggyu’s number for the 2nd time.

/ring ring ring ladlaljdlasadhshkda randomness hehe/

Sunggyu groaned again and annoyingly picked up his phone after the first few rings.

“Aish!@?# BWOH? BWOH! BWOH!@#?!@”

Myungsoo held the phone away his ear as he heard his hyung screech at him.

“Ahaha …hyung it’s me


“Haha ….hyung, calm down”

“Bwoh!? Calm down1@$? Aish yah! I was sleeping peacefully in my sleep until SOMEONE woke me up you know HUH”

“Okay okay, mianhe hyung! But I forgot to tell you to switch off Hanna’s alarm yesterday”

“Ah waeee?”

“Cause it’s a surprise duh, she’s not suppose to know”

/Sunggyu’s whining/

“Aw c’mon, I’m making you kimchi fried rice, seafood stew, and ddeokbukki”

“Aish, you better make it delicious”

“Thanks hyung~”

Sunggyu ended the call and moved around in his bed. He groaned and after 5 minutes of lying there in his bed, he finally decided to go switch off Hanna’s alarm off. As he peered into Hanna’s room, she was still sleeping so he grasped his chance to quickly go into her room and turn off the alarm. Quietly, he tiptoed next to her bed stand and turned off the alarm. Phew.  Before he left, he took a glance at Hanna who was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Hanna-ah, you know that you’re my most precious dongsaeng right? I’ll always protect you no matter what okay? His thumps caressed Hanna’s cheeks, he then leaned over and gave Hanna a kiss on the forehead. He turned around and quietly left her room. When he went back into his own bed, he tried to move around and get back into his comfortable position but couldn’t. Ugh damn you Myungsoo now I can’t go back to sleep. T_T  The clock on his nightstand read  6AM so he decided to go wash up and watch some TV waiting for Myungsoo to come.

Myungsoo left his house with a smile on his face, he couldn’t wait to see the look on Hanna’s face when she came down the  stairs to be surprised with a breakfast personally made by himself. As he entered the supermarket, he took a cart and started shopping for ingredients. Myungsoo finally got all the ingredients he needed to make Hanna’ favorite breaskfast, Naengmyeon  and kimbap. (I made this up lol, ierno if you can even eat that for breakfast in Korea but the dishes are real ;D cold noodles & kimbap~) Before he went to check out, the fruit section caught his eye. I should get Hanna some strawberries.  After he got the strawberries and checked out, he started walking to Hanna’s house from the supermarket. It wasn’t a long walk since their houses were close. He soon reached Hanna’s house, he put the groceries down and took out the spare key. The door unlocked . Myungsoo carried all the groceries to the kitchen. Sunggyu, who had saw Myungsoo from the front gate before he unlocked the door, decided to scare him. When Myungsoo walked to the kitchen, Sunggyu was behind the wall before Myungsoo entered the kitchen waiting for him to come so Sunggyu could scare the crap out of him, literally. As Myungsoo entered the kitchen to put the groceries on the table, Sunggyu jumped out from behind and attacked Myungsoo from the back yelling  “RAWR KHAKLSFKLJ3$?@!$?!!”  Myungsoo screamed and turned around to see his hyung laughing at him.




“Bwoh? Yah? Tsktsk” /more laughing/

“Why did you have to scare me for?!”

“Why did you have to wake me up for?!”

“That was necessary!”

“Then this is necessary too! AHAHAHAHAHA you should’ve seen your face, Myungsoo-ah!”

“Aish, why are you even up? Didn’t you go back to sleep?”

“WELL, thanks to someone I couldn’t go back to sleep and I’m not Dongwoo okay? That dinoboy would probably be asleep during a earthquake”

“Aishh! Just go watch TV or something”

“I am duh, what else would I do? Make my food delicious yeah?”

“Tch I’ll spit in it so you can’t eat it”  He said as he almost whispered it.

“What was that?”


“Thought so”

Myungsoo got right to cooking as Hanna was still soundly asleep. /cookingcookingcooking yeah/ When he finished cooking it was already 7AM and Hanna was still asleep so he decided to just wait for her to wake up. Upstairs, Hanna woke up and yawned. I woke up before my alarm today?  She looked over at her clock and I read 7:20AM. Her eyes widened and hurriedly got out of her bed. /gasp/OMG LATE LATE LATE!!! DIDN’T  I SET THE ALARM YESTERDAY1?@#! She changed as quickly as possible while yelling “OPPA OPPA OPPA WE’RE LATE WAKE UP!@!@@@!”  In the bathroom, she brushed her teeth while fixing her uniform and splashed her face with water. In the process ofwashing herself up, she put out Sunggyu’s stuff as well. While she was in the bathroom, both Sunggyu and Myungsoo were laughing.

“She’s gonna kill you”

“She won’t , I made her breakfast anyway”

In the bathroom, Hanna who had no idea was still rushing. She stilled need to fix her top and hair so she quickly combed her hair. Then she ran out of the bathroom down the stairs while also buttoning up her top but she had missed a step and tripped. /gasp/ Hanna closed her eyes as she waited to hit the floor but she never felt it. Myungsoo had caught her before she fell. They stared at each other until they realized Hanna’s top was not completely buttoned up. Sunggyu sat there with his mouth wide open. Myungsoo was already blushing with wide eyes. Hanna was blushing more than him and screamed.


“I-I…H-he asdlaual?”


“ERT ERT ERT!@#$!”  She turned her back on Myungsoo and quickly buttoned up the rest of her shirt.



Hanna turned back around and stared at her two oppas with a stern expression.

“What’s going on?” She asked and crossed her arms.

“I came early to make breakfast for you to make it up to you for yesterday”

“Uh yeah, this idiot woke me up in the morning to set off your alarm”


“What’s wrong?”

“Aren’t we gonna be late for school? We only have 40 minutes left”

“See, we should’ve just woken her up”

“I wanted to let you sleep and besides, that’s enough time to eat”

“…………”  Hanna walked over to the kitchen to see what Myungsoo made. She noticed Naengmyeon and kimbap on the table along with 3 other dishes which she assumed was for them. He made me naengmyeon and kimbap…?

Do you like it?”  Myungsoo smiled.


“Don’t be mad at me anymoreeee~ hm?”  /pouting/

She looked at Myungsoo pouting and couldn’t help it.

“Aw fine but we have to hurry, we don’t have that much time left”

“Okays and I bought you strawberries, they’re in the fridge”



“Tch, pabo”

“shut up”

“Shut up only means you can’t admit it  mehrong~”

Myungsoo nudged Hanna and she nudged back.

“AHEM yahyahyah stop acting so lovey dovey, I still need to protect my eyes you know”

“You don’t have any hyung”

“Aish yah!”

Hanna laughed at her two oppas, they’re still the same. It was now 7:55AM and Hanna was nagging her oppas to hurry up before they were late to school.

“PPALLI! We only have 5 minutes left!!”

“It’s fine Hanna-ah, the teachers won’t mind.”

“Yeah, they won’t give you detention anyway at least when you’re the sister of the school kingka”

“…..Why did you guys even have to put that banner up?”

“We did it for you duh”

“I didn’t need it …”

Of course you do, in case some idiot tries to hit on you”

“……../sigh/ whatever, ppalli!”

All three of rushed out of the house and ran down the block. Hanna didn’t have a steady pace and accidentally bumped into someone.


She helped the guy up and saw a familiar face.


“Oh Annyeong Hanna~”

She looked at his uniform which was the same as the one she was wearing.

“You’re going to my school?”

“Hm, I guess so”

“Hanna-ah! Are you okay?”

Myungsoo noticed it was the same same guy from yesterday, he’s here again?

“Yeah. Oh right, this is Niel by the way. He’s our new neighbor.”

Annyeonghaesayo, Ahn Daniel-imnda. Niel  for short.”

“Kim Sunggyu, Hanna's oppa. Guess we’re neighbors”

“Oh, Myungsoo oppa come!”

Niel looked over to the so called Myungsoo. Pfft, he’s the one who hurt Hanna?

“….Kim Myungsoo, call me L in school please.”

“Ahn Daniel, Niel for short.”

“Ah Niel, mianhe for bumping into you but we’re kind of late right now”

“It’s okay, wanna go to school together?”

“Ah sure but we have to hurry before we get detention!”


They all hurried to school. Myungsoo on the other hand felt uncomfortable for Niel to be around Hanna since the only males around were always him and Infinite. He felt uneasy in his heart but he just shook it off.


Hope you liked it ;< Sorry for the late update, i'll try to update asap ><

VICKYYYY, you'll appear so don't worry~

cyah c;

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3