Hanna's Birthday.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Enjoy reading! ^^

Sunggyu, Dongwoo,Woohyun,Hoya,Sungyeol,Myungsoo/L,Sungjong, Hanna, Becky,Christal,Niel,and Lily.


Rain started to pour and L was still on Lily’s doorstep slumped down on the side.  The words replayed over and over again but he didn’t want to believe it. He couldn’t. After all the efforts he put into asking Lily out. For 2 years, he had a crush on her and it just all seemed unbelievable that she was just a fake.  L got up again and went back to the door knocking on it constantly yelling Lily to open up.


Lily-ah! Open up! Open the door! Please! You’re not really breaking up with me are you? You’re just kidding right?


Lily was watching tv when she heard a ruckus at her door. She could hear L’s voice yelling in the rain to open up.


He’s still here? Oh geez, I didn’t know he was such a crybaby over a breakup.


Lily walked over to the security button and pressed the button.


Yah, get that guy at the door off our property.


Yes ma’am.


Aish, he’s so annoying and loud.



Two guards in raincoats came out approaching L who was still yelling at Lily to open the door. Each grabbed one side of L with a firm grip and started to take him towards the gate.


What do you think you’re doing?!? Let go of me! Stop dragging me! Hey!!


L was forced to get out as the guards locked the guards afterwards. By now, L was mentally and emotionally destroyed. Every limb is his body just felt weak, he didn’t have any strength to go home. He had to drag himself all the way to the nearest deli to buy some alcohol. When the cashier asked if he had an ID, L gave the cashier a glare. He put a twenty on the counter before dragging himself out again.

L drank the alcohol while walking, he didn’t care if people were staring at him. He’d throw the bottle on the sidewalk with force that the bottle shattered into bits. Somehow his feet made their way to Hanna’s house.


Of course. He thought. Hanna was always the first one he’d tell things to. L could barely even walk properly but still managed to ring the doorbell. The door opened. L’s vision was a bit fuzzy but even still, he could still tell that it was Hanna.


/hiccup/ Heeeeyyyyyy yOooouu, guessSSSSsssss what?


Myungsoo oppa? What happened? Why are you---


Shhhhhh. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m fine, look!


Without any support, L tried to stand up with his arms wide open but failed. He was about to fall when Hanna caught him.


Yah, did you drink!?


Heh….maybeeeee, maybeee nott. It’s onnnly a bit.


Why were you even drinking in the first place? Aren’t you underage?!


/falls onto Hanna crying/


A-are you crying? What happened?


S-s-she broke up with me..


Broke up? Lily? Why?


S-she said she was only u-using m-me..

...............Sorry Myungsoo-ah.

/Myungsoo blacks out/


Ahh.. …my head.  /rubs his forehead/


Next to him, Hanna stirred.




Sorry, I woke you up. What happened to me?


You collapsed cause you had a fever then Sunggyu oppa helped you switch clothes.


Gasp, you let an old man molest me?




Well what did you want me to do? Have me change your clothes?


Oh lord, I could’ve been dead by now.


Hey! D<


/playfully slaps arm/




Are you feeling better?


Yeah, a bit. Did you stay up because of me?


It’s okay, besides you can make it up today!


Today? What’s today? Sorry I’m still frustrated from yesterday, I can’t even remember the date.


It’s my birthday …..I guess I can understand…right? Hanna, he just went through a breakup! Think about it, anyone would be unstable right after one.


Oh uh not really a special day hehe.


Can you help me inform the school that I won’t be attending today? Sigh.


S-sure ^^ I’m gonna go get ready for school.


Hanna got up to go but Myungsoo pulled her back and hugged her.




Hanna’s head was against Myungsoo’s chest. It had been a long time since she’s heard his heart beats again. It felt nice again to be able to hear them. Hanna pulled away blushing and awkwardly went out of the room while Myungsoo chuckled at her.  This was weird for Myungsoo. He’s always hugged Hanna but maybe he didn’t notice but it felt nice to hug Hanna. Hugging her made him feel at peace, warmth in his heart. He didn’t know what it was but it just felt tingly and nice.


/Outside the door/

Hanna leaned against her door placing a hand over her chest. She felt her heartbeat really fast. Thanks Myungsoo oppa, even if you forgot my birthday, that hug was enough for me.  


She quickly got ready and set Sunggyu’s alarm 10minues after she left so he’d have enough time to get to school. Outside, Niel was waiting for her which was new. Sure, they were neighbors but they didn’t walk to school every single day and only did if they coincidently happened to leave for school at the same time sometimes.


Hey Niel, were you waiting for me?


Yeah, Happy Birthday! Here, I hope you like it ^^


Awww you didn’t have to! Thanks Niel!


/Takes Niel’s present and puts it in her bookbag and hugs him/


You’re not gonna open it now?


I like opening presents last c; C’mon let’s go!


He’s not coming?






How’d you know he was here?


Truthfully, Niel had seen everything. He was coming home from the mall when he stopped at Hanna’s house and saw Myungsoo fall on top on her. Niel saw her half carry, half drag him inside her house. Through his window, he could see Myungsoo sleeping on her bed. Hanna tended to Myungsoo, putting a wet towel on his forehead and re-changing it every hour or so. To be honest, yes, he was jealous. The fact that a jerk like him had a nice girl on his side caring for him even though he never noticed her. L was just lucky.


I saw him in your room and he looked sick.


.Yeah, he is. Lily broke up with him.


Tch, I guessed she showed her true self to him. O-oh, I see.


Well, wanna go now?


Yeah sure.


/Skip all the way to lunch time/


Happy Birthday Hanna!


Happy Brithday Hanna-ah!


Happy Birthday kiddo~


Happy Birthday! Keke ^-^


Happy Birthday! I’ll give you birthday kisses so c’mere you ;D

/whack on the head/


Owww! Hyung, what was that for? T-T


Who said you could give her kisses?!


That’s why it’s called “birthday kisses” duh.


Psh you never offered to give any of us “birthday kisses”.


That’s cause you guys are…….ugh nevermind.


LOL it’s okay oppa ;>


Anyway, happy birthday dongsaeng! ^^




You didn’t have to yell it so loud Sungyeol hyung, Happy Birthday Hanna!


I’ll yell however loud I want to ;P


=_=…… Oh but where’s L hyung?


Oh…he’s um sick.


Niel just sat there listening to their questions about L, answering the questions in his own head.


He’s sick? Since when?


Since yesterday and he also happened to be in Hanna’s room right now.


How did he get sick?


Cause he was dumped by a girl whom he failed to notice that was fake and ierno probably got himself wet.


What happened to him?


Haha good question. He was dumped by his own girlfriend whom he cherished so much for that he even hurt Hanna tch.


Um….well….actually, Lily and Myungsoo broke up…and he stayed over my house…


Bwoh!? What? How come?




Hanna didn’t really know what to say. Anything she said could make them feel with Myungsoo too.


Stop asking, L will tell you later.


She turned her head to brother and mouthed a thank you.


So Hanna-ah, what did L hyung give you for a present?


Yeah you guys always never forgot each other’s birthdays and would play pranks on each other.




….A-actually, he doesn’t know today’s ….my birthday.




OMG BUT HOW?!@# You guys never forget ….


Well….it’s reasonable ….since he just broke up…


No way!


It’s okay really, I have you guys too c;


So are you planning on doing anything afterschool then? Without L hyung?


You guys can…go um…visit him. We can celebrate at him  I guess. I don’t really mind at all.


Woah….L actually forgot your birthday…?


Heh, it’s fine really.


/Niel’s thoughts: Are you really fine? That the person you like forgot your birthday and he supposedly is your “bestfriend”?/


/Afterschool- Hanna & Sunggyu’s house/


The day finally ended which meant they could go celebrate Hanna’s birthday and visit their friend at the same time. Niel decided to tag along anyway since well, he did live next door. Although his only motive was to make Hanna happy and make sure she had fun on her birthday, he also wanted to “check up” on his rival. All of them quietly tiptoed into Hanna’s room. Being the choding he is, Sungyeol jumped on top of the sleeping figure on Hanna’s bed. L immediately woke up. He was being squished by Sungyeol.


Get off me stupid.


Make me.


Just get off, I’m not in the mood.

Aww because our baby Myungsoo got dumped?


L  turned his head to Sunggyu and Hanna who were looking up at the ceiling.


Um…..sorry….I kind of told them ;>


It’s fine…they were bound to know anyway. Well what are you guys doing here anyway?


We’re visiting you duh.


And we’re also celebrating Ha----


Sungjong’s mouth was covered by Hanna’s hand.


Celebrating what?




Hanna looked at the others for help , she looked at every one of them.


We’re celebrating cause Hanna ranked first again in the entire school.


Uhh…yeah….that. hehe..




What do you guys wanna do? I have cake already.






No …. T_T girls ….sigh….


It’s a good movie!


Bleh, ew. I don’t wanna watch that and be like you girls, sobbing on the floor.


Tch, shut up.


I’ll go wash up.


Sunggyu and Sungyeol help Myungsoo wash up. When the 3 of them left, all eyes were on Hanna.


Why didn’t you tell him?


…..It’s already sad enough for him so…I just didn’t wanna tell him.


But he’s your bestfriend …


Yeah you guys never forgot…


It’s okay, I can understand. I mean he just broke up.


Awww Hanna, it’s okay. You have Hyunnie oppa, birthday kisses is still up for offer ;DD


Psh as if!


She doesn’t need your grease mehrong~


Tch, jelly you can’t get some.


All of them went out of them room to go pick out a movie. Everyone except Dongwoo.


Aren’t you going out too oppa?


You like him.


Huh? Who?


L. Actually no, Myungsoo. You like Myungsoo.




I’m right, right?




I saw the way you looked at him. It’s the same way my mom looks at my dad.


Are you going to tell them?


No. But just saying, why didn’t you make a move?


…….I don’t know. I didn’t know Lily even existed. So….


I see. Well let’s go, the others are waiting. Cheer up, dongsaeng ^^ I’m sure Myungsoo will notice you.


Heh…yeah.  I hope so too...if he even sees me ...


Thanks for reading c;

Physics is really killing me and so is the load of work I get so if I don't update, sorry T_T 

But thanks for subscribing and reading ;D

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3