
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L, Sungjong, Becky, Christal, Hanna, Eunji, Lily, and June.



“Hey, what’s going on?” Becky asked as they approached the table. Infinite pointed to the other side of the table where Myungsoo and Hanna sat. The atmosphere was tense until Christal decided to break the ice. Christal walked to where Hanna was and started to introduce herself.

“Hi Hanna” then she looked at Lily.

“Annyeong, I’m Im Christal..and you two are?”

”Annyeong, I’m Park Lily and this is my friend, Kim June.”

June shot her a look but went right back to stabbing her food with a bored expression.

Mianhe, she’s not really social.”

“Oh it’s okay. Becky-ah, come and introduce yourself~”

Becky walked to the other side of the table and stood in between Hanna and Christal. She reached her hand out towards Lily.

“Annyeong, I’m Chu Becky. Nice to meet you~”

“Park Lily, nice to meet you too~”

“C’mon, let’s go get lunch. Hanna, are you coming with us?”

“Oh.” was all Hanna said and got up.

Becky and Christal put their stuff down and went to get food. After they left, Lily and June excused themselves to go to the bathroom.

“L-ah, me and June are going to use the bathroom so be right back in a few~”


“Woah, that was intense”

“Yeah, what happened dude?”

“Is Hanna mad at you or something?”

Myungsoo rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Erm….maybe?”

“You better go apologize before she comes running to me and crying. And if that happens, I’m gonna beat your ”

“I’m with Sungjong”

“Yah, what did you do to Hanna huh? You’re gonna get it if I see her cry!”

“Arasso arasso, I’ll come over to your house today and talk to her”

“Obviously, who else is?”

/Getting lunch/

“Hanna-ah, are you okay?”

She gave her friend a worried expression.

“We don’t have to eat with them anymore if you don’t want to hm?”

“I’m fine”

“Are you sure?”

“But you know, something seems off about them”

“You mean June?”

“Well both of them, they seem suspicious. Why would a nice girl be friends with someone so rude?”

Christal shrugged while Hanna sighed.


Eunji walked down the hallway happily. She had been the first one to reserve the new book that was going to come out next month, Eunji was dying to get her hands on the book. Now that she was the first person to reserve it, she just had to wait for next month until she could read it. She then turned around the corner and walked into the bathroom. After she was done with her business, she washed her hands and was about to walk out when she realized she left her belongings in the bathroom stall. Clumsy me hehe. Eunji went back into the bathroom and in to the bathroom stall she was using. When she was about to go out, she heard a couple of footsteps near the door so she locked her bathroom stall door and sat on the toilet seat with her legs up so no one would notice her there. It was June and Lily. They went to the sink and started washing their hands, fixing their hair and powdered on some light makeup.

“Annoying” Lily sighed annoyingly.

“That girl seems special to L don’t you think?”

“Who? Hanna?”

“Yeah, seems weak too.”

Lily scoffed and laughed. “Getting rid of her would be easy”

“I have a better idea”


“You should break L’s and Hanna’s friendship”

“Even better”

The two smirked at their plan and high fived each other. Behind them, they were oblivious that someone was eavesdropping on their whole conversation. Eunji peaked through the tiny space between the doors and her eyes widened. L-Lily s-sunbae?!

“C’mon let’s go”

After they left, Eunji came out.

“No way… that was Lily sunbae, I didn’t know she had this side to her. She was so nice to everyone … but why was she talking about Hanna? Something about destroying her and L’s friendship…Should I tell her? Ehh, but then she probably might not believe me right? Aish, otteoke?”


How was it? ;D

Thanks for reading~


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3