
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu,Dongwoo,Woohyun,Sungyeol,Myungsoo/L,Sungjong,Hanna,Lily, June,Mysterious helper.

Enjoy reading! ^^


Two days after the incident that happened, Lily made up her mind to study abroad in Europe. It was for the best, she didn’t want to stay here anymore enduring all of her mom’s complaints any longer nor did she want to face L. She wanted to just start fresh in somewhere new. Lily grabbed a post it note and a pen scribbling a message on it for her mom notifying her that she would be transferring schools from here to a school in Europe.  After quickly writing the message, she rushed out the door to school.


/L’s side/

L decided to stay home one more day from school as he was still love sick. He couldn’t sleep well and didn’t eat meals properly. Hanna came over and had nagged him to eat and did as he was told. He knew Hanna was persistent so he wouldn’t stand a chance against her. Somehow, he felt comfortable around her and slept peacefully. At lunch, Lily wasn’t there. This morning, he had come early to look for Lily. She was nowhere to be found and he couldn’t risk being late after being out for two whole days so he had no choice but to retreat. At lunch, Lily wasn’t at their table either so he wandered around the school to search for her but still no luck. By the end of the day, he told Infinite to wait outside for him; he had to go to the main office to hand in his absence note. Nearing the office, he heard a familiar voice. Lily.


We’re sorry to hear you go hun.


Yeah me too.


 We hope you can adjust well in Europe.


Well bye.


L stood at the door, eyes wide open.  She’s going to Europe?  When Lily stepped out, she noticed L. She tried to escape quickly but L grabbed her arm.


Why are you going to Europe?


Lily refused to answer and took L’s hand off her arms. She walked rapidly but L was still following her out the gates.  Infinite and Hanna were patiently waiting when they saw L following Lily. Desperately trying to get away from L, Lily just crossed the street without watching for cars. Hanna noticed a car going for them but L was too distracted to hear the car honking at them.


Yah L! There’s a car!


Myungsoo-ah! Look out!










Hanna saw the car going for Myungsoo, she instantly dropped her bookbag and ran across the street. Just before the car hit them, Hanna pushed them out of the car’s way. The car raced past them, Lily and L stood up getting dirt off them.  Neither of them had a scratch or bruise on them while Hanna got a scratch on her hand.

Yah Hanna-ah, are you okay?!



Oh my god, Hanna!


Are you guys okay over there?!


Yah Hanna-ah! Myungsoo-ah, you guys okay!?


Yah, you should’ve watched out for cars!


Infinite was across the opposite street now, they were worried. Seeing Hanna and Myungsoo almost get into an accident was frightening. Thankfully, Hanna pushed them out of the car’s way in time or else everything would be in chaos.


Lily scoffed acting like nothing had happened and with that, she started walking away again. L resumed following her again. Before he got far, someone pulled him back. He turned around to see an angry Hanna.



Not right now, Hanna-ah I need---








S-sorry, I just wanted to have a word with Lily—








We’re alive al—


Tch, we could’ve been dead. And even if we’re alive, did you bother to check if I was okay before going after Lily?


….A-are you hurt anywhere?


Am I?


M-mianhe Hanna….


If you were sorry, then why don’t you just look at me for once?


I AM looking at you. In fact, I am right now.


Just…..never mind. Ugh, whatever.


Hanna turned her back to Myungsoo with watery eyes but Myungsoo turned her around to face him again.


Tell me Ha—a-are you crying? Why, what happened?




C’mon Hanna-ah, tell me—







Inside him, his heart was beating but at the same time, it was hurting. He didn’t know why. It felt different from when he is with Lily. Seeing her cry made his heart ache but it was just so confusing. Just before, he was chasing after Lily and now he got a love confession from his own best friend.


You heard me.


Hanna-ah… isn’t the time to be joking and you know that I just broke up so I still have feelings for Lily.


You’re such a believer.


Wait….you were just joking…? I-I thought you were serious for a second ….


Tchaha, whatever.


Hanna crossed the street again walking back to Infinite. Infinite bombarded her asking if she was okay. Dongwoo noticed Hanna’s tears and looked over to Myungsoo who was still standing in the same spot with a sad, confused face.  Something must’ve happened between the two.


Hanna-ah! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I’m gonna murder L if there’s something wrong with her.


Are you okay Hanna?




Hanna-ah? What’s wrong?


/gasp/ Blood!




Sungjong pointed to Hanna’s right hand. Blood was gushing out of the scratch.


Hanna-ah, does it hurt?


Should we take her to the hospital?


What do you think hyung?


Hanna-ah, say something. You’re making us worried.


Hanna-ah? Are you really okay?


Hanna remained silent. Her scratch was bandaged up. It wasn’t severe but she’d have to take a little break from violin.  After the visit to the hospital, she still stayed silent. The Infinite members stopped questioning her which made them even more worried. She wouldn’t say a word.




Yeah, you need anything?


I’m going somewhere first, you guys go home.


Where are you going?


We’ll go with you.


I want to go alone.






/Sigh/ Okay.


The other members looked worriedly at her.  After Infinite was out of sight, she let out a sigh. Today drove her crazy. What had she done? What’s going to happen between her and Myungsoo? When she felt horrible or upset, she’d go to her favorite icecream shop. Cold foods like icecream made her feel better on bad days. The icecream shop was a cute small shop in Hongdae which didn’t take too long to get there from her house. She stepped into the shop and was greeted by a nice employee.


On the other hand, Lily had finally gotten away from L. She looked back and didn’t see him anywhere. From her bookbag, she took out her phone dialing June’s number.




Hey June.

Hey, you need something?


Yeah, wanna meet up at that restaurant near that cute icecream shop from last time?


Sure, cyah then.


/At the restaurant next to Hanna’s favorite icecream shop/


Lily sat by a table near the window and was alerted when June arrived. June came in and Lily raised her hand up. She walked over towards the table.


Hey, did you need something?


Yeah I need to tell you something.


What is it?


……………………..I’m studying abroad in Europe in 2 weeks.


Oh… this a farewell dinner?


Yeah, I guess so. ……..mianhe June-ah.


It’s fine, I know how you feel about your mom.


I’ll still call you and email you and visit you ^^;


Sigh, well let’s just make our last moments together fun.


Yeah c:




Hanna stayed at the icecream shop for a couple hours ordering 3 servings of icecream and some sweets. She had sat there and ate the icecream slowly watching customers come and go. Finally, she grew tired.


Lily and June had ordered all their favorite from the restaurant and also stayed for a couple hours before leaving. They walked out of the restaurant just as Hanna was about to leave. Both of them had already passed the icecream shop when Hanna came out a minute or two later. June and Lily decide to take a shortcut home but 2 men suddenly appeared before them. Hanna happened to be walking the same direction as them but didn’t really feel like going home yet until she heard a scream from an alleyway.

She turned the corner to find 2 men ganging up on 2 girls. One girl who looked oddly familiar was trying to defend them.


Wanna have some fun with ey ladies?


As if, off.


Fiesty ey? I like it.


Don’t come near us you freaks! Why don’t you try getting a life and actually have a purpose in life?


Excuse me? How dare you!


The man was about to slap June while his slap was blocked by a flat surface. A book.


Ahaha…..heyy, why don’t we settle this peacefully? Right girls…..Lily? June?


H-how come y-you’re here?


I heard a scream….


Awww, great! More fun!


Do I have to repeat myself again? Get lost while I’m nice.


Yah, what did you say? You little !




Ohoho, look at this girl here thinking she’s all brave and all!


The man went towards Hanna and grabbed her hair. Hanna yapped in pain.


J-June, make them stop it.


Lily held on to June’s arm in fear.




What if I don’t? And what if I do this?


Hanna was flung to the ground harshly on to a glass bottle. Lily was really frightened now and started bursting into tears.


Y-yah, a-are y-you o-okay? SOMEONE HELP!


No one can hear you girlie hehe.




Aish, this girl! SHUT UP!


He slapped June on her right cheek. June was on the floor next to Hanna and Lily backed up on the wall. She had nowhere to escape to.


S-stop, d-don’t touch m-me.


Awww innocent aren’t cha?


The man was pulled back and slammed on the floor.


What the—hey get him!


He yelled to his companion who went after the guy. Both the man and his companion were no match for the guy. They were knocked out in less than 5 minutes. Out of fear, they ran away.


Hanna’s head was spinning with an immense amount of pain, blood everywhere. Her vision was becoming blurry while June had a slight cut on her lips.


Are you girls okay?


Does it look like we’re okay?


I saved your life okay? The least you could do is not be rude.


J-June! C-call the ambulance…now!


Lily was shaking uncontrollably, tears kept coming out. The ambulance came and carried Hanna off to the hospital. The staff had taken Lily, June and the mysterious guy in another ambulance. At the hospital, they dialed everyone on Hanna’s contact list to let them know what had happened.  


Thanks for reading c;

I'll try to update soon ^^ stupid physics T_T


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3