Memories back?

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?



Hanna's eye opened slowly as she regained her consciousness. Everyone crowded around her as she woke up and bombarded her with questions. Sunggyu helped her sit up straight. 

Are you okay?

Are you hurt anywhere?

Hanna-ah! Thank god you're okay ;_;

Do you need anything to eat or drink? Yeol oppa will get it for you!

You guys, stop. You're all suffocating her.

Yeah, give her some air to breathe.

Hanna had a really big headache and winced in pain holding her head. Her head was spinning and everything became a bit blurry as she looked around the room. She groaned in pain even more. Myungsoo rushed to her.

Hanna-ah, are you okay?!

Where's the nurse? Someone go get her!

I'll go, wait here.

/Moments later

How is she, Mrs. Han? Is she going to be alright?

Calm down, Myungsoo-sshi. Since I'm only a school nurse, I can't do anything but it seems she might have injured her head. I might be right and I might be wrong. All I can do is give her an icepack or would you like me to call an ambulance here to take her to the hospital? Sorry, that's all I can do.

Let's send her to the hospital hyung.

Yeah, I agree with Hoya.

Everyone else had also agreed, they didn't want anything serious to happen to Hanna.

Alright Mrs. Han, can you call an ambluance here?


Ambulance sirens were heard as it entered the school campus. Students paid no more attention to their teachers as they got out of their seats and rushed to the windows to see what was going on. Heads poked out of classrooms. Teachers tried to get their attention back but gave up as the sirens were blocking out their voices. Students who had P.E. class stopped whatever activities they were doing to see what the commotion was about. Instead of having the ambulance people go to the nurse's office, Hanna was being carried by Myungsoo into the ambulance followed by the members. Upon seeing this, students started to gossip.

/gasp omg why is L carrying her!?

She's so lucky!#@

Was it because of before?

Did she hurt her head that badly?

Arghasdjlsai!! I wanna be carried by L!!@!@

At the hospital, Hanna was rushed into a room with a huge machine/device/tube thing(whatever you call it) where she was put in and scanned. She had to stay as still as possible for the doctor to be able to see what was wrong. The doctor took multiple pictures of her skull and then sent Hanna into another room where she would rest. Results came out in about half an hour. The doctor went into Hanna's room after the result came out.

How is she, doctor? Is she going to be alright? Is there any place where she's injured or broken?!

Relax, young lad. She's fine.

Then there's nothing wrong with her?

Not quite ...but--

But what?

The pictures I took shows that there's no serious injury or any bruise of any kind. I think that maybe she might be regaining her memories? She did hit her head on the wall right? Regaining memories can be pretty painful you know. 

She regained her memories back?

You'll have to see when she wakes up, she might have regained some of it back or maybe all of it or maybe not at all or it's in the process of regaining memories back. You never know.

Then she can finally remember Myungsoo hyung again!

If she does remember all of it.

Hanna woke up as they was talking.

Hanna-ah, you're awake?


H-Hanna-ah, do you r-remember m-me?

Hanna looked towards Myungsoo and the pain started again. She held her head as she groaned in pain. As she groaned in pain, memories started to flow through her head remembering every single thing that happeded before and after the accident. 

Hanna-ah! Are you okay?!

What's wrong with her, doctor?

She's experiencing too much pain, I'll have a nurse come immediately with painkillers. Here's a presciption of painkillers for Hanna-sshi. 

A nurse came in rushing with a tray of medicine after a few minutes. Hanna took the painkiller and fell asleep afterwards.

If you need anything else, press this button here 'kay? You can check her out after she wakes up.  was the last thing the nurse said after leaving.

What should we do now?

Let's just wait until she wakes up to go check her out, it's still early anything. If  any of you have something to do, go first.

It's okay, I'll stay for my dongsaeng.

She's mine, okay? She loves Hyunnie oppa the most!

Ugh stop it.

Yeah, stop it. 

Pfft, just jealous that she loves me more than her real oppa.


Guys, shut up. She's sleeping.

Quiet down a bit will you?


Myungsoo had been quiet and just pulled a chair to Hanna's right side staring at her.

Don't worry too much, Myungsoo hyung.

I'm sure she'll remember.

/one hour later

Hanna's eyes slowly opened. Her head wasn't hurting as much as before but it still hurt. She looked around the room to see the Infinite members sleeping. Then she looked down at Myungsoo, her head winced in pain but soon went away as she adjusted. memories all back? She thought to herself.

I feel so .....weird and strange. It's supposed to be a good thing ....right? But it just doesn't feel right......I have this uncomfortable feeling. How should I be towards Myungsoo now? I mean before the accident....I was just sad and heartbroken but now I wake up with all my memories back and just what am I supposed to do? Just thinking about what Myungsoo did for me after the accident just ....seems so weird and unfamilar. I have to get used to it if he's still going to continue to chase after me ...bleh even saying it sounds weird. I mean he was just head over heels for Lily and now he's head over heels for What to do? What to do? ;_; 

Hanna kept bickering back and forth on what she should do when Myungsoo started to wake up.

Hanna? You're awake?

Myungsoo rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms.

Why does he look so cute like that? I wanna pinch his cheeks....OMG What am I saying!? /mentally slapping herself/  It's the not the first time you've seen him do this Hanna, get over it.

Why are you staring at me like that? Am I THAT good looking? I know, I know. I get it a lot. /winks/


Hanna mumbles to herself and turns a shade of pink. Myungsoo smirks.

You're so cute when you're flustered. /pinches her cheeks.

Myungsoo brought her face close and kissed her on the cheek.


You just looked cute.

/Hanna blushes/

Are you feeling okay?

Hanna nods.

Are you hurting anywhere?


H-have you regained all your memories back?



I-I guess.

Myungsoo jumped out of his seat and yelled in joy. He went to wake the other members up telling the good news.

Hyung hyung hyung hyung!!! Wake up!

Aish, why is it so loud? 

Omg shut up L.

Shut up dude.

Stop annoying me, lemme sleep!!




Sunggyu fell off the sofa and the other members sleepily sat up.


Hanna regained her memories!!

Really!? Hanna-ah!! Hyunnie oppa mised you so so so so so much!

Woohyun ran to Hanna but tripped over Sungyeol's leg on the way but that didn't stop him as he kicked his leg away.

Ouch! Watch it!


Woohyun ran forward and gave Hanna a bear hug.


Oh, mian Hanna, just got too excited. c:

It's okay.

One by one, each of the members woke up and went to confirm if it was actually true that Hanna regained her memories back and she did. They decied to go celebrate by eating out for dinner.

Got everything?


Kay, let's go guys.


Awesome day xD

Shh, stop being loud in a hospital!

Keep it down a bit.

Myungsoo walked beside Hanna and took her hand. Hanna winced at his hand and instantly removed her hand from Myungsoo's. Myungsoo stared at her with an shocked expression.

W-what's wrong? Do you not like it when I hold your hand?

N-no, i-it's just .....What should I do...?

I-it's okay, I won't force you. I guess you're not used to it huh?


It's fine, c'mon let's go.

/Sigh what should I do? I can't keep avoiding him....I'll have to face him....sooner or later...


Thanks for reading & subscribing! SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING T_T I've been occupied with loads of work especially when the SATS and AP Exams are coming up in less than 2 months or so ;_; Sorry D:

I'll try to update! >< 







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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3