
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L,Sungjong, Hanna, Eunji, Becky, Christal, Lily, and June. 



Hanna quickly went to her class almost running turning around the corner, she bumped into another person again.

Watch where you’re going moron geez”

Hanna got up and apologized and noticed it was June.

“Oh mianhe, I didn’t know it was you June”

June scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Just move geez, making me freaking late to class”

“Mianhe again”

Hanna moved out her way and once she was gone, she ran all the way to class. Just as the bell rang, Hanna came in just in time. Phew. All of Hanna’s morning classes flew by quick and before she knew it, she only had one class until lunch. She walked into the classroom happily and saw Eunji.

“Annyeong Eunji-ah!~”

“Annyeong Hanna!”

“You’re not busy today right?”


“Yay~ you can sit with me at lunch then”

“Really? Aww thanks, I can sit with you and Infinite oppas?”

“ Yup, just ignore Woohyun. He’s always doing fanservice and flirting bleh”

“Keke, sure.”

During class, Eunji couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in the bathroom. She argued whether or not to tell Hanna. But how would it be possible for Hanna to believe it …?  I’m pretty sure I wasn’t seeing things…right?



“Do you happen to know a Park Lily?”

Yeah, she’s L oppa’s friend why?”

“Er… this is weird but is she mean to you?”

“No…not really why?”

“O-oh  nothing.”

It was probably an illusion right? There’s no way Lily would be mean ….and try to take L away from Hanna…

“Hey but .. is June normally moody?”

“Huh, June? Ah you mean Lily’s friend? Yeah I guess, she doesn’t talk to anyone but Lily”

“Ahhh, I see. But how do you know Lily and June?”

“Oh um, Lily lives near me. She’s kind of rich and so is June. I think Lily became friends with June just after Lily’s parents divorced?” That’s all I know.”

“Ohhh I see….”


The bell rang which signaled it was lunch time. Students quickly packed up their stuff and rushed to the cafeteria as fast as possible. The girls all ran towards the cafeteria before Infinite arrived. Hanna and Eunji stayed behind taking their time to put away their things.

“Are you done?”


“Kay, let’s go~”

When they arrived at the cafeteria, there were still heaps of fangirls in the way. Infinite made their way to their usual table in the back and fangirls followed them. Fangirls squealed as Woohyun blow hearts and kisses towards them. 

“Hey girls, did you miss the namstar?” /throwing hearts and failed aeygo to the max/ /more grease lol/

“Hyung, stop it. It’s disgusting”

“Aww is our maknae jeaous I have more fangirls ?”

“Tch of course of course”

The rest of Infinite politely smiled at the fangirls and sat down.

“Now now girls, why don’t you go eat hm? I wouldn’t want you all to starve because of me” /pouting/

The crowd of girls squealed again and nodded. Hanna and Eunji watched what had happened. Hanna rolled her eyes while Eunji just laughed.

“So greasy tsktsk”

“Oh Hanna-ah! Annyeong~ is this your new friend?” He said as he stood up excitedly and walked over.

“Annyeongg ~ I’m Woo-“

“Woohyun I know. Bye”  Eunji gave him a blank stare before walking away with Hanna.

“Tough luck oppa”  Hanna patted his shoulder before going to the table. Infinite had burst out laughing at what had happened to Woohyun.

“PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Dongwoo laughed as he highfived Sunggyu.





Woohyun stood in the same spot frozen. He couldn’t believe a girl had just cut him off like that. Psh she can’t just cut me off! I’m Nam Woohyun hmph. He walked back to the table dejected.

“It’s okay hyung, even someone like you can have antis”

“Ooooooo Jongie, good one!”

“Aish shut up”

“Ahem well anyway, this is Eunji. Eunji,this is Infinite and my two best friends, Becky and Christal”

“Annyeong, I’m Becky”

“Anneyong, I’m Christal”

“Annyeong, I’m-“

“Ah it’s okay, I already know who you are. Sunggyu,Dongwoo,Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, L, and Sungjong right?”

“Oooooo are you our fan?”


“Haha don’t be shy, you are right?”

….welll… kind of? Hehe”

Dongwoo took out a paper and signed his name on it then handed it to Eunji.

“Here you goo ~ hehe. You loosen up a bit, don’t be so shy hm?”

“Heh thanks Dongwoo-sshi”

“No need fo formals ~”

“Come, sit with us!”

Eunji walked over to where Christal and Becky were. She took a seat next to Christal. Hanna walked over to L and tapped his shoulder. L turned around and greeted Hanna with a hug.

”Ew hobo”

“pfft loser”

“What was that? You called yourself a loser?”

“Tch” He ruffled Hanna’s hair and messed it up.


Eunji noticed Lily had a stern expression on her face as she watched L and Hanna. Lily noticed Eunji staring at her so she quickly turned her stern expression into a nice polite smile. Hanna put her stuff down next to L.

“I’m going to the bathroom first”

“I’ll go with you, I need to use the bathroom too”

“Oh okay”

“C’mon June”

The three of them got up and walked to the bathroom.  Hanna was walking in front while Lily and June were behind her. Lily whispered to June to step in front of her and block her.  Hanna stopped in her tracks as June stepped in front of her.


June smirked and the next thing Hanna knew, she was on the floor. Lily had pushed her from behind.  Hanna winced in pain and saw that her knee was bleeding.

“What was that for huh?!” She got up immediately  and stood in between them.

“It was a warning duh”

“Warning for what?”

“To stay away from L”

“Why should I?”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to but just know there will be consequences”  June gave Hanna another smirk.


“Tch” Hanna rolled her eyes.

“Since you pushed me, maybe I should push you back too hm” Hanna pushed Lily and she fell to the floor screaming.

Hanna saw that Lily got a cut on her hand.

Aish you annoying brat!”  June grabbed some of Hanna’s hair and was about to push her towards the floor again but was stopped when someone came.


“Aish another annoying thing”

“Ugh you’ll pay!”

June and Lily ran off. Niel ran towards Hanna.

“Hanna, are you okay?


“C’mon, let’s get you to the nurse.

/after getting her knee treated from the nurse/

“Can you walk?”

“Yeah, I need to go back to the cafeteria”

“I’ll walk you”

“It’s fine”

“Nah, I’ll walk you okay?”


As Hanna entered, she saw Lily in L’s arms. The table was quiet and had worried expressions. She approached the table with Niel.

“Oh H-hanna-ah”

Upon hearing Hanna’s name being called, L turned around with a glare.

“Why did you push her huh?”

“Bwoh? I didn’t push her, she pushed me first!”

“Pfft, she said she accidentally bumped into you but you pushed her!?”

“She purposely pushed me from behind!”

“Why are you lying for? I didn’t know you were this type of person, Hanna!”

Niel  got angry.

“Yah! Hanna’s telling the truth, I was watching them and that girl was the one who pushed Hanna first!”

“Don’t call her THAT girl and how do I know you’re not lying or just siding with Hanna?”

Lily lifted up her head.

“I-It’s okay L oppa, it was just a misunderstanding”


“I got hurt too! Look!” She said as she pointed to her huge bandage on her knee.

“Her cut is bigger okay?  How can you do this to her Hanna?!”

Tears welled up in Hanna’s eyes. L threw Hanna’s stuff on the floor.

“Take your stuff and don’t come back until you apologize”

“Yah! Isn’t that too much hyung?”

“L-ah, it was just a misunderstanding hm?”

“Yeah dude, you don’t have to be so sensitive about it”

“Yah L, Hanna got hurt too and you don’t have to be so serious over a trival matter”

“Forget it, we’ll just leave. C’mon Lily, we don’t need to sit here with these idiots”

L got up with Lily and purposely shoulder bumped Hanna.

Hanna just stood there with tears falling down her face, she picked up her stuff and ran to the rooftop. Niel ran after her.


Thanks for reading~

I'll update asap c;


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3