
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, L/Myungsoo, Sungjong, Hanna, Christal, Becky, Niel, Lily.

Enjoy! ^^


Lily rushed up the stairs and barged into L’s room shaking him over and over again.

Oppa! Oppa! Oppa!

…Huhuhwha? Asljdksal whart’s going onn?

Something happened with Hanna!


L pulled the covers off him in a flash and got up. Lily led him outside to the pool. In front of them, Hanna  was soaked and unconscious. Niel was still trying to wake her up. Finally, water squirted out of . Her eyes fluttered open slowly, she noticed the familiar face again, Niel. L rushed up to them.

What happened?!

L bent over next to Hanna.

Hanna-ah, are you okay? What happened hm?

Niel shot a glare towards both of them. He stood in front of Lily still glaring at her, almost shooting lasers through her.

What were you thinking huh?

Niel kept walking towards her and she backed up little by little until she was trapped when she bumped into the table behind her with nowhere to go.

Pushing her in, were you trying to murder her or something?


Niel slammed his hands down on the table which made Lily jump.

I-I didn’t p-push her in.


This made L angry, he walked towards Niel and pulled him away from Lily. L stood in front of Lily protectively. Now, the two of them were having a glaring contest.

It could’ve been an accident you know.

Oh YEAHHH SUREE, someone pushing another person who can’t swim in a pool “could” be an accident huh.

How do you know it was Lily then huh?

Well duh, I saw her follow Hanna outside and push her in with my own two eyes you moron.

Do you have any proof?


Hanna overheard them as she got up slowly, she was pretty sure herself that a pair of hands behind her had pushed her in. But it happened so fast, she didn’t get to see the person’s face. Then again, who else in the house would push her in? Lily, of course. At the moment, she just wanted them to stop fighting since it was making her ears go crazy.

OPPA! Just stop, maybe I wasn’t careful and slipped in by accident.

Tch, see ACCIDENT. She even said it herself.

Pfft, your best friend got pushed into the pool by Lily but you protect Lily instead?

Hanna said she could have slipped so why are you blaming Lily hm?


/Sigh/  fine whatever.

Let’s go Lily.

L took Lily’s hand and left Niel with Hanna.

Woah, look at some best friend you have huh.

Oppa, just stop.

/Sigh/  Alright fine.

Niel helped her up and inside the house. Once Hanna got to her room, she slammed the door. She closed her eyes and sighed. The fact that Myungsoo went to Lily’s side and protected her made her upset.

/Later at night/

Throughout the day, Hanna only went down for food. She had stayed coped up in her room with her laptop. Knowing what happened in the morning, Christal and Becky tried to convince her to come out of her room but Hanna wouldn’t budge. Dongwoo and Hoya visited her and told her  it was fine and that these kind of things happen. Sungjong also tried to cheer her up but left the room unhappy. So for the rest of the day, Infinite gave her some space. Niel and L avoided each other, if they ever bumped into each other through out the day, they would just glare back. It was finally night time so they decided to have a BBQ. Sungyeol walked up the stairs, opened Hanna’s door to see her on her laptop.



Come down, we’re having a BBQ. You should eat you know.

….can’t you bring up some food for me?

Aww c’mon! We bought strawberries and apple juice ;D


You’re coming then.

Sungyeol grabbed Hanna’s arm gentely and led her outside.


Woohyun ran excitedly to Hanna and gave her a bear hug. Oof!

 Hyung! Give her room to breathe!


You came (;

O-oh, yeah.

Come sit here.

Christal patted to the sit between her and Niel. Niel perked up and smiled at Hanna, she gave a small smile back. Lily stared at her. We could’ve had your funeral right now. Everyone started eating enjoying the food grilled by Sunggyu.

Guys, we forgot about this kekeke!

Dongwoo lifted up 3 boxes of 6 beer bottles.

You guys bought that much? O_o

Pfft can you guys even finish that?

Haha, of course we can right hyung?

Yah! You bought it, you drink it!

Awwyaaahh! We’re drinking buddies right? Gyugeegee!

HAHAHAHA Bwoh? Gyugeegee?

Sunggyu nudged Woohyun in the arm.

C’mon guys! Just one bottle each yeahh?


What game?

How ‘bout poker? The loser has to drink up!

Ooooo nice!

Yah, stop joking around!

Hyung, I’m underaged …..

Yeah …. I’m underaged …and so is Christal and Hanna.

Oh yeah … I forgot.

Then let’s just play with ppl who old enough to play oh?

Call!  (Korean for deal)

I don’t want to.

Just one round then.

Awwwhyuuung!! JEBALLLL!!!

/Dongwoo and Infinite’s pleading/

Everyone besides Sungjong, Myungsoo, Hanna, Becky, Christal, and Lily played. For the first few rounds, Dongwoo and Sungyeol were in luck but went down the drain after the few rounds. Eventually, all of them were drunk. L and Sungjong had to drag all of them up the stairs to their beds.

Aish, I knew this would happen! Hyung, ppalli!

Hahaaaaa Oh! Jonggie-ah, our maknaeeeee! You’re so cute hmmm kekekeke.

/Dongwoo ruffles Sungjong’s hair/


Woohyun stumbled towards Hanna and hugged her, he nuzzled his face into her shoulder and kept laughing while on the other hand, Sungyeol was trying to kiss Myungsoo. (haha Myungyeol) It took awhile for all of them to be in bed but after taking their hyungs up, they still had to clean up. Christal cleared the bear bottle, Becky cleaned up the plates, Sungjong dumped the drinks, L took Lily up to bed, Hanna and Niel both cleaned the tables. Everyone went back inside but Hanna noticed Myungsoo’s phone on his chair so she went to get it. She took the phone and started walking back but the phone vibrated. Curious, she looked at the screen and saw* Reminder:Friday, D-Day.*  Hanna couldn’t believe her eyes, her hands were trembling so much she dropped the phone on the grass.  Her legs were trembling and felt like jelly,  Hanna dropped to the ground. Myungsoo walked out to see Hanna staring at his phone. Looking at his screen, he was busted. It was the reminder to remind him to ask Lily out this week. He took a few steps and picked up his phone.  Reaching his hand out, Hanna looked at it and hesitated before she reluctantly placed her hand in his.

You okay?

M-mhm. M-mian, I didn’t really mean to peek.

It’s okay, it’s my fault for leaving my phone here.

I-i-is it true?


Hanna pointed to the reminder on the screen.

O-oh yeah. I was going to-

You really like her huh?

Y-yeah. Mian, I didn’t tell you.

Why her?

…..Hmm well, she’s……kind to people, she can easily make me smile, and the first time I met her, she helped me bandage up my scratch. She’s pretty I guess in my eyes.

Hanna stared at Myungsoo’s face the whole time he was describing her, he was smiling. A smile she’s never seen before, Despite Lily doing the bad things to her, to Myungsoo, she was what made him smile. Tears welled up in Hanna’s eyes but it was dark so Myungsoo couldn’t see them.


Was I being too mushy hehe?

Duh. You lovesick pabo.

Psh what would you know about love? Huh hobo~

That’s because you don’t know that I’m at your side you pabo. You probably don’t even see me.

Myungsoo oppa.

Hm? You haven’t called me that in awhile …

Tch, we’re not in school and you’re the one who told me to call you L.

O-oh right eheh. Well yeah, what’s up?

What if I wasn’t here anymore? But I was like far away? Like heaven.

Bwoh? Are you going somewhere without telling me?

Uhh…..Ani! like studying abroad for college or something?

Aish, college? That’s so many years later you pabo! Why are you worrying now?

Haha yeah ….silly me. But what if I was really leaving?

C’mon let’s go wash up and sleep.



Thanks for reading ;D Sorry I updated late ><

& School started this week so I might not be able to update expect on weekends,no school days, or breaks. ;< Don't worry, after this week, there's 2 no school days off  for me ;D  So I get to update moree ~ 

Cyah soon n_n  & thanks for subscribing <3

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3