
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L, Sungjong, Hanna, Becky, Christal, Eunji, Niel, Lily, and June.


But enjoy reading this? c;


For the past week, Hanna had been avoiding Myungsoo. Whenever she saw him in the hallway, she immediately turned away and ran. She had gotten up earlier to go to school instead of walking together with Sunggyu since she knew she’d bump into Myungsoo.

/beep younastybeep alarm clock sound ybeep haha randomness/

Hanna opened her eyes and glanced over at the clock. 6:30AM She got out of bed taking her clock with her and went to Sunggyu’s room. In Sunggyu’s room, he was still soundly asleep so Hanna quietly tiptoed over to his night stand placing the clock there then she set it to 7:10AM. That should give him enough time. Out of her pocket, she took out a post it note along with a pen. On the post it, she wrote Mianhe oppa, I’m leaving early again. –Hanna . When she was done writing it, she stuck it next to the clock. She glanced once again at him before leaving but before she could even take a step, a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist.

/gasp/  Hanna widened her eyes and looked back at Sunggyu staring at her.

Y-you were awake oppa?

Until when are you going to stop?


“Avoiding L?


/sigh/ Are you trying to run away from it then?

No…. just …I don’t know how to face him?

Why don’t you just try to fix it?

How? It wasn’t even my fault hmph.

Then try to fix the misunderstanding and are you going to lunch today? Woohyun keeps complaining ugh and everyone else too.

I-I don’t know. 

But Hanna clearly knew she’d probably end up having Eunji as a messenger to tell the others that she wouldn’t be joining them for lunch. For the past few days, Hanna went to the rooftop in the mornings and at lunch. Niel accompanied her at lunch and eventually Christal and Becky did too with Eunji.

I’ll see you later. Mianhe oppa, I’ll make you breakfast before I leave.

/sigh/  Sure

Hanna went to the bathroom and washed up. Walking down the stairs yawning, she opened the fridge to see what there was for breakfast. She spotted some yogurt, bread, eggs, and butter.  For herself, she ate strawberry flavored yogurt and toasted bread with butter. As for Sunggyu, she also made him toasted bread with butter and some eggs.  With plastic wrap, she wrapped the plate so Sunggyu’s breakfast wouldn’t be cold. Finally she walked out of the house with headphones plugged into her ears as she walked to school.  Hanna walked up the same stairs to the rooftop again, she swung open the door and walked in. Putting down her book bag, she looked up at the sky while stretching her arms. It wasn’t sunny today but it wasn’t really rainy either, it was just cloudly. Sigh Umma and Appa are still upset like me hm? I hope it doesn’t rain today or else I won’t be able to eat on the rooftop today.

/sigh/ Hanna put her head on her knees and looked through the pictures of her and Myungsoo in her ipod. Hmph you pabo. She stopped looking through the pictures and closed her eyes for a while. Soon Hanna fell asleep without knowing, she woke up to the sound of the first bell. Upon hearing the bell ring, she checked the time on her ipod which read 8AM. Aish!?@@!  Slinging her bookbag around her shoulder, she quickly bolted down the stairs running to her first period class before the late bell. In the hallway, she was still running but stopped to catch her breath before running again. Hanna wasn’t paying any attention to who was in the hallway and bumped into someone.

Mianhe!  She said as she bowed without looking up at who it was was.

Wait! Ha-...................nna…

Myungsoo scratched his head watching Hanna run. He carried on walking to his class sighing. Truthfully, Myungsoo did miss Hanna. Was I too harsh on her? When Hanna didn’t  come to lunch, he felt uncomfortable. He’d excuse himself to the bathroom but he was actually roaming the halls looking for Hanna and he did eventually find out where she was and who she was with. The other day while everyone was walking in the to the cafeteria, he decided he should go to Hanna’s class but when he got there, he saw Niel and her walking the opposite direction away from the cafeteria. Myungsoo followed them which led to the rooftop. So that’s where she was ….huh..  

/bell for lunch rings/

Everybody rushed out of their seats to get to the cafeteria while Hanna was taking her time since she knew she wouldn’t be going to the cafeteria anyway.

Eunji- ah?


Mianhe for making you a messenger again but can you tell Infinite oppas that I’m not eating in the caf-

Hanna was cut off when a loud thunder was heard which scared Hanna that she held her bookbag tightly.

Eh it’s raining? That means we have to eat in the cafeteria today ….are you okay Hanna?

M-mhm, f-fine.  You and the others go first, I’m gonna go to the bathroom first.

Erm…. Okay…

Eunji went outside and saw Niel, Christal, and Becky standing outside the classroom. They noticed Eunji had come out of the classroom and hurried over.

What are we gonna do?

Are we eating in the cafeteria today?

Where’s Hanna?

Hanna said she was going to the bathroom first so I guess we wait for her at the cafeteria?

I feel so weird now that we’re going back to the cafeteria again.

Kind of, eh kaja~

/At the cafeteria/

The four of them awkwardly walked to the table in the back.

AHEM! /coughcough/

Infinite looked up and saw the four of them standing.


Well duh, it’s raining psh.

Welcomeee back ~

Yah, you guys move over!

Where’s Hanna-ah? I miss her ;_;

She’s going to the bathroom first, she’ll be here soon.

/ very loud thunder sounds/

Oh! Thunder?

Myungsoo looked out the window seeing the thunder and got worried. I hope Hanna’s okay.

Seems scary ~  come to think of it, isn’t Hanna afraid of thunder?

Ohyeah …. I totally forgot.

She is?

Yup, I hope she gets here soon before something happens.

/In the bathroom/

Hanna splashed her face multiple times with cold water panting. /thunder/ She screamed covering her ears and closed her eyes. When she thought there wasn’t any more thunder, she opened her eyes slowly but it was a bit blurry. Outside the bathroom, someone was trapping the door with the janitor’s mop. The two girls smirked walking to the cafeteria. /thunder/ Hanna screamed again and ran to the door. She tried opening the door but couldn’t, she kept banging the door but no one heard her cries. Tears started to spill down her face, the thunder made Hanna more scared.

/In the cafeteria/

Lily and June walked in acting as if they were innocent and pretended nothing happened outside the bathroom.

Oh look, the morons are back.


They walked over to the table which was quieter than normal.

Have you guys seen Hanna anywhere?

No why?

Eh, I’m getting worried.

What if something happened?

Suddenly, L stood up immediately. Lily grabbed his arm.

Where are you going?

To find her.

L took Lily’s hands of him lightly before running up the stairs. Lily clenched her fists tightly. L ran as fast as he could to the girls bathroom. When he got there, he saw a mop that trapped the door. He untrapped the door and opened the door to find Hanna on the floor with tears.


Hanna looked up lifelessly. Her eyes were blurred and saw a figure. Myungsoo? Is this some kind of illusion?

Myungsoo shook Hanna.

Hanna-ah! It’s me hm? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier, it’s my fault.

Haha is this real or am I dreaming? It seems so real though…

It’s real Hanna! I’m really here!

Myungsoo wiped Hanna’s tears with his thumbs. He put Hanna’s head to his chest her hair just the way she liked it. Hanna didn’t feel afraid anymore with Myungsoo. All I need is Myungsoo oppa. Thump Thump She listened to his heartbeat and smiled weakly. Outside the door, Lily clenched her fists and glared at them. She turned around but was confronted by Niel glaring at her.

O-Oh, what are you doing here?

Pfft, cut the act. You’re the one behind this aren’t you?

And what if I am huh?

I’ll give you a warning now if you hurt Hanna again, I won’t go easy.

Yeah? Let’s see what you can do then.

You just watch yourself kay girly?

Tch, get lost.


Thanks for reading ;D

I'll try to update asap T_T

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3