
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?



The moment Hanna got home, she rushed to her room and shut her door. She closed her eyes and flashed back to 5 minutes ago when she was outside with Myungsoo. 

There was some cream on the side of your lips so I cleaned it for you.

Her heartbeat faster and faster. Hanna shook her head and slapped her face. 

tsktsk Hanna, don't get so shaken up by him! 

In the midst of doing her homework, she couldn't help but stop and think about that scene over and over again. Hanna looked at her mirror and saw that her face was red.

Stop it Hanna! Contentrate!

After so many interferences with her homework, Hanna finally finished and went down for a snack. She looked around in her fridge and took the last strawberry soy milk. 


Oh, oppa!

are you hungry?

kind of, I just finished my homework. 

what do you want to eat for dinner? I'll make it for you, I don't think mom and dad are going to be home soon.

Ooooo~ you're cooking? That's rare to see ~ I wanna eat ....hmm....kimbap and ....pork cutlet? Oh and strawberries! xD

Psh I always cook for you, obviously I'm the best oppa in the world! You wanna call the others over?

Uhhuh of course, you're the BEST oppa in the world. /cough 

Yah! What was that cough for then?

.I was clearing my throat of course ;P

/squinting eyes

/giggles Sungyeol oppa is right, you do look like a hamster like that! /laughing

Yah bwoh!? come here you little girl! /tickles Hanna

/ten minutes later

Arasso arasso! You are the best oppa in the world now stop tickling me and make me dinner!

I thought so too. I'll text them to meet up at the supermarket so go get dressed ~

Okays ;D

/at the supermarket

Hanna and Sunggyu got to the supermarket first. After them came Sungjong and Myungsoo, yadong couple, and finally Sungyeol and Woohyun.

Took you long enough.

It wasn't my fault hyung! I had to drag this flirt away!

I wasn't flirting, I was being nice! It's simply rude to ignore a girl, right Hanna-ah?


Ahh hyung!! Stop it! 

Ugh god Woohyun, stop.

Let's just go guys ......

Yeah, c'mon ~

/Inside the supermarket

So what do we need?

Seaweed, pork,ham, pickled radish, kimchi, snacks, and ....

strawberries! xD

and that.

awww so cute Hanna! 

this girl loves strawberries so much huh?

mhm can we get blueberries too? ;D

of course you can ~

yeye okay ~

let's split up, Woohyun and I will get the ingredients for kimbap. Hoya and Dongwoo will get the ingredients for pork cutlet, Sungyeol and Sungjong will get the snacks. Hanna and Myungsoo will get the fruits, kay? We'll meet up at the cashier in half an hour.

Okay cyah later guys ~


Calm down hyung! 

Oppa but--

C'mon, let's go Hanna-ah ~ Myungsoo said as he took Hanna's hand and led her to the fruits section.

Hyung! Why did you pair Myungsoo and Hanna together? You could've paired me up with her!

Yah! Hanna needs to remember Myungsoo remember? Psh don't use your dumb greasiness on Hanna!

Awww waee? 

....Stop being dumb.

/throwing hearts

/Fruits Section

Why did you drag me away? I was going to ask oppa to pair me up with someone else!

What for? When you have me hm? 

Myungsoo kept going towards Hanna until he cornered her.


Ah whatever! Let's just go get the strawberries.

/smiles to himself

Found them ~ xD

Hanna started taking several boxes of strawberries and filled up her basket until it was halfway full.

Do you love strawberries that much?

yes ;x 

/pinches cheeks/ cute c;


nothing, c'mon let's get the blueberries.

oh yeah! xD blueberries ~



you get distracted so easily ~

psh so? /pouts

/pinches cheeks/ so cute.

/slaps hand away/ stop touching me!

why, i can't?


aww look at you blushing! haha ;3

I'm not blushing D<

wanna bet?


thought so ;3

ah whatever, let's just go get the blueberries T_T

fine fine. 

Hanna placed 3 boxes of blueberries into the cart.

What now? ;>

Wanna go find the others?

...Hmm....let's go find them after we go to the frozen section c: I wanna get some icecream and yogurt ~


Hanna leaned on the cart and lazily pushed it around.

tsktsk lazy bum.

psh you're the bum! You're not even helping me >c

you never asked, mehrong~

pfft that's because a man is supposed to be the one who pushes the cart for the girl duhh, are you like this on a date too?

then are you saying we're on a date right now? /wink

/blush w-what? n-no! ugh just nevermind, I'll push it myself geez.

/giggles/ here, gimme, i'll push it~

hmph, no!

Myungsoo backhugged Hanna as she was still leaning on it.

w-w-what are you doing? get off!

I'll get off when you let me push the cart.

tsktsk using cheap tactics! fine, i'll get off ;>

Myungsoo pushed the cart into the frozen section as Hanna followed behind him. He turned around and saw Hanna looking through the aisle rubbing her arms from the cold. Myungsoo saw that Hanna had only wore shorts with a tshirt and a thin cardigan. 

it's so cold ~

Just then, Hanna felt someone put a hoodie on her. She turned around to find Myungsoo putting the hoodie on her.


What are you doing?

Tsktsk pabo, what does it look like I'm doing? If you were cold, you could've told me and who told you to wear such thin clothing?

It's not even cold outside ....and I'll be warm again when we're out of the frozen section anyway o;

Just wear my hoodie geez so you can stop freezing yourself. 


What flavor of icecream do you want?


/shaking his head/ strawberry obession ~

Psh what's wrong with liking strawberries? What about you and black? And also plaid!

What about black and plaid? They look good on me!

....You even wear all black in the summer .... =_= aren't you hot?

I know I'm hot okay? ;3 

....I didn't mean that hot ....omg just shush and go find strawberry icecream or napolean ~

embarrassed much? ;3 It's okay, I get it ALL the time from people.

...shut up. 

do you want anything else?

no, let's go find Sungjonggie and Yeollie oppas ~

Pfft, you have cute nicknames for them, why don't you call me by a cute nickname?

....I don't have one for you ...

Then make one for me! ;D 

Bleh fine, you still owe me a date ~ you know I have to make it up for your birthday.

Oh right's just go tomorrow afterschool ~


After half an hour, Infinite met up and went to checkout. When they got to Sunggyu's house, he instructed Hanna to go and watch some tv while he cooked. Hoya and Dongwoo decided to help while Hanna, Sungjong, Sungyeol, and Myungsoo watched tv. Woohyun being the Woohyun he is, threw hearts even at food. After dinner, Infinite ended up staying the night. While the older members wanted to drink some soju, Sungjong, Hanna, and Myungsoo went to bed. Hanna finished showering when she walked into her room to find Myungsoo on her bed. 

/gasp/ omg you scared me!

Oh, mianhe. 

aren't you supposed to be in the guest room with Sungjong oppa?

I came to say goodnight to you ~

goodnight Hanna-ah, /kisses forehead

Hanna touched the spot Myungsoo had kissed as he left the room. 

....tch what was that for? ;>

/alarm beeping/

Hanna woke up by the alarm immediately. Her clock read 7AMl she got out of bed and got ready. After she was done with her routine, she went to wake up Myungsoo and Sungjong. When Hanna entered the guest room, she saw that both of them were still asleep. She went over to Sungjong first.

Sungjong oppa! oppa! wakeup~

Hanna shook Sungjong gently and he woke up after a few shakes.

I'm tired ~ is it time for school already?

Yup, wake up and help me wake the other oppas ~


O-oppa? ........>.<

Hanna shook Myungsoo a few times until he woke up and pulled her down hugging her.

W-what are you doing?! Wake up!

5 more minutes..shhh

Wake up now! Dx /shakes him

Okayokay, I'll wake up ~


Hanna went downstairs to see Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, and Sungyeol asleep on the living room floor. 

Oh Hanna-ah, you're awake?

Mhm, did you sleep in the other guest room last night Howon oppa?

Yup, I don't like drinking that much. 

Did you brush your teeth and wash your face yet?

Yup, Sungjong just went in.

/sigh/ we need to wake up these drunk oppas up now ;x

It reaks of alcohol here, bleh.

I know, right? Eh, better get started now. Oppas, wake up

You guys wake up! We'll be late if you guys don't wake up!

After ten long minutes, all of them finally woke up. They were all still sleepy and walked like zombies. Hanna made breakfast with the help of Sungjong and Hoya. Infinite ate breakfast and hurriedly walked to school to make it just on time.

The day passed fast for Hanna and it was lunch time already. As she exited her class, Myungsoo was waiting for her. Before she could run away again, Myungsoo took her hand and walked to the cafeteria with her. 

I wasn't going to run away you know ;>


Are you going to let go?

Not until we get to the cafeteria ~

Myungsoo let go of Hanna's hand as they walked into the cafeteria. Near Infinite's table was a crowd. As both of them walked towards the table, the crowd made way for them. A girl wearing a bow clip and some blush makeup stood in front of the crowd. She was holding a box of chocolates with a love letter as she looked down on the ground. When Myungsoo appeared, she looked up and blushed. 

What's going on? 

That girl is looking for you. 

Probably another confession.

Oooooo Myungsoo!

Here it goes again ....

Hanna watched as the girl went up to Myungsoo presenting the chocolates and letter to him. 

L-L o-oppa, p-please accept these pl-please! 

....I'm sorry. 


I'm sorry, I already have someone I like. If you want, I can at least read your letter.

O-oh n-no, i-it's okay but thanks anyway. 

Tears streamed down her face as she looked on the ground again. Hanna was going to step forward to offer a tissue but 2 other girls went up to the girl comforting her. The girl pushed her friends away and ran bumping into Hanna. She pushed Hanna away harshly and Hanna was knocked into the wall. Behind Hanna, the crowd was gasping and whispering amongst each other. The girl didn't notice it and continued running. Hanna's head had hit the wall and she on the floor clutching on to her head in pain. The Infinite members rushed over to Hanna.

Hanna-ah, are you okay?

Are you okay?

Are you bleeding?

Even if she got rejected ....she shouldn't have pushed Hanna ...

Are you okay Hanna? That girl must've been heartbroken hyung!

Hanna-ah! Are you okay? 

Can someone inform the nurse?

Some people nodded and ran to the nurse's office. 


Thanks for subscribing and reading! ^-^ 

SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING T_T  I've been so busy with school work ;c 

Please don't hate me T.T I'll try to update as much as I can D: 

Enjoy the story ~ 













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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3