
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Hanna, Myungsoo/L, Christal,Becky,Niel, Lily,and June.

Enjoy reading! ^^


It was now 12AM, Hanna was just close to finishing up Myungsoo’s homework. She closed the his notebook while relief washed over her. Checking the time, she quickly prepared to go to bed. I guess I’ll just sleep in tomorrow. Upon going to bed, her eyes immediately drifted off.

/Next Morning/

/Text message sound/

Hanna woke up to the sound of her phone.  Something was buzzing on her desk, she removed the blanket off herself to check the time and found it was only 8AM. Who was texting her this early in the morning? Was it Christal or Becky? Nope. It was Myungsoo. The text message read:

Good Morning sleepyhead! ^^

Mian if I woke you up but gomawo chingu!!

The date went great yesterdayy~~ , guess who has a girlfriend now hmmm?

Keke, I was just so excited to text you and tell you! I couldn’t even sleep yesterday.

When I see you on Monday, I’m gonna give you a super duper big hug! (:

Oh and, we’re celebrating afterschool on Monday with the guys so don’t make any plans!

Wish me luck on our first date today >//////////////

Gomawo again, Hanna-ah.


A sigh came from Hanna’s mouth. She closed her eyes, threw her phone under her pillow and laid back down. How was she suppose to go back to sleep now? She obviously could not go back to sleep right after Myungsoo announced that he officially had a girlfriend. After about an hour of lingering around in her bed shifting one side to another, she just went to get dressed.  


She couldn’t get that text message out of her head.

Girlfriend. First date.

And she didn’t really want to call any of the guys right because they’d just ask about Lily and Myungsoo. Instead she decided to go to the park. The park wasn’t far from her house, it was only a 10minute walk. It was her favorite park of her, purely because she used to play with Myungsoo a lot here.  The was park was actually a very huge park. It had a play ground with slides, monkey bars, a separate baseball field, etc. Her most favorite thing were the swings, she especially liked it if there was no one there so she could get the swings all by herself. Since it was not even 11AM yet, the park was empty just how she liked it. Even the icecream truck wasn’t there yet. Hanna walked through the entrance of the park towards the swings. She stood in front of the first swing.

Long time no see. Sorry, I was so busy with school. I bet you missed me huh, swing?

She smiled and sat down, slowly swinging by herself back and forth. Her head turned to her left and stared at the swing beside her. The smile on Hanna’s face disappeared when she imagined Myungsoo there smiling back at her. She remembered all the memories she spent with Myungsoo here particularly the one time they were eating icecream here. Hanna had gotten some icecream  on the sides of her lips so Myungsoo kneeled down in front her to wipe it off for her. Reminiscing about that right now made her feel like she really lost Myungsoo.


The rest of the day passed just like that. Although she didn’t show that she was unhappy near Sunggyu, her smile disappeared after Sunggyu went to hang out with the guys. She had told him that she needed to finish up some things so she couldn’t go. Becky and Christal both also heard about the announcement of Myungsoo having an official girlfriend from the guys probably because they got too excited and just told everyone. Apparently Niel had also received texts from Infinite too. So all day, Hanna ignored her phone and texts from the 3 of them. She just hid behind her walls.

/Sunday night/

After a whole day of avoiding her phone, she took it out. The moment she opened her phone, at least ten messages popped up.

Myungsoo’s text:

Hey you alright? You didn’t respond back. I heard from the others that you had things to finish up, is it because of me that you couldn’t go hang out with them? Mian. Like I said, I’ll make it up to you okay? ^^


Christal’s text:

Hanna….you okay? Want me to bring some strawberry icecream over?


Becky’s text:

Kwenchenna? L  You can let it out you know, I won’t mind if you whine or yell at me.

Niel’s text:

Are you okay? If you need me, text me and I’ll be over there in a speed of light. Respond back.


There was 6 other messages which were probably Infinite letting everyone in the entire world know that Myungsoo was taken. She text Christal,Becky, and Niel back.

Hanna’s text to Christal/Becky/Niel.

I’m alive you know but I’m okay. Don’t ask any questions jebal. I’ll just see you at school mkay?


Then she texted Myungsoo.

Yah, go to school early tomorrow for your notebook. If you’re late, I’m leaving it on the ground got it?


Myungsoo immediately received a text on his side. He read the message and replied back.

Psh, ‘Yah’? Respect your elders you know, I’m older than you by a year! You shouldn’t be using ‘Yah’ on me~ How could I be late to meet the bestest best friend in the world hm? J Where do you wanna meet?


/Text message sound/ (Hanna’s side)

Hanna’s reply:

Erm….in front of the library? At 7:45AM?


Myungsoo’s reply:

Okays, cyah there ^^

Goodnight chingu ~


Goodnight ….

/The next day- library/

Hanna woke up extra early today to go to school. She arrived earlier than she planned so she went inside the library just to look around for any books she wanted to read. Since it was only 7:30AM, there were not many people in school yet. The only people who were in school were people who were practicing, volunteered to be a monitor for the teacher, or just came early in general. The library only had like a group of students who were studying so she quietly went to the back. She found the aisle named “Classics”.  It was the last bookshelf in the back, usually no one was there but she noticed 2 figures on the opposite side of her. Hanna hunched down to get a closer look at the authors.

So I heard. You and L eh?

Yeah. Not much.

Hearing those voices, she recognized them instantly. Lily. She continued to eavesdrop even though she shouldn’t be. Quietly, she took out her phone and pressed the button to record.

What’s wrong? You don’t like it?

Ierno, I finally got him but what am I suppose to feel?

Uh….happy? Dur, you didn’t do all that so you could regret doing it and you can uh like show him to your mum? Something like that?

Yeah I guess so. I’m kinda bored now though, I mean L was only so I could show my mom I could find a guy that would never leave me abandoned but he’s not even someone I like.

Yah! You became mean for a reason. Your dad left you remember? Your mom didn't like it when you were nice to people because it could result in getting effed over. People take advantage of you and etc. You don't want that do you?

……Sigh, whatever. I’m bored.

Hanna was angered, she couldn’t believe this was the type of girl Myungsoo liked. Myungsoo had personally watched over her, cared for her, bought a bracelet and set up a date in a café with a menu he HIMSELF chose. Any other girl would’ve been lucky if Myungsoo said a single word to them but here, Lily was just using L and even worse, she doesn’t even like him. They were about to walk away but Hanna stepped out in front of them. She was so angry she had forgot about her phone and the record button was still on.

I can’t believe you! L oppa cared for you, watched over you, personally bought a bracelet for you, set up a date in a café AND picked the menu!

Then believe it! You have eyes don’t you?


What do you mean ‘so’? Was pushing me into the pool just for nothing then?

Oh please, you don’t even have proof!

Who else would want to push into the pool “accidentally” hm? Infinite? Becky? Christal? Niel? The only one left is you.

Well you’re alive aren’t you? Just let it go, it was what? A week ago?

FINE! Go! Just go tell L oppa then huh! See if he believes you!

I never even said I was going to tell him! I just want you to know that L oppa cares about you a lot, he probably thinks of you as a pearl so make him happy sincerely instead of using him.

Lily was stunned but she kept her face straight.

Cut the crap, let’s go. This girl’s crazy.

The two of them walked out of the library. Hanna glanced at her phone, it was still recording so she turned it off. Myungsoo arrived 10 minutes later.


Psh, I’m on time okay!


Hanna handed him his notebook. Myungsoo gave his crooked smile, he bear hugged Hanna afterwards.

He was hugging here tightly and stayed longer.

Gomawo Hanna-ah, really. I’ll make it up to you even if I have to make it up to you for the rest of the my life. My date was Lily was probably the best date in the world. Gomawo.

Hanna’s ears were pressed against his chest and she could hear his heart beat fast when he talked about Lily.

What kind of charm does Lily have that makes your heart beat like this? Just what kind of girl do you see through your eyes that can make you smile but I can’t? Am I lacking? Myungsoo oppa, you have no idea that you’re actually throwing me into the ocean.


Thanks for subscribing and reading~ ^^

The next time I'll update now is this weekend due to school work and test ;x Sorry ~

Cyah soon c:

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3