
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?

Sunggyu,Dongwoo,Woohyun,Hoya,Sungyeol,Myungsoo,Sungjong,,Hanna,Becky,Christal, Niel,L.joe.


In every one of her classes, Hanna couldn't pay attention. Her attention was elsewhere, on Myungsoo. She couldn't take her mind off of what happened in hte morning. It was like it just happened 5 minutes ago, she could still feel his hands interwined with hers. His touch felt so familliar. She shook her head back and forth.

Bleh, just forget Hanna! It's nothing special, he'could be faking it or he like probably has 123498102 girlfriends already! I mean look at how many fangirls he has. 

The bell for lunch rang. This made Hanna jump, her heart beat faster and she had no idea why.

Why is it beating so fast? Stop it.

She quickly packed up her books and walked towards the door. When she stepped out, she noticed Myungsoo waiting outside for her.  Hanna gasped.

He noticed her presence was going towards her flashing her one of his most dorkiest smiles but she took off with a dash. Hanna ran as fast as she can as if she was trying to get away from something. Rooftop she thought. She reached the rooftop ina matter of minutes and waited a few minutes to see if Myungsso had caught up to her. After a few moments, no one came through the door. She was safe. Hanna sat down hugging her knees putting her head down and closed her eyes. 

Why was my heart beating so fast? Why did I run away from him? In that weird dream, he left me's weird /sigh.

The rooftop door squeaked open, Hanna immedialetly turned out to find Niel.


Hey....I didn't see you in the cafeteria so I thought I might find you here.

How' did you know?

Lucky guess? If not, you'd be in the library. Are you okay? I heard about your accident.

I'm fine.

/smiles You didn't forget me afterall.

Why would I? You never made me unhappy or anything like that. Of course I'd remember you.

I was afraid you might not.

It's fine, I did remember you ^^

Have you had the chance to open the gift?


The birthday gift?

/gasp I totally forgot with the accident and all >< I'll open it right now ~

Hanna took out a nicely wrapped gift with a bow on top out of her .

I hope you like it.

Thanks, I will! It's so cute c:


On the other hand, Myungsoo was wandering the halls still trying to find Hanna. He had already checked every corner and still didn't find her. It surprised him that she had run away from him. Maybe she urgently had to use the bathroom ......   The bathrooms were empty. Where else could she be? Myungsoo was about to go back to the cafeteria until he passed by the stairs that led to the rooftop. Would she be there? He deciced to check.

As he walked up the stairs, he was nearing closer to the roof and heard some voices. Isn't that Hanna.....and ....don't tell me, Niel? Please don't let it be Niel.

He was in front of the door now, the voices were clear. It was clearly Hanna and Niel's voices but he didn't want to believe it. Myungsoo opened the door wide enough to see Hanna and ....Niel. Niel was putting a pretty bracelet onto Hanna's wrist. It was the same exact bracelet had gotten for Lily and him. He remembered Hanna staring hard at something, the sales associate must have saw Hanna looking at it too hence the reason why she assumed that they were a couple. He was an idiot. Why was he so blind not to notice? 

Thanks Niel, it's so pretty xD

You're welcome, it suits you.

It's weird though.

The bracelet?

Oh no! of course not, it's just that I don't remember much of my birthday.

You don't recall anything?

Not really. I don't remember receiving much gifts either, I probably only got gifts from you, Becky, Christal,my parents, and Sunggyu oppa?

You don't remember that you had a party.....? 


You know .....afterschool? The day ...L was at your house?

L-sshi was at my house? for what?

I guess you really don't remember....L got drunk because Lily broke up with him and he went over to you crying? He stayed overnight and the next day happened to be your birthday but you supposedly didn't tell him as he was already upset.

......but wouldn't any bestfriend remember their bestfriends' birthday?



/sigh he didn't remember, mianhe.

Sorry for what? You don't have to apologize for something that isn't your fault. That person keeps insisting he's my bestfriend but what kind of friend forgets their bestfriends' birthday even if he broke up with his girlfriend .....unless he's really not my bestfriend then....and he was just pretending!

Hanna....I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. I guess the heavens are on my side, seeing how she even said that about L. He deserved it himself hurting Hanna.

Behind them, Myungsoo heard everything. 

I-i-it was her b-birthday that day?! B-but....that's impossible! I never forgot her birthday, that day's date was ......oh my god. really was her birthday ....

"It's okay, besides you can make it up today!"

"Today? What's today? Sorry, I'm still frustrated from yesterday, I can't even remember the date."

Myungsoo's eyes bulged.

Oh my god....I forgot her birthday! It's all my fault could I have possibly forget her birthday? I have to make it up to her afterschool to gain her heart back.


After lunch, she bid her goodbyes with Niel and made sure Myungsoo was nowhere in sight. A few minutes before the next class started, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked around to see if there was any teachers or deans around, there weren't. Her phone showed a new text message from an unknown number. 

The message said: 

Hey dongsaeng! Remember me? It's L.joe ~ if you're thinking how I got your number, I got it from Becky so don't get any crazy ideas that I stalk you okay? jkjk but yeah, you wanna hang out today afterschool? I heard about your accident :(  Are you okay? Reply back!


L.joe? Why not? I haven't been out in awhile anyway since the hospital.

Hanna's reply:

Hey Byunghun oppa! lol, I won't get crazy already have a girl you like anyway, stalk her. I'll hang out with you afterschool then & I'm okay really. You don't need to worry ;> Where do you want to hang out?


L.joe's reply:

Great! ^-^  Psh, i'm not some creeper okay ~ I have a life yo know other than stalking a girl I like. I'll pick you up afterschool at your school, let''s go eat sweets in this cute cafe xD Oh, we can take photo booth pictures *o* & and don't call me Byunghun .....


Hanna's reply:

haha, I'll call you Byunghun mehrong!  Okies, that sounds good ~ See you afterschool.


L.joe's reply:

Fine fine, you can call me Byunghun but err....can you help me? Before we leave the cafe, can you help me practice on how to ask the girl I like out? >///////////////////////////<


Hanna's reply:

Awwwwwwwwww! xD of course! I'm sure she'll like you :3


L.joe's reply:

Thanks >.< see you afterschools.



Throughout the day, Hanna eventually forgot about Myungsoo and anticipated hanging out with L.joe.


Hanna quickly packed up her stuff and ran outside to the entrance when a hand pulled her back. /gasp

A pair of arms hugged her, she was being backhugged again by Myungsoo.

L-L s-sshi?

You went back to calling me L, call me Myungsoo.

......What if I don't want to?

/pouts call me Myungsoo.

your dumb faces won't make me call you that.

psh meanie, you're hurting my feelings.

so? why do I have to bother with your feelings? What about mine when you forgot about my birthday?

......Mianhe Hanna. I'll make it up to you, let's hang out today.

I can't, I'm busy.

busy with what?

I already made plans with someone. 

Cancel them and come with me c:

.What? I'm not going to cancel plans I already so I could hang out with you. First come, first serve. Tough luck, better luck next time. Cyah next--actually, I don't wanna see you next time. Bye.

With that, Hanna ran off again. Myungsoo was running to catch up to her outside but it was too late when she got on a motercycle with a pink hair. 

That guy from last time! Are they dating!? /Sigh Hanna, don't go into another guy's arms please. I promise I'll make up for everything, really. I can't stand the fact that someone else has you. 

Myungsoo still ran after the motercycle clearly knowing the the motercycle was much faster but after 10 minutes, they came to a stop. Thank god Myungsoo thought. It was a good thing Myungsoo was a fast runner or else he would've never be able to keep running to catch up to them. L.joe and Hanna went inside the cafe while Myungsoo stood outside for a few minutes to catch his breath. Hanna was picking out sweets while L.joe got the dirnks.

What do you want to drink?

Hm.....strawberry bubbletea!

you're so cute, you like strawberries so much don't cha?

mhm! ^-^

Alright, go pick out the cakes.

Are you allergic to anything or what kind of desserts do you like?

Anything is fine.

Okies ~

L.joe paid for everything and they sat down at a table near the window. By the time, Myungsoo finished catching his breath, he stepped into the cafe and spotted them by the window. He used his hood to cover his faces and quickly went over to the seat in front of L.joe, his back facing L.joe's back. A waiter came to L and asked what he would like.

When L turned to faced the waiter, the waiter recognized him as he was the famous L.

/gasp y-you're L--!

L's hand covered which made her squeal even more, he had to make her stop before Hanna noticed. 

Look, you can have my autograph or whatever but just shut up and walk away. 

The waiter nodded with sparkles in her eyes. After giving the waiter his signature, taking a selca, and doing everything the waiter requested, he finally sat back down. /sigh for Hanna T.T

The whole time Myungsoo was trying to quiet down the waiter, neither Hanna nor L.joe had even paid any attention towards his direction. Instead they were eating the sweets and practicing for L.joe's confession. 

Myungsoo sat down and heard:

I like you. Will you go out with me?

Myungsoo turned around and stood in front of their table. 

No! She can't go out with you! Hanna is with me and only me.

Both of them gave him weird stares and so were the people in the cafe.

/Outside the cafe

Y-you're weren't confessing? .....


I asked Hanna to help me practice for a confession I'm going to make for the girl I like ....

......Oh.....sorry dude T.T

It's okay .....

But it was embarrassing, everyone was staring after he said that out loud .....

It's fine, at least I got to practice ....

So......I think we should get going ....

Yeah...maybe we'll go take photobooth picture next time.

Sounds good.

Do you need a ride?

I'll take her home. 

Oh okay then, maybe we'll meet in a proper way next time.

Yeah....sorry about that, see you next time.

Bye Byunghun oppa!

See you! ^-^ thanks Hanna!

L.joe leaves.

You don't have to take me home.

I know but I want to.


Why, I can't?

Isn't it bothersome? You have to go back all the way to yours.

It doesn't bother me, I don't live that far from you anyway. Besides, it's not safe for a girl to go home alone.

Tch what am I, a little kid?

No but I just want to make sure you get home soon.

Just go home, I don't need anyone to accompany me.

I'm sorry.

for what?

For today, I shouldn't have told you to cancel your plans.

..............whatever, it's okay.

I'm sorry for not knowing it was your birthday that day. I'll make it up to you, you wanna hang out on the weekend?

...........I'll think about it.

please? ;>

awww c'mon, Hanna ;< for this pabo oppa.

/sigh fine.

thanks Hanna, for giving me a chance.

Let's just go now.

Wait one more thing!


In a swift movement, Myungsoo cupped Hanna's chin and lifted her face up. Hanna's face turned the color of red velvet cake.

W-what are you d-doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

L-l-l-let go!

What if I don't? and What if I do this?

He inched closer so that his nose was touching Hanna's nose. Hanna could feel his breath on her lips, her heart beat faster and blushed loads more.

You're so cute when you blush Hanna-ah.

She turned her face away from Myungsoo and pretended to not be bothered by him.

Let's just go already and stop your nonsense. 

Myungsoo didn't listen and leaned in towards the side of her lips. He stuck his tongue out and off some cream from the dessert.

W-what did y-you do?!

There was some cream on the side of your lips so I cleaned it for you.

Y-y-you could have just told m-me, you didn't have to l- it off!

Aigooo, so cute. /ruffles Hanna's hair/

C'mon, let's go home now. 

Before she said anything, Myungsoo took her hand gently and interwined it with his. He squeezed her hand tightly.


Thanks for subscribing + reading ^-^ 

Sorry , I didn't have time to update so I updated during break c:

Merry Christmas! ;D


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3