Summer house.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L,Sungjong, Hanna, Becky, Christal, Niel, and Lily.

Enjoyy ;DD Sorry for the late update Dx


It had been a few days since Hanna went to school, she refused to go ever since last week’s incident. Her mom had to call the school and make up an excuse that she wasn’t feeling well. Everyday, Myungsoo visited her and tried to convince her to go and that nothing like that would ever happen again but failed. Well Hanna eventually had to go to school next week anyway he thought. Today was Friday, Hanna was still lying in bed snuggling in her blankets. She had once again refused to go to school when her mom checked up on her.

/At school – Lunchtime/

Myungsoo was sitting there eating his food when an idea popped into his head.

Yo guys!

Hm? Bwoaslaksa?

Yah! Don’t eat with your mouth full!

Esh, take your time eating but anyway what?

Wanna go over to my summer house over the weekend? We should take Hanna out too ~

/Dongwoo banging on the table and making noises/

Dongwoo shook his head eagerly .

Oh that sounds nice!


Oooo~ When do we leave?

Myungsoo turned over to Lily.

You’re going to come right?


Lily smirked when L looked away. While the others were discussing where to meet up or etc, Lily was storming up another plan on her own.  After school, everyone had gone home to pack for their trip. Myungsoo was walking with Sunggyu together to Sunggyu’s house.

So you sure your parents would let you guys come?

Yeah, why not?

Mkay, just making sure.

Sunggyu walked to the front door and unlocked it. They both took off their shoes and went inside, Sunggyu dialed his mom’s number and Myungsoo went upstairs to Hanna’s room. Opening the door, he poked his head through the door to see Hanna sleeping and noticed the tray of food half finished next to her night stand. Myungsoo went next to Hanna watching her sleep.  He never noticed before but her face seemed to glow in his eyes. Heh I should take a picture of her face and edit it with a moustache.

/camera flash sound/

Hanna was startled by the sound  so Myungsoo immediately put his phone away.

You’re awake?


Why didn’t you finish you food pabo?

…because I didn’t feel like it? Durrr.

Tch, finish it now.

What if I don’t huh?

I’ll tickle you!

Pfft okay, mehrong!~

Hanna stuck her tongue out at Myungsoo and immediately climbed under her blankets to cover herself from him.

Oh you’re dead now Kim Hanna!

L lifted up the blanket effortlessly with his hands, Hanna screamed and grabbed a pillow to protect herself.

Last chance, give up or what?

Pshh loser! Mehrongg!~

L put the blanket on the floor and climbed onto the bed towards Hanna. He grabbed the pillow out of her hands, threw it on the floor, and started tickling her. Both of her hands were held together so she couldn’t do anything, Myungsoo tickled her until she gave up. His strong grip on her hands made it difficult for Hanna to escape so she tried tickling him back or kicking him but it didn’t work, he was too strong for her. With all her strength, she flipped him over which caused him to let go of her hands and used this chance to get away. Unfortunately, she didn’t get far when a pair of arms caught her. Myungsoo was backhugging her. Hanna gasped at the sudden action, her cheeks turned a shade of pink.

Give up?

Tch no!

He resumed back to tickling Hanna until she finally gave up, her stomache was starting to hurt from laughing too much.

Okay okay, I give up!  I’ll just eat the food.

Thought so.

Tch I could’ve won.

Pfft right.

I’ll win next time D<



/Hanna munching on her food/

So anyway, me and the guys agreed to take you to my summer house over the weekend to have fun.

Are Christal and Becky coming too?

Yup, I invited Lily too.

……So he invited her huh.

Can I invite Niel too?


I guess there’s no harm in inviting him.


Hanna smiled munching on her food. Myungsoo felt his heart beat faster at her smile but he just shook it off and ruffled her hair. She pouted at what he did.

Yaaaahhh, you’re messing on my haaairrr!

Just finish your food arasso?

Aish arasso!

/Departing for L’s summer house – 6PM/

Since Sunggyu and Dongwoo were the only ones who knew how to drive , they split into two groups. In Sunggyu’s car was Hanna,Niel, Christal, Becky, L, and Lily while in Dongwoo’s car was Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong. Driving there took a two hour long drive. When they arrived, it was already 9PM so they just decided to unpack, wash up, and go to sleep for now.  The next morning, Hanna woke up early while everyone else was asleep. She checked the clock that said 7AM, she went downstairs and washed up. After washing up, she went outside to the pool.  Hanna yawned while stretching then she bent down to look at her reflection. Out of nowhere when she was about to touch the water, a pair of hands behind her pushed her into the pool but Hanna hadn’t seen who it was. Hanna had no idea how to swim, she had always used a floatation tube or stayed close to the benches watching everyone swim. Water went up her nose and mouth, she was coughing up the water flapping her arms trying to draw attention.  Myungsoo oppa, come save me hm? Where are you? I’m scared! She gave in when her eyes were getting blurred. Just then, she heard a loud splash and tried to outline who it was. It was a guy swimming near her. Myungsoo oppa? The person was nearing her but it wasn’t L. Niel? Niel carefully carried Hanna out of the water. He lightly shook Hanna, she spit out some water and gained her conscious back. After a few coughs, she could see clearly. Behind them, a pair of eyes stared at them. Clenching her fists, she came out of her hiding spot angry that her plan was close to success but failed. Lily ran back inside the house acting worried and pretended to panick to wake L up to give him news that Hanna almost drowned but of course left out the part where Hanna had almost died because of her.


Thanks for reading c: I'll try to update soon. Eck, School's almost here so yeah....I'll try to update Dx

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3