I don't know how I feel.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?

When Hanna got home, she went straight to her room and laid down on her bed with her face in his pillow.

What to do? What to do?? I mean it's so weird now, I'm not even sure if he likes me back 100%. Do I still like him? 

Hanna flashes back just before when Myungsoo kissed her on the cheek. Her cheeks instantly turned a shade of pink.

Yup, I still like this dumb little derp face. What am I supposed to do now? Well I mean he hasn't confessed yet....maybe he doesn't really like me ...and he's just doing all these things out of pity? /sigh

/The Next Day/

Hanna walked out of her house after eating a omelette and strawberry yogurt. She had woken up to make breakfast but failed to wake Sunggyu up so she set an alarm and left for school a tad bit earlier. At the same exact moment, Myungsoo saw her coming out and waved at her calling her name.

Hanna-ah! Morning!

W-what's he doing here? W-What should I do? Damnit, there's no where to run or hide..../sigh it's now or never.

H-hey, L--Myungs-soo. What are you doing here?

What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm here to walk you to school silly!

You didn't have to....I can by myself.

Well I just wanted to, I see Sunggyu's still sleeping hm?

Mhm. Um well....let's go?


Myungsoo offered his hand out to Hanna but Hanna was heistant about taking it. In between debating, Myungsoo pulled Hanna's hand which startled her and made her heart beat faster.

Stop it, Hanna. Remember, he might be doing this out of pity! 

Why are you holding my hand?

I can't hold hands with someone I like?

.......................Y-you never said you liked me so...

Well then, I'll just do it now. I like you, Hanna. 

They stopped walking and Myungsoo turned towards her with his crooked smile gazing at her. Myungsoo closed the gap between them as she backed up against a wall.

I like you, Hanna.

Seeing how flustered Hanna was, Myungsoo smiled at her and pulled her out of her trance by gently pulling her so that they were walking again. 

P-pfft, w-what kind of confession was that? How l-lame.

Lame? Psh, someone seemed to be enjoying it seeing how you froze there blushing.

Was not!

You know, you're still blushing right? 

Am not!

Wanna bet? If I win, you owe me a kiss.

B-bwoh?! No! I'm not betting!

I thought so too.

Hmph, unfair!

It's not unfair if I'm being reasonable c:

Just shut up!

Did I ever tell you that you're cute when you're flustered?

Hanna blew her bangs and walked off on her own. Myungsoo watched as she tried to walk faster and laughed and saw how steam came out of her ears. 

At school, Hanna paid her full attention to the teacher as she had missed a lot and didn't want to fall behind. As she working on her math worksheet, the door opened and she could hear footsteps of someone coming in but ignored it as she wanted to finish her work.  From the corner of her eyes, she saw a pair of legs walking towards the teacher. Must be a new student. Gasps and whispers could be heard along with squeals. I guess they're really goodlooking. Great, now I won't be able to concentrate because of all these girls spazzing about some derp.

Attention class, we have a new student today! I can see he's no one new so I'm sure you'll get along with him. Now, where to put you ....Myungsoo-sshi....

Hanna's eyes bulged when she hear Myungsoo and couldn't believe it. M-myungsoo? MYUNGSOO'S IN MY CLASS? No! It can't be, it can't be Myungsoo right?

"Here! Here! Seat him next to me!"



"Hey dude, whasssupp?"

She quickly looked up and met eyes with Myungsoo looking her, almost smirking as if he knew what she was thinking. 

Exuse me mister, can I sit there in that empty window seat?

Sure, why not? I'm sure Hanna-sshi won't mind right?


Okay then, it's settled. Your seat is next to Hanna-sshi, get along well.

Myungsoo smiled in triumph and smoothly walked towards Hanna. All the girls were whining and sulking that he sat next to Hanna out of all people. Hanna still hadn't processed the information in her head yet and was hanging open.

You know, if you keep your mouth open any longer, a fly might just fly in your mouth.

N-no! Why are you are you even here? In the same class as me?

I switched my classes so I could have every class with you and besides I wanna be in the same class as you!

Why me? What about Sungyeollie oppa?

You know, you never have a nickname for me and it's been such a long time since you've called me oppa.

So? ....I-I call you Myung---I mean L. Sorry, I forgot we're in school.

You know you don't have to call me L in school anymore. It was just a name I thought would make me cool....

But then your fangirls will know your real name and I've already gotten used to calling you L in school so ...


Oppa what?

Call me Myungsoo oppa.


Because I want you to.

I don't want to.

I see how it is, you hate me.

No I don't!

Then you love me? A lot?

Omg, just shut up. I need to focus, I'm so far behind.



Oppa. Oppa. Oppa. Oppa. Myungsoo Oppa.

Omg fine, Myungsoo o-oppa.

Myungsoo smiled and ruffled her hair.

In every one of her classes, Myungsoo sat next to her and and annoyed her.

Don't you have any notes to copy down?! You didn't even get out your notebook!

It's fine, I have you. You help me "study".

Hanna scoffed.

Or I can not and you can fail, yeah?

You wouldn't let your Myungsoo oppa fail, would you?

Well obviously, I'm not letting you cheat off me am I? And you study on your own! With Sungyeol oppa, tch.

But I want youuuu to help me study, hmmm?

Omg shut up and copy the notes, you're so annoying! 

Fine, fine.

It was finally the end of the day which Hanna could go home without having Myungsoo annoy her every second. As she passed by the counselor's office, a poster caught her attention.

"Have a chance to study abroad now"

Study abroad? That'd be nice ...maybe I could go for a year or two ...


Thanks for you reading and subscribing! xD


So AP exams are finallyyy over, thank god but finals and regents ....omg school is killing me! D:


asdhlaijdsilaj B.A.P Concert at Best Buy Theater in NYC! xD I still can't believe they were there in front of me performing! 

I got a B.A.P poster + banner + tshirt from the raffle I joined at the pre-show meetup. And the concert was absolutely amazing!

/Youngjae seducing fan girls

Yongguk in sunglasses is just ..../melting hot/

Zelo's English was cute haha, Daehyun ;_; /sobs

Jongup and Himchan were so cute too!

Though I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and sore shoulders, I have no regrets whatsoever. The concert was just amazing! 


I'd post more pictures/videos too but there is just too much! xD (over 200 files for B.A.P concert and I haven't gotten my friend's pictures yet lol) + I'm scared the video might be blurry if I post it. It was blurry when I posted on my Facebook but it was perfectly HD on my computer/ipod/mom's iphone.

Anyway, thanks for reading! xD 

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3