Lost Memories.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Myungsoo, Hanna, Sungyeol, person's thoughts. 

Enjoy reading! ;D



Do I know you?


It replayed over and over again through his head until he snapped back to reality.  He couldn’t believe, they’ve known each other since they were 8, played together, laughed together, smiled together, made memories together but she had still forgotten him. Maybe this wasn’t real, maybe he was just dreaming. Myungsoo pinched himself hard and it hurt him. It was real. He kept staring at her eat. Hanna stared back blankly.


Stop looking at me stranger.


I’m not a stranger, I’m your bestfriend.


Then how come I don’t remember you?


It stung.


You will, just not yet.


Uhhuh, what was your name again? Some weird letter name that the others call you by? L was it?


It’s Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo. L-L was just a name I came up with from a m-manga for—


He wanted to seem more cooler to the girls at school ~




Oh wow how lame, trying to get girls by giving yourself a one lettered name? Weirdo.


Shut up, just call me Myungsoo and not L.


Why? You’re a stranger, L-sshi.  Myungsoo huh? Wasn’t that the name I was calling in my dream? Seeing how he just left me in the dream, he’s probably a cold person who doesn’t care about me and a type of person who would leave me.


That made Myungsoo  hurt even more, now he wasn’t even a friend to her but a stranger.


After a week, Hanna was able to be discharged but still had to come for checkups. All week, Myungsoo constantly asked Hanna if she remembered anything and it was always be the same answer, no. At this rate, Myungsoo started to think that she’d never remember him at all, maybe not even until the next life.  On Sunday night, Myungsoo laid on his bed thinking.  Did he really like Hanna? He closed his eyes. Images of Hanna smiling flashed up. A memory of Myungsoo first kissing Hanna the day before school started popped up. He felt his heartbeat a little faster as he opened his eyes again. Placing a hand over his heart, he felt his heart beat faster than usual at the thought of Hanna and that memory. Oh my god, I-I’m … in love .. with her. I-I never noticed ….b-but how...could I have never noticed it…?


“If you were sorry then why don’t you look at me for once?”


Oh my god …….there’s no way ….Hanna had feelings for me before? She must have been heartbroken when Lily and I …../sigh what am I going to do now? Hanna doesn’t even remember me!


For a few moments, Myungsoo thought. What was he supposed to do in order for Hanna to regain her memories back? Then an idea popped into his head. He had to make her fall for him! Myungsoo could do things they used to do together before the accident or things they did together in middle school. Now he had more motivation.

The next morning, Myungsoo woke up extra early to go over to Hanna and Sunggyu’s house to make her breakfast just like he had done when she was mad at him last time.  As he entered the house, he noted to be as quiet as possible to try and not wake up everyone. Once he succeeded in getting to the kitchen, he went straight to work making Hanna’ favorite dishes such as ddeokbukki (spicy rice cakes) and kimbap. By 7AM, he was finished. Hanna nor Sunggyu had woken up yet. He washed his hand and went upstairs to Hanna’s room. As he opened the door of Hanna’s room, she was still soundly asleep.  Myungsoo walked towards her and sat on the side of her bed looking at her.


Angel, definitely an angel. Hanna-ah, please remember me soon hm? It’s me, Myungsoo, your bestfriend. I’m not a stranger.


Myungsoo shook Hanna’s arms a little to wake her up. She stirred and woke up after a few minutes. The first thing she saw was Myungsoo which made her give him a weird look.


What are  doing in my room? How did you even get in?


If you forgot, I’m your bestfriend and I happen to be friends with your oppa too.


……..how does being friends with my oppa have to do with you getting into the house? It’s not like oppa is awake at this time.


He gave me your house’s spare key last time, is that good enough?


Then why are you in my room and not waking Sunggyu oppa up instead of me?


Because I came here specifically for you?


And why Is that?


Just get up and go downstairs to eat the breakfast I made.


Why should I trust your cooking?


You don’t have to but just letting you know, I made ddeokbukki and kimbap. I guess if you really don’t want it then—


Okay okay, I’ll eat it!


Heh she could never ignore ddeokbukki and kimbap.


See you downstairs then.


He ruffled her hair and walked out. Hanna stood there as a memory of a person ruffling her hair but his face was quite clear. Strange, she thought but she shook it off and went to wash up.


When she was done, she went downstairs with the smell of ddeokbukki in the air. Myungsoo was already waiting for her at the table.




Well good morning, let’s start eating.


What about Sunggyu oppa?


He’s still sleeping.


We’re eating without him?


It’s fine, he wakes up later anyway and he makes his own breakfast.


But ….


C’mon just eat, it’s fine.


/Hanna’s stomach grumbles/


/Myungsoo laughs


Shutup. Hmph.


/Myungsoo is still laughing


Hmph, I’m not eating anymore.


Hanna got up walking towards the stairs but before she could reach them, she was held back by Myungsoo. He backhugged her which caused her to blush insanely.


W-w-what are you doing?! Let go!


She struggled to get out of his grasp but it was useless, he was obviously the dominant one.


You know I’m stronger right?




Don’t be mad, I won’t laugh anymore. Mianhe, just stay and don’t go.


This tugged on Hanna’s heart strings. Then another memory popped up of her and that mysterious guy again pillow fighting. The guy then also backhugged her as Myungsoo was doing to her now.


Hanna gasps.


What’s wrong?


N-nothing, l-let’s just eat and go to school.


/After eating.


Myungsoo waited outside for Hanna to come out. He wanted to leave quickly as Niel could walk out of his house any moment and he’d be forced to walk with him too and not have alone time with Hanna. Finally, Hanna stepped out.


What took you so long?


I wanted to make sure Sunggyu oppa’s alarm was on so he won’t be late to school.


Alright fine, let’s start walking.


He gently took Hanna’s hand and starting walking in the direction of the school.


W-w-what are you doing? I can walk by myself!


Myungsoo looked over at her to see her blushing. He stood in front of her cupping her cheek which made her blush even more.


Heh, you’re so cute when you’re shy.


Hanna slapped his hand away and let go of his hand.


Stop it. I don’t even know you that well.


You mean you just don’t remember yet.




Stop calling me that, call me Myungsoo oppa.


…../sigh …Myungsoo.






Fine, Myungsoo is good enough for now at least.


Let’s just go to school …..


/At the school entrance

As usual, fan girls were at the entrance each morning as the Infinite members arrived one by one. When L was near the entrance with Hanna, fan girls started screaming. Hanna stopped and covered her ears from the screaming. To her, it was annoying, bothersome, and loud. Myungsoo continued walking ignoring their screams until he noticed Hanna was not with him. He looked back and saw Hanna still covering her ears. Seeing her cover her ears made him felt bad, he walked back.


Are you okay?


He placed his hand on her shoulder and crouched down to her level. She opened his eyes.


No, your fangirls’ screams were so loud.


Mianhe. C’mon let’s go together.


He offered his hand but she was hesitant.


Should I take it? ………..


Before she could decide, he took her hand leading her through the entrance. Hanna looked at him and looked at their hands intertwined together.  Because of the nonstop screams, she couldn’t hear that her heart was beating rapidly. 


Thanks for reading! 

Sorry I haven't been updating much ;c <-----loads of school work T^T

But thanks for subscribing c:

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3