L's D-Day.

Myungsoo-ah, come back please?

Myungsoo/L, Hanna, Niel, Sales associate (only for this chapter)

Enjoy reading! ^^


For the whole night, Hanna kept fumbling around in her bed. She couldn’t sleep at all knowing that sometime this week would be Myungsoo’s D-Day. Hanna finally gave up before getting out of bed and grabbing a cardigan to wear outside in the yard. Myungsoo, on the other hand also had trouble sleeping. He got up and walked out to the balcony connected to his room. Just as soon as he stepped out, he saw Hanna take a seat in one of the chairs in the yard. Through his eyes, he saw a dead expression. Myungsoo could tell something was wrong. Maybe she can’t sleep … or she’s upset?  The mere fact that Hanna was upset made him nervous himself, he felt like he hated seeing Hanna upset. Hanna sighed with her eyes closed, her hand covering her face. Flashbacks of Myungsoo’s phone screen taunted her. A million arrows had stabbed her heart. Now she felt empty. She didn’t know what to feel anymore. Should she be angry? Disappointed?  Just like awhile ago, her legs started to feel like jelly. When she tried to get up, she wobbled and fell scratching her knee. Watching this, Myungsoo felt a tug on his heart and wanted to comfort her.



Hanna looked up, a tear already slid down her face. Myungsoo watched Niel help her up from the balcony putting a band aid on her knee.

You shouldn’t be out here this late and why is a pretty girl crying hm? C’mon,I’lll help you.

He said as he finished sticking the band aid on her knee. Niel helped Hanna up, though she was still wobbling, she managed to get up properly. Together, they walked step by step until Hanna stopped.

What’s wrong?

Niel ….

Hanna spoke very softly, so faintly that it sounded like a whisper. She turned facing Niel with her back facing Myungsoo.

Gomawo. Jeongmal gomawo.

Even more tears slid down her face. Niel held Hanna in his arms hugging her gently patting her back trying to comfort her. Upon watching this from the balcony, Myungsoo clenched his fist for some reason. He felt he should be the one holding Hanna right now. Niel glanced up at Myungsoo making eye contact with each other. I swear you jerk, if anything happens with Hanna because of you, you better watch out.

I should be the one there hugging her, tch this Niel guy better know his place before I show him. With that remark, he went back into his room.

/Next morning/

Hanna woke up early with her eyes hurting from crying and because she didn’t sleep well either. Somehow, she had fallen asleep sometime in the morning. She washed up in the bathroom and came out wearing plaid shorts with a loose knit sweater. From the fridge, she took out 2 spoons to put on her eyes .  Myungsoo had also woken up early without any sleep, his whole bed had been messed up after seeing Niel comforting Hanna instead of himself. There was already a bathroom in his room so he washed up after changing then went downstairs. On the last step of the staircase, he saw Hanna from the steps in the kitchen. I bet she fell asleep putting the spoons on her eyes lol, this pabo. Seeing how Hanna’s head was dropping down, he walked over and took a seat next to her. Slowly, he pushed her head onto his shoulder. He took the spoons from her hands and put it on the table. Smiling, he studied her features up close. Thump. Thump. In his chest, he felt his heart beating rapidly. Why is it beating so fast?  His face heated up and felt it difficult to breathe. Calm down, calm down. Relax. After a few moments, the beating went back to its normal pace. Myungsoo looked at Hanna’s eyes seeing it was puffy, he felt guilty for not being there for her. Mian, I should’ve came down earlier to comfort you. Hanna-ah, don’t go anywhere arasso? If you leave for college or whatever, you better come back or else I’ll hunt you down. If any guys bother or hit on you, tell me so I can go teach them a lesson for messing with THE L of Infinite’s bestfriend, sound okay? Or if you leave without telling me, I’m gonna come out of your closet at night and scare the crap out of you. When he realized what he said, he was surprised himself.

Bleh, I sound like those guys in those kdramas or something heh. But I really do care a lot about you Hanna-ah.

Hanna overheard the whole thing. Actually, she had already woken up a few minutes before Myungsoo started talking and thought it’d be awkward if she just “woke up” when he was talking. She tried to hold back tears but it just slid down her face.

Don’t cry, I wanna see you smile.

With his thumb, he wiped away the tears.

/Skipping to Friday hehe ;

On Sunday afternoon, all of them packed up ready to leave to go back home. All of them  spent their last few hours eating leftovers from the bbq the day before and went shopping for souvenirs. Monday came, but Hanna had avoided Myungsoo the whole week. Everyday, she hid behind a wall or she’d secretly follow him around the school if she saw him. She’d come up with the most ridiculous excuses like she had a really big playing exam for violin and that she needed to go to the orchestra room to practice or that she volunteered to file folders alphabetically for her teacher, etc. The entire week, Myungsoo wanted to find Hanna to spend time with her. Infinite asked them if they had had a fight or something cause it seemed like Hanna was avoiding L on purpose but they just shook their heads no. Hanna had told both Christal and Becky about her incident with Myungsoo’s phone, both of them felt  bad so they understood if she needed some alone time. Christal and Becky were the only ones who really knew why Hanna didn’t come to lunch or avoided Myungsoo. It was  Friday, the day Hanna dreaded most. Myungsoo’s D-Day. Myungsoo really wanted to find Hanna for a really urgent matter, he needed a favor.

He walked around every part of the school trying to find her but she was actually following him a couple of steps behind. But he eventually gave up and thought maybe he could stop by later at her house. Myungsoo turned around immediately around the corner, Hanna didn’t know he was turning back around so she didn’t have time to prepare hiding at another spot. Her cover was blown when they collided into each other. Myungsoo brightened at the sight of Hanna but she pretended to be in a hurry so she could rush away.


O-oh, hey Myung-L oppa.

Mianhe but can you do me a favor?

Uh….what kind?

Can you go with me afterschool somewhere today?


Erm … well truthfully, I’m picking out a bracelet for Lily heh and I don’t know what kind of bracelets or stuff girls like so ….can you come help me choose?

Why don’t you go ask Sungjonggie or something? Or Yeollie oppa and there’s Hyunnie oppa too.

Yeah … well you see, it’s be weird with the guys. And besides, you’re a girl so you should have a similar taste with what Lily would like right …?

…………..Ierno what she likes, very girl likes different stuff anyway.

But still, I want you to help me pleaseee?

/Myungsoo using aeygo/ (I needa know how to add pictures/gifs lol Vicky, teach me ;c)

Hanna didn’t have the heart to reject that face so she just agreed to meet him in front of the gates afterschool. L had already asked Lily out on the date in advance on Thursday, their date was at 6pm at a café of someone he knew that owned the café. L specifically choose food that wasn’t on the menu. Though he could’ve just made a reservation at a fancy restaurant, he wanted it to be comfortable and not have them dress up so formally.

/After school at the mall, at some …store that sells bracelets lol?/

Myungsoo and Hanna walked into a store, the bracelets there were gorgeous.  Hanna walked one direction while Myungsoo walked another. While looking through bracelets that were meant for Lily, a bracelet had caught Hanna’s eyes. It’s pretty …. It was a bright blue bracelet and had an infinity sign in the middle. Myungsoo saw Hanna staring intently at something so he walked over. He too, saw the bracelet and thought it’d be the perfect one.

Oooooo, you have good eyes Kim Hanna! This bracelet should be perfect.

He said as he picked up the bracelet . A sales associate came over to them.

Hello there, do you guys need any help?

Uh yes, I’d like to purchase this bracelet please.

You’re in luck today sir, this bracelet comes with another matching bracelet. Would you and your girlfriend like that offer?

Oh heh…we’re not a couple sorry but I’d still like that offer please.

Oh…really? You two seemed like a couple ….anyway, thank you for coming. I’ll be right back with your order, ‘cuse me.

Hanna and Myungsoo were both awkward now after  the sales associate assumed they were a couple. They stood there in silence then Myungsoo went to pay.

I’d be satisfied enough if Myungsoo was my boyfriend for even a day. She said to herself when he walked to the register to pay.

After paying, they got icecream before walking home. Their awkward silence warded off after they were acting like normal best friends again fooling around on the line for icecream. By the time they got to Hanna house, her hair was messed up again by Myungsoo. Hanna totally forgot about the reason she had to accompany Myungsoo to the mall and the bracelet.

Well goodluck on your date.

Thanks. Erm….


Actually, I need another favor ….


Could you help me do my homework ….? I forgot I promised Lily a few weeks ago that we’d go to the new amusement park this weekend ….

Why can’t you do it on Sunday?

My grandparents are visiting >< JEONGMAL MIANHEE!! I’ll make it up to you, really. Double too. Please Hannaaaa?


I’ll treat you to sushi too! Hanna-ah, do me this favor this once oh? Jebal ><

Why not ask Howon oppa to do it? He’s smart.

Ehehe … he’s busy and you’re smart too! You’re ranked 1st in your class and you’re the only best friend I have >< so please?

/sigh/ whatever.


He handed her his notebook after repeatedly jumping on her thanking her over and over again. Myungsoo waved back with a smile after he walked away. Hanna stood there staring at the notebook with a pale expression. I’m doing your homework so you can go have your D-Day … sigh. That bracelet was really pretty ….Why did I even agree? geez ....You can't even see me.


Thanks for reading & subscribing c: This isn't much of a chapter I guess, it focuses on Myungoo/L and Hanna for this chapter hehe.

I'll update again later Sunday afternoon/evening or Monday c: 

omg Physics is like so confusing sometimes T_T but on the bright side, I'm signing up for a travel schlorship to travel to South Korea this summer to learn the language/culture hehe if I get selected c:

Annyeong chingus ~

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3