
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?



Hanna saw a boy walk towards her so she put away her violin and bow. She started to walk away but Myungsoo grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to the bench.

“Come, sit”

Hanna hesitated for a moment but Myungsoo made her sit down.

“Who is this guy? Isn’t he that weirdo who was staring at me sleep?”

Annyeong, I’m Myungsoo and you’re Hanna right?


I’m one of your brother’s friends, you know that guy upstairs who has small eyes like a hamster and tried to introduce himself but you cut him off?


Are you okay? You know, you don’t have to bottle up your feelings right?

Pfft, I like keeping things to myself anyway.

You’ll feel better if you cry it out.

One of the things I hate, crying in front of people. So weak.

I know, you probably miss your umma and appa right now but they’ll always be watching you from up there you know. Myungsoo pointed to the sky.

Hanna glanced up at the sky.

It’s not like they wanted to leave you Hanna, it just happened that way.

Tears started to form around Hanna’s eyes but she held it in and looked down so Myungsoo wouldn’t notice. She got a flashback of how she was sitting in the back seat of her parent’s car laughing along with her mom at her dad’s jokes. They were all happily laughing until another car had crashed into theirs. Their car had flipped over, both of Hanna’s parents were bleeding from their head and had severe injuries. It had been a drunk driver that crashed into their car and caused her parents’ death. For several days, she cried and eventually got tired of it so she would just stay in her hospital room and not come out at all. When the doctors went to check up on her and ask her questions, she only nodded. She’d give cold shoulders or ignore everyone else. If you were lucky, she looked at you.

Hanna felt the lump in build up, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Anytime now, she was going to cry and she did. Tears started to fall down on her cheeks, at first it was just a small sniffle but it turned into sobs and panting. She opened to say something but couldn’t get it out, she just panted and sniffed. Myungsoo bought Hanna’s face close to his chest and whispered “Shhh, it’s alright”. He lightly patted her head and caressed her hair.

Behind the bushes, six other boys were watching the scene and also felt sad for Hanna. They had only wanted to check up on their friend who was taking so long in the bathroom and found him in the garden talking to Hanna so they decided to eavesdrop.

Hanna who was still sobbing and brawling mumbled “T-they d-died because….because of a d-drunk driver…”

It’s okay Hanna, Myungsoo whispered into her ear and patted her back gently.

The boys came out from behind the bushes and went to comfort Hanna.

They all gave her a big hug and soon, she had stopped crying.

Gomawo, she mumbled loud enough so they could all hear her.

Oh! Dongwoo turned to face her, “You understand Korean? We thought you didn’t understand earlier, that’s why you walked away?”

Ah, mianhe. First, I do understand Korean and English. I only ignored you guys before because I didn’t know who you were and I wanted to be left alone.

The guys gave out relived sighs. Sunggyu walked to Hanna. “Annyeong I’m Sunggyu, your older brother. You can call me Sunggyu oppa okay?”


Next was Woohyun. Annyeong, I’m Woohyun but you can call me namstar /blows hearts and kisses/

/whack/ Ow! Hyung, why’d you do that for? /pouts/

“That’s my dongsaeng you’re trying to flirt with”

“Ehhehehe, you don’t know. I could end up being your brother-in-law” Woohyun wiggled his eyebrows at Sunggyu.

“Yeah right like I’m gonna let you date her”

“It could be possible”

“…No, just no.”

Alright, alright. You guys shut up already, it’s my turn! Dongwoo went up and put his hand out, “Annyeong, I’m Dongwoo” he said giving his wide dinosaur smile. Hanna shook his hand.

Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong went up together.

Annyeong, I’m Howon but call me Hoya oppa okay? He gave a smile that showed his pearl whites that shined when he smiled, like an angel.

Annyeong, I’m Sungyeol. Are you feeling better? Sungyeol patted Hanna’s head and she nodded.

Lastly, it was Sungjong’s turn.

Annyeong, I’m Sungjong. We’re the same age so let’s be friends okay?


Hanna turned to Myungsoo who was smiling at her which made her smile too.

Oh yah!! Sungyeol screamed from across the garden holding up the water holes. Let’s play with this!~ He said with an excited tone. Sungyeol started to turn on the water while everyone ran to Sungyeol trying to steal it from him.  A water fight started in the garden, giggling and laughter everywhere. Screams were heard and Mrs. Kim went to see the commotion. She smiled at the kids running around chasing each other, especially Hanna who seemed to have a lot of fun with Myungsoo. In the end, everyone had fun running around getting soaked by water and splashing each other.

It was already sunset when they were done playing. Everyone was soaked but still had fun. All of them sat in a circle in the grass resting and still giggling at each other.

How ‘bout this Hanna-ah? When the sky is sunny and bright, your parents are happy with you. When it’s raining, they’re upset. When it’s cloudy, they want you to play with them because they’re bored. When it’s night time and there are stars sparkling, your parents are smiling at you.  Okay? Myungsoo turned to see a smiling Hanna and nodded agreeing.

After that day, Hanna got closer to Infinite. Infinite loved Hanna as a dongsaeng and shared a memorable childhood with her. She was especially close to Myungsoo who was now her bestfriend.


Thanks for reading ^^

Hope you enjoyed it~ 


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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3