
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Niel, Hanna, Lily, June, and Myungsoo/L.

Enjoyyy! ^^


Hanna all the way to the rooftop with tears spilling down her cheeks. When she got to the top of the stairs, she slammed open the door. Niel ran after her as fast as he could, when he opened the door to the roof, he found Hanna on the floor with her head down hiding her herself in her knees crying. He walked over calmly slowly approaching her.


Hanna looked up and saw Niel. She huffed and mumbled some gibberish. Niel stood there awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. He took a seat next to Hanna on the floor.

“Gwenchenna” he said as he patted her back.

Hanna kept brawling and crying. After ten minutes or so, she stopped and hiccupped.



“M-M-Myungs-s-oo o-opp-a!”


At the thought of L, Niel got angry but for the sake of Hanna, he tried to make her feel better.

“Hanna-ah, forget about him for now oh? It’s not even your fault”


“Besides, it’s his own fault he’s blind duh”

/more crying & huffing & hiccupping etc/

Hanna inhaled and exhaled many times before wiping her tears for the millionth time.

“I wanna sleep”

“Sleep then, I’ll wait for you”

“Where am I going to sleep? I don’t want to explain this to the nurse”

“You’ll sleep here”

Niel gently put Hanna’s head on his lap.

“Won’t it be uncomfortable for you?”

“Of course not, make yourself comfortable okay?”


Hanna looked up at the sky, it wasn’t sunny anymore but instead cloudy with no trace of the sun anywhere. Umma, Appa are you unhappy too? Why did Myungsoo believe Lily instead of me? I really didn’t push her! You guys saw it too right? /sigh/ Flashbacks of the past went through Hanna’s mind. Myungsoo was always the one who comforted her when she was sad and always forgave her. She remembered the times Myungsoo caressed her hair gently making her fall asleep listening ot his heartbeat.  Myungsoo oppa must really like her enough to believe her over me, you meanie. Hanna frowned as another tear drop fell again. Niel had noticed the frown.

“What’s wrong?”

”N-nothing, can you comb my hair with your fingers? It helps me fall asleep”

“Sure”  Hanna closed her eyes and Niel touched her silky shiny hair softly. After a while of running his fingers through her hair, she had fallen asleep.

“Don’t cry Hanna, smiling is better” Ugh it’s all that jerk of her best friend’s fault, what kind of a best friend are you to believe your stupid crush over Hanna? Tch, I’m more suited to be her bestfriend.

/A few hours later – dismissal bell rings/

June waited outside the school gates for Lily. After a few minutes of waiting, Lily finally came out and they both started walking the same direction.

“how’s your appa?”

“fine I guess, he doesn’t even call so whatever”

“Then your umma?”

“You know how she is anyway, always having to bring up appa in our arguments”

“must be tough on you huh?”

“ /sigh/ whatever, I just need to find a guy that umma would be pleased with tch"

“ L?”

“he’s a pefect package anyway”

“whatever you want”

For the rest of the walk home, Lily thought about that memory again. The day her appa left her and her umma.


Lily happily walked home from school but when she reached her house, her mom was outside screaming at her appa. Her appa had a concerned expression and just walked away with his luggage. Lily ran up to her dad.

“Appa, where are you going?”

The man caressed her cheeks. “Mianhe Lily-ah, appa will always love you okay?” was all he said before he patted her head and left. Lily was about to chase after him until her mom grabbed her hand tightly dragging Lily inside. She cried screaming for her dad. Inside the house, Lily’s mom let go of her hand roughly making Lily fall onto the floor.

“Don’t you dare call him appa again oh!@$?@!”

Lily was slightly frightened by her mom and just sat there crying. For the next few days, Lily always sat by the window constantly looking out the window expecting her dad to walk in through the gates but never did. Her mom, however grew angry over this. One day, her mom came home to find Lily near the window again.

“Tch stilling waiting for that stupid man huh?”

Lily’s attention was diverted to her mom. “ Umma, he’s not a stupid man! He’s my appa”

Once her mother heard that, she went over and slapped Lily.


“B-But he said he loves me!” she said while touching her cheek.

“Tch hahaha, is that what he told you? Why are you so naïve hm? Why are you so stupid? He doesn’t love you, he left you! How are you even going to be prepared for the future if you’re so naïve and nice hm? Grow up and learn not to be naïve and stupid oh? If not, guys like him will ruin you!”

After her mother said those words, Lily was scarred and slowly started changing into someone different. She became distant and cold towards everyone at school. Someone who was once really friendly and nice was gone, all the kids were scared of her until June. She befriended June as she was also in detention with Lily for getting in trouble for something. As the years progressed, Lily’s mom would always bring up her dad in their arguments about how he didn’t want her, that he left her for another family, to not be so naïve or stupid, and her mom especially emphasized standards of dating a guy. The guy had to be a “perfect” package so on the first day of highschool, Lily targeted L. She paid someone to bully her and have L “save” her the she would completely gain his trust through various ways with the help of June.

/Flashback over/


“Why are you sighing?”

“Nothing, just hating my life”

“Why? You have money and live in a mansion, you can basically get whatever you want”

No I can’t, I can’t get an appa or love.

“Mm I guess so. How’s your life, having fun with money?”

“Eh it’s the normal, parents never home. Well cyah tomorrow”


They parted ways.

On the other hand, Myungsoo walked home with his hands in his pockets kicking the rocks on the side of the road. He kept thinking about what happened today. How could have Hanna pushed Lily? He remembered that Niel had said that it wasn't Hanna who started it but Lily. That doesn't even make sense! Lily is a nice girl! Aishh i don't know! I don't know!?@#! He thought frustratedly. 


Did you like it? ;< 

hehe sorry for the late update, i'll try to update asap @-@

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3