
Myungsoo-ah, come back please?


Hanna,Niel,Myungsoo/L,Lily, Lily's mom (temporarily).

Enjoy reading ^~^


Lily and L had officially been going out for one month. Even though she constantly had to go on those annoying dates and act loveydovey with L, it would be worth it when her mom finally acknowledged her in the end. She knew her mom would be off from work today so she would bring L home for dinner today. Lily walked down stairs and peeked to see if her mom was awake and she was. Nervously walking up to her mom, she hung her head low. Her mother looks up from her newspaper.






Speak up geez!


I-is it okay if I bring home a friend?


What friend?


He’s my –


Boyfriend. I know. Kim Myungsoo hm?


Lily’s eyes widened.


H-How did you know?


You think I don’t know what you do? Do I look that dense to you?


Her mom opened the drawer of the table next her and took out a folder. She threw the folder on the floor  with pictures splattered everywhere. There were pictures of her and L on their dates.


B-but how..?

Do you think I would find it normal to see you suddenly come home late and check your phone every 5 minutes for a text message? I already knew when I looked through your phone to find disgusting mushy texts.


Bwoh!? You looked through my phone? That’s invading my privacy!


Then it’s my fault that you left your phone on the couch and that at the same time, I happened to be at the couch when a text appeared?


Even if there was a message, you shouldn’t have looked at it!


Oh wells,too late now. Kim Myungsoo hm? Not bad….but not for you. Dump him.


Bwoh? Why?


He’s too good for you.


This angered Lily a lot. She had to go through all those pointless dates with THE L, heir to the Kim company. All along, Lily thought if she found someone that was perfect, her mom would acknowledge her and extol her. She held in her anger whenever her mom insulted her right in front of Lily’s face. Every time her mom asked her to do something, she’d obey and do it whether she had a choice or not.


And what if I don’t?


Are you going against me right now? How dare you.


No, how dare you!


Excuse me? What did you just say?


I said what if I don’t break up with him, what are you going to do?


/Slap/ Lily held the side of her face, tears streaming down her face.


You have some guts.


Lily’s mom started to walk off leaving Lily, like she always did.


Why can’t you acknowledge me? Not every guy I date will end up like you and dad!


Her mom froze in her position. Even though she never showed it, she did still love her ex-husband and when she found out he was in love with her best friend, she had her heart broken. After their divorce, she didn’t want anything to do with them and had set her mind to think that every guy would be the same.


I always did what you asked me to do and never complained one bit! Are you human? You don’t feel anything when you see your daughter cry? For the whole month, I had to deal with these annoying stupid dates with him and all I wanted was you to just acknowledge me! I didn’t even like him, I just used him so you could maybe acknowledge me. Just because your marriage failed doesn’t mine will! Not every guy will do what dad did to you to me you know.


That’s enough. Just go.


Is it that hard for you to acknowledge me?


The woman sighed feeling guilt in her heart and just walked off.


/Hanna’s side/


Hanna happily walked out of her house. After she locked her gate, she started walking to school.




Hanna turned around to spot Niel. A smile spread across her face seeing him. She waved Hi to him and waited for him to cross the street.


Hi Niel ^~^


Her smile was brighter than any of the other days, this made his heart beat faster with blood rushing to his cheeks. He was in a daze.




Hanna waved her hand in front of his face which made him snap out of his daze.


Are you okay? Lol, were you thinking of something?


Huh? Oh I just …heh …yeah I think I got distracted. By your smile.


Awww, were you thinking of someone? >D


W-W-what do you m-mean? O-of course not!


Gasp, you were! xD That’s so cute!


Shut up, just hurry up and go to school geez!


Mhm Mhm trying to change the topic huh?


Aish, just be quiet! Why are you so hyper today?


Oh yeah …. I didn’t tell you..


Tell me what?


Tomorrow’s actually my birthday!



Yup! You don’t have to worry if you don’t have a present, I don’t really mind. Just come hang out with me and Infinite tomorrow afterschool or something.


Are you sure? But it’s your birthday …you should receive presents.


It’s fine really ^~^


If you insist …..I should go to the mall today afterschool.


/Lily’s house afterschool/


Myungsoo couldn’t stop thinking about Lily the whole day since she didn’t go to school. Was she sick? Did she have a family problem? Or… is she having menstrual pains…? Whatever it was, he wanted to find out. He had never been to Lily’s house before so he had to go ask June for it. Hm…where’s her house?  Finally, he found her house. It had the same door number written down on the paper. He walked through the gates and the path led him to the front door. Pretty

 He rang the doorbell.

/doorbell sound/


A few moments later, a maid was at the door.


How can I help you sir?


I’m looking for Lily?


One moment please.


/1 minute later/


Who is it?


Lily-ah! Where were you?


He immediately noticed that her eyes were puffy and red.


Are you okay?


I don’t know L, do I look okay to you?


What’s wrong?


What’s wrong? Everything’s wrong!




Don’t ‘jagiya’ me! Well since you’re here, it’s better if I just do it now or never. Let’s break up.

B-Bwoh?  W-why?


I don’t need you anymore.


W-what do you mean you don’t need me anymore?


I never liked you okay? I only used you so can you leave now?


W-Wha-- …-B-but ….I-I t-though you l-loved m-me…


No. I didn’t okay? I can go now right? See ya.


The door was slammed in his face. He stood there paralyzed, he couldn’t bare the pain. His eyes turned watery, his legs were weak, and his heart was broken. L tried to walk down the steps but he just fell over on the hard concrete ground. All the memories with Lily flashed before him, they were happy. Not once did he ever think Lily was unhappy and was using him. He couldn’t understand, all along she was pretending? But why? 


Thanks for reading c;

Sorry I couldn't update last week, I was sick ;c le sorrys ;_;

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Chapter 35: Nice story :)
Danieea #3
Chapter 35: wah^^ great story author-nim^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 33: Author nim we miss you and your story :)
IamMyungienie16 #5
Chapter 32: Its alright Author nim~~ I understand. I hope you'll get a new computer soon~ I'll be waiting ^^
Monicaxxxx5 #6
Chapter 31: Update soonn
Monicaxxxx5 #7
Chapter 30: update soon
HyunJane #8
Chapter 30: ohhh? don't tell me her head shake and memories of myung with her is coming! O.O and yah! who's that girl!? you cannot push someone even you are rejected~ duh~ girl~ how can you confess to a popular guy you know that he's going to reject you ~right?
IamMyungienie16 #9
Chapter 29: It's Okay! I'll be hwaiting! Good Luck on your finals! :)) FIGHTING!
Monicaxxxx5 #10
Chapter 28: Update soonnnnn<3