Chapter NINE

S o m e d a y


"Which one is Jae Joong?" Ella asked Hebe, seeing the 3 of them walking closer in.

"I don’t know." Hebe replied with a shake on her head.

"I'm guessing the one to the left [Yun Ho]." Ella pointed.

"Why?" Hebe asked.

"He looks fierce." Ella replied.

"Then... I think Its the one to the right [Yoo Chun]."

"Why?" Ella asked her.

"He looks more powerful..." Hebe replied and Ella nod.

"Then... Who is the one in the middle [Jae Joong]?" Ella wonder.

"Who cares... We'll find out eventually." Hebe got up and so did Ella.

"Jae Joong!" Hebe pointed to Yoo Chun and Ella pointed to Yun Ho. "What are you doing?" Hebe whispered over to Ella. "He's this one."

"No! He's this one." Ella whispered back pointing to Yun Ho.

Yun Ho and Yoo Chun stood here as Hebe and Ella pointed their fingers at them. "Bwoh?" Yoo Chun gasped.

"He's this one..." Hebe started to fight with Ella about who is Jae Joong.

"Bu... He's this one." Ella fought back.

Yun Ho smiled and Yoo Chun giggled.

"Why is it this one?" Hebe asked and placed her hands on her hips.

"I told you already! This guy looks fierce."

"Well this one looks powerful."

"Eh..." Yoo Chun tried stopping them. "You two." He spoke in Chinese.

"What?" Hebe looked over with fire in her eyes.

"Who are you two?" Jae Joong shouted at them before Yoo Chun could reply to them.

"W-We..." Hebe stutter, frighten by Jae Joong's shout.

Ella couldn’t speak Korean well enough to understand or talk in it, so she left Hebe talking at the time.

"I asked who are you guys?" Jae Joong asked again in Korean.

"What is he saying?" Ella asked Hebe in Chinese and Jae Joong just remembered they were from Taiwan.

"What I said was, nǐ shì shéi?" Jae Joong spoke in Chinese this time.

"Oh! You know how to speak Chinese?" Ella whispered as he fingers pointed over.

"Maya!" Jae Joong turned. "I thought you said Danson was here? Where is he?" Jae Joong got mad at his maid, holding the ball in his hands.

"That’s what these two girls told me..." Maya, the maid, replied and Jae Joong sigh.

He bit his lips and rolled his eyes. "Where's Danson?" He asked Ella and Hebe.

"Who are you to ask?" Ella asked.

"Miss... This is Kim Jae Joong." Yun Ho told her and her eyes bursted open.

"Ni... You're Jae Joong?" Hebe spoke out with an 'O' mouth shaped this time.

"Yeah! Where is Danson?" Jae Joong asked again.

"Ah~ so you're Jae Joong...." Hebe whispered.

"He..." Ella whispered and stopped.

"Where is he?" Yun Ho asked this time.

Hebe stared at Ella. "He's not here." Ella said and Jae Joong stood there. "He's not here at the moment."

"What? Why?" Jae Joong asked being impatient.

"Actually... He couldn't come." Ella replied.

"Why?" Yoo Chun asked, having his arms all folded up.

"He couldn’t come so I came."

"Ni..." Yoo Chun pointed. "You're joking with us right?" he smiled.

"Bu... I'm came to challenge Jae Joong." Ella said and Jae Joong had totally lost it.

"What? Challenge me?" He pointed to himself. "Eh! You're still only a kid.. Don’t play jokes with me..."

"I'm not playing jokes on you! And I'm 21 already! I’m not a kid! I really came to challenge you!" Ella lost her temper.

"Really? I bet you cant even throw a ball into the hop." Jae Joong .

"Eh!" Ella got mad.

"What? Mad??" Jae Joong made faces at her.

"Ni..." Ella pointed. "You're so rude."

"What? Mad? Call out Danson then." Jae Joong shout.

"It's their first time seeing each other and yet they're already good friends." Yoo Chun gasped over to Yun Ho.

"Yeah!" Yun Ho frowned.

"What do mean?" Hebe asked him.

"Oh! What we meant... Jae Joong don’t usually pick fights with girl... This little lady is the first..." Yun Ho explained.

"Yeah... The first..." Yoo Chun nod his head.

"Maybe its because Danson didnt show up, so Jae Joong is mad at Ella." Hebe thought.

"Yeah! That's right too." Yun Ho said.

"What? You think I cant throw a ball?" Ella asked.

"Yeah! Besides you're so short... How could anyways get a ball in?" Jae Joong still.

"I'll show you." She grabbed the ball out of Jae Joong's hands and threw it towards the hop, with one breath it went in.

"Wha..." Yoo Chun gasped.

And to top that, Ella was standing a far distance from the hop too. "Did I blink?" Yun Ho asked Yoo Chun.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Yoo Chun replied.

Hebe smiled. "What? Scared?" Ella smirked at Jae Joong.

"No." Jae Joong frowned deep. "Then... Since you're here already, lets play..." He walked onto the court and Ella stood there.

"She's dead meat." Yun Ho whispered.

"What do you mean?" Hebe asked him.

"Jae Joong was testing how good she was... So he doesn’t waste his time..." Yun Ho explained.

"What? Testing her?"

"Since can run so much, her skills aren’t bad right?" Yoo Chun asked Hebe.

"I don’t know! I have never seen Ella play ball before..." Hebe replied shaking her head.

"You're her friend but you've never seen her play before?" Yun Ho frowned. "What kind of friends are you two?"

"Wait." Jae Joong stopped Ella.

"What? Scared I'm going to beat you." Ella hissed at him.

"No!" Jae Joong frowned even bigger. "You're in a dress... How can you play?"

Ella just then noticed it too. "Oh yeah! I forgot." Ella said and noticed she was in a white dress. "Eh... Hebe, did we bring anything to change in?"

"No." Hebe shook her head.

"Then... What now?" Ella asked and Jae Joong sigh.

"Maya..." He called his maid and she walked over. "Take this miss inside and give her something flexible to wear."

"Yes sir." The maid nod and lead Ella inside.

"Wha~! Such a big room." She wonder to her self, as her eyes wonder themselves around.

"Here." The maid gave her a pair of basketball outfit.

"This is?" She said and the maid smiled.

"This is Ah Ra's outfit." The maid spoke in Korean and Ella nod her head like she understood, but she didnt.

"Thank you." Ella said in English and the maid walked out of the room.

Ella sigh and placed on the outfit. "Wha! Perfect size." She smiled. She looked at her hair and noticed a pair of scissors sitting on the table there in front of her. "Hao! I will do it." She said and grabbed it.

"What's taking her so long?" Yoo Chun looked at his wrist watch. "Its been 25 mins."

"I think she ran home." Jae Joong took down some water.

"Ella never runs away." Hebe stood up for her.

"Right... That's what you say now..." Jae Joong took in another sip and saw Ella walking out in a blue basket ball outfit, he choked and spitted out the water from his mouth.

"Ella!" Hebe ran over. "What did you do to your hair?"

"Why? I don’t look good in short hair?" Ella asked.

"That’s not what I meant... But..."

“Isn’t that Ah Ra’s uniform?” Yun Ho asked and Yoo Chun nodded.

"This way Jae Joong can not say that because I'm a girl, he wont use his full force." Ella said staring at him.

"What?" Jae Joong stood. "Full force?" He placed his hands on his hips.

"Yeah!" Yoo Chun nod. "Jae Joong don’t pick on girls."

"Wrong." Yun Ho shook his head. "This time he will..."

"Yeah." Yoo Chun nod. "He sure will this time."

"Now I look kind of like a guy... So take me as Danson..."

"Hao ah! I wont hold back then." Jae Joong got all in her face.

"Hao ah! I believe we can begin then." Ella smirked at him.


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ctlights #1
visiting old fics
Viviannitta #3
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Imsosorrysorry #4
Chapter 34: surprise that i found myself enjoying reading this ff all night until the last chapter, if i could wish you could comeback and write more of this will be awesome. i am still curious about Jaejoong and Ella

thank you for posting it n_n
asb9214 #6
Chapter 34: Can u update pleaseeee... Huhu
loveisfree #7
ella and jaejoon??

nice one
Aww there will never be hate comments on here. And if there ever are, I will hit them so hard with the ban hammer that their computer will feel it =)
Hi there,
this is aznews4u aka azngirl =)
(At first i only post news so that's why i picked this user name but it seems kinda weird in other places so I use Azngirl =)

welcome to the site and I hope you didn't have trouble posting your story here. and hope to see you around all the time =)