Chapter 31.

3 Days To Fall In Love

Honestly, you didn’t expect that. Why would you? Not like things weren’t being ridiculous enough by allowing an alien to enter your life and now he's telling you that there's a possibility you might be an alien. What kind of sick joke is this? You shot Yongguk a curious glare. "That’s impossible." He released his grip on your shoulders and took a step back, folding his arms.

"And why is it so?" He challenged. You were stumped for words. If you were an alien, you should be glad since it is easier for you and Yongguk to be together. But why is it that you weren’t the least bit excited? What’s holding you back? You couldn’t deny how much you wished you were human at that very moment, how you wished things were back to normal before falling in love with Yongguk. Things were just getting more and more messed up.

"I don’t want to be an alien." You blurted out. You could see a flash of hurt in his eyes when you said those six words. Guilt washed past every nerve in your body and guilt made you step forward and give him a nice warm hug which the both of you would prefer under such circumstances. However, Yongguk didn’t hug you back. He stood still, thinking about what your actions meant. Was it a 'I'm sorry for saying that' or a 'I'm sorry I had to break your heart'? Either way, he didn’t like it.

"I'm not taking this very well, you see." You tried to joke and rubbed your nape awkwardly. How many times do you have to hurt this poor alien in front of you? But then again, it’s not easy to just accept this new information that was thrown to you. Yongguk's mind was blank. The only thing he could process now is a form of approval from you.

"Well, don’t have to be so uptight. I said you might be an alien right? It’s not confirmed so don’t worry so much!" Yongguk smiled but his eyes didn’t show his usual glint. You sighed and nodded. You told yourself that no matter what happens, you're just going to accept it. An uncomfortable silence wrapped around the both of you as the conversation died down. You rocked back and forth while looking at your surroundings.

"I-" The both of you started, at the same time. He gave a genuine laugh and held out his hand, asking you to say what’s on your mind first but you shook your head and held out your hand too, asking him to go ahead first. Being the stubborn girl you are, he sighed defeatedly and got to the point. "I want you to be an alien." He confessed. You gulped and nodded, feeling the pressure. Would he mind if you weren’t an alien?

"And I can’t wait." He continued. You tilted your head in confusion.

"Wait for?" You blurted.

"Wait to test if you are really an alien. If you're not, I'm fine with it. Just that if you were, we would be happier together..." He said it with so much sincerity; you could feel yourself caving in. Your heart was thumping so loudly, you wondered if Yongguk could hear it.  "You know, I can hear your heartbeat, loud and clear." He chuckled.

You faked a gasp and slapped his arm. "Yah! Don’t tease me!" You stuck out your tongue and reasoned, "But how are you going to test if I'm an alien? If I was, then I would've known it long ago! Furthermore, why am I on Earth? I should be at Mato." 

"Well, it took me till I was 15 for me to find out what my power was. It just comes naturally. But we have a way, if parents are worried that their child ends up powerless."

"Whats the way? Let’s just get on with it now!" Yongguk did not bother to mask the surprise on his face when you said that sentence.

You rolled your eyes and poked his cheeks. "Are you going to just stay here and get shocked or go find out if I'm an alien?" 

"Ah, yes yes! Let’s go!" Yongguk snapped out of his thoughts and grinned like a boy who got his favourite toy. He intertwined your fingers with his and swung it back and forth, happy that things were finally going right. You stared at the boy beside you whom you've missed so much, it was good to feel his touch again. The sense of security Yongguk was emitting made you feel safe, like he is wrapping his entire body around yours. 

Yongguk turned and returned your gaze and he stared into your dark brown orbs. He has never felt so exhilarated; it was like everything is a dream. The last piece to his fantasy would be that you're actually an alien. Yongguk was drawn into your eyes as he leaned closer and thumped his forehead against yours lightly. You scrunched up your nose and drew circles on Yongguk's palm with your thumb.

"Ah ah, ticklish!" Yongguk pouted with his lower lip jutting out. You tiptoed and pecked his lower lip before looking forward again. Heat engulfed your cheeks as they turned a shade of red. Yongguk touched his lip with his free hand and sighed in content. With a tug, your body collided softly against his body and he placed his arm around you. You weren’t sure if it was your cheeks heating up again, or that it was his body heat radiating but either way, it was comfortable.

Just like this, the two of you made no conversation but only cheeky skin ship until you reached a deserted park. Five shadows were already there, anticipating your arrival. You squinted your eyes to get a clearer look but to no avail. It was until the moonlight shone on one of them, until you know what was going to be in store for you.

"Sup!" Tatsmato greeted the both of you. Yongguk did a horizontal peace sign, acknowledging his comrades. He turned to look at Jokomato, "Have you found out how?" Jokomato nodded and brought everyone to a slightly brighter place and now you could recognise everyone present. Your hands started to get clammy as you were afraid of what’s going to happen. You tried to remove your hand but Yongguk held on tightly and gave a squeeze, assuring you that he is going to be there no matter what.

You took in a deep breath and told yourself to be brave; there was nothing to be afraid of. Jokomato bent down and plucked a piece of grass, while the others look on with anticipation. He handed you the small green leaf and shoved his hand into his pockets. "Place it between your palms, think of someone you hate or love. Try to concentrate on the emotions rather than the leaf." Jokomato explained.

You nodded shakily as you released your intertwined hands with Yongguk and placed your left hand with your right. Yongguk gave you a nod of encouragement. Totomato held two thumbs up and nodded furiously with a silly grin on his face. You forced a smile before closing your eyes. Your mind searched for the someone you hate or love. What if you had a love-hate relationship with the person? You chuckled at your own inside joke. "Concentrate!" Jokomato chided.

You cleared your throat and tried again. Hate was a strong word. With your easygoing personality, you've only felt extreme distaste for some but never hate. Maybe someone you love was easier. Your parents? But they left you. You furrowed your eyebrows as you thought of that someone. The moment that someone appeared in your mind, a shout was heard from Jokomato.

"Assa! Congrats Yongguk!" 

Does this mean you're an alien now? Your eyes shot open and you opened up your palms such that it looks like a book. The leaf on your hand was gone but you could still feel something on your hand. The aliens were cheering over something that you failed to witness since your eyes were closed. 

"Did you see that! There was light coming out from her palms! Were we that cool when we discovered it?!" Totomato screeched excitedly. Everyone was patting Yongguk on the back, congratulating him like he just won a war.

"But what’s her power?" Dadamato asked.

Everyone became silent as they turned to Jokomato for answers. He looked at everyone and raised his eyebrows. "The leaf can’t be seen now, what power do you think she has?" He asked boredly.

"She can make things invisible!" Totomato answered loudly. Jokomato gave a lopsided grin and clapped sarcastically. "Great job! You're not that dumb afterall."

You're an alien. You're an alien. You're an alien. The fact is screaming in your head and it was taking you awhile to process it. Yongguk ran over to you and hugged you tightly and you hugged him back, snuggling into his broad chest. "Babe, you're an alien!! You're an alien!!" He repeated. You nodded and pulled back, looking at your excited boyfriend. Things were going the way he wanted and you were happy as long as he was. "Yeah baby, I'm a freaking alien!" You shot back while grinning from ear to ear. You could get used to this.

"Let’s just get married when we go back to Mato. I can’t wait already." Yongguk leaned in and whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

You pushed him lightly and wagged your finger. "Impatient eh, my baby boy?"

"Hell yeah, I am!" He admitted so casually, it made you blush.

The other members shook their head at this lovey dovey scene. "I'm guessing it’s our cue to go!" Kekemato shouted but the two of you were too engrossed flirting with each other.

"Well, remind me never to fall in love." Jokomato shuddered when he saw the scene.

"No one's going to care about us anymore..." Totomato exclaimed dramatically.

"Stop being a drama queen!" Kekemato slapped the back of Totomato's head. Tatsmato shook his head. Now that Yongguk is going to be taken most of the time, as the second most experienced one, he has to control these kids. 

"Let’s just go, you idiots!" Tatsmato shouted and everyone obeyed immediately, knowing that they can’t afford to make Tatsmato angry. Tatsmato looked back at the two of you, happy that everything was falling into place. *Glad that you got what you wanted, Shishimato.*

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Chapter 3: Omona~ Yonggukie is so sweet when apologizing~ >//<
She got jealous~
Chapter 2: They are using each others! Yongguk's mission : progressing. Her mission : hasn't even started yet!
Chapter 1: Whoah~ I feel like I'm genius right now~ (weird) Because that female lead who spent her time in lab (^0^) I reaaalllyyy like lab even wearing the white uniform!!
Himchan as my butler?!! >///<
Chapter 33: lmaoooo xD this was awesome storyy
Chapter 33: nice story!!!I loved how you made all of them into friends!!!
Chapter 33: awwww~ I'm planing to read this again :) \O/ hooray! this story is one of the best
Chapter 33: AWWWWWEEE I LOVE the ending!
You should do a sequel <3 <3 ~!
DAEBAK~ I am so in love with this story <3 It is so so so great ^^v
I hope there would be a sequel cause it is too great to be ended that fast.hihihi <3
You did a great job! :)
Chapter 33: Kyaa.. I love this story.. Poor Junhong and Daehyun but this is the most amazing story I ever read!! Please do a sequel!! ^-^ This story must be featured... ^-^
Elisse #10
Chapter 33: This was an awesome story! I laughed, i teared, definitely brought the feels out of me!