Chapter 26.

3 Days To Fall In Love

"Professor Bang! Do you see the importance of this mission?!" Yongguk growled. Yongguk had appeared in Professor Bang's laboratory to persuade him to go back to Earth.

Professor Bang dropped the pen harshly and placed his hands on the table to support himself. "No.. Yongguk. You know why I'm doing this. Sunmi is like the daughter I've never had. How can you bear to allow your 'son' to kill your 'daughter'?" He turned to look at Yongguk, whose fiery eyes remained the same. "Was. She WAS. Now she's someone else! She's Sunny. She's evil. And she's going to kill Raein if we don’t save her!"

"So this is all about the Raein girl?" Professor Bang arched an eyebrow and scoffed inwardly. "It’s about time you got over her. It’s impossible for a human to be with an alien."

"I'll prove you wrong. Furthermore, I've been on Mato for months and I dare to say I've been behaving really well. I even attended all trainings. What if Sunny hurts Raein before I even reach? I'm going to be guilt ridden my whole entire alien life!"

Professor Bang threw his head back and let out an audible sigh. After minutes of deafening silence and contemplating, Professor Bang muttered a "Go." Yongguk snapped his head up as a smile was forming on his lips. "Did you say go?!"

Professor Bang glared at him mockingly. "Don’t make me regret my decision, Yongguk." Yongguk gulped as he knew exactly what he meant. If he wasn’t out of the laboratory in 3 seconds, the deal was off and he was going to get his whipped. Literally.

Yongguk sped out of the laboratory and headed for the training grounds. The other 5 members of B.A.P were pacing up and down, preparing themselves for the worst. "Ayo!" Yongguk hollered and Totomato was the first to snap out of his trance.

"HYUNG! WHAT DID PROFESSOR BANG SAY? CAN WE GO? ARE YOU GOING TO GET YOUR WHIPPED?" Totomat) screeched, oblivious to the annoyed members around him.

"OH NO! Your precious ! Professor Bang is evil! He's human so why isn’t he protecting Rimin!!" He pouted as he finally finished his outburst.

"Totomato.... Dont ever do that again or I swear YOU will be the one getting your whipped by me." Tatsmato threatened as he slid his thumb across his throat. "And it’s RAEIN, not Rimin. Who the hell is that anyway?!" Totomato flinched and hid behind Yongguk.

"Hyung! Save me from the she-lion!" Yongguk shook his head as he let out a deep chuckle. Many things have changed ever since he returned. The memory of him getting scolded by Tatsmato for not focusing on trainings was still fresh in his mind.

"Judging from your mood, your is safe." Jokomato commented at Yongguk's laidback expression that hardened quickly thereafter.

He sent a solemn glare at s. "Prepare yourselves. Because this battle is going to be historical. First ever hybrid... We have to keep our guards up. Got it?!" Yongguk ordered and the other 5 gave a firm nod, nervous about their first nerve wrecking battle after that bloodshed with EXO decades ago.

"When are we leaving?" Kekemato asked. Yongguk raised up his index finger, indicating that they only had one final hour left before they risk their lives out. 

Dadamato was screaming in his head. "Let’s eliminate Sunny once and for all! A-hoo!" He stretched his hand out and gave the other members a hopeful smile. They looked at each other as confidence grew in their hearts. One by one, they placed one of their hands on Dadamato's, stacking it up as they shouted their war cry which hasn’t been used for a long time. "A-HOO! B! A! P!"


Sunny placed her hands over her chest and pretended to be offended. "Ouch, you didnt have to be that straightforward oppa. Is that what you say to your GIRLFRIEND?" She purred shamelessly.

"We are history, Sunny. Get over it." Yongguk spat. He wanted to get this over with and rush in to save you. He had earnestly hoped that you weren’t hurt at all but he doubted himself, since he knew perfectly how far Sunny will go. B.A.P prepared themselves as they circled the calm Sunny, who was admiring her manicure.

"You guys don’t stand a chance against me. Give up and I'll let you off." Sunny scoffed. Her face was smug until he saw Jokomato smirking back at her. "Yah, Jokomato. Think you are almighty since you're the brainiac? Forget it. You can NEVER defeat me." Jokomato nodded and held out a hand, "Okay, I'll back off."

Kekemato couldn’t take this any longer. This wasnt a staring competition, they were here for a reason. As he charged towards Sunny, the others took this as a cue to attack. NU'EST had already charged towards their opponents. Sunny stood unfazed as she extended her hand towards Kekemato's direction as flung him a few metres away. He landed heavily on a car and rolled off, creating a dent on the hood. As he tried to stand up, Minhyun was in front of him, ready for a fight.

Yongguk didn’t master his alien powers fully ever since he returned. However, he was a worthy opponent when it came to combat. "I don’t usually hit girls but you're an exception." He gritted through clenched teeth as he attempted to land his fist on her stomach.

Sunny's anger rose a little but she collected herself after. "I guess I should be honoured." She winked at Yongguk while trying to avoid his metal punches. Fortunately, she was distracted by her surroundings and she was hit on the chest. Sunny doubled over and stumbled back, her eyes protruding like a goldfish and agape, gasping for air. Her heart was pounding fast, and slowing down at rapid rates. It was not normal for it to happen. Dadamato appeared beside Yongguk, offering back up.

Jokomato had his eyes on Aron as Aron attempted to kick and punch him at all the wrong places. Jokomato had to stifle a yawn since his opponent was not much of an opponent. It was more like a warm up exercise back in Mato. "I dont kill humans." Jokomato said as he ducked while Aron swung his arm across the air. Aron was infuriated since he missed every attack.

"Thats great. Means I'm able to finish you off." Jokomato rolled his eyes and jumped slightly as Aron executed a low kick.

"Thats if you're ABLE to." Jokomato sneered.

Tatsmato sent a menacing glare at JR, making his insides shudder. "Show me what you got, punk." Tatsmato taunted. JR let out a grunt and charged for Tatsmato, who made a swift turn and caused JR to swoosh past him. JR reached for his back pocket and pulled out a foldable penknife. He held it in front of him for self-defense. Tatsmato was surprised but that didn’t make him lose his confidence. He staggered towards the shivering JR, swinging the knife back and forth, thinking that Tatsmato would get a cut by doing that. Tatsmato grabbed the knife with his bare hand, causing his hand to have a long cut, where his blood flowed, tainting the stainless steel. JR looked at Tatsmato in horror as he threw the bloodied penknife aside. JR knew he was going to get it.

Totomato and Ren were already in each others' faces as Totomato used his lightning powers to send zaps of electricity through Ren's body. Ren trembled from time to time from the high voltage but managed to punch Totomato in the jaw. Totomato smirked and glared at the trembling figure. A big ball of electricity appeared on his hand as he tried to gather his powers onto that hand. Ren used this chance to distract and attack Totomato but he had gone through countless trainings to lose concentration that easily. The ball of electricity increased till it could fit one person inside. Totomato plunged the huge ball onto Ren, trapping him in his lighting cage. "You're going to pay rent for staying there." Totomato mocked.

The fight had no signs of stopping. NU'EST is on a losing end since they are ordinary humans. You, Junhong, Daehyun, Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup heard the loud noises. Your skin was burning with every action you made but you tried hard to untie the tough ropes. It was futile. You needed something sharp to cut the ropes apart. You needed to save the 5 who were trapped because of you.

And you needed to see who was here to save you.

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Chapter 3: Omona~ Yonggukie is so sweet when apologizing~ >//<
She got jealous~
Chapter 2: They are using each others! Yongguk's mission : progressing. Her mission : hasn't even started yet!
Chapter 1: Whoah~ I feel like I'm genius right now~ (weird) Because that female lead who spent her time in lab (^0^) I reaaalllyyy like lab even wearing the white uniform!!
Himchan as my butler?!! >///<
Chapter 33: lmaoooo xD this was awesome storyy
Chapter 33: nice story!!!I loved how you made all of them into friends!!!
Chapter 33: awwww~ I'm planing to read this again :) \O/ hooray! this story is one of the best
Chapter 33: AWWWWWEEE I LOVE the ending!
You should do a sequel <3 <3 ~!
DAEBAK~ I am so in love with this story <3 It is so so so great ^^v
I hope there would be a sequel cause it is too great to be ended that fast.hihihi <3
You did a great job! :)
Chapter 33: Kyaa.. I love this story.. Poor Junhong and Daehyun but this is the most amazing story I ever read!! Please do a sequel!! ^-^ This story must be featured... ^-^
Elisse #10
Chapter 33: This was an awesome story! I laughed, i teared, definitely brought the feels out of me!