
My Bestfriend's older brother

Chapter 23

Jinri's POV

My eyes were all blurred due to my crying, I haven't cried this much in so long. Why is this suddenly happening to me? I was just that cheerful girl and this happens to me. What have I done?

The man that was wearing black made his way towards me, he was carrying a pocket knife and he keeps indicating that he will cut me off.

I gulped, he was nearing when he was already facing me. I can feel the tip of the knife on the crook of my neck, I didn't want to move since if I move there's a chance that the knife would stab my neck.

If only someone would come and save me, but who would. There's no one who knows that i'm even here in the first place.

My heart was beating fast and the man kept looking at me weirdly as if i've done something bad to him for him to do such thing.

"I'll be nice, so might as well say your last words.'' he said in a raspy voice

Tears were spilling out of my eyes "I-I.. P-Please L-Let me go.'' I was stuttering, I couldn't put my words together because of fear.

The man smirked "I'm just doing my job, I'm a man who needs money and this is what I do.''

I was sniffing and I couldn't control the tears that I was releasing "Just please let me go. I'll get away as far as I could just so she would be happy. I just want to live.'' I was sobbing

"Are you done yet?" Mei Xing shouted across the room.

The man looked back "Almost there.''

I was still in tears, hoping the man would spare me a life. I was saying my prayers mentally hoping and praying that god would answer my prayers.

The man let the knife fall out of his hand and he motioned a shh sign and he stood up and walked towards the door.



Author's POV

"I've finished what you want me to do. I'll take care of the rest, it's better if you go back to Seoul so Kris or the other's wont think anything about you.''

Mei Xing got up from the chair and she took out a thick brown envelope that was full of cash as she handed it to the man, the man took it casually and thanked her.

Mei Xing left not even looking back at Jinri one last time, she left the abandoned building with an evil smile planted on her face.

The man went back to Jinri he squated down to get a view of her "For your own good and for my own, please don't show up to the Wu ever again. Don't even go back to Seoul, I'll look for a place for you to stay here in Mokpo.''

Jinri froze, she doesn't want to stay in Mokpo all her life. She needs to go to school, she needs to see her Mom, she needs her friends. She doesn't want to be all alone when she's only 15.

"I want you to come with me for now.'' the man had said, while helping her to be free from the ropes.

Minutes later, Jinri was finally free. She was all weak due to what happened, the man took her to a small place. It was cozy yet small.

"A-Am I really not coming back to Seoul? E-E-Ever?" Jinri stuttered, cannot believe what's happening to her right now.

The man gave her an apologetic look "I'm really sorry. I think it's the best for you and for me, I don't want to get caught by Mei Xing. Plus if ever you go back to Seoul and she sees you, it's possible that she's the one who can kill you on the spot. It's better for you to stay here in Mokpo.''

Jinri started crying, she was sniffing "Does that mean I won't be able to see my Mom again?"

The man sighed "I'm really sorry. I don't know what to do, please just think of this as a vacation. I know it's hard on you right now, but you'll soon recover from everything.''

Jinri shook her head "Me recover? How, I can't stay away from my Omma. If you want me to not meet the Wu, I'll not do that. I wanna see my Mom!!" Jinri cried.

The man gulped "Just please stay here, I'll look for a highschool for you and you can start new there. I'm sure you'll regain new friends and company.'' the man tried cheering her up, but it didn't do any good.



Kris was now worried, he had received a call from the police saying that they'll look around for Jinri and if they don't she'll be on the look out list. Kris got home and was surprised to see Mei Xing.

"Lao gong~" she sang and clinged onto Kris's arms like what she usually does.

"Get off me, I'm not in the mood.'' he yanked away and walked up to go to his room.

Mei Xing rolled her eyes "Mom wants us to go wedding dress shopping tomorrow, since it's almost our wedding.'' then she followed him upstairs.

Fei on the other hand was laying on the hospital bed, she was dead worried for her bestfriend. She kept gripping on her phone waiting for a call, but no one called her.

"I hope you're alright Jinri.'' Fei prayed.



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I know you guys might think my storyline became complicated, but hey that means more chapters right? You guys probably thought someone was gonna find her right? Well not in my book, because it's kind unrealistic if someone finds her right away. LOL, her story is unrealistic...

OMG!!! Did you guys hear the cast for ''To the beautiful you'' EXO is going to be a cameo there... & there's a rumor going around that Kris is going to be Sulli's older brother. Ehehhehehe!!! I just can't wait for that drama. LOL

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WuMorgeshia #1
Chapter 36: Nice fic, i like it
Chapter 35: This is so sweet. Going for the sequel :))
Thank you for writing such a sweet awesome story.
kiss_me_1219 #3
Chapter 36: kyaaa ~~ you know what .. i just started reading this 3 days ago but now i'm already done ! i super love this one !! <3
off to sequel now ;))
fawbnerdy05 #4
Awww. So sweet & cute!<3
Great story!!
Off to the sequel now:))))
Waaahh ... It's so sweet . Even though the story is already complete . I'm still subscribing . <3
i want a sequel.xDDD like the details on how the days went when kris and jinri became A COUPLE then go on until they will have their child.xDD

this fanfic was osm thank u author-nim :3
author-nim,i want a SEQUEL :),jebal?,with their child :)
Oh gosh! Best story ever <3
kyaa ! so cute >_<