
My Bestfriend's older brother

Chapter 16

Kris's POV

I woke up with a heavy feeling, my body was feeling weak and my head was pounding because of the alcohol I drank. 

The door slowly opened "Ge you're awake! Hangover?" she asked while making her way towards me.

I nodded, my body sat up and I pushed my hair back.

"Dad wants to see you in the study.'' Fei said and she left the room.

My body wasn't responding, I didn't want to leave my bed. All I want to do is just lay down rather than hearing my Dad talking about the engagement, I don't want to marry Mei Xing.

But being a good son I am, I got up and headed down to the study.

I slowly opened the door to see my Dad's back turned around while he was looking through the chinese books.

"Sit down.'' he said

I walked towards the leather couch and sat down, making myself comfortable.

"We have dinner tonight with the Zhang so please dress nicely and act nice towards them especially to your fiance.''

"Are you really serious with the marriage?" I asked him

My Dad nodded "Yes I'm serious. How old are you Wu Yi Fan? 21 almost 22, you need to get married soon. When I was your ag-''

I cutted him off "Yeah when you were my age you were with Mom already. Dad, can't you see I'm waiting for the right one. I don't want to get married to some chick who I don't even love.''

"I don't want you to be a lonely fool, so I got you engaged to Mei Xing. She's a really nice girl and pretty too. I'm giving the two of you a two week vacation in China so the two of you will get to know one another. How does that sound?"

I stood up "Terrible.'' and walked out of the study, there I hear my Dad screaming once again.



My car sped off to one of my favorite cafe, while driving I saw a familiar girl walking down the street. Her hair was curled and she was wearing turqoise skinny jeans topped off with a crop white shirt.

I honked to get her attention but she didn't budge she kept walking, until I finally parked the car and rolled down the window.

"Jinri!" I shouted.

She finally took notice of me and she was waving as she was making her way towards me.

"Oh Kris, hey~" 

I waved at her "Where are you heading to?"

"Just gonna grab something to eat since I was too lazy to cook.'' she bit her lip while saying so.

"Hop on, I was out to get some food too.'' I leaned onto the side to open the door and Jinri went in.

"Thanks once again.'' she said



Jinri's POV

We arrived at a chinese restaurant and I ordered myself a sweet and sour pork along with chowmein noodles. While Kris had bbq duck soup, I was eating my food since it was yummy when Kris broke the silence.

"Did you hear?"

I tilted my head, I wasn't really sure where this conversation is going to.

"My engagement?" Kris said

"Yeah you sorta blurted it out last night.'' my head was lowering, I don't know if I should be happy for him or what? But deep down inside I was aching.

Kris nodded.

"So are you ready to be married?" I asked him as I took another bite of my food.

He shook his head "To be honest I'm not. I want to get maried to the girl I love, not to someone I don't even have feelings for.'' he was looking straight into my eyes, my heart was doing summersaults.

"Well I'll just cheer you on.'' I said while my shaking my hand.

Kris continued eating, I could tell he wasn't pleased with the engagement he's having with some girl. 

"Can you come over tonight?" he placed his chopsticks down and looked at me


"Have dinner at my place, I'm sure Fei will be happy when she sees you.'' Kris said

I thought about it for a second and agreed after "Yeah sure, sounds like a plan.''



Author's POV

Kris and Jinri arrived at his place, when they both entered Mr. Wu was standing with his hands crossed and his nose was fuming in anger.

"Why are you late?" he asked with stern voice, then he realized there was a girl beside Kris. He softened up a bit but still angry at Kris.

"I was just out with her.'' Kris pointed at Jinri, she smiled and bowed politely.

"Hello!" she waved, the Wu family knows her really well and they like her company and thinks of her as their daughter.

Mr. Wu walked towards Kris and dragged him away from Jinri leaving her confused and was just standing there.

Fei came out of the dining area and was surprised to see Jinri, she walked towards her and gave her a hug.

"Why are you here?" she asked

Jinri was playing with her fingers "I was out with your brother and he asked me to come over for dinner.''

Fei grabbed onto Jinri's wrist and dragged her away into her room upstairs and she locked the door.

"The reason we have dinner tonight is because my gege is getting married.'' Fei started

Jinri nodded "Yeah I heard about it.'' she pouted

"What's with the pout?" Fei asked poking Jinri's cheeks

She puffed her cheeks and sighed "Nothing, let's go they might be waiting downstairs.''



Mei Xing was getting angry at how they're treating Jinri nicely and favorable. Everyone was placing dishes down on her plate and Mrs. Wu would check on Jinri most of the time and ask if she's enjoying the food.

"Lao gong (husband)'' Mei Xing was trying to get Kris's attention.

Kris was eyeing Mei Xing, he dropped his chopsticks to the side "We're not yet husband & wife.'' he said to her.

Mei Xing was sitting across Kris and she was looking at him lovingly with her round eyes, she's an average looking girl the only thing she's lacking is her height.

Jinri was eating her food peacefuly when Mrs. Wu turned to her and asked "How have you been doing Jinri-ah?" she asked in her soft voice

She gave a smile "I'm doing pretty well.'' she answered back

Mr. Wu clasped his hands together "I want Kris and Mei Xing's wedding to start next month. I want it as soon as possible.''

Kris's eyes widened, he couldn't accept at how the wedding is for next month.

"No!" he shouted causing Mr and Mrs Zhang to look at Kris with eyebrows raised.

"Kris don't tell me you want the wedding right away, son I can't let that happen. Next month is the right time. Alright?" Mr. Wu was deeply looking into Kris's eyes.

Kris just rolled his eyes, Jinri could feel the tension between the two.

Mei Xing kept asking stupid un-reasonable questions to Kris and he would just shrug and nod, not even caring what she's asking.

"Hen fan (annoying)'' Fei mumbled, Kris quite heard what his sister had said which caused him to crackle a laugh.

Mei Xing also heard it, her eyebrows furrowed and was shooting glares at Fei.

Jinri couldn't comprehend on what the adults were talking about since their talking mandarin and all Jinri did was eat her food quietly.

"Are you still ok?" Fei turned to her bestfriend and asked, Jinri nodded.



Dinner ended pretty well, the adults were now in the living room drinking tea and having a nice conversation.

Kris was inside his room since he couldn't stand Mei Xing anymore, since she would always bring up a conversation towards Kris and he doesn't even want to speak to her.

Jinri was standing near the big window while holding a glass of orange juice, she was staring into the trees that are swaying because of the wind.

"Who are you to be exact to be so close with the Wu family?" 

Jinri turned around to see Mei Xing, her arms were crossed and was looking at her with anger.

She bowed politely at her "I'm Jinri and-''

"I don't need to know your name, like I even care who you are. I just want to know why you're so close with the Wu.''

"I'm Fei's bestfriend.'' Jinri answered simply.

Mei Xing rolled her eyes "Are you by chance have feelings towards my fiance?"

Jinri wasn't sure in how she should act towards her "Excuse me?"

"You heard me right? Do you by chance like Wu Yi Fan? My soon to be husband?''

Jinri scoffed "I don't have any intentions on stealing him away from you, why do you think I would do such thing?"

"No. Just asking, but Kris isn't that low to like a girl like you. You're too common and he'd rather go for chinese girls.''

Jinri just chuckled "Alright, nice meeting you then.'' she walked away.



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I almost forgot to update x_x I was too caught up watching Running Man! LOOL

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WuMorgeshia #1
Chapter 36: Nice fic, i like it
Chapter 35: This is so sweet. Going for the sequel :))
Thank you for writing such a sweet awesome story.
kiss_me_1219 #3
Chapter 36: kyaaa ~~ you know what .. i just started reading this 3 days ago but now i'm already done ! i super love this one !! <3
off to sequel now ;))
fawbnerdy05 #4
Awww. So sweet & cute!<3
Great story!!
Off to the sequel now:))))
Waaahh ... It's so sweet . Even though the story is already complete . I'm still subscribing . <3
i want a sequel.xDDD like the details on how the days went when kris and jinri became A COUPLE then go on until they will have their child.xDD

this fanfic was osm thank u author-nim :3
author-nim,i want a SEQUEL :),jebal?,with their child :)
Oh gosh! Best story ever <3
kyaa ! so cute >_<