Chapter 31

The story of beauty

Author’s POV

A few days have passed and JR still hasn’t apologized to MinKi.

MinKi is still dressing like a boy, except she now goes over to tutor BaekHo with Duck-Won.



It’s been 13 days since the incident happened and I’m still dressing like a boy. BaekHo seems to be getting better by the day. He’s now able to sit up on his own without anyone’s help.

Its study hall and I’m sitting there staring at my desk. I have no homework and no book to read. I take out my pencil and trace the lines that are already there on the wooden desk. As I’m doing that, I suddenly feel breathing on my back. I look up to see the study hall teacher standing there. He leans in and whispers, his Kimchi breathe suffocating me.

“You need to go to the office right now. Send your things with you” He says, patting my back. I grab my bag and walk out the door. As I walk towards the office, I think about my instant fame in school. I’m infamous for trying to be true to myself and everyone apparently hates that.  I open the door to the office to find Linh standing with the principal, crying. I stand there, thinking. Okay, Linh is crying but what am I needed for? To assure her everything’s going to be okay?

I walk towards Linh, looking around. Mr. Yi isn’t around. Wonder where he went. I open to my mouth to speak but Linh blurts out, “Your mom got hit by a car!”

I stand there, frozen. My body feels numb and my mouth goes dry. I look at my hands to find them shaking. I can’t lose my mom. She’s all that I’ve got in this world.

Linh and I leave, heading towards Seoul National University Hospital (A real hospital in Seoul). We arrive there in 10 minutes time. I quickly get out of the car, running towards the entrance. I go to the emergency room and request to see Choi Cho Hee. I’m directed to room #219, which is on my right. I run towards the hall, searching frantically until I find it. I burst through the door to find Mr.Yi standing with an old man in a doctor’s coat. A nurse stands next to a bed. Linh arrives shortly, panting for air. I see my mother lying on the bed, badly wounded. She has two red circles under her eyes, with a busted lip. Her head is bandaged and her leg is in a cast.

“Mom…..” I walk forward, trying to reach my mom but I’m stopped by the nurse. The doctor turns around.

“Are you related to Mrs.Choi?” He asks, pulling his glasses down. I nod my head and wipe the tears away from my eyes.

“Let’s step in the hall” He walks out and I follow him. I don’t even need to ask because he’s already answering.

“Your mother was involved in an accident today. She was in a hit-&-run accident and was thrown 30 feet away. We’re just grateful that she wasn’t thrown way off then she wouldn’t have survived” He says, wiping his forehead. I nod and take in the information, wondering who did it.

“I read your background and it said that you guys don’t have insurance. Well, the hospital bills aren’t going to pay for themselves, so I suggest you get the money sooner or later” He says, walking away. What type of doctor is this? He doesn’t even really care about his patients.

I walk back to the room and sit next to my mother. I can’t help but start crying.

“Mommy…..” I wipe my nose on my sleeve and look down at my mom. Where am I going to get a job to help us out? I think as I look at her.

Linh and Mr.Yi leave after a few hours have passed but promise to come back tomorrow. I end up sleeping at the hospital, in the chair. The next day, I go to school in the same uniform, not caring if I smell or not. I ask Duck-won where I can find a job and he ends up pulling out this ad where this lady is looking for a maid. I make him promise not to tell BaekHo about me working.

“I was thinking about becoming a butler but since you need it more than me, take it” He says. I boarded the bus after school, dressed in my old school uniform (skirt, blazer, etc…..). I follow the address and it leads me to a brick stone mansion. I stand at the gate with my mouth opened. I thought mansions were only in Europe and the west but not Korea. I open the gate and slowly walk towards the front door. I look around, taking in everything. The place is truly beautiful, with luscious green lawns and nicely cut hedges. I ring the doorbell and wait. It opens, revealing a white haired, kind faced old man.

“Hello, whom are you looking for?” He asks. I look around, confused. I thought they were looking for an extra hand.

“I’m here for a job” I say, handing him the paper.

“Oh! I thought that no one would actually reply to this” He says, chuckling. He opens the door and invites me in.

“Stay here, I’ll be with you shortly” He says, walking down a long hall. I stand there, observing the place. The center table is clattered with a vase of fresh pink and white roses. The magnificent grand stairs, dusted with gold at the hem. The ceiling pouring in light. Omo, what I wouldn’t give to live in this house. I am pulled out of my fantasy by a piano playing. I look around. Coast clear, time to find the person. I follow the sound. It leads me to a white room. The room is oddly familiar to Yuki’s piano room except this place has no love.

I stand there watching a woman play the piano. She looks small with an IV stand sitting next to her. She is wearing a white beanie hat with a black white blanket wrapping her from waist down. I look around the room. The only things in there are a black grand piano and a large white frame mirror. I turn my attention back to see her, still sitting there playing an unfamiliar piano piece. I clap my hands when she finishes.  I stop clapping, realizing where I am. She turns around. I stand there like a fool, with my mouth slightly opened.

This woman is beautiful. Her radiant beauty brightens the room. Her sultry caramel eyes smile at me as she beckons me to come closer. It’s crazy to be saying this, but I think I’m going to like this lady even though I just met her. I step forward and walk towards her. For some reason, I’m not in fear of getting caught by the old butler. I tower over her.

“Sit sit” She orders. I slide in next to her and stare at the piano keys.

“I’m guessing you’re one of my son’s friends. He doesn’t bring friends home anymore” She says, her voice flat. I’m wonder who her son is? And who this lady is?

“Do you play?” She asks, pointing to the piano keys.

“Little, I’m learning how to play though” I admit.

“Oh that’s great. It’s never too late to learn. Wait…..what’s your name?” She asks, looking at me.

“I’m MinKi but people close to me call me Ren. Nice to meet you” I reach out my right hand and shake her hand.

“Oh I’m Mrs. Kim, pleasure to meet you too, MinKi. Is it okay if I call you Rennie?”  I nod my head, and withdraw my hand.

“Even though I just met you, I just know we’re going to be great friends” She says, flashing me a smile. The moment of happiness is disrupted by a man clearing his throat. I turn around to find the old butler and a maid standing in the doorway.

“Miss, I told you to wait at the entrance” The old man says.

“Is she applying for a position to be the new maid?” Mrs. Kim asks.

“Yes Madam, but I don’t think she’s qualified to since she doesn’t seem to be able to follow directions”

“Oh she’s hired! Who cares if she’s not able to follow directions, I didn’t follow directions when I was her age and look at where I am today” She exclaims. I bow and thank her as I’m escorted out of the room by the old butler. I later get to know his name. His name is Mr. Wu and he is the head butler. I’m introduced to the 3 maids and 1 butler. The 3 maids shoot me death glares, but the butler kindly welcomes me into the family. I’m given my uniform and told that I’ll be starting work tomorrow.

I walk to the hospital with my work uniform in my bag and a smile on my face.

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I now have today until Monday to update ^^


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Chapter 50: It's sad we will now never know the end :x
I hope anyone would continue this story~~
Dazzlingshine #2
Chapter 50: *cries* I want to know what happens with Jr's love for Ren. Please continue
xrainismx #3
Why are you sad?
Chapter 50: Waah I love this so much, I'm so sad T^T
Legand #5
Chapter 50: NOOOOO Please continue....This is the best part....I really want to know what happens next... ^ ^
xrainismx #6
I've been busy with school. I'll try to update. thank you for commenting :-D
Najmamohamed05 #7
Chapter 18: When are you going to add any chapters, this is amazing
Please add more!
I prefer male to female stories! But she has to end up with a boy. I read some stories that after becoming a girl she still like girls and finally we have Yuri/les story, ewww.
PigRabbit1912 #9
Chapter 47: Yayay jr is finally breaking up with the biach!!
Chapter 45: I don't know if I've commented on your story before but I'd like you to know that I think your story is wonderful and a top favorite of mine. Thanks for writing this and keep doing what your doing