Chapter 13

99% Males 1% Females

FYI, listen to Ra.D's "I'm in Love" during this chapter.  ^^  I totally LOVE this song!!

            Kim Miyoung was on the stage, saying some of the most beautiful, poetic words…  And, there I was getting nervous.  I have been in choir all my years in high school, but I’ve never sang alone before.  And, I had received a solo from my choir teacher for recitals before.  Not only that, but I was closing act of the night.  Nerve wrecking, right?

            Also, I haven’t been able to practice.  It’s hard to practice at home since my parents don’t support my career goals.  Just because I get to practice my piano, that doesn’t mean that they’ll exactly enjoy listening to my singing.

            I let out a sigh.  Mom and Dad are in Seoul to drop off Aunt Lai.  She was flying out tonight and I wanted her to be there to support me.  Aunt Lai and Mason are the only family members who support me with my musical aspirations, especially Mason.  He’s my biggest fan and supporter.

            My parents think that it’s a plan for failure because the music industry is cut-throat.  I know that the last thing they want to see me suffer financially and emotionally because I’m not good enough.  What matters to me is that I’m following my dreams. 

            Even if I don’t make it, as long as I tried then I will be proud of myself.  As long as I know that I tried with the best of my abilities, then I will be happy even if I never make it big.  I made a deal with Dad that if I can’t succeed 5 years after I graduate, then I will go back to school for an International Studies Ph.D.

            My eyes started to water.  I want Mason to be here, I thought.  Damn you, Mason.  Why do you have to be so far away?  I miss you so much!  I quickly wiped the edges of my eyes, not wanting Eunsung and Minyu to know that I was crying. 

            Miyoung finished her poem and the audience clapped.  My friends turned to me with bright smiles and thumbs up for support.  I just smile as I stood up from my seat and walked on stage.

            I nodded to cue that I was ready.  The song started playing and I took in a deep breath.  “Honestly, it was not easy for me to say that I liked you when we first met…”  I started, softly.  The audience seemed to be surprised, especially Daehyun.  He was sitting in the front row.  “I was afraid to lose you if I didn’t contact you first.  I typed a text, delete it over and over again~  It’s true, I was afraid to fall deeper in love for fear of getting myself hurt…

            “I believe that it is YOUthat I’ve been praying with all my heart and yearning for.” I closed my eyes, starting to feel the emotions of the music.  I had an urge to want to cry because I was completely moved by the song.  “I’m in Love…  I’m in Love~  I’m falling in Love…”

            I opened my eyes again and looked around the crowd through the blinding stage lights.  They were enjoying my cover, which I was glad and that made me smiled.  But, at the corner of my eyes I could see a dark figure walking down the aisle. 

            “I’m not afraid, as long as I’m with you.” I continued to sing as the dark figure walked towards the light.  It was Lu Han.  “The world is so beautiful…”

            I dropped my smile quickly, being surprised.  I didn’t know that he was coming because he told me that he was going to go to Seoul with my parents.  Not only that, but we haven’t been talking lately so I wouldn’t expect him to be there even if he was home.  I quickly regained myself and smiled again.

            “I thought I was never gonna fall in Love~  But, I’m in Love cuz I wanna love you Baby~” I singed.  “Honestly, since I first met you, waves of you come to me like waves in my heart.  All I’ve been thinking all day long is you.  I can be a good lover!  Wanna be your 4 leaf clover!

            “I feel like I am the happiest woman in the world.  You gotta believe me~  Make you never gonna leave me~  I’ll never leave you.  I’ll trust you.” I continued.  Then, I added an adlib.  “I’m in Love…  I want you, my Baby.  I’m falling in Love.  I’m not afraid as long as I’m with you~  The world is so beautiful.

            “I’m in Love;  I’m so deep in Love…  I’m falling in Love.  I’m not afraid as long as I’m with you.  The world is so beautiful…” I singed, knowing that I was reaching the end.  “You are so beautiful…”

            The song slowly came to an end and then the crowd exploded.  I quickly bowed, as I could hear Minyu and Eunsung scream out my name.  I made my way down the stage and glanced over at Lu Han.  He flashed me a smile. 

            Daehyun quickly approached me and took my hand in his.  He got on one knee and said, “Marry me, Mia!!!”

            “No way.” I laughed, as I pulled my hand from his.

            “Ah, come on!” smiled Daehyun, as he stood up.

            I shook my head as I made my way to my friends when Lu Han approached them.  They were surprised and happy.  Before I could make it, someone called my name.  It was Jonghyun.

            “Hey, you should consider trying out for the school musical.” he smiled.

            “Really?” I asked, confused.

            “You’re good.  I think that your voice will fit the character.” said Jonghyun.  He leaned in to me and whispered, “Here’s a hint: The White Snake and the Sorcerer.”

            “What?” I asked, as I looked up at him confused.

            Jonghyun shrugged.  “Just look it up.” he smiled.  And, with that, he left.

            I was still confused as I turned to my friends.  Eunsung and Minyu raised their eyebrows, excited.  Meanwhile, Lu Han flashed me an unreadable, confused face.  I just shook my head as I finally approach them.

            “It’s not what you think.” I said.

            “Mm-hm.” they both nodded, smiling evilly.

            I turned to Lu Han and punched him in the chest.  “Did you tell me that you weren’t coming?” I asked.  “Aren’t you supposed to be in Seoul?”

            Lu Han tried to stop me from giving him another blow.  “Yah!  Your parents told me to stay here with you.” he said.

            I rolled my eyes.  Does he really believe me that I would fall for that?  I’ve been home alone many times before.  I was too tired to argue with him.  I haven’t been home all day and haven’t had anything since noon.  It was already 9 PM and I was starving.

            I got a text and I looked down at my phone.  It was Heawoo.  She wrote: OMFG!!  Mia!!  Why don’t you sing more?!  Sorry I couldn’t be there to support you.  L  Wish I was there live!  I was confused.  Why would she say that?

            Then, I got a text from Mason: You were good, as always.  Sounded exactly like a fallen angel from Heaven, Mia.  I smiled and replied to the texts: Thank you.  It took a second, but I know that Eunsung or Minyu posted up a video of me.

            “Are you going to the after party?” asked Minyu.

            “No, there’s only booze there.  I want real food.”I shrugged.

            Lu Han laughed, as he shook his head.  “You’re hungry?” he asked, knowing well how edgy I get when I’m hungry.  “That’s not good.”

            Eunsung just smiled.  “Then go get some food and rest.” she said.

            “Yeah, I know.  You’ve been at school all day.  Go home.” chimed in Minyu.

            “We’ll just tell you all the juicy things tomorrow.” shrugged Eunsung.

            I shrugged as I turned to Lu Han.  “We’re should get going.” I said, as I put on my backpack. 

            Minyu and Eunsung nodded.  Lu Han and I left the theater and headed home.  There was still some tension between us, but it seemed like it wasn’t as bad any more.  I took a deep breath and decided to start the conversation.

            “So, what do you want to eat?” I asked.

            Lu Han didn’t answer.  Before I could turn to face him, I felt something tickle my neck and I batted the thing away.  I looked at him and he was twirling a white daisy in his hand with an evil smile.  He used the flower to tickle me.  I raised my eyebrows, confused.  Lu Han smiled and handed me the flower.

            “Why?” I asked.

            Lu Han shrugs his shoulders.  “I don’t know...  It’s going to get cold soon, so take a flower when you can.” he said, as he stuck the flower randomly behind my ear.  He smiled. 

            “Thank you.”

            “Let’s go eat ramen.” Lu Han suggested, knowing well that we don’t have ramen at home.  “Let’s go to the convenient store downtown.”  I frowned.  “I’ll pay.”

            I smiled and replied, “Fine.”




            Lu Han and Mia both grabbed 2 huge bowls of ramen and a family size bag of chips.  After they microwave the ramen, they walked to the nearby park to eat.  Lu Han laughed as he watched Mia sitting next to him.  She was moving around a lot and was eagerly waited for her ramen to be ready.  When the ramen was ready, the both of them quickly slurped it down.

            “Why did you come to Soul Candy?” asked Mia, eating a piece of chip.

            “Because I wanted to.” replied Lu Han, avoiding eye contact.

            He knows that Mia was good with the piano, but he was curious to hear her do a cover.  He had heard her sing before when he arrived to Korea, but he wasn’t convinced that her voice was that good.  Lu Han knew well that there will be videos of the performance up on the student forum, but he wanted to hear it live.

            Lu Han wanted to know how good she was for Mason to call him to convince him to go.  Mason had called him the other day, telling him how their parents didn’t support Mia and her career goals.  “All she needs is some support and she’ll be able to fly and reach her goals.

            Mia flashed Lu Han a confused look.  “It’s not like you to care about what I do.” she commented.

            Lu Han nodded his head, agreeing.  “I just wanted to listen to you sing.” he said.  “And, I don’t regret my decision.  You were amazing.”

            Something completely out of this world, Lu Han heard himself thought.

            Mia smiled and took Lu Han’s hand in hers.  She gave it a squeeze.  “Thank you, Lu Han.” she said, beaming.  “I told you before that I want to compose music…  Although I don’t want to be a singer, I hope that through my voice, people will feel the emotions that I put into my music.

            Lu Han nodded his head when she let his hand go.  “Thank you so much for coming.” said Mia, with her eyes getting teary.  “Before I performed, I was thinking about how much I wanted Mason to be there and how much I missed him.”  Her tears rolled down her cheeks and she wiped it with her hands.    “I just went on stage with those emotions and performed.  Then, I remember seeing you walk down the aisle, completely surprising me…”  Mia laughed through her tears.  “I’m really glad that you could make it.”

            Lu Han smiled, knowing that she was excited and grateful that he went.  It took him the whole time to decide whether or not he should go to Soul Candy.  In a way, he was glad that he made the choice.  He had a choice of spending a night in Seoul or here, having a chance to listen to Mia singing.  Lu Han patted Mia’s head, something he knows that Mason probably does all the time.  She looked up at him with a smile. 

            “Can I hug you?” asked Mia. 

            “Sure.” he replied, with a shrug.

            Mia attacked him with a bear hug.  Not knowing what to do, Lu Han hugged her back, pulling her close to his body.  He could feel her warm tears on his shirt, as she pulled away with a wet face.  Mia was crying again.

            “Lu Han, thank you so much.” she said, with a weak voice.  “I can’t thank you enough and show how grateful I am that you came.

            Lu Han looked down at the crying girl.  He smiled.  “You have talent.” he said, softly.  “With time, your parents will come to realize how talented you are and you will be discovered by big music companies.  You will become one of the greatest composers Asia will ever know.”

            He wasn’t even thinking about what he was saying when he said that.  It disturbed Lu Han when he realized wasn’t saying that to make Mia happy.  He was saying that because, in his heart, he believed that Mia is meant to go to places.  He knew well that that meant that they were becoming closer.

            The heart and mind doesn’t always work hand in hand...  Damn, thought Lu Han as watched Mia’s smile grew wider if possible.

            Lu Han only tells people heartfelt words with those who are close to him and Mia happens to be on that list now.


Author’s Note:

            I feel like I’m moving their relationship a bit fast… 

            I’m talking about that last scene with Lu Han and Mia at the park because they don’t usually touch each other, if you get what I mean…  I barely make them touch each other besides hitting each other or something violent (or that time when they drunk).

            Comment if you guys think that I’m making them be close too fast or if you guys think that the pace OK.




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~loveFORyunho~ I'll update soon you guys! Don't worry!


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july-pupetta #1
Hii I'm a new reader. I just want to say that i feel in love with this story, it was sooooo beautiful!!! I must stay that it is one of my favorites :) i started reading due to my curiosity, by the time i finished reading chapter 1 i was already engrossed in the story XD. I loved how you wrote all the passages from strangers, friends and lovers, i love it and it was very realistic! Luhan and Mia are absolutely my favorite couple now :).
Oh and Mason, Kris and Luhan Dad were so cute :D.
Thank You for writing this story! :)
Thank You for writing this amazing story!
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 77: Yay for happy ending ^3^♡
jivisha28 #3
it was so relastic
i regret it to read it so later
averageketchup #4
Chapter 77: Finished! This was so beautiful! The storyline was so creative and honestly to me nothing felt cliché at all. Their relationship was so beuatiful and sweet (I'm kind of jealous tbh). Sure, I agree the ending seems like it's missing something but at the same time I don't know how it could have ended better. Lu Han thinking about everything as she walked down the aisle was wonderful.
When I first clicked on this story I wasn't Sure what to expect. The summary seemed interesting enough (I thirst for university harems hehe). But the more I read the more I realized how well written and thought out this story is. I'm really happy I decided to read it, especially since most of my time is spent on Kyungsoo, Minseok, and Jongdae. Now I'll probably start reading more Lu Han haha :-)
What else do I say? I've already written an essay...
Thanks for writing this haha :D
averageketchup #5
Chapter 42: I usually don't post comments before I've completed the story bUT IM SCREAMING LIKE WHAT LUHAN CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT YOU AND MIA ARE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER WHYYYyYYYYyyyY
Onto the next chapter :-)
Jaslynn #6
Chapter 77: Amazing, I finished it all in one sitting. I love hate turned into love stories it makes their love story much more interesting. I got to see Mia and Luhan's relationship progress into love. It was a wonderful journey, and MiHan's friendship is so adorable that I envy it! I want to reread it even tho I just finished it already. Love love this amazing story, thanks for sharing it.
Chapter 77: I Enjoyed this story so much. But I wish the ending was longer. I really liked how they started off as not liking each other to beaming friends and then loving each other really different from other stories I've read . Thank you author nim for this awesome story.
Chapter 77: its that all no sequel huhhuhuhu :(
Taelin #9
Chapter 77: cant stop the tears , author-nim your story affected me too much and im sure that this will be one of my favorite stories ever im not planning on forgetting it anytime soon , i went through a rollercoaster of emotions reading this, anger , happiness , frustration , giddiness , sadness , disapointement and many more thanks to your excellent writing skills , although i dont usually read long stories coz ill be bored and will stop reading halfway , but something about your story made me curious and couldnt get myself to stop , it just felt wrong even when i was frustrated because of Luhans actions but im really glad that i read such story and unlike few readers i really like the ending it was sweet and good in every aspect , hwaitiing author-nim