Living Under One Roof with My Ex-Best Friend [SUPER HIATUS]

Your Pov:

"B-b-b-u-u-t-t" I said at the phone. Stupid Yoomi, She left without saying goodbye to me, what do I do now, First, she didn't eat lunch with me then she will not be with me in going home, Where the hell is she going?

"Sorry friend but my manager said that I should be going there as soon as possible, you know, urgent meetings?, I'll make it up to you promise! Goodbye, I'm now inside a taxi and I'll be in my destination now, just let someone else fetch you arasso, GOODBYE" the phone hung up and I was dazzled, stupid girl. What should I do now?

I dialled my driver's number but it was all off. What's with all of you, when I suddenly remember that all of them has there day-off for 3 days, today's the 1st day and if my bestie will be early in her job, I'll be all alone in going home? No way.

I dialled my sister's number and she pick it up.

"Hi, dongsaeng, why did you call?"

"Unnie, where are you?"

"I'm at home, why?"

Oh , now I become stupid again, Sophomore's end class earlier as freshmen's. Why don't I recall all those things?

"Unnie, who sent you home? Our driver has there day-off right?"

"My friend, why? where's your friend who live's with us?"

"Unnie, she is already at work, I don't have anyone to fetch me, how about you unnie, please, fetch me"

"Sorry, Girl, but I am finishing my homework and I'll be cooking our dinner, Goodbye, have someone fetch you instead of me.. Take Care!" The phone hung up. Now, I am as angry as ever, First, Yoomi, then my ty sister? What's next? Raindrops?

I got out of school, and notice that the raindrops are slowly pouring down, Oh yeah, Raindrops? Just as I thought, GOOD JOB, I didn't bring any jacket, any hat, and an umbrella? What's the worst thing that can happen? The raindrops started being heavy and it become louder, GOOD JOB. I look at the people beside me and they open there umbrella, entered there car and walk with umbrella's, jacket and hats on.

How come I don't bring those important things with me? I can't be drench by rain because my sister will tell our parents and I will be in deep . Otteoke?

I run as fast as I can to the bus stop, I put my towel above my head, when I notice that not a single drop of rain didn't drop at my towel nor my body, did the rain stop? I look at the ground but it's still raining heavily, I look up and saw an umbrella above me, I look beside me and saw L.JOE putting  his jacket at my shoulder's and a hat in my head, he remove the towel and put it inside the jacket's pocket and sighed. I look at his eyes and he smiled. He is really kind.

"Omo, L.joe, Why are you here?"

"Well I saw a familiar girl running towards the bus stop and recognize it's you so I run towards you and share my umbrella, put a jacket and a hat at you, Kind right?"

I smiled and smack his right arm. "Awww,, What is that for?"

"Keke, Nothing, You are really a great help for today, Thank you" I said with loving eyes. We arrive at the bus stop and he dried his umbrella.

"L.joe-shi, Here's the hat and jacket, Thank you very much" I said and handed it to him. He look back and pulled the things away from me.

"It's for you, wear that in going home, and that things will be my 3rd and 4th give for you" He said with me. I soften and smiled at him. I wear the black jacket and it fits me perfectly, I wear the black jacket and smiled. He is truly a savior to me for today.


I guess this will be my step four. I sighed, I really don't like doing this steps but to her I felt happiness and I slowly smiled. Never did I smiled, and never felt this warm heart before. What is she doing to me. My house is farther than hers, Do I enter the bus or not? It will take 5 minutes to walk in my house, I even forget to bring my bike because of her. Now, my shiny bike is at our school drench in rain.

The bus came, and she bid goodbye to me. I smiled and waited for her to enter the bus and so, I entered the bus and sit.

(I don't know how to describe it but it's just like Heartstrings when Shin Hye sit's at the left corner and Yong wha sit at the right corner, so here the position is just like that)

Your Pov:

I sit at the left corner and put my headphones on when I saw a familiar guy entering the bus. L.JOE? Why is he here?

I saw a paper beside me and check it out,

"Annyeong! My house is just a 5 minute distance with your's so I decided to just walk than just to leave you alone in the bus right? I have my umbrella so when I got out of the bus with you, I can share my umbrella with you, and I'll just walk in my house, you don't have to worry about me" The note says, I look at him and he smiled at me.

I feel my heart jumping up and down, He sure is so caring and a gentleman. I open my bag to get a paper and wrote,

"Thank you, You don't have to do it really, but since your here, I can't do anything right, oh, and what happen in your bike?" I wrote and throw it in L.joe's sit.


I read the note and she care's for me, oh and my bike.

I wrote a note and throw it on her, "You don't have to worry, my bike is at our school, drench in rain because I saw a familiar girl running without any protection on her so I go over her and she is now here in the bus with me, waiting for my reply"

Your Pov:

Wow, He care's for me than his bike, good job bro, but what if someone stole it? Oh, stupid me he has the lock of it. The bus stops and is now in my neighborhood, I got down and still the rain is pouring, He open the umbrella and shared with me, We walk to my house and I look at my watch, 6:00pm, cool right? It's already night, oh and my first night walking with a boy home, and he even shares he's umbrella for me, He is really the first in everything.

I bowed at him and he waved. "Goodbye, L.joe! You don't know how thankful I am to you, I'll make it up to you next time, I promise" I said at him.

"Goodbye!" He shouted and soon walk toward's his house, I entered my house and sighed.

He is really the first in everything.


I've done a lot for her in just a short span of life. She is really thankful. What should she do to return all that I've done. I'll wait for it.

She is really the first in everything.

Thanks for suscribing and don't be shy to comment in my story~!


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aww I know it's for the best but how can their parents give them
this hard condition as for minwoo and minjung I guess thay should have told jihye about the condition since I think that in the end it's L.Joe who will suffer the consequence what if she didn't want to forgive him what if she found anther one?! well yeodounsaeng I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK Hhhhhh :D updtae soon ^^
CHUCKAEEE! Update sooon!
lookatme78 #3
congratz! I'm your 101 subscriber!!! UPDATE!!!!
danceboom2 #6
00000HH! UPDATE???!!
asicksurprise1 #7
hell yeah xD
yHyunna00 #10
that was a nice ideal type ji hye have there!