What you think of L.JOE Part 2: (Extra: FAREWELL)

Living Under One Roof with My Ex-Best Friend [SUPER HIATUS]

What exactly happens?

I approach my unnie and hug her. Why is she crying? Did something bad happens? Did someone leave us? I pat her back and look at her sad and painful eyes. She look at me and hug me. What is she trying to say.

"YAH! GO! PALYI! Woohyun will be leaving in 10minutes, I don't want you to lose him because he is your oppa and cares for you a lot, he is your only friend in our school so I believe you can still catch up, You can do it! Palyi! Please send him back to us!" She look at me and nodded her head.

WOOHYUN OPPA IS LEAVING? Without a single goodbye? Why is he suddenly leaving? What's the reason? I didn't waste time and I grab my mittens, and wear them, I put on my beanie that oppa gave me now and my favorite blue sweater oppa gave me last year. All of this is so special. And now that oppa will be leaving, I don't know how to live anymore. It's all because of oppa my life is wonderful and happy, but now that he will be leaving, my life will start to be a dark and lifeless life. It's all because of him I am cheerful, He taught me how to smile and live things up and always believe in myself, but now that he will be leaving me, I don't think I can still do it. I wish I can turn back time and live thing up. I don't want to end up as a cold hearted person. I need my only strength oppa.


I entered the airport and look at the surrounding and look down because I heard the announcer saying that all the flight's going in states will be leaving, please line up and give us your passport. Have a nice trip.

NO.NO.NO. That will definitely be oppa's flight. I need him. I run towards the line and saw a very familiar tall boy. It's OPPA.

"OPPA! WOOHYUN OPPA! DON'T LEAVE ME! JEBAL! I NEED YOU OPPA!" I shouted and the guards start picking me up in the floor. I can't let this sweep in my hands, I can't seem to understand why life like this can happen to me when all of the other people's can be happy. He look at me with sad eyes and give the passport. The girl gave it back to oppa and he left. He freaking left without saying goodbye or anything to me.

My heart sank and broke into pieces. How dare he to leave me alone. My life will be nothing but shallow and dark. My happy life will be brought to painful and bad life.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted and remove the guards hands and run to oppa, but it's to late the airplane fly and is no longer seen. I can't believe this is really happening to me. WHY?

My sister approach me and hug me tightly. I cried at her shoulder and stayed there for half an hour not caring for the people inside. We entered our car and the ride was damn dead. None of us said a thing. I just look outside the window with many thoughts in my mind while my sister is hugging her knees. We entered our mansion and went to our respective rooms. I sat at my bed and remain silent and stop crying. I heard a knock from the door and I saw Woohyun's older sister Nam Soo Mi. Why is she here?

"Ji Hye, I know this is hard for you but Woo Hyun leave a letter for you, Please read it" I grab the letter and she exited.

I open the letter and started to cry. I never knew this letter will be very hard to read.

"Dear Ji Hye,

First of all, I am very sorry for my sudden leave without any goodbye's, hugs or kisses, but you will still think of me right? You will

still remember me right? You will never forget me right? I will always be there in you heart, whenever you go, I will always pray

that you will be far from harm and be protected. I promise you that I will never leave you right? But, Promises are meant to be

broken sometimes, I didn't know that I will be flying from states and leave you this fast. I hesitated in leaving first because I know

that you will be sad and broken when I leave but my parents told me that I need to study there because of my scholarship. I

know that we are the same grades, but someone recruit me and let me study here for 3 years, I'll be returning on junior years,

So don't forget me. I promise to work hard and always think of you. We can still communicate right? I got your number and I got

yours. So don't you worry about me. Always remember that I am always in your heart and will fully support you throughout the years.

Oh, and be friendly and stay happy when I will leave. Make new friends and don't be too stupid and naive. Ara? Always be bright

and don't cut classes. Oh, and stay away from ert's and boys who is nothing. Goodbye.

See you after 3 years.



I cried. I ing cried after this long letter and I feel happiness. He will always be in my side forever and I will think of you often. We can still communicate so it's not really a problem. I smiled and didn't cry anymore.

And so you know why my heart is not open from anyone. It's because it is lock for someone special, but I guess it will not last quite longer because someone is unlocking the lock to it  and it is L.JOE. I don't freaking care if he is a stupid jerk, but I obviously don't like him. He is just someone special and 1st in everything. I guess I will change after all because of him. L.Joe will be my friend someday. And I will wait for it to happen.

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YESTERDAY. I was typing my chapter that is suppose to be this but the power suddenly went out. Not my fault.


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aww I know it's for the best but how can their parents give them
this hard condition as for minwoo and minjung I guess thay should have told jihye about the condition since I think that in the end it's L.Joe who will suffer the consequence what if she didn't want to forgive him what if she found anther one?! well yeodounsaeng I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK Hhhhhh :D updtae soon ^^
CHUCKAEEE! Update sooon!
lookatme78 #3
congratz! I'm your 101 subscriber!!! UPDATE!!!!
danceboom2 #6
00000HH! UPDATE???!!
asicksurprise1 #7
hell yeah xD
yHyunna00 #10
that was a nice ideal type ji hye have there!