Chapter 45: Your Impossible to Find

Living Under One Roof with My Ex-Best Friend [SUPER HIATUS]


Chapter 45: You’re Impossible to Find

The day past so quickly, it was your last day in Paris and you can’t help but to be sad.

“Unnie, since we will be going to the airport later afternoon, how bout we just hang out on some park or some malls, well of course with the boys!” You beamed and drag the unfinished L.Joe is fixing his hair out.

“Yah! Can’t you see! I am not yet done fixing my hair!”

“Yeah, I see, but there is not much time! We will be leaving 5’o clock sharp! Palyi!”

“Arasso, Just give me 2 minutes arasso!” He said and star fixing his hair again.

“And why?” You folded your arms and sighed.

“Well, 1 minute for fixing my hair and 1 minute to get my bag! I can’t go out without money and my bag! And besides, we have a lot of money left I don’t know where to use it!” He said and fixing his hair.

You waited for 1 minute and he run through his room. You waited and waited in front of the door and he finally get out ready as ever and look at you.

You just stand straight stunned on how handsome he is. He change his t-shirt to a checkered red and black top and change his shoes to white sneakers, ready as ever.

“Yah! I know I am handsome but you are the one who said we don’t have time left! Let’s go!” He said smirking and you punch his left arm.

“Yah! Are you praising yourself?!” You said in a high-pitched tone and he just nodded.

“So conceited, didn’t expect that to a small guy” You tiptoed to reach L.Joe and you successfully did.

“See… I’m just as tall as you now!” You said proudly and fell.

Luckily, L.Joe caught you and the 2 of you are facing each other so near you can see his beautiful eyes wandering around your face. Just then, the 2 older ones saw the 2 of you just staring at each other not noticing the two older ones were capturing the scene with their cams and they coughed.

The 2 younger ones stands up and fix themselves completely embarrassed to their hyung and unnie.

“Ah, haha, Let’s go!” You said and tried to remember what happen just seconds ago.

*Tsk. They are so cute. What will happen when L.Joe hear the announcement?*

It was thirty minutes before 5’o clock and the 4 of you decided to go to the hotel to fix their things and count the money afterwards.

“Done!” You brought your luggage in Minwoo’s room and eventually the others also entered and place their luggage inside.

Minjung hand out the money and you notice that half of the money was spent for the last 7 days.

“Unnie, did we spent that much?” You said looking at the money. There’s a lot of €10€20€50€100€200, €500, coins and more.

“How much is it?” You asked.

“10 €500, 30 €10, 23 €20, 12 €50, 6 €100, 7 €200” Minjung said after counting the money left.

“That’s a lot, how do we half it with 4?
“Let’s just discuss this on the jet. We need to go”

They arrive at the airport with the Hotel’s van and thank them a bunch of times.

The 4 of you entered the jet and the jet started to fly.

“Yah, how much is it?”

“Wait arasso!”

“Ok, here it is, since there are 10 500euros, it will be 5000, equals, 7,455,805 won” Minjung handed the money to Minwoo.

“7 €200, is equals to 1400euros, convert it to won, we will have, 2,089,479” She handed the money to Minwoo.

“There are 6 €100, in total, there are, 895,144”

“There are 30 €10, in total, there are, 447,389”

“There are 23 €20, in total, there are, 685,942

“There are 12 €50, in total, there are, 895,144”

“SOOO… How much is it in total?” Minwoo asked dumbfounded.


“We lost like half of the money!”

‘Arasso… We just need to change this in Korea so that we can half it one by one”

“How much will I get?” You asked raising your hands.


“Wow. That’s really many for one of us. But who cares! I am really happy I can get that much because of the two of you! If you didn’t help the little kid, we wouldn’t have gone to Paris and hold this much! Let’s think of this as a blessing God gave us! We have a long trip! Let’s sleep and Unnie, please keep the money!” You said and started to sleep.

*That Ji Hye, She is so kind and always thought of God wherever we go. Such a great girl to have, So Impossible to find, you’re impossible to find* L.Joe thought and slept.



Yo! Pipz!


You’ll know the announcement soon!





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aww I know it's for the best but how can their parents give them
this hard condition as for minwoo and minjung I guess thay should have told jihye about the condition since I think that in the end it's L.Joe who will suffer the consequence what if she didn't want to forgive him what if she found anther one?! well yeodounsaeng I'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK Hhhhhh :D updtae soon ^^
CHUCKAEEE! Update sooon!
lookatme78 #3
congratz! I'm your 101 subscriber!!! UPDATE!!!!
danceboom2 #6
00000HH! UPDATE???!!
asicksurprise1 #7
hell yeah xD
yHyunna00 #10
that was a nice ideal type ji hye have there!